Eating the same things everyday!



  • QuirkyRedhead
    I tend to do the same thing for breakfast everyday. It's hard to find the right food, that doesn't consume any extra time in the evenings. I tend to alternate a few food for lunch. One day I'll have a greek yogurt, the next I'll change it to cottage cheese. I always eat a granola bar during the week for my snack and I alternate an apple and an orange. I get a bit more creative for dinner. I tend to check or for dinner ideas. If I have extra time on the weekend I will make a larger meal and portion that off into lunch portions. I constantly search for new ideas for fresh veggies.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I've always done this.

    I can go weeks and months with the same thing for breakfast and lunch. Dinner will rotate between a number of meals.

    I figure so long as I'm not bored with it, I'm not going to worry about it.
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    I couldn't do it. I gotta have new and interesting flavors.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    sounds like we are eating the same meal plan LOL
  • jonswife0206
    jonswife0206 Posts: 125 Member
    Yes, I also eat the same foods all the time for breakfast and mostly the same for lunch too. It's just easier for me to prepare my meals in advance to make sure I have enough of the right categories like protein, veggies, dairy, etc.. Dinner is rotated quite a bit for variety but I make enough for a couple of days because again, it's just easier to cook a few days worth in advance and know my calories for the day. Thankfully my hubby is a-ok with leftovers, lol.
  • kma818
    My brother does the same thing- although he is probably a lot worse. He eats the same cereal for breakfast and peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a protein bar for lunch every single day. It works for him though. I guess if it works for you and you're not bored that's all that matters.
    When I want new meal ideas I go online and look up different ways to cook chicken or fish. I don't eat red meat or pork, though, and lately I feel like I've been eating grilled chicken all the time.
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    I don't think there is anything wrong with that.
    A huge light bulb went off for me a while back. I think I spent my whole life thinking about what *not* to eat. Pretty depressing, right? So one day I actually sat down and made a list of all of the things I love that are actually good for you to eat. Blueberries. King salmon. Turkey chili with lots of vegetables. Real oatmeal. And then once you start counting macros, certain things just seem to work. I am loving "cup muffins" made from flaxmeal, olive oil and egg (and blueberries), and it seems like we eat mashed cauliflower at least 4 times a week.
  • mlogantra76
    mlogantra76 Posts: 334 Member
    I do! I eat an egg white omelet with spinach, cheese, salsa and plain greek yogurt(like sour cream) every single day and I feel cheated if I can't:) I even ate it while I gained 20 lbs of the 120 lbs I lost 10 years ago back:) I didn't eat the right things after breakfast though which explains the weight gain. I'm still about 100 lbs down though.
    Anyways, for lunches I sometimes switch it up but I do take the exact same lunch to work at least for a solid week. Right now, I'm on a steel cut oats with berries kicks as well as some greek non fat plain yogurt with pb2 in it. For dinner, I tend to graze more then sitting down and eating a meal. When I say graze, I do count all the calories, I just break it up instead of putting it all on my plate at once.
  • jmmcs
    jmmcs Posts: 46 Member
    I've eaten a serving of almonds and a piece or two of fruit every morning since I've started. If I have any, I'll add yogurt too. I usually eat leftovers for lunch.

    For some reason, I hate making the same exact thing twice for dinner. I love to tweak and experiment, even if said experiments cause nuclear explosions.