
  • SallyaStewart11
    SallyaStewart11 Posts: 53 Member
    I started on December 29, and I lost at least part of a lb everyday. I averaged about 2.5-3 lb weight loss each week. Then about 2 weeks ago, I went for 9 days at the same weight. I thought Oh no! It is WAY too soon for me to have a plateau! So I read post after post and articles about plateaus. I read so many say to mix it up, change what you are doing and max out your calories. So for me I decided to push my calories to the limit to try to jump start my weight loss again. On an average day, I eat between 1200-1300 calories--some days I have to force it to reach my 1200 calories. I know that is not good, but I wasn't hungry! I think I had too many of those days. So for 2 days, I ate near 1500 calories. My husband and I even shared a meal at Cheesecake Factory for our anniversary. After 2 days of still measuring, but going right up to my calorie limit, I lost 3 lbs and have lost another 2 lbs again this week. So I am going to follow the advice to mix it up if I plateau again.

    I'm sure not everyone agrees with it, but it did seem to work for me because I was soooooo frustrated that I was doing what I was supposed to and I wasn't losing. I started questioning if I was counting calories right, was I counting my exercise correctly, etc. once I got back on track, it has given me more confidence and I am so motivated to reach my summer goal, I can hardly wait... Good luck, I hope this helped! Hang in there! And when you break that plateau, let us know what you did! It may help someone else later!:flowerforyou:
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    I know it's disheartening when you hit one of those plateaus. It sounds like you're not really regaining a hang in there and you'll begin to lose again. You had a big loss in a relatively short time and your body might just be taking time to maintain for a bit, readjusting itself to the loss. I've done the same thing, then the pounds began to come off again.
  • MomiTia
    MomiTia Posts: 94 Member
    Here's a pic to motivate you...until you feel confident enough to do this in a towel don't give up



    This is my newest motivation, the towel n to the OP im very very happy you decided to see it though, u will last these times wont!
  • matti07
    matti07 Posts: 93 Member
    At 20 lbs in just over a month, you are well ahead of average. Your body may now take some time to adjust to that huge loss.

    I suspect that in order to do that, you may have cut out too many calories. Make sure you are eating back your exercise calories to fuel your body.

    I think that this comment is on-target! 20# is a LOT. No, really. That is a lot to lose in a short time.

    Please don't give up. The hardest thing for *me* is to keep going, so I know what I'm asking. I want to bail on myself. I need to love myself enough to keep taking care of myself, even when it's frustrating.

    I have had a few high-calorie days lately, and I would've given up completely in the past. The support here really helps me.
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    people give up too quickly.....usually it is a trait in other areas of their lives.
  • Please don't worry, you're not alone. I started this in the summer and lost about 3-5 pounds, and I felt great. Then school started up and I didn't have time to do this, and I maintained that weight for a few months. Around the holiday I gained about 5 pounds. Now I've gained about 5 more, that's 10 pounds total! I finally said THAT'S ENOUGH and now I'm giving MyFitnessPal again,
    And hopefully I can lose those 10 pounds in a month. I have Disney World then!
    So you're not the only one, I have trouble losing weight as well, and gaining it a lot faster
    Good luck, me and you both
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Throw in the towel and then do what exactly?

    Even though my weight loss has been glacial (22 pounds in 4 YEARS), I can't imagine going back to being an eating machine and watching my weight go up-up-up-up. At least this way it goes up-down-up-down .......................

    And it feels sooooooooooooooooooooooooo good to hit a new low, even when it takes me 2 months to accomplish it. Maybe especially because it takes me 2 months. I'm proud for hanging in there and keeping the faith.

    Keep on keeping on. That's the only option.
  • people give up too quickly.....usually it is a trait in other areas of their lives.

    Interesting observation. Funny thing is though I am actually very much in control in all other aspects of my life, in fact probably a little to controlling. I am a fighter and survivor except when it comes to myself. I am not there yet but I am learning to like me, take care of me, be the best that I can be. After all I am no good to anybody else if I am not good to myself! So I agree to disagree with your comment.
  • Throw in the towel and then do what exactly?

    Even though my weight loss has been glacial (22 pounds in 4 YEARS), I can't imagine going back to being an eating machine and watching my weight go up-up-up-up. At least this way it goes up-down-up-down .......................

