BInging problem!



  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I fill up on fat and protein. I stay in ketosis because it cuts my appetite and cravings. I don't eat any of the food I binge on anymore (except very rarely a small package of cashews) and I don't eat my trigger foods either, like bread.

    I exercise my self control by avoiding foods I know will make me hungry and cravy because I hate the annoyance of my brain going, 'gimme gimme gimme!' for days after I eat those foods.
  • YESS!! This sounds so silly but you reminded me, it's only a few months and I just need to stay focused! I know I can do it, and I'm determined to not gain anything back after this.
  • Oh gosh I always feel nauseous after eating half a bag of carrots!! Haha
  • Below are some more books you may find useful. I have not read these but I have listened to some of Geneen Roth cds.

    Brain Over Binge by Kathryn Hansen
    Eat What You Love - Love what you Eat by Michelle May
    Anatomy of a Food Addiction by Anne Katherine, M.A.
    Codependent No More by Melody Beattie
    Any book by Geneen Roth

    great resources, thanks!
  • I love dark chocolate so I keep a stash of hersheys bliss dark chocolate pieces and will eat 1-3 pieces and that satisfies my desire without sabataging my diet.

    A little bit of dark chocolate can go a long way.. I like to incorporate cocoa nibs (plain or covered in dark chocolate) into my diet every now and then. Yum!

    Today I made trail mix (sorta) with dried edamame, sunflower seeds, and chocolate covered raisins. I portioned them out into single serving baggies (which definitely helps keep me in control) so now I can have a little chocolate mixed with other goodies that are a bit healthier! I realized I just need to watch my portion sizes and stick to what the package says even if I want more.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    There's a little thing called willpower.

    Get some.

    And no, I'm not trying to be mean or nasty. I'm serious. If you want it badly enough, find the willpower to make it happen.
    Wow! Is that all we need? Can I buy some? Sorry it is not that simple.

    It really is that simple. Strengthen your mental relationship with food.

    Willpower fades then what happens? People with binge eating problems need help. Would you tell an Aneorxic "go eat something" No you would not so why just tell a person saying they are having binge problems to get willpower (or strengthen their relationship with food. What the heck does that mean?) You just don't get it.

    Trust me I want it badly. I have lost a lot of weight and have some to go. I know I need to face my problems with food.

    My advice ask for help. There are many books on binge eating. Get therapy if you can afford it. Figure out why you have to eat so much food. Sometimes finding out why helps so much.

    Also ignore people that do not understand a binge eating problem. They don't know what it is like. Take good care of yourself
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    There's a little thing called willpower.

    Get some.

    And no, I'm not trying to be mean or nasty. I'm serious. If you want it badly enough, find the willpower to make it happen.
    Wow! Is that all we need? Can I buy some? Sorry it is not that simple.

    It really is that simple. Strengthen your mental relationship with food.

    Willpower fades then what happens? People with binge eating problems need help. Would you tell an Aneorxic "go eat something" No you would not so why just tell a person saying they are having binge problems to get willpower (or strengthen their relationship with food. What the heck does that mean?) You just don't get it.

    Trust me I want it badly. I have lost a lot of weight and have some to go. I know I need to face my problems with food.

    My advice ask for help. There are many books on binge eating. Get therapy if you can afford it. Figure out why you have to eat so much food. Sometimes finding out why helps so much.

    Also ignore people that do not understand a binge eating problem. They don't know what it is like. Take good care of yourself

    Agree. Seem to be some ignorant people around who show a total lack of comprehension of genuine eating disorders, who obviously get their kicks out of making said people feel even more of a failure than they already do. Gets a bit tired, seeing the same old characters jumping in, on topics they know nothing about, doing more harm than good. You wouldn't tell an anorexic here to just go eat, or hopefully not, and it is just as stupid to tell people with genuine issues with binge eating, or bulimia, to use willpower.
  • fataalic
    fataalic Posts: 73 Member
    I would advise to stay away from foods that trigger your binges.
    I have to do that on a daily basis.
    My house is always full of cookies, chocolate, bread, and all kinds of other foods that trigger my binges.
    When I look at those foods, I imagine a skull and 2 crossed bones symbol ( a sign for poison),
    and my mind seem to respond to that and I stop myself from reaching for them.
    Now, I am not 100% good at that. Occasionally I eat some of it, but limit myself to one piece, or one bite.
    Where do I get the willpower for that?
    I don't know...
    Perhaps you have to reach a point where you get so sick of yourself and so mad at your eating habits that you just quit and
    change. Something changes in our brains when we reach that point. :happy:
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    There's a little thing called willpower.

    Get some.

    And no, I'm not trying to be mean or nasty. I'm serious. If you want it badly enough, find the willpower to make it happen.
    Wow! Is that all we need? Can I buy some? Sorry it is not that simple.

    It really is that simple. Strengthen your mental relationship with food.

    Willpower fades then what happens? People with binge eating problems need help. Would you tell an Aneorxic "go eat something" No you would not so why just tell a person saying they are having binge problems to get willpower (or strengthen their relationship with food. What the heck does that mean?) You just don't get it.

