Did something just 'click' ?



  • SuzieQ724
    SuzieQ724 Posts: 86 Member
    I keep picking up a can of beans and feeling the weight of it, just for interest I wanted something inthe kitchen cupboard that weighed around a pound and the can of beans does, if I stand there and really feel the weight of it, it's actually very heavy and I don't want to be carrying all the excess pounds, so.... one day at a time :smile: :smile:

    Also, try visualizing a pound of butter -- imagine that once being on your hips and now it's gone :smile:
  • lhs1965
    lhs1965 Posts: 99 Member
    It kinda click for me in Apr of 2012 after having a heart to heart with my Dr but it took me several months to get serious. Since Aug 4th I have done a 8 week healthy living for life course at our hospital which included 16 session with a trainer. Then I found MFP which has been a great help in keeping me on track. I have been taking water aeorbic classes at our Y this winter and can't wait for spring to break so I can get back into walking. I have lost 40 pounds and have 40 more to go
  • cds_momto3
    cds_momto3 Posts: 316 Member
    I had two "aha" moments - one was seeing a photo of myself. I always FEEL skinnier than I am! The other was my 5-year-old innocently asking me why my tummy was still big even though the baby was not in there anymore (I have a 5 month old daughter). I realized I need to set a healthy example for my kids while they're still little.
  • My click was a double whammy. I have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and on disability due to severe nerve pain in my feet from the diabetes. I've noticed a lot of people are dying from diabetes lately and I do not want to be a statistic. It's starting to scare me now! Plus my wedding ring is getting tight (that was my mini "oh hell no moment" too ha ha) but I believe that all my other successes at losing the same 50 lbs over and over failed because I was focused on looking good for my husband (who btw married me at my heaviest and loves me no matter what) and this time I'm losing for ME and my health. I don't want to die at 54 yrs old. I've lost 20 lbs since Jan 2012 which isn't a lot but it's something and this year it's going to be much more.

    Also I have two daughters who have seen me fail many times and I want them to see me succeed and hopefully it will inspire them also.
  • ncl1313
    ncl1313 Posts: 237 Member
    Mine was seeing photos from my son's first birthday. When did I get THAT big?!? Couple that with him starting walking, and I realized that I now have a toddler to chase around and my body won't be able to handle that at my current size. In addition, he's eating solid food now so I'm very careful about what he eats...very healthy, very balanced...why wasn't I eating the same things? Duh. I also got to the point that I realized that this needs to be a slow process. If I go all commando and work out 2 hours every day and drop to 1200 calories per day, I'll never sustain that long-term. And I need to be okay if I don't lose from week to week. If I can lose 80 pounds over the course of the next two years by making small lifestyle changes, that's what I need to do. And 80 pounds in 2 years is only 3/4 pound per week. That definitely seems possible.

    Edited to add: I used to be a smoker, and quitting smoking was similar. I tried several times and never stuck with quitting because there was always a reason to go back with it. Finally I got to the "enough is enough" point (living in IL with a price of $7.50 per pack may have had something to do with it) and was able to quit for good. But you really do have to WANT to.
  • nytius
    nytius Posts: 173 Member
    I definitely believe something clicks. I think most people that have been overweight for any period of time can tell you a healthy way to lose weight. They may be even able to recount how they have lost weight in the past but unless they have had a switch turned from tired to tired of being tired...it won't work. It's hard work in your body but it is harder work in your mind. My journey is beginning but my click came when I realized that it just has to be done. My body is God's temple and right now it's full of trash. Thats making me feel awful from the inside out. Tired of hearing myself whine about it. I looked over some photos and into the eyes of my husband and just realized "I'm fat". No denial, no excuses, and I just decided all of that ends today. That was a week ago and I've never felt the way I do now before. I'm going to do it. period.
  • jzebracki
    jzebracki Posts: 112 Member
    I agree - without the "click" it doesn't seem to work. The "click" changes your attitude and gives you the mindset that you need to stick with the program and continue on to better health. My latest click (there have been many over the years!!!) was right after my 51st birthday. I sat on the floor and had a hard time getting up! I realized that there are probably more years behind me than ahead of me, and if I didn't get back on track and lose the weight (again!!!) and keep it off (this time!!!) that I was not going to be healthy and live a nice long life into my 80's or 90's.
  • Haiir0
    Haiir0 Posts: 21 Member
    I've had several clicks, but my absolute last straw was being told I was too fat to ride a ride at Universal Studios. After that point, I resolved that this weight was going to come off come hell or high water! The new year came, and I started on this journey, determined to actually complete it this time.
  • cjgillespie
    cjgillespie Posts: 37 Member
    Making a change in my life was long overdue. I have been unhappy with myself for a long time and always made excuses about why I kept gaining weight. That coupled with the fact that I married a saint who loves me regardless of what size I wear, and I just never felt a strong enough urge to make a change. Then one day I realized that my son is only 18 months old, and if I start losing weight NOW, he will never remember that his mommy was fat and unhealthy. I want him to grow up knowing that his parents are both active, enjoy eating and cooking good healthy food, and I want him to enjoy all those things too.
    Now we all cook a healthy dinner together every night. I go home on my lunch hour and cook lunch with my son too (I look forward to this every day, and its way better than eating out). 5 nights a week I work out at home and my little buddy works out right along side me. His squats are adorable and his burpees look like he's doing the worm, but hes pretty good at jumping jacks! I even started working out with a personal trainer once a week bc I know if I spend my money on something and dont see results, I can only be mad at myself for not trying my best. This new life is becoming second nature to me and I feel like this is the time I will actually stick with it.
  • I didn't really have a click. I just want to be healthy and have no limitations on my future life.
  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    I've loved reading these stories.

