Working moms with multiple do you do it?



  • MsipiGRITS
    MsipiGRITS Posts: 128 Member
    I am a single FT working Mom of 2 boys 4 and 7. So, it does get kind of crazy and I do sometimes feel overwhelmed. However, I know my being healthy shows them how to be healthy so I make that a priority. That said, I get up at 4:30am to do things around the house. I try to run while I am at work because I seem to get it done better. That makes my day later, but it works... If I miss because of a busy day, I try to get it in on the treadmill after the kids are asleep (that and housework!). I try to fit in some weight training, but that has been on the backburner lately because of other time stealers. So, I guess we also need to be flexible and not stress when the days don't go just right... Regarding meals... I am a total meanie because at my house you have to eat what I have or starve, but I have to say they do usually eat after a little whining (and the ex did too)! That said, I always try to make things I know they will eat and I make what they really love on occasion but I modify most recipes to be more healthy. I also try to plan meals on Sunday when things seem to be calmer... That way I have all the ingredients on hand and I can plan how I can execute during the week. I keep the menu on the fridge and cross them off as I go. I try to make things that can go for two meals, like grilled chicken breasts where I make more than one meal's worth then we can have another chicken dish (tacos, salad, pasta, etc.) later in the week. Sometimes all the meals get made, sometimes they don't, but I give it a good go anyway!! haha We do go out to eat a lot but I try to help them (and me) make healthy choices, but grilling and the crock pot are my go tos for busy nights. It takes very little time to fire up a gas grill. I put the timer on in the house so I don't burn anything because I am generally doing one or two of the 10 loads of laundry I do per week while I'm cooking... Steaming some veg either on the stove or in the micro is usually my side unless I use canned (yes, not great but better than nothing).. This all whilst keeping an eye on and spending time with two rowdy boys and keeping them from killing each other or knocking the walls down AND getting them cleaned up and ready for dinner, book/story, then bed!!! ROFL Definitely requires multitasking, but it's a happy crazy life!!! You can do it!!! When you feel overwhelmed, feel free to friend me and VENT, as that takes some of the pressure off!!! Good luck!

    Oh yeah, I do try to log in MFP daily as it keeps me honest with myself and from completely going off the rails. I love the phone app because I can do that on the fly in the midst of the other stuff... With all that I should be a lunatic, right! Huh... thinking.... maybe I am, but I'm a happy one so guess it's ok! and you know what, I am sure you will be too... Humor helps, too... LOL
  • happyheathen927
    happyheathen927 Posts: 167 Member
    It's SO. HARD. I work FT and have 3 kids (8, 5 and 1-1/2). I'm also T2 diabetic, so diet is #1 priority for me. That I can do no matter what. The exercise, though ... it wasn't until the last couple of months that I felt like I could carve out time for me to do that. It really took my husband stepping up and sharing in kid- and house-stuff.

    It takes lots of meal planning, too. We leave the house at 6AM and don't get back most days until after 5PM. My crockpot is awesome, but I also do weekend cook-ups, ala Melissa Joulwan's cookbook "Well Fed." You figure out how much meat and veggies you need to feed your family for the week, and spend and hour or 2 on Sunday cooking it all, separately, and store it the fridge. Then you come home each evening and decide if you want Chinese (ground beef, bok choy, sides, soy sauce, ginger), French (grilled chicken, green beans and mushrooms, Herbs de Provence), or Italian (ground beef, tomatoes & zucchini, oregano & basil). Toss your ingredients and seasonings into a big skillet and heat it up. BAM! Dinner!

    RE exercise: if I don't do it before I get home, it doesn't happen. So that's what I do. Exception: my yoga class on Saturdays. This is a very new thing; before kids I did yoga 3x/week. I hadn't done yoga since my first pregnancy, so ... 9 years. A tiny studio opened up a mile from our house and I finally got dh to quit whining ;) and watch the kids while I take a class there once a week. It's fabulous.
  • Angie__1MR
    Angie__1MR Posts: 388 Member
    I work full time, take 6 credits of college classes, have two daughters (ages 8 and 3), and am happily married - I get up at 4 a.m. to train. It's just what works for me.
  • CaliSteph
    CaliSteph Posts: 142 Member
    Working mom with a 4 month old, 2 year, a stepson who is 14 and living with us and a stepdaughter who is 13 who visits every other weekend. My hours are in flux as well - sometimes I work only 10 hours, sometimes its 12-14 hours and weekends.

    Here is what works for me:
    Giving myself at least 30 minutes - I do a dvd at home (30 Day Shred) and ask my husband to manage for 30 minutes without me. Sometimes it means he puts the kids to be by himself or I wait until the kids go to bed to work out. Sometimes the 4 month old doesn't want to sleep and as long as I have fed her, he will take her from me for those 30 minutes.

