How many people



  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    Hey Lioness! :heart: :love:

    Congrats on turning the corner! Sounds like you had a very rough patch and NOBODY has the right to be rude or judgmental. Everyone I talk to these days is having financial probs with many related issues. Money obviously affects our ability to eat well. Why do you think so many poor people are also obese? They can't afford healthy food or health care.

    I'm also having financial issues and can't buy top-notch organics very often. But we make due...... avoiding packaged & processed foods. I buy organic whenever possible.... most supermarkets have an organic line which is less expensive than the health food stores. Even Costco has some organic & gluten-free choices.

    So we do the best we can under the circumstances. And pray for better times to come!!! :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    If a patient told me that I would generally think it was an excuse OR they didn't know how to shop cheaply and healthily which I would help them with. BUT from what I have heard, America is a lot different to Aust and the UK and your rubbish food is a lot cheaper, ours is actually more expensive. As for organic, I don't bother and never will... I guess it's a personal choice. I just know a lot about what standards foods actually have to meet to have certain words cast across their labels and I think it's really misleading and definitely not worth double the price!
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    I just lowered my grocery budget from $300 per week to $100 per week because my financial situation has changed. There are 7 people in my house and that $100 has to go far. I switched from fresh veggies to frozen. I buy meat in bulk and divide it up. Rice, beans and pasta go very far and have become staples. I don't buy "luxury" items anymore like snack packs/100 calorie packs, muffins, goodies. The one thing I still insist on is fresh fruit. We make do.

    I used to shop at Walmart but switched to a less expensive grocer in my neighborhood that I actually hate going to but my money buys more.

    I think for some it CAN be an excuse. It's easier and cheaper to eat junk. But nowhere in your post did I read that you were eating junk. Atkins is a costly plan to follow. Make the adjustments you need to make for now. When things turn around you can always go back to Atkins if you want. Do what's right for you and your family and never mind other posters who haven't walked that mile in your shoes.
  • jmathews
    jmathews Posts: 196
    It's called a BUDGET not an excuse! I'm on a very tight budget and have to watch every cent. I have 2 teenage boys that eat everything as soon as it comes in the
    I do think you have to be creative and shop at multiple stores, but most people don't have the time to do that. It is very expensive to eat healthy. IMO
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    The picture in the link shows how I am used to eating, not the way I had been eating the past several months.

    I am so glad to get back to eating this way..............
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    i think it can be an excuse, but i can't really comment on if it is an excuse in your circumstance as i'm from the uk and don't know what american prices are like.

    but i think one of the difficulties in changing the amount you have to spend on groceries is figuring out a way to eat that isn't going to be too bad for your health. some people manage this just fine others don't. it just something that takes time and effort.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I think in a way, it IS an excuse... but in a way it's not. I don't know your whole situation but let me just say this: I buy probably 80% organic and spend less than $200 per month. You can find a way.
  • crking
    crking Posts: 175
    not an excuse at all!!!! I can only buy little at a time..I try to find a bargin but it can be rough some times! why does such essential items have to cost so much sometimes!?
  • mellowyellow218
    mellowyellow218 Posts: 8 Member
    This is totally not an excuse for me. It's unfair that unhealthy food is cheap and healthy food is expensive. I just look for deals at the grocery store. I shop at either Walmart or Meijer and find great deals on food. I try for 5 for 5 deals or 10 for 10. Yesterday I just picked up some Michaelina's (sp?) frozen meals instead of the Smart Ones meals because they were $1.00 each!! C'mon, I'm looking for cheap food because my fiance and I are trying to save money. It's difficult, but it can be done to still eat. Just don't overdo on the unhealthy foods :D
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    Hi Lioness,

    I don't think it's an excuse and I would be upset if someone judged me in that way!! Eating the high protein/low carb way is expensive , I know because I am on atkins and if I had to make adjustments due to finances then I would. It is hard to eat healthy anymore because of the high prices and it seems like EVERYTHING is going up anymore.

    Don't pay attention to those negative people girl had to do what you had to do in order to make it and now that you and hubby are back on track you can now get back on track with your way of eating :) Ignore those rude people who apparently have no idea what it's like to struggle financially!!!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I can go to the farmer's market to buy my produce at a better (cheaper) rate, or to save time I can pop in the grocery store and buy it for about 2x more.

    Last week I got two full bags of produce for $18 at the market. Yesterday my bill at Acme for ONE BAG was $33. Organic lettuce at market - 1.89/box. Organic lettuce at Acme - 3.99/box. Big difference.

    I use coupons when I can. Mostly on dairy - the occasional coupon for Fage, Stella cheese, eggs, or butter. Matched up with a sale you can get some good pricing.