    Trust me I want it badly. I have lost a lot of weight and have some to go. I know I need to face my problems with food.

    My advice ask for help. There are many books on binge eating. Get therapy if you can afford it. Figure out why you have to eat so much food. Sometimes finding out why helps so much.

    Also ignore people that do not understand a binge eating problem. They don't know what it is like. Take good care of yourself

    Agree. Seem to be some ignorant people around who show a total lack of comprehension of genuine eating disorders, who obviously get their kicks out of making said people feel even more of a failure than they already do. Gets a bit tired, seeing the same old characters jumping in, on topics they know nothing about, doing more harm than good. You wouldn't tell an anorexic here to just go eat, or hopefully not, and it is just as stupid to tell people with genuine issues with binge eating, or bulimia, to use willpower.

    I still contend that all of the above can be beaten with strength of mind. Worked for me on all accounts. I do know, first hand, about all three disorders you've listed. The mind will conquer them all if you want it to. How do you think those books and therapy you recommend work? By strengthening your willpower and relationship with food, not by magic spell. Just because you're unable to accomplish these things don't go bashing people that have by pure strength of will. It all comes down to willpower.
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I found this group yesterday

    It seems like a great way to hold yourself accountable, and long enough to maybe break some habits!

    ( I'm on day 2)
  • delekium
    delekium Posts: 40 Member

    aah thanx for the link! nice article
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    friend has a 50 day binge free challenge group here on mfp. I have one called step away from that binging that is a private group. here is what I did to keep me from binging

    1. make my diary open to public

    2. log everything I put in my mouth the good, the bad, the ugly

    I found keeping mine private I would be more apt to binge because of the no one will ever see what I am eating so who cares attitude.
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    There's a little thing called willpower.

    Get some.

    And no, I'm not trying to be mean or nasty. I'm serious. If you want it badly enough, find the willpower to make it happen.
    Wow! Is that all we need? Can I buy some? Sorry it is not that simple.

    It really is that simple. Strengthen your mental relationship with food.

    Willpower fades then what happens? People with binge eating problems need help. Would you tell an Aneorxic "go eat something" No you would not so why just tell a person saying they are having binge problems to get willpower (or strengthen their relationship with food. What the heck does that mean?) You just don't get it.

    Trust me I want it badly. I have lost a lot of weight and have some to go. I know I need to face my problems with food.

    My advice ask for help. There are many books on binge eating. Get therapy if you can afford it. Figure out why you have to eat so much food. Sometimes finding out why helps so much.

    Also ignore people that do not understand a binge eating problem. They don't know what it is like. Take good care of yourself

    Agree. Seem to be some ignorant people around who show a total lack of comprehension of genuine eating disorders, who obviously get their kicks out of making said people feel even more of a failure than they already do. Gets a bit tired, seeing the same old characters jumping in, on topics they know nothing about, doing more harm than good. You wouldn't tell an anorexic here to just go eat, or hopefully not, and it is just as stupid to tell people with genuine issues with binge eating, or bulimia, to use willpower.

    I still contend that all of the above can be beaten with strength of mind. Worked for me on all accounts. I do know, first hand, about all three disorders you've listed. The mind will conquer them all if you want it to. How do you think those books and therapy you recommend work? By strengthening your willpower and relationship with food, not by magic spell. Just because you're unable to accomplish these things don't go bashing people that have by pure strength of will. It all comes down to willpower.

    Hey, everyone knows that willpower is the key to success in losing weight, getting fit, beating an eating disorder and many other things in life. Nobody is refuting or bashing that, and it is also impressive how motivated you are and doing so well, but some people have more slip ups than others, and hence the question for help. And everyone is helping by providing little steps to help distract from a binge or identifying the cause of a binge or learning to be less dependent on food etc. Willpower doesn't come easy for some people and one's environment is also a huge factor.

    I don't know if you have been through an eating disorder but it is far more than just 'suck it up'. I have been anorexic, bulimic and battling with binge eating and over eating while trying not to fall back into anorexic behaviours too. It is not an easy battle and I know i will have to battle for life, and sometimes telling someone struggling to just suck it up is also implying that they do not have enough willpower and that can be discouraging and hence leading to giving up, more binging, self-reproach and a lot of negativity.

    I understand that you're trying to make a point that ultimately it is down to the willpower, but I hope you recognize the negativity that comes with the 'suck it up' message.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    There's a little thing called willpower.

    Get some.

    And no, I'm not trying to be mean or nasty. I'm serious. If you want it badly enough, find the willpower to make it happen.
    Wow! Is that all we need? Can I buy some? Sorry it is not that simple.

    It really is that simple. Strengthen your mental relationship with food.

    Willpower fades then what happens? People with binge eating problems need help. Would you tell an Aneorxic "go eat something" No you would not so why just tell a person saying they are having binge problems to get willpower (or strengthen their relationship with food. What the heck does that mean?) You just don't get it.