    I go to the gym on weekends - usually before everyone is up or during little kid nap time. I give myself an hour. I try to fit in some extra gym time during the week as well, but if I can't I don't sweat it. As long as I get that other 30 minutes - I'm ok.

    Taking lunch/snacks to work for myself, including coffee. It's so tempting to stop somewhere and grab a quick snack of some kind or stop somewhere to get coffee. It always leads to more or an unhealthy choice.

    Log everything - even that small bit of chocolate.

    Drink water. Lots of water. Before I eat a meal or a snack, I drink water. I eat much less when I'm sure to drink water. I even bring my own water bottle every day and wherever I'm going.

    I hope this helps!

    Feel free to add me if you need any encouragement or anyone else who might need it.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    The best thing I think is to include your kids into your workout. Play tag with the older ones ... you'll be amazed at how much energy it takes to keep up! Or any other game you can think of that includes running around.

    You can also do exercises that incorporates them in by using their body weight as resistence. Great leg workout ... lay on your back, hold your childs hands as they lay on your shins. Move your lower legs up and down. Keep track of how many reps you can do with each child (because yes, they will all want to take a turn!) With your 5 month old you can sit him/her on the floor ... squat down to pick him/her up, lift him/her up so he/she is above your head and then lower back to floor and come back to standing position. Repeat and keep track of how many times you can do this exercise.

    Get creative and you'll find the options are endless AND you will get some great quality time in with your kids! Good luck!

    ^This. Also, get your kids and DH more involved in keeping up with the house. My little is 3 and she does most of the laundry - seriously. She LOVES helping and has a fit if I don't let her do most of it, so now I just let her. We have a front loader and I just open the doors for her, she moves the wet laundry to the dryer and puts the dirty laundry in the washer. I add the detergent when I help her close the doors and she knows all of the buttons to push on the washer and dryer. She's completely thrilled every time she does it b/c she's pretty much doing it by herself. Usually I'm just a few feet away unloading the dishwasher and she comes over to help with that when she's done with the laundry. I give her the silverware basket (knives removed) and she puts everything in the drawer. It takes her awhile to get everything in it's place so I've usually got the d/w loaded by the time she's done. It helps me, makes her feel good, teaches her to contribute and makes us both happy. We also workout together when I don't have time to get to the gym. I give her a couple of oranges in lieu of weights and I got us both mats so we don't get in eachothers way. Sometimes she's down there working out with me and sometimes she just watches me and shouts "keep going, you can do it!" Involving your kids and family, whether in your workouts or in your housework, will make a difference. But your diet should never suffer. Plan ahead, and have convenient, healthy foods on hand.
  • FrancineM62
    FrancineM62 Posts: 42 Member
    I have 3 kids. They are older but still time consuming, and I work, so it's hard to fit in workouts. I tracked my walking steps on my ipod one day and I was amazed at how much I walked during the day, at work or just running errands. With a little conscious effort, it's easy to up that amount of time by just working it into your normal day. It all adds up at the end of the day and before you know it, you've earned extra calories. You can burn just as many calories as you would in a separate workout. Adding a total 20 minutes into your normal day is a lot more doable than finding time to get dressed, drive to a place to workout, etc. which could take a couple of hours. Good luck!
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    I feel overwhelmed often, but I have to deal. I work 40+ hours and have a 8yo and 4yo. My husband works out of town so Mon - Thursday its just me an the kids. I get hubby out the door Monday morning and then the comes home Thursday afternoon. I just finished up college a couple months ago so thankfully I do have some extra free time in the evenings now. I get up at 5a to get my workout done. I don't lose time with the kids b/c they are still asleep. Hubby and I train together on the weekends - it keeps us on track and its something we can do together! As far as diet goes - Mon, Tues and Wed I will cook dinner for the kids but I make myself something seperat to stay on track.

    It can be done. I have found that if I don't work out I get cranky and then no one is happy. Working out is for ME - we as moms (and dads) can not forget "me time" - it is VERY important!!
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    Single mom of a 14, 12 and 22 month old. I hope to be a role model for them as far as healthy eating and exercise go. We walk a lot together, pushing the little one in a stroller. I also make a healthy meal and if they hate it, they starve. That sounds mean, but they adventually eat. (I don't make anything out of the ordinary that they can't at least choke down something!) Planning is key. I shop on Sunday and meal plan for the week. If I don't do that, bad fast food meals happen.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member

    I have 4 kids (7,6,4,2) and do make time for workouts, but my household cleaning has suffered as a result. I want to read what everyone has to say.

