Dr is worried I am getting a eating disorder???



  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Thanks for the advise everyone- I only eat a tablespoon of different foods as I don't feel hungry,
    and feel freaked out if there is to much food in front of me- I know its wrong ,and not feeling hungry makes it seem like its okay

    I suffer from depression so its pretty easy for me to not eat when I feel depressed-
    moving forward I will try to increase my calories, and try to snack a bit

    Thank you again for all your kind words

    I'm no expert but that sounds like an eating disorder.

    Agreed. There is too much happening on an emotional level connected to eatiing. I'd listen to your doctor. BTW, people with eating disorders never think they have one. You are likely the least able to discern this.
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    definitely an eating disorder
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Ummmmmm? Why would our opinion matter more than your Dr.s? You have 3 kids relying on you. Please take good care of yourself and take your doctors opinions into consideration.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Doctors want to be on the outlook for eating disorders before they affect your health. As such, a rule of thumb is to be extremely wary of anyone consistently eating below 1000 calories a day. You certainly fit that and your doctor is right to be concerned.

    Being freaked out by s,eyeing food in front of you is an even stronger indicator that you need to seek help from someone specializing in eating disorders. Please do no wait until you are having secondary health problems!
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Please go back to your doctor and ask for some help. If seeing a lot of food in front of you freaks you out it is an eating disorder. If you don't eat for long periods of time and only eat a few tbsps on things because too much food makes you freak out you need some medical help.
  • Texafornia23
    Texafornia23 Posts: 177 Member
    Please tell me that you're not seriously turning to the MFP'ers for a second opinion to what you doctor is telling you??? If your doctor says you have a disorder... you probably have a harmful disorder and you need to do whatever they tell you to do.

    In MFP your're going to get bro-science facts, and googled WebMD info at best. Don't use MFP to second guess your doctor.
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    You seem to be around 900-1,000 calories, which /is/ too little. I bet if you up them, you'll see a progress in your loss :D
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    You need to eat at least 1200 calories, everyday.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    You aren't losing weight because you aren't eating enough. Try eating more food.
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    Please tell me that you're not seriously turning to the MFP'ers for a second opinion to what you doctor is telling you??? If your doctor says you have a disorder... you probably have a harmful disorder and you need to do whatever they tell you to do.

    In MFP your're going to get bro-science facts, and googled WebMD info at best. Don't use MFP to second guess your doctor.

    I can't say I share the same level of force behind this one, but he is right. Your doctor is looking out for you, and if you're only eating 900 calories a day, that could be problematic.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I agree with what most people are saying. You're not eating enough and your thinking is disordered. Whether or not you actually have an eating disorder, idk, but your relationship with food is certainly not healthy.

    That said, what bothers me just as much is that your doctor put you on a medication that sounds like it's for weight loss? I didn't look it up but you said you don't take it since you don't eat much fat, which implies that's what it's for...sorry if I'm wrongly assuming anything. But if it IS a weight loss pill...then you're saying that your doctor, concerned you're developing an eating disorder, gave you (someone not even severely overweight) diet pills? That makes NO sense. I'm not saying you have a bad doctor or that all doctors are pill-pushers BUT some doctors do tend to jump to medication as the answer for everything. I'd recommend finding an actual nutritionist. A nutritionist can help you develop a healthy eating plan that can be a healthy guide for a lifetime.
  • gpizzy
    gpizzy Posts: 171
    Your body craves fuel, and lots of it in a healthy way. Really, truly, anything under 1200 just isn't enough to function.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Did anyone else notice the 'wine for breakfast' day? Lol, that was a mistake right?

    I just noticed that... I really hope it is a mistake.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    People who have / are developing eating disorders NEVER think they have eating disorders... Listen to your dr.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    im the same i never eat of my 1200 calories and scared of going near anythin with fat it, this has only been for the last 3 weeks but i cant even force myself to eat it people have been telling my fat is too low on most days but i thought that was what makes u loose weight by not eating fat ! :S

    Face meet desk.

