How do you keep the motivation to workout?



  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    This is how I stay motivated. I play off the fact that I love goals, am a visual person and enjoy planning so I have a printout calendar for the month on the fridge and write out and plan the whole month of workouts. Each time I complete a day/goal I will check the day and it always makes me feel awesome! And awkwardly enough (nerd) I find it fun... Every time I see a change in weight/measurements I will write it on the day. Doing this helps me when maybe the next week I didn't lose or see any change but knowing that on my calendar at the beginning of the month I was x amount bigger and heavier. If I feel discouraged I keep telling myself that all good things take time and try to focus on other reasons for working out then weight loss. My niece, my happiness, my life, being able to hike this mountain, being able get the idea..... I find if I put all my eggs into the one weightloss basket and I don't see immediate results, I tend to lose motivation so recognizing the other benefits helps keep me motivated. Also, take pictures! I found that eventually after me telling myself everyday to just do it and work out, a month later my results in pictures were better then my results in the scale :)
  • I think the key is to have attainable goals. So set goals and make sure they are do-able don't set yourself up for failure. View your schedule a week ahead and decide which days you can fit in your workouts. My goals are to workout 4 days a week for 30-40 min. So I always workout my 2 days off from work then decide what 2 other days I can fit in my workouts. I've been able to meet my goals for 6 weeks now. Also seeing the pounds drop off is GREAT motivation. Keep at it!
  • FitBlackChick
    FitBlackChick Posts: 215 Member
    I LOVE how awesome I feel after a workout :) It can literally change my whole day. I just remind myself that it's 1 hour out f my day, then I'm done. It also helps to have rest days in between workout days. For example, I rest every 3 days. It gives me motivation because I get to say "Okay, just do it for a few days and then you won't have to for one whole day." As for staying motivated even when you don't see progress physically, look for other signs of improvement. Do you feel like you have more energy in general? Are certain exercises getting easier? Focusing on the little things really helps I promise. Because the thing is, changes don't happen over night. You have to know and accept that going in. Choose to focus on areas where you can definitely notice progress more often. Remember, fitness is so much more than how you'll look in your clothes. It empowers you in so many other ways. So don't give up. Keep showing your body the love it deserves by working out consistently. All those physical changes you want will follow :)