blood sugar getting low while trying to maintain 1200 cals



  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Just grab a handful of almonds- or have some pre boiled eggs ready.
  • OneDimSim
    OneDimSim Posts: 188 Member
    Since I have started cutting back calories to 1200, I have noticed on some days that my blood sugar drops to the point that I am faint and shaky. I am curious what types of low cal foods I can add to maintain a regular blood sugar level. Thanks!

    Please look and see if you are eating "sugary" carbs vs. complex carbs
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    First, unless you have a glucose meter, you really don't know if your BG is getting low.

    If it's below 70 then have a carb snack. You're not type 1 diabetic, so you won't go dangerously low.

    If you are getting symptoms of a low BG much above 70, then ride it out. It's because your BG has been high and the adrenaline response has been "trained" to go off at too high, and given some time, it will train back downward to the correct level.
  • GenesisandEden
    GenesisandEden Posts: 338 Member
    Hi =)

    1. Best to have doc check your A1c to determine if you are diabetic?
    2. IMO I think you should definitely eat more
    3. Nuts and a hardboiled egg when you feel "low" is great
    4. BG Meter is a great tool if you are diabetic
    Good luck
  • guppyhaven
    guppyhaven Posts: 3 Member
    How did you determine that 1200 calories are what you need in a day? If you relying simply on what MyFitnessPal recommends based on your weight, that can be extremely inaccurate. Calorie needs are based on muscle and fat composition, not on total weight. If you are not eating enough calories, you will end up losing muscle, thereby lowering the number of calories you burn in a day. I highly recommend listening to some of the podcast of Fat2Fit Radio, which goes into the science behind weight loss.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Well, no wonder. You are eating too low of calories.

    ^^Best thing ever.

    Also, this is a thread about why eating only 1200 calories won't work

    Not sure what "working" means but many, many people, myself included, lost weight very successfully at that calorie level or lower.

    When I was losing weight, I ate a balanced diet, exercised on the elliptical until I could run, and 10 weeks after I started running, I ran a half marathon and then did a 1000 miles in 24 hours motorcycle ride through the CA and AZ desert out to Tucson and back to Southern California.

    My diary is public and this is a "SPOT" track of my half marathon and motorcycle ride.

    Oh, I did that when I was 55 years old and hadn't exercised in 25 years.

    The more I learn about nutrition and, recently, the physiology of long distance running, the more I am amazed at how well the human body adapts to conditions and thrives.
  • I have spaced my meals out today. I have basically been eating small meals instead of bigger meals with smaller snacks. I have been eating about every two hours and that has really helped. I have also NOT been eating back my calories that I burn during excercise. I hadnt even thought of it until you mentioned it.
  • Thank you to everyone who posted a helpful answer. I realize that 1200 calories may not be good for me, however, the first week or so of doing the 1200 calories I had no issues at all and was not hungry. That is what prompted me to ask the question that I did. If I am shaky than I am definitely going to eat, but I would still like to do so reasonably. I am going to increase my calories and also check out all of the helpful suggestions yall have given me.
  • KBSwinger
    KBSwinger Posts: 160 Member
    The answer is not always eat more! But I agree 1200 is not any magic, if you feel weak or have blood sugar issues have healthy snacks readily available its not rocket science about the 1200.
  • I don't know if that calorie level is appropriate for you -- for some people, it is, for others it is way too low.

    But if you are going to eat that little (shoot, even if you are not!), be sure you are getting enough protein and vegetables. A starchy low-calorie diet will put you on a miserable blood-sugar roller coaster.

    My dietitian says not to go below 50 g of protein per day, at a minimum. And be sure to get at least five servings of vegetables, plus a couple of fruit.

    Are you getting enough water? Dehydration can cause weakness and such, too.
  • MartinaNYC
    MartinaNYC Posts: 190 Member
    Apparently you are not eating enough! Or you're eating the wrong food. Why don't you open your diary so that we will be able to concretely help you? And people, please, stop bashing people eating 1200kcal. I've been on a 1200kcal per day diet for the past two months. I run 20 miles+++ per week and I never felt better. I feel energized and healthy since I include the right food in my diet. What works for you might not work for another person and the opposite is true also. So stop judging.