412lbs and Trouble Losing Weight After 7 Months!? Uhg



  • amyann2
    amyann2 Posts: 69 Member
    I agree with those who say to add tons of fruits or veggies -- only I would say make sure that's mostly veggies, with a little less fruit. Veggies are wonderfully filling and have so few calories, plus I'm convinced they just kick things into gear and promote weight loss.

    Also with your Achilles problem, is there a machine at your gym for hand/arm pedalling towards cardio workouts? So a station "hand bike", as it were. I have seen someone use such a machine at a gym; it's for people with leg, knee, foot, ankle etc. problems and also ideal as a way for someone needing large weight loss not to overtax their joints at first.

    I think you are doing amazing things!
  • amyann2
    amyann2 Posts: 69 Member
    P.S. You might try to google the "Snobby Joes" lentil recipe. I just made it for the first time this week. Surprisingly "meaty" texture for a vegetarian dish. I eat it on whole wheat English muffins. (A serving is one English muffin split into its two halves, with 1/4 cup mixture on each half.) Then a veggie side dish (or two) of some kind, plus 2 cups skim milk. Filling meal with good fiber content, not too high in calories.
  • calcatb
    calcatb Posts: 4 Member
    You have tons of great info in the responses but here is something I would do and in fact I did. One thing you really need to know is how much energy does your body need when you are at rest. Basically its how many calories do you burn just staying alive so to speak. I went and did a Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) test. This gives you that number exactly. This is a test you do have to go to a DR to do, typically DR's who specialize in weight management solutions. Its a simple breathing into a tube but this number became for me the one I could use to always predict that I could lose weight.

    If you add my info into a web calculator for this test it comes out much higher then the reality of what my metabolism truly is.
    I then know I have to reduce my calories to create a 3500 calorie deficit each week to lose 1 lb.

    Ok don't take this example to seriously just look at how the numbers work.

    lets say the MRM is 3000 cal. Then by eating 2500 cal a day I create a 500 calorie deficit and every seven days there is a 1 pound weight loss. It works unless you have other insulin issues playing into this. If your weight is noticeable all abdominal weight vs anywhere else you may have some insulin resisitence going on. It could be possible.

    It works when you have the true numbers for your body. I used to gain weight on Weight Watchers because for me the calorie levels were just to high for my personal sitaution. Boosting metabolism by diet or additions or supplements my Dr indicated simply to me - does not work. I know lots of people think otherwise and I respect that. There is only one actual medication on the market that after you take it for 6 months shows documented results of boosting your RMR.

    You should make sure you have a good Dr team looking at you. You might need to see whats called an Endocronologist who specializes in Insulin issues you might have insulin resistence that could possibly be a factor in slowing your progress. I'd look around for a good team to see you and help. You are doing all the right stuff and they will support you. I also see a nutritionalist occassionally to get insight into what i'm eating and ways to improve. These people can help and they want to!

    Good luck - Do not give up keep at it!
  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member
    You are doing an amazing job! I agree with Waffles1980 that you should probably talk to your doctor about your large gains in a week. To gain 8lbs of fat in a week you would have to eat 28,000 calories over your TDEE - that's a LOT. It probably is water weight which might have many different medical reasons.

    Also, finding the balance in a healthy lifestyle takes time. It isn't a race. You're making healthy choices and it is starting to show in weight, inches and your blood work. That's awesome! Take pride in that because it really is quite an accomplishment. I think sometimes we get caught up in shows like "the biggest loser" and "extreme makeover" and we expect that we should be able to drop huge amounts of weight a week. Those people are working out like beasts, have a nutritionist and a doctor watching them constantly. They are removed from the stressors of daily life and can focus solely on losing weight. The rest of us can't do that. We have to fit the workout and the eating into everyday life. It's tough sometimes.

    I guess, really, I just want to say don't compare yourself to anybody else. Your journey isn't going to be like anyone else's. Don't give up on yourself. Be patient with the process and take pride in what you've already accomplished. Good Luck!!
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    "hand bike"

    ^^agree^^ if you have correct form, resistance and speed, and use all those back and shoulder muscles, you can burn as many calories as walking.
  • mrsroseblack
    mrsroseblack Posts: 45 Member
    #1: 1 lb approx loss per week is GREAT.. but for your size, you could lose more.

