For those lifting weights - how long until you saw results?



  • michael7585
    health and fitness
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    My posture seems to improve with in a week. I tend to lose weight on my arms first and possibly because they work hard at work, they seem different after a couple of weeks. I can notice my clothes fit different, I have lost a good amount of weight, but can't really see it yet. I love how my bum looks in pants, but not without. The muscle is getting stronger though lol
  • ehimass
    ehimass Posts: 92 Member
    Six weeks.

    After six weeks of the "all pro" beginner program I noticed significantly more muscle definition in my thighs, calves, glutes, shoulders, biceps, triceps, and chest. The program cycles between 4 sets of 8-12 reps every 5 weeks then adds weight and resets to an 8 rep week. I'm also eating at least 150gr of protein per day which is about 0.9g per lean body mass.
  • RacheeeRay
    RacheeeRay Posts: 46 Member
    I started lifting on a very regular basis in September 2012...with some cardio mixed in. (I work out 4 - 5 days a week, with some strength and cardio each day).

    In the first month, I gained in strength, and shrunk 2" over all of my measurements.

    In the second month, I lost an additional 7" over all of my mesaurements....and I shrank 3 pants sizes total in the first 2 months.

    I still have some pounds to lose (fat to burn), but the definition in my arms and legs is VERY the piont that regulars at my gym comment on it quite frequently.

    Now...if I could just burn off those pounds!! :)

    Wow thats amazing! Would you care to give us a rundown of your workout routine? Im looking to start a strength training program, i do alot of cardio but havent attempted strength yet and am looking for a plan. Your results sound amazing!