Cheat Days

reneegez Posts: 13 Member
So Ive notice I have stopped looseing weight. Ive lost 4 lbs so far and last week I didnt loose anything at all. Sundays are my :"cheat days" Should I not have any of those days at all? Please help!


  • elizamary77
    elizamary77 Posts: 76 Member
    I would say that depends on what your cheat day consists of. Like how many calories are you eating as compared to your regular days?
  • elizamary77
    elizamary77 Posts: 76 Member
    also are you weighing in on mon. cause if your cheating and eating say a lot of high sodium items you could be at a higher weight on mon. due to water
  • mooselady2004
    mooselady2004 Posts: 30 Member
    I do a "cheat meal" instead of a whole day. That way, I can still endulge once a week without possibly throwing off an entire week by going overboard. I think denying yourself completely can lead to binging later on.

    Also, I have been working so hard and eating so well the past 6 weeks, but have hardly lost any weight. I went in to my gym to have a body fat analysis taken with some equipment they have and compared it to 6 weeks earlier when I started. I had only lost 4 pounds, but had lost 13 pounds of fat mass, and gained 9 pounds of fat free mass (including 6 pounds of water!!!!). Made me feel much better, and also reminded me that I need to not pay so much attention to the scale!
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    I do a "cheat meal" instead of a whole day. That way, I can still endulge once a week without possibly throwing off an entire week by going overboard. I think denying yourself completely can lead to binging later on.

    I like this idea. I just re-started my new eating habit (this time with a plan instead of jumping in without one and trying to tread through day to day). I'm doing 3 days of picking up a new healthy habit then continuing that habit while spending the next 3 days picking up another new/good habit (so 2 new healthy habits a week) then was planning on the 7th day being a "cheat day". I just started on Sunday (yesterday) and Saturday's will be my cheat day since they are the hardest day for me to stick to my plan. I was worried that I might end up going overboard having a "cheat day" and mess up everything I'd done all week but I like the idea of a "cheat meal". I can do good on Saturdays for breakfast and lunch, we usually go out for dinner though and that's the hard one. Thanks for the great idea and I agree, when I deprive myself and say I can never have_____ again, then that's the only thing I want and it does lead to binging.
  • KeriD
    KeriD Posts: 324
    I would say a treat item.... I love espresso from my favorite espresso shop, so I have it with the milk and cream and sweetener and whipped cream, only once a week! However I earn the calories to drink it by hiking up my mountain first. It really feels like a treat because I worked hard all week to earn it. I do occasionally have a treat meal for special occasions like birthday or anniversary. Good luck on your journey!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I don't have set cheat meals or days...but I have cheat items. I was RAVISHING earlier and had to take some almonds & green tea from lunch to have for an additional morning snack and was so hungry, I grabbed a tablespoon of frozen chocolate chips as well. They fit into my calories for the day so I ate them. Sunday, I pigged out on Walmart brand doritos and DP, but again, they fit into my calories. Probably not the best options health-wise...but I know from experience with my body, that if I don't allow myself some, I will find something worse and eat a TON more.

    So...I don't necessarily plan it, they usually just happen. haha I would say be more strict with your overall diet, and allow yourself occasional treats, provided they fit into your day.