Machine Calories or MFP Calories?

I used different cardio machines at the gym and I'm torn whether I should enter the calories that the says I burned or use the generated number that MFP gives me for the exercise.

What do you guys do?


  • momofthreesons
    momofthreesons Posts: 162 Member
    For walking/running MFP- for everything else half of the machines numbers- I figure its better to underestimate!
  • Tatiyanya
    Tatiyanya Posts: 255 Member
    MFP overestimates a whole lot most of the time as far as I know.
    On other hand the machines aint too precise either.
    Aparently HRM is the only way to go, but since am poor translator I just stick with checking average calories burned for my weight on few sites and pick the lowest , just to be safe.
  • annbuschur
    annbuschur Posts: 4 Member
    NOt sure if this is the correct way, but I use the # from the machine. I change the settings frequently--incline, speed, stride length & tension, so I figure the machine is more accurate.
  • IntoTheSky
    IntoTheSky Posts: 390 Member
    Neither. Get a HRM. I found mine on Craigslist, and it was only $35. I have the Polar FT4. I thought that MFP must have been overestimating - and for a lot of people it does, but, it UNDER estimated for me. I would *find* the money for it.
  • Which ever number is lower
  • FinallyDoingMe
    FinallyDoingMe Posts: 84 Member
    MFP gave me 500+ calories burned for 35 mins of Circuit Training, general ...but the EA Active only gave me 297...I went with what the EA Active gave to be on the safe side
  • I have always used the machine numbers and it has work for me, plus it makes you feel better when you push a high level of calories off from there :-). And as for the pounds that I want to lose every week, it calculates out for me, and the pounds come off as needed. Also not sure if that is the before pic or the current pic but you look great hun
  • I use my HRM. When I use the elliptical and my HRM tells the machine my heart rate, the machine still comes in at least 50% higher in calories burned than what my HRM says. If you don't have one, I'd underestimate MFP and machine values. Better to be safe, in my opinion. Plus, ask yourself if it REALLY felt like you burned as many calories as they tell you.
  • wildchild06241
    wildchild06241 Posts: 130 Member
    I just got one but it doesn't calculate calories. My heart rate and oxygen maybe? I don't know what to do with it.
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    I say it depends on the machine... if it asks our age/weight, ect, then maybe the machine is correct??? If it doesn't, I'd say it wasn't accurate...
  • I've participated in actual testing of machine calorie counters and you are correct in not always trusting what they say. Some are even so subtle as to be accurate at low burn rates (exercise intensities) and inaccurate at higher rates.

    Having said all that, since I do fitbit, I enter a time that results in calories that split the difference between MFP and the machine and that seems to work for me.
  • runningbs
    runningbs Posts: 132 Member
    MFP is actually pretty close, for me that is!
  • My eliptical machine calorie calculations & MFP are total different. MFP always seems to be about 150-200 MORE than what my eliptical shows. So, what I do is just take it somewhere in the middle of the two & that's what I log into MFP. A friend has a heart rate monitor and I believe that is the most accurate but until I get one, I'll continue to just do that.
  • cskalaj
    cskalaj Posts: 94 Member
    My husband got me a heart rate monitor for Christmas and I've been experimenting since I had the same questions. MFP calories, for me, have been pretty close while the machines at the gym have sometimes DOUBLED what the heart rate monitor says I burned! And these are machines where I have to put my weight in and they are reading my heart rate while I'm going. I'd definitely say go with MFP over the machines.
  • skankamaggot
    skankamaggot Posts: 146 Member
    Neither. Get a HRM.

    THIS over and over. HRM still isn't 100% accurate but it's as close as you're probably going to get.
  • PonyTailedLoser
    PonyTailedLoser Posts: 315 Member
    Before my HRM I picked the machine calories. Which were 1/3rd greater than the actual calories I burned. Granted, I usually work out quite a bit so my body may be used to the machines I work out on. I would suggest going with whatever shows the lowest burn.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    A ton of people say MFP over estimates but my HRM usually is higher. And my HRM is almost always dead on with the machines at my gym.

    MFP doesn't take weight and bf into consideration like my HRM does, so I will continue with that.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Treat yourself to a HRM. I found both massively out compared to a HRM and Body media. Know nothing is perfect but I trust the HRM a lot more. X

    Edited to add of you want a HRM go Garmin... Not Polar!
  • kloco
    kloco Posts: 85 Member
    So the general consensus is get a HRM. Which ones to you guys used?
  • rattler0812
    rattler0812 Posts: 40 Member
    Use a HRM to compare between what your calorie burn is and what your calculated calorie burn is.

    I use a Pyle HRM. It was cheap ($40) on eBay. Does great for me. Has a chest strap and it works great with the chest strap enabled machines. Then I get an accurate calorie burn on the machines. Without the chest strap, not so much.