    I definitely would say workout in the early morning before they wake up (that is when I used to do my cleaning).
    If you want to belong to a fitness center, make sure they offer daycare during the times that you are likely to go.
    And a supportive partner who understands your health and sanity are just important as everything else!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I have a 6 year old, 4 year old, and one on the way. I work full time during the day and my husband works nights and Saturdays. We also have 2 dogs. Flexibility and planning are the key for me. I have to plan to have food to take to work and for snacks for all of us for the week. I have to make dinners, and since we get home so late, I don't have time to make separate meals. I'll simply add a lot more of the veggies the kids are eating to my portion of the meal. I usually work out in the mornings before everyone else wakes up, and I'll also walk during any breaks I can get at work. Just to get a higher TDEE, I'll walk to the further bathroom, or further kitchen area. When we go to the playground, I get a workout in there too. I'll walk, jog, or even play on the equipment with the kids. You just have to find a way to make it work for your family and yourself. With a five month old, I'd still probably be doing everything possible to get the most sleep at night, so I wouldn't be doing the early morning workouts yet.
  • Love this thread! My kids are 10 and 8, I teach full time and my husband runs his own business. I bring my kids to their extra-curricular activities every day of the week! I use this time to get active myself. I am assistant coach for my daughter's hockey team and so I get a few hours on the ice each week. When she figure skates, or while my son has his hockey practices, I either run or walk the perimeter of the rink. Other moms have started doing this too! I have gone so far as to measure out 5K in the arena and run this about 3 times a week. I also take my kids skiing whenever I can. I feel lucky that I can exercise while still spending time with the kids. I always stress the importance of being active and feel that I am setting a good example by exercising when they do. Once spring comes we will change up the routine, but continue to be active together.
  • Agirard25
    Agirard25 Posts: 154 Member
    I have two kids (4 1/2 & 11/2) and constantly trying to figure it out. I find that I cook a lot on Sunday and stick whole meals in the freezer so that I can pull them out easy and throw in the oven, especially on nights when we have dance or swim class-I did all the thinking on Sunday so I know that they are full of healthy goodness, fresh veggies, ect. Workouts can be more difficult because I usually do it when they go to bed--I find that if I don't take a multi vitamin than sometimes I lack energy...but when I take it I have more energy. I also do workout dvds-P90X and Jillian Michaels mostly--and I got my 4 yr old 1lb weights and she LOVES to do it with me. When she gets tired or doesn't want to anymore, she loves playing the role of my "trainer." My one year old likes to imitate me some jumping and stretching...and mostly just plays in the same room. I like having them see me workout because it feels like a good example, we laugh a lot and it makes the workout go by quickly!

    As far as cleaning goes--I actually have been doing a pretty good job I think! I pick like 2 things to stay on top of each dust and clean all sufaces on tuesday..vaccum and bathtubs weds....bathrooms thurs...ect ..and always do a general "pick up" everyday. Furthermore, I put "laundry" on my daily to do list--seriously, I write it!--and I almost always do a minimum of a load a day, often two. I do NOT always get it put away, or even sometimes folded...but it is easier for me if it is at least clean!

    I make the girls help pick up toys before dinner, and my 4 year old is getting very good at being super helpful. I think it works to have a system....she always puts her coat in the same place, shoes go in the closet, backpack too, ect. Her toy storage is pretty organized--I labeled stuff with pics so she knows where to put things. Organization and a common and commujicated system helps!

    when you figure it out, do share your secret!
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    I have 2 kids.. 6 yo and 18 months. It isn't easy and my days can be long. I usually go to bed at 10:30 and get up at 5:30. I find it easiest to work out after the kids go to bed so 8 or 8:30. I only plan on 3 days during the week and go to the gym two of those days and work out at home the other days. On the weekends during nap time for my youngest, I go out for a run. Mileage depends on the schedule for the day. As for diet, I try to pack my lunch. When I make salads for dinner, I make one or two extras for weekday lunches. Sometimes I make soup over the weekend. I pack mine and my son's lunches the night before. I also subscribe to a meal planning service so they plan my dinners and grocery list so it makes it easier.. I have to admit, I also pay someone to clean my house every other week and that has been a lifesaver.. Being a working mom you just also have to be flexible.. some nights I work late so it is chicken nuggets for dinner, some time my kids are sick so I don't workout... Life happens...
  • My house doesn't look as nice as it once did. I've learned to shut up and put up with it when laundry isn't folded the way that I would have done it. Once I got planning and tracking under control, it became pretty much second nature and doesn't really take a lot of extra time and energy. I am among those who would rather not work out if it means spending less time with my family. I do work out often at home when kids are in bed and DH is busy, but I have also focused on things we can do together, with regular family walks and, now that DD is old enough, family bike rides.

    Not as easy as it was before motherhood, but I also want to be a good example for my family.

