Anyone doing Jilian Michaels 30 day shred?



  • Hi everyone!!

    I just joined this site now as was searching forums for people that are doing 30 day shreds now rather than a few years back..

    I am on day 2 (did it this morning at 5am crazy!!) of level 1 and I'm exhausted. I never knew I was so unfit! My legs and arms hurt so bad!! I can't believe it's this difficult?? I've seen so many reviews saying Level 1 is easy!! god help me!!

    How is everyone else getting on?!

  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Have just done day 19 - level 2 - did 10 days at 1, and I'll do 10 of each of the rest - had a sneaky trial at level 3 the other night, did it straight after level 2, it was hard but not undoable either!
    am feeling pretty chuffed cos I'm in my 40's and I'm finding them relatively easy :)
    (mind you I have been jogging for several months now so I think that might have helped me find it that bit easier)

    I'm shaping up great - haven't measured and wont until the end of the 30 days but I will say my abs are toning up nicely as is my bottom and legs.

    Everyone should give it a go - I FEEL GREAT :)

    my profile pic was taken on day 15 :-D
  • MagicFeather
    MagicFeather Posts: 27 Member
    I did day 26 this afternoon. I'm doing 10/10/10. I've been losing weight throughout but not any faster than when I was just cutting cals and walking and doing yoga. I noticed the biggest difference in my shoulder area and back. Collarbones are reemerging and the dreaded back fat is retreating. Yay!

    It has really helped me feel fit again after giving birth in October. I'm really proud of myself for making it (almost) all of the way through with just a couple of days off due to illness. After this week I plan on still doing levels 2 and 3 every other day to supplement my cardio.

    The thing I loved most about this dvd is that it's so short. It kicked my butt but I always made it through thinking "It's only 25 mins! C'mon!" I feel soo strong these days even though mountain climbers are still killing me even 6 days into level 3.

    For anyone still on the fence, I'd say definitely do it. The dvd is cheap, you can even find it for free online. Don't go into it expecting to lose 20 lbs. in one month like it says on the cover but do expect get a lot stronger really quickly and gain some definition. Good luck!
  • I notice it on my back/shoulders the most too. I finished day 15 today. I've never made it this far so I was excited. LOL!
  • gettingfit65
    gettingfit65 Posts: 349 Member
    Finished Level 3 Day 2 today. I agree with the above, I really notice the inches come off my upper back and waist first.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    I just joined this site now as was searching forums for people that are doing 30 day shreds now rather than a few years back..

    I am on day 2 (did it this morning at 5am crazy!!) of level 1 and I'm exhausted. I never knew I was so unfit! My legs and arms hurt so bad!! I can't believe it's this difficult?? I've seen so many reviews saying Level 1 is easy!! god help me!!

    How is everyone else getting on?!


    I totally hear you about the legs hurting. My arms aren't too bad, thankfully. My legs have been on fire since day 2, today's day 4 and I'm still having trouble with soreness on the back of my legs. I really hope it goes away, I've been told it does!
  • sherrcat
    sherrcat Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all.

    First time posting to anything. I am at the end of 3 months of grueling physical therapy after a knee replacement. While the last month I am up to 60 min on the exercise bike the strength training is missed. So I tracked down the JM video on YouTube and decided to give it a try. Limitations - still can't crawl on knees and jumping - well you can understand but my knee is great now and this is about trusting my knee, myself, and my future.

    So in comparison to other posts, after day 1 I laffed at myself at how much I hurt in my legs despite all that physical therapy that i have been doing for strength training. I think i need to send the link to them. Jillian definitely hits it hard. Day 2 went good and I am committed. Took all my measurements but the clothes won't lie at the end of the month.

    Good luck to all.
  • astylla
    astylla Posts: 118 Member
    The thing I loved most about this dvd is that it's so short. It kicked my butt but I always made it through thinking "It's only 25 mins! C'mon!" I feel soo strong these days even though mountain climbers are still killing me even 6 days into level 3.

