If you only had 15 minutes...



  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Lunges or squats. Pushups, pull ups and planks. 15 minute, high intensity (little rest between sets and exercises)....go!
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    Nothing wrong with starting with 15 minutes! You can get a good workout in 15 minutes.

    You probably need to start with progressions on the push-ups, like against a wall or on a table.
    Squats and lunges, you should be able to do. Just go as deep as you can without pain.
    For jacks, just do as many as you can.
    Do planks as long as you can (beyond the comfort zone).

    I'd skip the burpees and other advanced work at first.
    The elliptical is OK. Alternate between the bodyweight one day and the elliptical the other.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    do all 15 minuts on the elliptical with the resistance set as high as you can handle- and hold onto the arm bars! they are there for a reason
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Since you say you haven't worked out for years, I'd start with the elliptical. The first time I was on an elliptical, I only lasted for 5 minutes, and I had been walking regularly with two big dogs for years. You could alternate days on the elliptical with strength training using the hand weights, pushups, etc.

    Interestingly, once you find 15 minutes per day for exercise, you'll find more.
  • jeffmineo
    I disagree with skipping the cardio ... Ive lost 75lbs and cardio was the main recipe to start... I turned to weights to tone up. Muscle is heavier than fat so if your building muscle you may not lose the weight your looking for. But for any exercise to really be effective you need to stretch that 15 to 30-40. Obisouly diet is a huge part of this too. I would work cardio and when the weight comes off incorporate some weight training. I would stress though to get the 15 to 30-40 minutes a day. its a lifestyle and I now make it a point to get to the gym min 5 times a week and even if that means getting home at midnight. Sounds late but once you start to get in shape your energy goes goes up and I now I dont have less energy I have gained it and I sleep better .... its not a matter of more sleep but better quality of sleep
  • jfl804
    Found some great full body workouts at:



  • Mikaylajayney
    Mikaylajayney Posts: 7 Member
    I find strength stuff relaxing... and I secretly love but outwardly hate cardio. (I hate it while I'm doing it, but I love it afterwards... it makes me so proud of me!) So I do an ab series then an arm series while watching TV. I can do it in my pajamas, and I use light weights for shoulders and arms. Then on the days when I decide to do cardio I jump rope or run stairs in my apartment (my neighbours think I'm nuts) I just do that. It makes the 'workout' seem like something I can fit into my day without too much time commitment. Ten minutes of jumprope... 10 minutes of stairs... never seems like a big time sink, and well worth it. Then I add yoga for those days when I REALLY don't feel like 'working out'. It makes my back feel better. It's like a full body massage mixed with isometric training that's good for the muscles without too much stress.

    Remember: the hardest part of any workout is getting off the couch!
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I'd use the elliptical. Last Feb when I started on my diet, I bought one and doing 10 minutes the 1st few times about killed me and that was on the basic flat level. So do what you can on that and then try some of the bodyweight stuff for the rest of your time. You can get a great cardio workout on the elliptical in 15 minutes once you get used to it and progress to some of the harder workouts. It'll take a few weeks to not have your legs burning and feeling like rubber and your lungs screaming to get out of your chest. I lost 50lbs in 6 months doing nothing but elliptical and watching my portions and types of food.
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    15 minutes may not seem like a lot of time to most of you, but going from 0 to 15 minutes is a huge leap and people who imply that that means my health is not a priority are the reason so many people don't even BOTHER to do 15 minutes! They end up thinking that 15 minutes can't change anything and decide that is no better than doing nothing.

    One of the reasons I have been unable to work out is because I got whooping cough last April (a few months into my gym membership ironically) and even once "healed" (in November) any exertion would lead to a coughing fit. I've finally gotten to the point where I can ride my bike again (man, I missed my bike this summer) but even relatively short walks (20-30 minutes) exhaust me. So 15 minutes is something I will doing in the evening, knowing that in all likelihood, I would, at least for now, be unable to do much more. I'd rather commit to doing 15 minutes and being able to complete 17 minutes, than to commit to doing 30 minutes, and not being able to meet that goal.

    Given this health history, you probably need to alternate cardio and body exercises. The cardio is going to help get your stamina back while the body weight exercises will help you preserve lean muscle as you lose the weight. For the cardio you can also do intervals - say 30 seconds at a higher speed & resistance and 1 minute at a slower pace for recovery. Good for you for realizing your current limitations and setting an appropriate goal. Good luck!
  • katiedid1226
    katiedid1226 Posts: 233 Member
    HIIT on the elliptical 10 min. six days a week.

    Body weight & strength training the other five minutes 3x per week.

    Eventually work your way into 15 min. of Tabata.
  • sccet
    sccet Posts: 141 Member
    Skip the elliptical and handweights. Do push-ups, squats, planks and jumping jacks.

    ^This would be my plan too. Maybe some jump rope thrown in for fun.

    And Burpees.
  • vleebow
    vleebow Posts: 49 Member
    Yes, I know there are ways to make more time for working out, but let's leave that aside for a minute... if you could only find 15 minutes per day to workout, and you haven't worked out in years (decades even), and have at least 60 lbs to lose. The only machine you have access to is an elliptical trainer, you have a mat, some 3 lbs hand weights. How would you work it out so you got the most out of those 7 days x15 minutes?

    Thanks for you feedback!

    Invest in a jump rope! One of the fastest and high burning calorie exercises you can do!
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Sparticus Workout.
  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    I would take a look at this youtube page:


    She doesn't use equipment and does pretty quick yet hard workouts. She typically shows you the moves beforehand and how to modify if you aren't able to do them like she is. Obviously the goal is to stick with her pace, but it's pretty easy to just use her as the timer and go at your own pace. These workouts are actually pretty hard (I workout 4-5x a week and my chest was burning after) but they are really amazing for such a short workout. If you don't have access to any equipment I would definitely recommend looking at this.

    Also, what are your feelings on workout videos? There are tons of great dvds out there you could begin with and work your way up to more advanced things.
  • Proyecto_AN
    Jogging in place with the dumbbells for 5 minutes at high intensity + 5 minutes of elliptical full incline and alot resistance + 5 minutes of calisthenics. NON-STOP.
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    Cycling - Sprint intervals - Push so hard you were a jibbering wreck afterwards!

    Then again, I'd choose cycling for any timescale anyway :wink:
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    Don't worry about what is the 'best' option - many of these are good choices, and you can always change if you need something harder/easier.

    The elliptical is a good place to start b/c it is easy on your joints and you can adjust the resistance. I like to hold hand weights while doing it - you can also do punches or shoulder presses - and it really adds to the workout. Make sure to hold your abs in so you don't fall!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Yes, I know there are ways to make more time for working out, but let's leave that aside for a minute... if you could only find 15 minutes per day to workout, and you haven't worked out in years (decades even), and have at least 60 lbs to lose. The only machine you have access to is an elliptical trainer, you have a mat, some 3 lbs hand weights. How would you work it out so you got the most out of those 7 days x15 minutes?

    Thanks for you feedback!

    Push-ups, squats, jumping jacks
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    I would spend the first 5 minutes calling the company I brought the elliptical trainer from and ask for instructions of getting a refund.

    I'd then spend the next 10 minutes doing push ups, pull ups, wall squats and some ab work.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I would spend the first 5 minutes calling the company I brought the elliptical trainer from and ask for instructions of getting a refund.

    I'd then spend the next 10 minutes doing push ups, pull ups, wall squats and some ab work.

    You really thinkk someone with 60lbs to lose is doing pullups? Pullups are for fit people, not for people just starting.