What's the deal with gyms?



  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    I love going to the gym. Our local YMCA is amazing. Everyone is very friendly and helpful. I have been going for years.
    Each person is different. I go everyday after work, it has become a part of my routine. I have found that I am easily distracted at home and will find something else that I need to do and put off working out. But some people have more discipline and can work out at home just fine.
  • VasylP
    VasylP Posts: 136 Member
    I spent two months out of my element in a country totally foreign to me.. I started eating right and going to the gym their regularly. I never intermingled with many because of the communication barrier. I went there to work out - simple. I'm back in Canada now and finally after a month I have joined a gym on the recommendation of a friend who is a certified personal fitness trainer. The price was right $199.00 CDN plus taxes about $228 when you calculate it all and I could pay installments. At that price it comes to about 63 cents a day to be a member.

    Sorry that is by far the best price for any gym I have seen anywhere. The staff are professional and supportive, though on Friday morning I was there before one of the co-owners.. He had a good excuse... had to make sure he got the garbage out for the once a week collection and driving on Friday morning was quite bad.

    I have met other people there who have similar goals as I do though we don't spend a lot of time talking we do joke around and encourage one another. Humans are social animals and we all need the interaction.. If you don't then there is something wrong.

    No problem with gyms, if someone decides they will spent more money on a few pieces of equipment then for an annual membership at a gym they simply have more money then they know what to do with.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I've got over 400 lbs of weights, a squat rack, suspension trainer, 20 lb medicine ball, kettlebells, dumbbells, rebounder, a 100 lb heavy bag, and even a bosu at home. So exactly why should I give a gym another shot?


    I don't have as much equipment, but between running outside and lifting heavy inside, I have no use for a gym. It was just using up time, money and gas.

    Now that my "commute" to the "gym" is either going outside or upstairs, I haven't missed a planned workout since July. No more "I don't have time" excuses.

    Before photo is right around the time I quit the gym. The after is less than four months after I started lifting at home. Same weight in both photos.


    The gym isn't the right choice for everyone.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    We have one of the Best YMCA in the State in my hometown so for me the choice was easy.. Plus when I started I couldn't walk so they put me in aquatic therapy in therapy pool which comes equipped with a chair lift to get in and out of the water... Lost 170 lbs. in that pool over 17 months before I was able to get fitted for braces to get out of the pool but all my weight loss was done at the YMCA (minus my walks at the metro park) so I guess I am a little partial..... lol
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    All I hear the noise of the cash register.....LOL

    Obviously if anyone had all that stuff there is no need. But I would venture to say, most don't.

    Almost everything is from Craigslist or garage sales, or home-made. The only thing I bought new is a Cap 40 lb. kettlebell (and I need to buy a heavier one),

    PF was only $12.00 a month, but didn't have the squat rack or even a real bench. The YMCA was a little better, but only 1 squat rack and I had to wait for it often. And the Y was $75 a month for the wife and me.
    I probably broke even over the course of the last year and half between membership fees and buying my equipment. But I don't have to wait to use equipment, worry about someone wiping it off, or - most of all - drive.

    I think gyms have some benefits and those benefits outweigh the disadvantages for some people. For me, it's better to work out at home.
  • Lunatic379
    I was kidding on the cash register comment. It just sounded like a lot of stuff.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    I guess I am not most people.
    I love my gym, but then again I am a Y member and my Y gym/location is super awesome. I've been going there for two years and everyone knows me, i know them and its all a big half like happy family.

    I can say i HATE meat market gyms though. ICK! I cant stand people who go to flaunt and grunt. Get over it... its a gym. we are all there for the same reason! no one is better than anyone! i dont care who you are!
  • Lunatic379

    I can say i HATE meat market gyms though. ICK! I cant stand people who go to flaunt and grunt. Get over it... its a gym. we are all there for the same reason! no one is better than anyone! i dont care who you are!

    The gym I go to isn't like that at all. It's different types of people, different sizes, etc. So I guess I found a good one. Not bad for my first try, I wish everything in life worked out like that!!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I :heart: going to the gym. If I worked out from home, I'd never work out, honestly. Paying for a membership, getting dressed, and getting my butt out of the house is my motivation. Plus, they have everything I need so all that crap isn't taking up space at home. Sure, when there's a crowd of bro's in my way it gets annoying, but I deal. Mine is only $12 a month and SO worth the money. :drinker:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    All I hear the noise of the cash register.....LOL

    Obviously if anyone had all that stuff there is no need. But I would venture to say, most don't.

    I spent less on my equipment over the last 7 months than I would have if I'd kept my gym membership for the same amount of time. And PF didn't have free weights.