    Trader Joe's and/or Costco are great sources of wild caught seafood at reasonable prices. I will buy a handful of packages and freeze them.

    Meat can be tricky. I used to buy mostly grocery store CAFO meats, but now I only buy local black angus meats at the farmer's market. There's not a HUGE price difference, but the black angus certainly does cost more. Because I'm limited by space (aka BarneyS has no deep freezer right now), I have to buy it on a weekly-montly basis instead of 1/4-1/2 side of beef. If I want to buy 1/4 beef cattle, there's even price discrepancies in doing that...

    1/4 beef 100% grass fed, organic (Lancaster County, PA - for price gauge) = $4.30/lb (including butchering fees)
    Farmer's market price (average) = $3.49/lb
    1/4 beef grass fed, sileage finished (greater Philly region) = $2.15/lb (including butchering fees)

    Sure, one can buy in bulk to save $$$, but when much of your diet revolves around fresh (or frozen) foods, there are limitations. I read a lot of coupon and "frugal" blogs and I hate to say it, most of their money saving suggestions point to crap buying mac n cheese by the case because with some promo deal + coupons you can get it for free. Bleh.

    Whole Foods Market? Hahahahahahahaha forget that place.
  • chandnikhondji
    chandnikhondji Posts: 136 Member
    With not having the money either i do not think it is an excuse. When i get fresh veggis/meat it is mostly because they have been on discount, otherwise it is frozen stuff, because the fresh is really damn expensive. And when you already struggle with your money or do not have lots of month left at the end of money or whatever, it is definitely no excuse.

    Even in the discount and cheap penny markets here the fresh things are double or triple price of the non fresh.. may be different in the states or UK i have no idea but here it is that way.

    I am sure *some* do use it as an excuse because of several reasons (like my sister who does not want to admit her true reasons why she does not get it) but i would not generalize it
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I think in a way, it IS an excuse... but in a way it's not. I don't know your whole situation but let me just say this: I buy probably 80% organic and spend less than $200 per month. You can find a way.

    Where do you live that you can buy about 80% organic and spend less than $200 per month?

    It is definitely not like that where I live.

    And since we moved, famers markets are in more of the rural areas and I am now in a city area. CSA's are even expensive around here.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I think the point is, not having money is a reason not to do atkins/organic, but there are ways to not be overweight on a budget. If you can't figure out a way to afford atkins, then you have to figure out your calories another way. Being overweight in our society is easy, and there will always be a reason to give in to it. I'm not trying to attack anyone, but I don't want the conclusion of the thread to be that you can only be thin if you have money.
  • crazyjkgirl
    crazyjkgirl Posts: 123 Member
    I actually think it depends. If a person knows that they cannot afford to eat organic fresh produce but are paying attention to nutrition, I believe that they should still read labels and hold themselves accountable. There are individuals out there who claim that it's expensive, use it as an excuse, and then just buy tons of absolute junk. They justify their lack of proper eating habits by the statement of expenses but make absolutely no efforts to change what they are eating and can afford. If preztels and potato chips cost the same- buy the pretzels!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I think the point is, not having money is a reason not to do atkins/organic, but there are ways to not be overweight on a budget. If you can't figure out a way to afford atkins, then you have to figure out your calories another way. Being overweight in our society is easy, and there will always be a reason to give in to it. I'm not trying to attack anyone, but I don't want the conclusion of the thread to be that you can only be thin if you have money.

    I am not saying that you can only be thin if you have money, as with both of us working, we are not well off by any means.

    I can not eat grains at all and when you can't afford fresh vegetables and fruit (frozen is ok, but canned I can't do).

    Also, people with endocrine issues have a harder time losing weight by any other means. When I eat any grains, pasta, rice - I gain weight, no matter how much or little I eat.

    And like I said we had to make a choice between food and our electric bill. Food and having propane for heat. It wasn't just a matter of making cut backs, after paying certain bills, we literally had NO $$$$ to purchase food.

    That is NOT AN EXCUSE, that was our REALITY at the time.
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 823 Member

    The discussion on this topic has generally been polite, however, the topic itself refers to another poster's comments in another forum on MFP. Since the topic itself could lead to a heated discussion, particularly if the poster of the comment referred to sees it, I'm locking it. It seems like it has been discussed already in enough detail.

    Please remember - even if you feel you were insulted by another poster, it's not appropriate on the message boards to try to rile up the troops to your side and attack another poster. Similarly, if the other poster did the same, we would not allow it. We will not allow topics where posters are asked to "take sides" pitting one member against another. If the other poster's comment violated our forum rules, use the "Report Post" link to let us know and we will handle it appropriately.

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