    I struggle with sharing mine, because I don't know if I've had my "click" moment or not. I've been overweight my entire life. The last time I remember weighing under 200 pounds was when I was when I was 13. I have never liked any picture of my body, but it's all I know. Even to this day my blood pressure is 170/115 with no other health issues to speak of (aside from the fact that my BMI classifies me as almost "morbidly obese"). Even though I've been fat my whole life, I have just as equally desired to be fit and in shape for as long as I can remember.. I sometimes feel like I subconsciously sabotage myself because I don't know HOW to be skinny and my weight has not (yet) caused me health issues. I've never been able to do what skinny people do, so I don't know what I'm missing out on. I was wearing a size 18 entirely throughout high school and then went up to a 20 in college. In my weird, twisted way of thinking, I told myself "it's only one size, it's not that bad". My entire life has been a yo-yo diet, starting at age 7. I have always WANTED it, but I don't know why it just doesn't happen. I just hope I get my "click" moment before it's forced upon me with health issues.
  • alphabetsoup2013
    alphabetsoup2013 Posts: 208 Member
    This is an amazing thread.

    I have experienced this click, too. This is the first time I am losing weight from a place of hope and excitement -- as opposed to a place of fear.

    The click experience for me involved

    - realizing I am going to be turning 50 soon. Health risks for certain types of cancer for women increase after menopause. I want to reduce my risk as much as possible -- and as soon as possible -- because my mom died of cancer when she was 63.
    - experiencing an increased amount of weight discrimination in recent years. My job requires that I make media appearances and that I do public speaking. My career was being limited because of my weight. (I still have a lot of anger about this and will continue to advocate against fat discrimination.)
    - seeing photos of myself and hating every single photo.
    - wanting to have the energy and stamina to enjoy life to the fullest.
    - being proud of the way some of my kids have made positive health changes (one lost 50 lbs; another quit smoking).
    - being inspired by others who have been overweight/obese for as long as I have known them -- and who were suddenly able to do this thing. That gave me hope.

    So a lot of things came together all at once. I know this is my time and it feels great.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Lots of things contributed to my "click", but it wasn't about a diet. I knew I needed to change my eating habits to a healthy lifestyle to be able to live and function the way I wanted to.
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    Marrying my soul mate and wanting to live a long time to be with him
  • Caramel_24
    Caramel_24 Posts: 81 Member
    It's strange because I have always been overweight, I've lost weight and then put it back on again. About 2 years ago I lost weight through fat blocking tablets from my doctor I lost nearly 2 stone. Only to not be able to lose anymore, but in fact I hadn't really tried apart from the gym and even then I ate really bad.

    But then November 2012 I decided enough was enough I weighed over a stone more than when I lost all the weight 2 years previously. I looked in the mirror and felt like crap trying on new clothes in a shop where there was a full length mirror, also by curiousity i weighed myself and realised I lost 8-9lb without actually trying to lose weight. So I thought if I can do it that easy why can't I work harder it is possible. I think I was more active at work so I think that's how I lost it without actually realising.

    But I hope this is for now and forever. And then I never ever stand back on them scales and see 245 staring back at me.
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