workout DVDs that actually work?



  • I love Leslie Sansone DVD's my favorite are the 5 mile fat burning walk (my favorite) and the walk your belly flat (3 miles). Both are great a nice work out without stress on the knees and back.
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    30 day shred and its free on you tube. I take the iPad Ito the room and watch it on that!
  • I have severe back problems (crumbling discs and facets joints) so have to be very careful. I also have a genetic condition that is destroying my lungs so can't do cardio exercises.

    I am currently doing Kettlenetics by Michelle Khai (you get a lightweight kettlebell in the pack with the DVD), and absolutely love it! She is excellent at giving alternatives for people with different problems e.g. back problems etc, and because you use a kettlebell that is only light, it doesn't seem like you are working at all, yet you can burn 250 calories in just 20 minutes!

    I also do a Pilates DVD, which I find harder to do than the kettlebell exercises! Because you mainly hold poses, and again can omit any that would put pressure on your knees, it works your core muscles on a very deep level. The stretching helps your joints because most 'weight lifting' exercises you tend to contract the muscles, but with either pilates or yoga you will become much more flexible and strong without all that bouncing around/pushing/pulling etc, and your children could do it along with you too.

    I wish you the very best of luck. I love MFP, as it's made me realise that there are thousands of people out there trying to do the same as I am, and are having difficulties just like I am.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Right now exercising outside is not an option until about mid April. The gym in the town where I live has no childcare so that is not an option. So I am looking into some workout DVDs. I need something that will not kill my knees I literaly have little to no cartlidge in my right knee and the bone is chipping away at the other bone. Dr said to stay away from anything that has squats or lunges. I would like cardio ones. The areas Im trying to tone sare my butt, thighs and belly.

    Leslie Sansone walk at home DVD's are great, easy to follow and low impact. They range any where from 1 mile all the way up to 5 miles. Check them out on can pick up some used one really cheap!!
  • go to

    there are some great (free!) videos posted there, including a workout the guy invented in his hotel room because he was travelling and tehre wasnt a gym available.
  • FitGirl329
    FitGirl329 Posts: 103 Member
    I suggest Chalean Extreme for strength and Turbo Jam for cardio. I attempted 30 Day Shred and injured my hamstring going down behind my knee so badly I set myself back a good two months. And I'm familiar with good form! I questioned Jillian's side lunge form but did it the way she does them anyway....stupid!! Chalean will whip you into shape and she takes time to use good form and talks about lifestyle choices. The strength training will rev your metabolism and help your body shape change. Turbo Jam can be done with modifications if you don't want to jump.
  • cyyruss
    cyyruss Posts: 8 Member
    Insanity is a great work out, but I would not suggest it if you are just starting out.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Right now exercising outside is not an option until about mid April. The gym in the town where I live has no childcare so that is not an option. So I am looking into some workout DVDs. I need something that will not kill my knees I literaly have little to no cartlidge in my right knee and the bone is chipping away at the other bone. Dr said to stay away from anything that has squats or lunges. I would like cardio ones. The areas Im trying to tone sare my butt, thighs and belly.

    p90x has one day of high impact cardio a week, and one week out of the month you don't do that workout. thats pretty good for something thats considered a world class work out in a box.

    plus he always shows you ways of modifying the high impact moves... or you could subsitute the lower impact cardio x dvd in place of the high impact plyo x

    personally, i think your going to get much better results out of any dvd program then a bike or treadmill.
  • mandys1979
    mandys1979 Posts: 46 Member
    Im kind of scared to ask my Dr since the last conversation we had was I need surgery. The type of surgery is not an option at this moment in my life.
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    Check out T-Tapp ( It's a very rehabilitative workout, with no jumping, but I found it to be very effective. When I first started it, many years ago, I lost inches all over my body and went from a size 6/8 to a size 0/2.

    Pilates, especially mat Pilates, would also be a good option for you to tone and strengthen your core without straining your knees. You should be able to find lots of Pilates DVDs at your local library, or look for videos on YouTube.
  • At one point in the dvd Jillian comments that if you have a lower body injury, to do a soft squat(don't lower to the point of pain) and PUNCH IT OUT! Keeps your heart rate high and you can progress when ready.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    If you have bad knees and you're looking for something that combines cardio and strength, I'd suggest kettlebells. You can do a lot of moves that don't involve squatting or lunges but that still give you a great workout. The basic swing moves all have to do with hip thrusts. No deep squats involved.
  • mandys1979
    mandys1979 Posts: 46 Member
    With Kettleballs do you need a class or is it something that you can do on your own? The only gym in this town is just a gym no classes just a small selection of workout equipment.
  • mandys1979
    mandys1979 Posts: 46 Member
    Where do you get Turbo Jam or the Chalean one? I would Ideally want something that pushes me. But easy on the joints. I have the mind frame if Im not sweating its not working.
  • christinekry
    christinekry Posts: 86 Member
  • Camille0502
    Camille0502 Posts: 311 Member
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Cathe Fredrich. She has a large collection of cardio and strength training videos. She has her own website. I'd also recommend going to Collage Video's website. They have a wide variety of videos with detailed information plus reviews. You can serach for videos based on the type of workout you want and your fitness level. There are LOTS of great vidoes out there.
  • mandys1979
    mandys1979 Posts: 46 Member
    thanks I will def look up t tapp.
  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    Bob Harper has some out that do not have a lot of jumping (but some squatting and lunging). I find them easier on the knees than some of Jillian's. The other one that has a lot of kicking and punching (so great cardio) but no squats that I remember are Billy Banks Tae Bo ones...they really helped my problem areas of butt and stomach.
  • mandys1979
    mandys1979 Posts: 46 Member
    Bob Harper has some out that do not have a lot of jumping (but some squatting and lunging). I find them easier on the knees than some of Jillian's. The other one that has a lot of kicking and punching (so great cardio) but no squats that I remember are Billy Banks Tae Bo ones...they really helped my problem areas of butt and stomach.

    I might still have my tae bo on VHS. I loved that workout.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Hands down, 30 Day Shred. Want proof? Look at my avatar, my results from Jan 1 to Feb 9.. it works.

    Also youtube "Biggest loser workout" and click on the one that says High Intensity Training 10 mins or something like that. Never little jumping other than jumping jacks x 2.

    P.S. Look into doing kettlebells.. if you don't have a kettlebell, try simple ones with your dumbbells. I pretty much found where my lower back and butt meet again doing kettlebells and 30 Day Shred.