    #2: See a doctor! And a nutritionist.

    #3: You're absolutely not eating enough calories. I am a female at 170 lbs and I eat about 1800 a day... Again, back to #2, confer with a doctor and nutritionist on the amount of calories you could be consuming.

    #4: Lots of fruits/veggies and H2O!

    Good luck and congrats on your journey so far. :)
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    We could have been twins... I started July 1st and have dropped 129 so far. A few keys to my success.
    1. Try to eat clean... No white flour, no refined sugar, no soda. Five servings of whole grains, three servings of fruits, three servings of veggies and one serving of nuts per day. Try to get in quite a bit of lean protein and some healthy fats everyday.
    2. Exercise... The more you burn and don't eat back the faster it drops off.
    3. Take a look at my food diary and exercise... Try it out and watch the blubber fly!
    Anyone is welcome to add me...
  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    I also reccommend you get a support system on here by adding friends on here. It can help you by learning different strategies to continue with your weight loss journey. Just seeing other people's diaries and what they do on a daily basis can help a lot in implementing it into your own daily routine.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Big congrats to you on this journey (I know everyone hates that word but I love the song and think its appropriate). This is not an easy road to travel you are battling your worst enemy your mind. Your body is just a long for the ride. If you would like to add me I've got a long way to go too. I applaud you for the strength and courage that you are showing. This is not f'en easy.

    First, get thee to a doctor and get some new lab work up. Have them check your A1C again do a complete metabolic panel, lipid work up, and I would make sure they do a TSH w/ T3 & T4. Saw you have pulmonary hypertension andy edema are you still on a diuretic?

    Second, are you drinking any water. No proof that it works but when I drink like a camel I lose.

    Third, are you weighing and measuring everything that goes into your mouth? I know it's a pain but sometimes especially for us bigger people we have a tendency to underestimate our portions.

    Fourth, make sure you are logging everything. If its gum or salt log it. Gives you a better picture because once again us bigger folks tend to get food amnesia.

    Fifth, this works for me vegetables first during your meal. Loads you up!

    Sixth, remember the larger we get our bodies change. Your fat cells not only become bigger but the multiple. On top of having diabetes and I would assume insulin insensitivity your body will hold onto its fat and weight until there is no tomorrow. It's not true that just because you are heavier it comes off faster. In theory this is true, but if you look at some of the interactions you have going on in your body it can really make things slower.

    Please dont give up. Dont let the scale discourage you. You are at that crossroad right now you can either give up or you can push foward despite not having a reward. Everytime you move, just because of the force it takes to move your body, you greatly strengthen and improve your body. Everytime you reduce the portion sizes and feed your body what it actually needs you improve the chemistry that powers your body.

    Keep going. It's cliche but the truth this is for your life. It has to be your life no one gets to be +300lbs because they dont have a bad relationship with food and exercise, so everyday for the rest of your life this will be a battle. What I love though is every night when I win the battle that is my reward! When I know I didnt hurt myself. I gave myself love no matter how small that is my reward. Youre going to get old so might as well be as healthy as you can be? I think you are doing great keep it up!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    sodium! cut your sodium.

    also I see one day of logging in the past 10+ days.
    if you're not logging here are you truly holding yourself accountable for what you're eating?

    try to eat clean. nonpackaged stuff. get rid of the fruit snacks and have an apple.
    ditch the popcorn (except maybe once in a while)

    fresh foods, less processed stuff will help you. Could be that you're not eating enough. could also be that your metabolism is severly damaged and needs repair. Cutting calories too much does NOT help repair your metabolism.

    ETA - check out my diary. I am a 30 year old female, 5'6'' currently weighing 186.4lbs (was 303.4lbs when I started) -- I am currently eating around 2000 calories a day -- so my guess would seriously be that you are NOT eating enough.
  • wiltl
    wiltl Posts: 188 Member
    You are still 33 lbs lighter today than you were 7 months ago, and that is a thing to be proud of!

    I also went through a lot of worry about my slow loss over the last year, but through this site and finally getting some medical issues diagnosed and understanding that slow is better than stop, I've lost 60 lbs.

    This link here is partly responsible and has been mentioned before: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12. I just went through this again a few weeks ago when I hit a plateau and made some adjustments and am losing again.

