Fat, Sick, And Nearly Dead

McMehu Posts: 103 Member
How many of you have seen the documentary "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead"? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat,_Sick_and_Nearly_Dead
It is on netflix.

The guy does a juice diet where he only eats fresh fruits and veggies for 60 days and he blends them in a juicer. He eats a LOT of veggies though...

He loses weight so fast!

I know that counting calories and losing it at a healthy rate is the best way but I was just wondering if anyone here has tried the juice/detox type diet like that? Would say 7 days of nothing but fruits and veggies be bad for ones metabolism? Not gonna lie the movie makes you wanna jump up and go buy a juicer and a bunch of veggies... :P

Could it help through a plateau?

Thoughts? Comments on the film?


  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    In the movie the extended fasts were done with medical supervision.
  • hulkweazel
    hulkweazel Posts: 36 Member
    Sounds really really unhealthy. Not going to get all the macro/micronutrients you need. Also you'd get sick of it really fast and more likely to binge. No thanks.
  • McMehu
    McMehu Posts: 103 Member

    I was curious of peoples opinions of the juice fast in particular and the healthyness of short term fasting in such a fashion.

    I am not saying I am fasting for 60 days. i am merely trying to get peoples opinions on this method.
  • McMehu
    McMehu Posts: 103 Member
    yeah.. that is what I was thinking is what about protein and calcium?.. etc
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    1. No
    2. Weight loss is not the ultimate goal. health is. Or should be.
    3. People who don't eat alot of food usually lose weight.
    4. We have teeth for a reason.
    5. The digestive system will cleanse itself with real food and time between meals and/or fasting. There's no such thing as a cleanse.
    6. Take something from it and move on. It's a movie. Entertainment
    7. What will you learn or what skill or lifestyle change will you make by doing a week or two of something extreme? Nothing.
    8. Um yea, no.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    There is protein and calcium in veggies, especially when they are juiced because juicing uses high quantities, not that I know anything at all about this thread. I have a juicer in my pantry but I do t think it has been used for fifteen years.
  • ashleey1000
    ashleey1000 Posts: 256 Member
    I watched it and it motivated me to juice but my will power at this point won't allow me to do it. But my uncle juiced for 60 days and lost 60lbs. He is going to do this every 6 months I believe. And after those 60 days of juicing and going back to regular foods he did not gain all his weight back. He has now started his 60 days over again. I wish I could do it. I'm thinking of doing a week of smoothies and water next week. Not sure how it'll play out tho bein as tho I need solid food.
  • caroldeanda
    caroldeanda Posts: 23 Member
    I also wanted to try this after watching this movie, but I wanted to try it for two weeks....I then tasted what veggies tasted like juiced.....Back to normal food for this gal
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I'm all for having more micronutrients in your diet and properly giving your body the nutrients it needs. If you enjoy adding juices to your diet go for it!

    That being said I think juicing for your entire source of calories/needs is stupid.

    If you are doing it for weight loss... Even more stupid. Unless you want to lose a **** ton of muscle. Be miserable. And not ever feel satisfied.

    Additionally, whose to say that had either of those people simply changed their diet to begin with they wouldn't have had the same results?
  • Loftearmen
    There is protein and calcium in veggies, especially when they are juiced because juicing uses high quantities, not that I know anything at all about this thread. I have a juicer in my pantry but I do t think it has been used for fifteen years.

    There is plenty of calcium in some veggies but there is not a significant amount of protein and the small amount of protein that is present does not have a complete amino acid profile needed to sustain muscle mass (not to mention life!) in humans
  • McMehu
    McMehu Posts: 103 Member
    I have found that changing how I eat and exercise has made me feel better regardless of weight loss. And although no it is not the ultimate goal, yes I do need to loose the poundage pretty bad.

    From everything I have noticed though I have to eat at or over 1200 just because I dont wanna kill my metabolism. It seems like juicing fruits and veggies only might not get you that many calories or if it did it would be a LOT of fruit. I dont recall the guy specifying his caloric intake in the video so I dont know how if he did that or not.

    It doesnt seem worth depriving yourself of actually eating foods you like simply to lose weight and it also doesnt seem to teach healthy eating and portion control beyond fasting.

    But entertainment wise it was a pretty interesting and kind of motivating.
  • michael7585
    I saw that video. i thought it was amazing. it was all natural. but it is very hard, a friend of mine started it but couldnt do it cuz of taste and its expensive. but i believe it would be a great thing to do
  • droneofvelvet
    droneofvelvet Posts: 290 Member
    Yup I watched it after I got my omega 8003 juicer. I want to start a juice fast after all the February holidays I celebrate are over. I started adding a juice every other day or so and I feel super healthy!! My skin has started to glow. Even if you can't stick to a fast I recommend a juicer it is so awesome. Make sure to juice lots of green veggies.

    Look up juicing on instagram there are real people on there who have made huge transformations with juice fasting and would blow away any argument about not getting nutrients and ill health-- these people look amazing and have a newfound and amazing vitality. That was my biggest inspiration to start juicing.
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    There is protein and calcium in veggies, especially when they are juiced because juicing uses high quantities, not that I know anything at all about this thread. I have a juicer in my pantry but I do t think it has been used for fifteen years.

    There is plenty of calcium in some veggies but there is not a significant amount of protein and the small amount of protein that is present does not have a complete amino acid profile needed to sustain muscle mass (not to mention life!) in humans

    Not true, a widely believed but long disproven myth.

  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Juicing is perfectly fine and it's not a true fast as you're eating vegetables much like a Vegan. If you feel you're not getting enough protein, you can always add in protein powder or whatever else you feel like you might be lacking. It's your blender, do what you want with it.
  • Ange0NZ
    Ange0NZ Posts: 45 Member
    I found the documentary fascinating and some of their juices looked quite nice! So I pulled my juicer out and tried one. It is definitely an acquired taste at first but I for one was hooked and still drink them. Depending on what you put in your juice, they can be very filling and you do feel really good after having one. In terms of cost however, it can get quite expensive because you need loads and loads of different fruits and veggies for juicing. A bowl or two is not enough. Think box loads...
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    1. No
    2. Weight loss is not the ultimate goal. health is. Or should be.
    3. People who don't eat alot of food usually lose weight.
    4. We have teeth for a reason.
    5. The digestive system will cleanse itself with real food and time between meals and/or fasting. There's no such thing as a cleanse.
    6. Take something from it and move on. It's a movie. Entertainment
    7. What will you learn or what skill or lifestyle change will you make by doing a week or two of something extreme? Nothing.
    8. Um yea, no.

    ^ This!!!^
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    There is protein and calcium in veggies, especially when they are juiced because juicing uses high quantities, not that I know anything at all about this thread. I have a juicer in my pantry but I do t think it has been used for fifteen years.

    True. But not nearly enough as a person trying to retain muscle would need while dropping fat.
  • Pensworth
    Pensworth Posts: 31 Member
    I just watched that documentary earlier this week, as well as a few others that were available on netflix. It got me interested in juicing, but more as a supplement to my diet, rather than fasting. It made me curious how juicing your own fruits and veg compare to buying something like V8, if that is comparable at all. I would prefer to just incorporate more veg into my diet whole, rather than drink them. It seems more enjoyable to chew, I think. But it looks like a good way to get the veg into your diet relatively easily, not taking cost into consideration. That documentary pointed out that juicing could cost something like 14-28 dollars a day, depending on if you buy organic or not. It is pretty expensive.
  • omanitshann
    its probably good to do it for 1 week a month just to "detox", 60 days seems a bit excessive.