    For anyone still on the fence, I'd say definitely do it. The dvd is cheap, you can even find it for free online. Don't go into it expecting to lose 20 lbs. in one month like it says on the cover but do expect get a lot stronger really quickly and gain some definition. Good luck!

    I agree with the above statements ! I am doing 5 days a week at the gym - mostly treadmill uphill walking paired with strength training reps and have been doing the 30 day shred video for 4 days now. I have been eating well and was beginning to feel frustrated with myself because my weight number has not been going down as much as expected HOWEVER the reason behind this I believe is because I am gaining strength and muscle.

    Inches are definitely going down though! I am easly down half to a full pant size and have noticed my back is more firm and my bras no longer dig into my sides...which is huge to me ! I am going to take my measurements when I get home to have a more accurate tracking basis. I feel stronger each day and noticed my energy level is going through the roof as well as my endurance. I also noticed my "profile" has gone down and looks smoother where my stomach dosen't stick out as there have been changes even if it isn't all weight based.

    My front legs BURNED after day two - now I mostly have my upper arms that burn near the end as I push myself and am able to do everything but "normal" pushups. I noticed at work my posture has increased as well. Overall I think it's a great compliment to a balanced eating plan and excercise regimen.
  • gettingfit65
    gettingfit65 Posts: 349 Member
    Well today is day 3 of Level 3. My shoulders are killing me!! Def feel it in my inner thighs from those ballet jumpy things lol!
  • started level 3 today (I'm on day 17) and wow, my legs ache from those ballet things too! Haha I was up a couple pounds since starting this but today was down again and besides the dumb scale, I can tell anyways, my shoulders and back mostly.
  • Hi . Does anyone know about how many calories are used for level one of the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred ?
  • Hi . Does anyone know about how many calories are used for level one of the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred ?

    I count all the levels as 20 mins of "circuit training" and 7 minutes of "mild stretching" which for me is 174 calories (157 for 20 mins and 17 for 7 minutes.)
  • hayles333
    hayles333 Posts: 105 Member
    I am literally about to start Level 1 Day 1 in the next few minutes! Hoping to get the amazing results I keep hearing about!
  • Daisychain65
    Daisychain65 Posts: 161 Member
    Hi . Does anyone know about how many calories are used for level one of the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred ?

    I use about 230-250 cals as measured on my HRM.
  • BlazingJaya
    BlazingJaya Posts: 20 Member
    I completed 30DS last week. In the month of January I lost 8.5 lbs and 4 inches from my waist which is a pretty good result for me! I've now started doing it a second time around along with 6 week, 6 pack. Keep it up- it gets great results!!!
  • gettingfit65
    gettingfit65 Posts: 349 Member
    5 days left of Level HRM has recorded the last few times as 297, 308, 294 cals burned. But I think it depends a lot on your weight, etc. I also have some extra stretching included in there and a five min warmup walk on the treadmill soo...
  • mikeyken
    mikeyken Posts: 118 Member
    I just bought the DVD from Best Buy today and did the level one workout. So far, so good. I am also doing Slim in 6 from Beach Body, anyone else?

    These are the 2 I am doing right now. Gonna try to do 4 days of jillian and 3 of slim in 6 every week to mix things up. Just started so hopefully can keep up with it.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I'm on day 16 and doing 10/10/10. I started aroudn 1/29 and do it 5 days a week. I've lost about 4 pounds and 6 inches so far tho so I'm happy with it
  • ChrissieP80
    ChrissieP80 Posts: 112 Member
    I've just finished 30DS over 2 months as I have been doing it only 3-4 times per week, mixing it up with cardio. Very happy with results. Not a huge amount of weight but many inches (>10). Amazing, I am definitely a Jillian fan now.
  • blisser99
    blisser99 Posts: 122 Member
    I started 30DS yesterday and was sore the entire day. Today is Day 2 and I am soo sore. I wonder if I can even make it through the workout. I barely made it through yesterday. I am not giving up. I found the floor work to be really hard. I am so out of shape I can barely do a crunch properly. Wish me luck on continuing and getting better!