

  • JSN66614
    We just got that checked last week and no hypothyroidism but PCOS definitely. He said it wasn't bad though but mild PCOS and fidgeting I do constantly always.

    Thanks for the help hun, I'll let you know how it goes.
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    Add some fruits and vegetables and cut out the junk foods. Give your body what it needs to survive.
  • JSN66614
    Wow that sounds delicious but DAMN that sounds like a lot at least in my mind.
  • nezsorou
    You're def. not eating enough.
    Try eating small meals every 2-3hours? I tend to do that, because I just can't stomach very large amounts at once.
    Get some meal/snack bars, maybe, too. I have Luna bars around for snacks. Also raw cashes and pecans!
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    It is a lot and it was Delicious lol. I have lost over 40 pounds and went from a bmi of 32 to a healthy one. So if the 700 calories doesn't seem to be working for yah then obviously its not the way to go. Try to eat more and keep them clean, eggs, chicken, foods that aren't too processed and no fast food or soda. After two weeks of netting at least 1200 calories and see how that works
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    PS/ in Jillian michals new book the slim life she says that eating once a day is not only HORRIBLE for your metabolism, it also puts people at a higher risk for diabetes. Waiting all day to eat and then just eating dinner is not the way to go. Try eating every 4 hours or so
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Your'e not hungry? I've already eaten like 1200 calories and I'm starving cant wait for din din!
  • Raven_Blackblade
    We just got that checked last week and no hypothyroidism but PCOS definitely. He said it wasn't bad though but mild PCOS and fidgeting I do constantly always.

    Thanks for the help hun, I'll let you know how it goes.

    I am the worst when it comes to logging what I eat on here. And when I did do it, I only did about half of what I ate, so dont judge on my journal. I have found that if I logged how much I ate that it depressed me about as much as it does some people who weigh themselves every day.
    I generally eat a lot of raw veggies. Carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, and celery with organic peanut butter and honey. Lots of dried seaweed, and seaweed salad. I have chicken or fish at night (broiled), with steamed veggies. Cutting the gluten out since the beginning of this month helped me break the plateau that I hit at 160, and I just hit below that yesterday. I have been also taking iodine supplements since Saturday, and cut the fluoride out since then too. LOTS of Reverse Osmosis Water!!
    I am up to 90 jumping jacks, 75 sit-ups, 50 pushups, 2 mins of planking (rest on your elbows, and get in the pushup position. Keep your body straight, and just hold it for as long as you can), 1 min of leg lifts on each leg, 20 Chair lifts (I dont know the technical term, but you stretch your legs out in front of you, and you a shorter surface to grasp as your back is turned to it. Lower by arms, and lift by arms. It works the back of the arms.) lots of walking everywhere, and 2 mins of flying V. (make your body into a V shape or as close to as you can. Arms at horizontal. Move the arms up and down about 3 inches or so, and hold like that for as long as you can)
    I hope that this gives an idea :)
  • JSN66614
    It does thanks!
  • lindabf1979
    lindabf1979 Posts: 7 Member
    I understand what you said about not being hungry. Making your stomach feel nauseate here is what I did when I got sick last year: I was eating all I could at meal time. drinking ensure and eat just a tablespoon or two of unsweetened apple sauce between meals.

    Now understand that I was sick and couldn't eat and When I got better I knew I had to get back to a normal diet . Ensure might not be appropriate for you talk to your doctor. there is also phone # that you can call to get some tips on how to get back on track with your food

    Go girl you can do that
  • alishakae32
    alishakae32 Posts: 11 Member
    try to bump up to 1200 cals eat six 200 cal meals over the day and try to eat every 2-3 hours