    Good luck and hang in there!
  • erinm2629
    erinm2629 Posts: 69 Member
    I am a full time social worker and have two kids. At one point i was also a grad student and currently my husband works full time and is going to night school. I have found that the only to make the diet work is to feed the family the same things i eat. The kids find it fun to try new fruits and are eating better at the same time. I have been at this for almost two years and find that i have to be in the gym at least 5 times a week to feel good. When i dont feel good i am tired and my kids miss out on stuff too. It is tough to justify to myself why I need that time but my husband remonded me that being at the gym one hour is much better than vegging on the couch anyway.

    Keep with it and you will find some rhythem and what works for your family!
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    great thread....
    I work full time, have 2 boys and a dog and my husband works a 24hr shift. I find my to long do list and responsibilities overwhelming a lot of the time. I am learning to break down the problems and barriers to focusing on me and making life better for me and my family.
    I find logging my food helps keep me accountable and planning food for the day, support from great friends here, breaking down my goals, For exercise... being open to best time of day - even if it may not be your first choice, and flexible i.e. maybe you can't get out to a gym but can do a workout video at home.
  • lmkaks
    lmkaks Posts: 119 Member
    Wow, THANK YOU to everyone who has responded! There are some great ideas in here. I really appreciate all the support and guidance.

    Keep the ideas coming!
  • islae2010
    islae2010 Posts: 37 Member
    For me, it's all about organization. I have 2 kids, 2 and 4 and am in the midst of busy season at work. I make sure to pick out everyone's clothing and pack my lunch the night before. If I bring my food to work, it is so easy to stay on schedule. It does help that all of my coworkers are health nuts as well so we don't have things laying around the office. My New Years resolution was to get fit. For 6 weeks now I've been getting up at 5am to work out downstairs and have been doing the p90x program. Having a program to follow has been a godsend. I don't want to have to repeat weeks or get behind schedule so it's helped to keep me motivated. I live 20 minutes from a gym and my hubby leaves at 6 for work so it's my only option. The first few weeks were brutal and I wanted to quit so badly. But, I kept pushing, and boy, after about 3 weeks, it was a joy to get that hour and a half to myself. I also enjoy getting it out of the way. I find that I eat much cleaner throughout the day if I've gotten my bum out of bed early to work out. The housework gets done when it gets done. I won't be winning any clean house awards! I decided a healthier, happier me was way better than a clean house anyways!
    Good luck! I really hope you find something that works for you. It is a struggle but if you can find your groove, so worth it.
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    I have girls ages 8,3 &1. We home school our oldest, and my husband is gone 15 hours a day. He alternates day and night shifts weekly. I hire a babysitter 2-3 times a week so I can go to the gym and yoga. Sometimes my husband and I alternated watching the kids so the other can go but we like to go together, too. We eat well and are trying to do more active things as a family :)

    Edit: I did not read the title and am not a working mom. Does 3 kids, 2 dogs and a cat count as part time? :p
  • misifer
    misifer Posts: 114 Member
    Number 1...set realistic goals. If you are not a morning person, don't say you are going to get up at 4am every morning and go to the gym. This equaled failure for me every single time.

    I work outside the home full-time and have 4 kids ages 5-11. It took me several years to figure out that for me, the best time to work out is immediately after work. The husband takes the kids to karate 2x/week anyways because he gets off work earlier, so now instead of meeting them there half-way through or beating them home and starting dinner, I use that time to work out and then meet them at home and start dinner then. No family time missed, no guilt for mom! :)

    I also eat healthy for breakfast and lunch. Dinner, which is often made by my husband, is what I get. Often I'll add a salad or take more veggies, but I've learned that dinner is my downfall and sometimes out of my control (I will not make a whole separate meal). I also incorporate healthier things into dinner for the whole family, such as whole-wheat pasta, more veggies, etc.

    We also implemented a family chore chart, so now everyone helps a bit more with the daily housework (unload/load dishwasher, take out bathroom garbage, clean bathroom mirrors, vacuum, etc.) and I don't have as much to do! Most chores are quick little ones but if 6 people do a 5-minute chore each, that is 25 minutes of my day saved!

    At one point I was a single mom of two under two and I'd take the kids on walks to fit in exercise, or walk on my lunch hour. That half hour adds up! I've also taken them to the park and while they played, I did hot laps around the playground instead of sitting and watching.

    The little things add up, park further away, do the wii with your kids, get up and get your own XXX instead of asking someone to grab it for you. Make movement a family event...go for a walk, hike, etc. (weather permitting...)

    And I follow this rule over and over....a XX minute work out is better than a ZERO minute workout. Just because you only have 20 minutes doesn't mean you can't work out. Do it, even if it's a quick walk, squats at your desk, etc.
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