    Some people are highly motivated by going to the gym. It's a social release for them as well. I get that. It's good for a lot of people.

    I'm antisocial and dreaded running into anyone I knew at the gym (I just wanted to do what I went to do, and go home, not chit chat with anyone) and had to force myself to go. For someone like me, working out at home is heaven.
  • oeagleo
    oeagleo Posts: 70 Member
    Gotta chime in here. I too, tried the "home workout" routine, but on a limited budget. I wound up with a set of barbels, a few weights, and a rather small bench. I did what I could, with a bench that had a 50Lb maximum. Prior to that, I used a treadmill, and stationary bike. I saw pretty limited results, to say the least. Then I turned 65.

    I discovered a Medicare "Advantage Plan" that INCLUDES a membership in a program named "Silver Sneakers", which also includes free admittance/membership in well over a couple thousand gyms across the country, anywhere I go, I have access to a major gym, (24 Hour Fitness, Golds, Anytime, etc). I decided to see what would happen. I discovered equipment I could only dream of owning, and instructions were easy to come by, personal trainers were happy to answer questions, and give limited guidance. Of course, they live on personal training sessions income, so I can understand that, and have no problem with "limited advice". I started seeing results, I came off my plateau, and watched the body fat % go down, in only 2 months! I LOVE the gym, and to be honest, there's something to be said that after an hour, or hour and a half workout, hitting the steam room for 15-20 minutes, then the jacuzzi for another 20-30 is totally relaxing.

    Unlike some, I'm retired, and can afford to spend that kind of time at the gym, and for me, it's "me" time, I put on the IPOD, loaded up with 60's rock, and go like crazy.. I could never afford the equipment that I've found at the gyms, and I honestly believe that I could never see the results as much, or as quickly as I have using the gym, rather than my limited set of weights. All for free...:happy:
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I work from my home office. I am also a mom of 2 therefore joining a gym would take away from my family time since I typically work around 50 hrs a week and the closest gym in 15 mins away.

    I chose to workout at lunch. I am a runner as well so it's easy for me to lace up and run! I have also done Insanity/P90x and it works out perfect for me. I have picked up smaller equipment over the years and I have a treadmill as well as an elliptical,

    Everyone is different, some need to leave the house to go to a gym. Others find ways to get exercise in without a gym. If I didn't have such a busy schedule, I would live in a gym but...
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I enjoy my new gym.. Never have to wait long for equipment, or anything like that. Plus I like the classes here a lot better.

    My old gym.. it was fine, but I out grew it. Too crowded, and not enough of what I wanted to do.
  • vickilm1976
    vickilm1976 Posts: 141 Member
    Did anyone else read the topic name in Jerry Seinfelds voice?

    I totally did, even heard a bit of the theme song in my head.
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    I love going to the gym. I have 3 kids and a crazy mother in law at home. I get to get away for an hour a day. Whats not to like?
  • DRHogue
    DRHogue Posts: 2 Member
    The first time I reached my goal weight I did it strictly by working out at home, and at that time I would have said I never needed a gym. This time around I have developed a total love for my gym. I like the sense of community when I walk in there. I can take my son and he can participate in activities there as well. Being a divorced, single mom, it also gives me a chance to be out and around other adults while working out. There are many people who take the same classes I do and who are so friendly and fun to chat with; before and after class.
    I say its up to each individual person where they choose to work out but I now love the gym.
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    I love going to the gym. I have 3 kids and a crazy mother in law at home. I get to get away for an hour a day. Whats not to like?

    I also need to admit, my gym has a bar. :drinker:
  • wolfelements
    wolfelements Posts: 117 Member
    They make a gym that I cannot only walk to from my house, but it's free as well? And I'll go.

    I believe in free exercise.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Why wouldn't I want to go to a gym?

    1- There are people there.

    2- There are TVs there.

    3- I am 20 miles from the nearest traffic light, probably 20-30 minutes drive to and from whatever gym would be "nearby." By the time I've driven there and back I would have already finished my workout.

    4- My wife gets home from work any time between 5PM and midnight and she doesn't know when she's done with work until she's walking out the door. So I can't schedule a specific time of day for my lifting.

    5- Did I mention, there are other people at the gym?

    6- After working out I'd have to choose between showering with other people or sitting in the car all sweaty.

    7- Reading the "gym etiquette" threads is enough to tell me I never want to see the inside of a gym.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I do not like or desire to go to any gym. And I am happy with my progress and fitness.
    One of the neat things about humanity is the variety we have to meet similar goals.