    And it feels sooooooooooooooooooooooooo good to hit a new low, even when it takes me 2 months to accomplish it. Maybe especially because it takes me 2 months. I'm proud for hanging in there and keeping the faith.

    Keep on keeping on. That's the only option.

    Thank you. You are absolutely right! Every loss is a victory. Just need to remember that!
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    20lbs in a month is a awesome drop and something you should be proud of. Not all the lbs are going to come off that fast.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    take it from a person who did throw in the towel ... I let tragic things and life in general get in the way ... I lost 78lbs back in 09/2010 look where that has gotten me now ..... I gained everything back and then some so I am back but with a more positive attitude and more determination ...please please please dont quit ..... I CAN DO THIS ... YOU CAN DO THIS ...WE CAN DO THIS .... feel free to add me ......Congrats on your 20 lb loss :bigsmile:
  • CarmenSandiegoInVA
    CarmenSandiegoInVA Posts: 235 Member
    my suggestion, is open your diary to the public so we can look at it, you may be eating the wrong things still or too much of something. Or you may not be doing the right kind of exercise.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    so-you lost 20 lbs and gained back 2.....and you want to quit? You will never reach your goals if this is your thought process!
    remember-you didn't gain the weight overnight-and you won't lose it overnight. Good luck
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Do you eat your exercise calories? If so, then try eating only 1/2 back or none at all. Maybe you are miss calculating your exercise calories. If you aren't eating your exercise calories, then I suggest eating 1/2 back. Maybe you are eating too light. Did you make your diary public so people can offer opinions? Do you count oils, nuts, <-- this stuff can add up and people forget to include them in your diary when they can really pack on the calories.

    Oh yeah, and 20 lbs is fantastic!!!!! Woohoo!!! That's awesome, don't give up quite yet. I worked out 24 times in January and didn't lose a pound, but I was eating my exercise calories (I just wanted to try it). I stopped since the 1st of february and I have lost steadily ever since.
  • On average that's about 3 lbs a week......great weight loss. I restarted again on Jan. 5th and I've lost 15.1 so I think you're doing great.
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,511 Member
    I started 1/6, too. I haven't seen 20 lbs gone, but I'm in no rush. I am adjusting slowly because these changes will be for life. Congrats on the loss :)
  • springseternal
    springseternal Posts: 245 Member
    If you haven't already, my advice is to take your measurements, so that you have both your weight and your measurements to gauge your progress with. For me, if the scale is going down quickly, the inches are barely budging and vice versa.
  • Keep going :) I have been at it for 6 weeeks and have only lost 6 pounds, but I got to throw all my underwear away and buy new ones because the old were too big. I don't review the scale as much as I do the measuring tape.
  • SJ46
    SJ46 Posts: 407 Member
    You've received three pages of great advice, I hope you take it all to heart and keep with it. I promise, it is worth it - you are worth it!
  • gypsyrose64
    gypsyrose64 Posts: 271 Member
    Giving up gets you nowhere but further down the rabbit hole of bad health and despair. Even holding steady is a win over slipping back to bad habits!

    I started 10/1/2 and lost 18 the first month. Bounced up and down in Nov. and Dec. In January I read this and changed my intake goals.

    Lost a few more, but it's a slow process now. I will probably lose 2-4 lbs a month on what I'm doing, but I don't care. It didn't jump on my hips overnight, and it's not going to fall off there overnight either!

    A couple of suggestions:

    Make an ongoing list of NSV (no scale victories).... I created a blog that I add to personally. I may not have lost weight this week, but I did something I couldn't do even last month... and it was a huge NSV for me. I worked out with weights with my teenage son in the gym this weekend, and we bonded in a totally new way. Three months ago, that wasn't physically possible.
    Work towards getting stronger and healthier, and the rest will folllow. Count your blessings and victories every day.

    Measure and track it. I've seen pics of women on here that gained muscle, weighed more and looked half their starting size.

    Do some sort of strength training, even if it's your body weight and doing some stuff that challenges you. Push-ups, squats, etc.

    Get real. Our bodies are complicated and adjust on it's timetable...not yours. It's taken it's abuse and that's why we're here. It's your temple now. Love it, feed it well, speak kindly to yourself and be patient. This is a marathon... not a sprint.

    Try yoga. It's giving me strength and energy to toss weights around in the gym and healing my back.

    Make some friends here. You will find strength in seeing other's success and knowing you're not alone.

    If you want it bad enough, and willing to work for it and wait for will happen.