    Trust me I want it badly. I have lost a lot of weight and have some to go. I know I need to face my problems with food.

    My advice ask for help. There are many books on binge eating. Get therapy if you can afford it. Figure out why you have to eat so much food. Sometimes finding out why helps so much.

    Also ignore people that do not understand a binge eating problem. They don't know what it is like. Take good care of yourself

    Agree. Seem to be some ignorant people around who show a total lack of comprehension of genuine eating disorders, who obviously get their kicks out of making said people feel even more of a failure than they already do. Gets a bit tired, seeing the same old characters jumping in, on topics they know nothing about, doing more harm than good. You wouldn't tell an anorexic here to just go eat, or hopefully not, and it is just as stupid to tell people with genuine issues with binge eating, or bulimia, to use willpower.

    I still contend that all of the above can be beaten with strength of mind. Worked for me on all accounts. I do know, first hand, about all three disorders you've listed. The mind will conquer them all if you want it to. How do you think those books and therapy you recommend work? By strengthening your willpower and relationship with food, not by magic spell. Just because you're unable to accomplish these things don't go bashing people that have by pure strength of will. It all comes down to willpower.

    Hey, everyone knows that willpower is the key to success in losing weight, getting fit, beating an eating disorder and many other things in life. Nobody is refuting or bashing that, and it is also impressive how motivated you are and doing so well, but some people have more slip ups than others, and hence the question for help. And everyone is helping by providing little steps to help distract from a binge or identifying the cause of a binge or learning to be less dependent on food etc. Willpower doesn't come easy for some people and one's environment is also a huge factor.

    I don't know if you have been through an eating disorder but it is far more than just 'suck it up'. I have been anorexic, bulimic and battling with binge eating and over eating while trying not to fall back into anorexic behaviours too. It is not an easy battle and I know i will have to battle for life, and sometimes telling someone struggling to just suck it up is also implying that they do not have enough willpower and that can be discouraging and hence leading to giving up, more binging, self-reproach and a lot of negativity.

    I understand that you're trying to make a point that ultimately it is down to the willpower, but I hope you recognize the negativity that comes with the 'suck it up' message.

    You are so right! Binge Eating is an eating disorder. The "Suck it up" part is what annoyed me most. I have TONS of willpower so that is not what I need. :) Thanks for explaining what I meant so well!!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Willpower works once you've got the practice and the behaviors of better living down. Until then, it's a lot of white-knuckling, active self-talk (sometimes at length and out loud) and playing the tape all the way through. When staring down at the barrel of a destructive action, you have to keep telling yourself how much you want to get better. And then do anything - ANYTHING - to take that next step towards getting better. It'll feel forced and unnatural and desperate and terrifying at first, but it does get easier over time.

    Willpower will eventually be in your repitoire, it will be a tool that you can grab and use. And it's okay if that's not right now. Do the next right thing - only that, nothing else but that, focus on nothing else when you're in that place - and little by little, you'll discover that you're in a much better place to use willpower than you ever have before.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I'd increase protein. I've noticed that I tend to eat less when I eat more protein. I think it curbs my hunger. You could reduce the carbs, increase protein and see how that helps with your appetite.
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    AHH i feel you. I have been stuck on these last 10 lbs since august. I lose 2, gain 3, lose 4, gain 2. Its incredibly frustrating. Months of seeing no difference has caused me to slack and that obviously doesnt help. I
  • Kimmy_927
    Kimmy_927 Posts: 27 Member
    For me, or most people, if I tell myself I cannot eat something, that makes me want it all the more. Acknowledge the fact that you CAN have it, however, you don't WANT it.
  • honeyandmilk
    honeyandmilk Posts: 160 Member
    There's a little thing called willpower.

    Get some.

    And no, I'm not trying to be mean or nasty. I'm serious. If you want it badly enough, find the willpower to make it happen.

    It really does come down to that ^ in the end.

    Ew, shut up.

    BED is an eating disorder; would you tell an anorectic of bulimic that? I hate that BED is treated so much differently because people assume it's just a bunch of fatties that can't keep food out of their mouths. It's NOT as simple as just "getting willpower" and then everything will be fine - it's deeply mental and often not about the food at all. Get a clue.

    ETA: And to the people saying "strengthen your relationship with food and get some willpower. Simple!" I reiterate: shut up. If it were that easy and simple, eating disorders wouldn't exist.
  • There's a little thing called willpower.

    Get some.

    And no, I'm not trying to be mean or nasty. I'm serious. If you want it badly enough, find the willpower to make it happen.
    Wow! Is that all we need? Can I buy some? Sorry it is not that simple.

    It really is that simple. Strengthen your mental relationship with food.

    Have you ever had an eating disorder? That is what binging is. *shakes head*

    I wish I had some good advice, I'm still taking it one day at a time. For me it helps to eat small meals throughout the day. If I feel hungry, it's already to late and I am likely to binge. Take a walk, drink some water, find something that works for you. Celebrate everyday you go without binging and be proud of yourself.