    I would definitely suggest going back to the doctor to review your blood work and maybe also get a thyroid check done, if that hasn't been included before. Since you're at a pre-diabetic level, they may suggest that you remove/greatly reduce high glycemic index foods.
    You said you snack on pretzels and trail mix - Pretzels are highly processed white flour that could be impacting your blood sugar levels. I love pretzels, especially the ones in the gardettos mix, but I've cut them back to a very rare treat. Trail mix is tasty and can be healthy, but is also very easily overeaten. Its one that you really need to measure out and take into account the calories, sugar and salt.

    You also mentioned that you recently went from day shift to night shift, right? Are you getting enough sleep? Lack of sleep has been shown to impact weight. Maybe that and also just the whole adjustment is an issue and will get better over time.

    Good Luck!
  • Arkhos
    Arkhos Posts: 290 Member
    Actually, I switched from evenings (4pm-12am) to 5am-1pm, lol. My sleep has been eradict, but I'm starting to get adjusted now, slept pretty good last night. But that's a good point too, thanks.

    My blood work is from November, so it's pretty recent.

    So far: I'm gonna drink a lot more water, add vegetables to my meals, and add about a few hundred calories to my diet (oh no not more food :) )

    I think part of my issue is that about 3 years ago I lost 60 lbs in 6 months (400 to 340) by just dropping to a 2000 calorie diet and barely any exercise. Then I went to deep night at work and it screwed up my health and I gained it back plus 50lbs. Now I'm making all these changes and the weight is not dropping off like before.

    But I am not giving up, nowhere near it! I just want to beat the fat off me already! stupid fat
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Depending on your bf%, and BMR and resulting TDEE estimates could be inflated by an easy 1000 calories.

    For instance, your stats if at 60% BF:

    Mifflin BMR MFP uses - 2811
    Katch BMR using BF% - 1985

    Resulting maintenance if you are doing no exercise and sedentary.
    Mifflin basis - 3514
    Katch basis - 2481

    So if you were doing MFP's method with 2 lb weight loss goal (1000 daily deficit), and no exercise, MFP would set your daily eating goal to 2514.

    But your better estimated BMR and maintenance level would actually be below that - so no actual deficit in place.

    So that means exercise is purely creating your deficit if you do NOT follow normal MFP process and eat them back.

    And purely exercise created deficit is usually never that great. Deficit in the kitchen for fat loss only hopefully, exercise for body improvement and hopefully supports only fat loss.

    So that is just an example, and you may have no idea of actual BF%, or it's very different from example 60%, but it just shows that can make a deficit be non-existent if the foundation to the math is off.

    Just a thought, and if you desire to manually set it up for your actual activity level because you are good at keeping that activity, might try this.

  • Arkhos
    Arkhos Posts: 290 Member
    I just wanted to say I really appreciated all the encouragement and advice I got!! Wow what a great community I've been missing out on for 7 months! Time to start updating my profile on here! lol

    I worked with my trainer last night too, and we both decided I wasn't eating enough and needed some changes. One of my problems was being too hungry after my late workout 3:30p-4:30p and tended to snack while watching tv until bedtime. So I'm going to eat a full meal: lean meat, veggies, 2 slices of whole wheat bread

    What I've been encouraged to start with:

    I'm gonna go back to logging my food everyday - really slacked on this the last few months

    Dropping the Diet drinks from my diet, gonna go back to black coffee for my early morning wakeup, and try to stick with water

    Drink a Gallon of water a day!

    Last night I ate 5 stalks of celery (little 4" ones) with a line of raisins on them (like the ants on a log but minus the peanut butter) hehe

    Increased my food intake by eating more chicken and some veggies (celery) especially my later dinner/after workout so I'm not hungry and eating snack/crap foods like pretzels/trail mix etc/candy...

    Adding 2 tbsp of Natural Peanut Butter to my mid morning snack (protein shake, apple, pb)

    Gonna try to bring fruit slices to the movies on the weekend.

    Eat Skinny Pop Popcorn for when I need a snack.

    Boost my cardio levels - I really pushed my elliptical and stationary bike last night, and I'm gonna see if I can find a good place to swim

    time to kick some fat butt (while I'm motivated, haha) !!

    Thank you to everyone who took the time to reply to my post!!!!!!