    Fat does not make you fat. Dietary fat is necessary for many of the vital functions in your body.

    Too many calories and not enough exercise make you fat, barring some sort of medical disorder.

    Too few calories over a period of time (not just a couple of days) is also bad for your body and health.

    Dang people. You are on the INTERNET. Do some research, you have a wealth of knowledge literally at your fingertips. Get out of your little misinformed heads. (I include myself in that comment)
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    your SUPPOSED to eat fat. About 30% of your calories. I have mine set at 1300 I try to get close but not over. Since September 1, 2012 I have lost over 40 LBS by doing this. I have been told to not eat unless I'm hungry so I only eat my exercise cals if im hungry.
  • samanthachen
    samanthachen Posts: 360 Member
    You do need to eat more. Eating less than 1200 calories per day actually puts your body in "starvation" mode. Maybe not to the extreme of anorexia, but it is still too few. That means, your body is holding on to each and every bit to keep you functioning. I would try to eat up to your 1200 calories, and more likely than not, you will see slow and steady weight-loss. If you are "fearing" eating more than that, it could be a minor eating disorder. Counseling is nothing to be mocked or scolded, and if that sounds like an option, it really can help you view food differently. If it is a matter of not being hungry for more, try adjusting the types of food you are eating around. Too much protein can give you a lasting fullness that might make it hard to reach your goals. Carbs fill you up but don't last and make you hungrier. I hope this helps. I agree with everyone else though. You need to eat more to see the weight come off and give every cell in your body enough to function off of!!! Good luck!
  • XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX
    Eat more. Throw two snacks (granola bars, fruit, veggies, applesauce, crackers, etc) into your diet everyday. Its okay to have a low day every now and then But not every day like I see you have.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    If you don't believe you're not eating enough, I did some math:
    Your BMR if you're sedentary is 1435, TDEE is 1722.
    On a 900-calorie day, you are 37% under BRM
    That's enough to slow your metabolism, or "starvation mode."
    (I know, you can find "starvation mode is a myth" posts all over. They're syaing its a myth that if you don't eat at all you won't starve. the fact that once you enter starvation mode you may burn up to 40% fewer calories is not a myth).
    So, lets say you have slowed your metabolism down through regular starvation. Lets use the 40% number.
    If your metabolism is running 40% slower, your new BMR is actually about 860. Which means you can actually maintain weight at 900 calories a day.

    Is the answer to go even lower? No. The answer is to eat enough that your body isn't slowing down your metabolism. It may take awhile for your body to adjust to getting what it needs to run properly, though.
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    HI All,
    I was at the Dr yesterday as I have not been losing weight and was getting frustrated-
    she was asking me about what I eat and when I told her, she thinks that I am getting paranoid and may be developing a eating disorder....I don't think so at all,

    in the past she has given me xenical- however I don't take it as I don't always eat alot of fat-

    my diary is open if anyone wants to take a peek- I have stopped with the wine as well and still have not lost anything- I just discovered this site so it's only about a weeks worth of food-

    I am 5'3
    40yrs old
    156 pounds

    Thanks all

    Well .. I'm 46 years old, 5'4 and weigh 111 lbs .. and if I eat 1200 calories a day .. I lose weight at the rate of .4 lbs a week .. (maybe) .. I'm not trying to lose weight really .. just maintain for the most part. I'm in no rush ... I like my wine .. I like to eat.

    You certainly should break the 1000 calorie barrier .. 1200 will be best .. you may not drop weight fast, but you will lose weight. Don't rush it .. be patient. Weight will drop off in chunks anyway .. you could not lose anything for 2-4 weeks and then one day (with consistent eating that is) .. it will just WHOOSH off over night it seems.

    If you have been eating below 1000 calories a day for a while .. your metabolism begins to slow down to compensate for not getting enough to eat in general. You still lose weight.. but at a pretty slow rate which can be a bit frustrating.

    Eat enough for your body to function properly .. be consistent. You'll lose weight.❤❤