Juicing/Cleanse Success Stories!



  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I lost 16 lbs on a 2 weeks juice diet (inspired by Fat, Sick and nearly Dead). However, I could not maintain that weight when I switched back to eating solids. I was not using MFP then, so did not log my daily food here.

    I am now using MFP to reach my goal weight, and have juice as part of my daily food.

    So from my experience, do add fresh juice to your diet, but don't be just on juice diet. Water is a sufficient cleanser.

    Genuinely, thank you so much; I will file this under "evidence of absence." Nice job calibrating your technique to something which works for you. That sort of ability to fine tune, rather than get discouraged, is what will make you a success!
  • stepnerd
    stepnerd Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement!
    When I say daily juicing, I mean that, once I stopped the juice only fast, I still had juice every day in addition to other foods - I would make a juice in the morning, have some of it for breakfast, then take the rest to work with me for snacks during the day.
    I didn't track my calories in to calories out while I was on the fast, but I would definitely have been taking in less than I was burning - I don't think I could drink enough juice to create an excess of calories. Having said that, after the first 3 days of the fast, when I had massive, intense cravings for all the processed foods I had become addicted to, the juice was very satisfying and i didn't feel the desire to have anything else.
    I hope this answers your questions :)
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I do a vodka and diet soda fasting cleanse about every weekend.
    Does that count?
    Valid question. ;-)
    I would say that the only thing which reasonably approaches Cr01502's described cleanse was the documentary "Leaving Las Vegas" about Nicolas Cage's fatal battle with alcoholism. I don't believe that it ended well.

    Nicolas Cage is dead?
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement!
    When I say daily juicing, I mean that, once I stopped the juice only fast, I still had juice every day in addition to other foods - I would make a juice in the morning, have some of it for breakfast, then take the rest to work with me for snacks during the day.
    I didn't track my calories in to calories out while I was on the fast, but I would definitely have been taking in less than I was burning - I don't think I could drink enough juice to create an excess of calories. Having said that, after the first 3 days of the fast, when I had massive, intense cravings for all the processed foods I had become addicted to, the juice was very satisfying and i didn't feel the desire to have anything else.
    I hope this answers your questions :)

    It does in large part, and thank you again for taking the time. Do you intend to track your caloric intake coming out of January 2013? I'd love to hear about your progress in a few months.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I did a 30 day juice fast. I did not maintain a significant weight loss.... I'm OK with that because the juice fast was beneficial to me in other ways:

    1- I proved to myself that I am not powerless over food and that I DO have some discipline!
    2- I discovered that I am intolerent to Wheat. When I did the fast, I felt AMAZING, I attributed it to the juicing.. but I later learned that it was not having any wheat products for a month that was making me feel so great.. when I added back the wheat, I felt like crap again...
    3- My tastes changed. I begain to crave more and more juice and vegetables. When I first started I could only drink juice if it was quite sweet.. as I progressed through the fast, I began enjoying more and more green and less sweet in my juice. I also enjoy salads more now than before (I used to eat them for the dressing... now I actually LIKE the way salads taste)
    4- It helped me begin a healthy habit of juicing daily. I still juice almost daily. Even if it's just some kale to pour into my protein shake.
    5- Doing the juice fast helped me break my dependence on wheat and processed sugars. I know, you can break these habits in other ways, but for me, I could never do regular 1500 calorie a day diets because I would want more and more and more and I would cheat like crazy.. but with the juicing, I stopped all that and I realized I didn't NEED more and more.. and that my body really did respond better without the added sugars (before you say that omg... juice is nothing but sugar.. remember that the majority of my fast I was juicing mostly greens and non-root vegetables)

    Do I think that a juice "cleanse" is necessary? No I don't.. but it was beneficial to me even though it didn't directly result in sustained weight loss.. it did help me to change some behaviors that were contributing to my weight issues.. so over the long term, I do credit some of my weight loss indirectly to the juice fast.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I do a vodka and diet soda fasting cleanse about every weekend.

    Does that count?

    I do rum and diet soda. It works for me.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    My husband and I both did an 8 day supervised juice cleanse at Copperhood Health & Wellness spa before our 2011 October wedding. He lost about 10-11 pounds and I lost 8. We were both a normal, healthy weight to begin with so we thought the results were wonderful. If I knew how, I'd post a pic of us at the wedding. We drank fresh vegetable/fruit juice 3 times a day and worked out throughout the day. We enjoyed it and it helped me break my love of sugary sweets (like Skittles and gummy bears) and it was nice to go an entire week without alcohol. Good luck!
  • stepnerd
    stepnerd Posts: 57 Member
    Once you get to a weight you are satisfied with will you have to keep juicing as a part of your regular intake or will you be able to cut it out all together and maintain your progress with solid foods as the main source?

    I won't HAVE to keep juicing, but as it is such an efficient, low calorie source of micro nutrients that I enjoy the taste of, I doubt that I'll want to stop juicing.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I was eating 2000 calories in regular food and gaining weight and I was sick of it so I went on a juice fast and only drank juice for 2 months. I drank 5000 calories in juice every day and lost 10 lbs. Juice fasting totally worked for me.

    M.F.P. Hottest Person/M.F.P. Most awesome person
    Ice cream afficionado
    "Winning" Certified Instructor
    Been in gifs for 2 years and have studied custom gif creation
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I did a 30 day juice fast. I did not maintain a significant weight loss.... I'm OK with that because the juice fast was beneficial to me in other ways:

    1- I proved to myself that I am not powerless over food and that I DO have some discipline!
    2- I discovered that I am intolerent to Wheat. When I did the fast, I felt AMAZING, I attributed it to the juicing.. but I later learned that it was not having any wheat products for a month that was making me feel so great.. when I added back the wheat, I felt like crap again...
    3- My tastes changed. I begain to crave more and more juice and vegetables. When I first started I could only drink juice if it was quite sweet.. as I progressed through the fast, I began enjoying more and more green and less sweet in my juice. I also enjoy salads more now than before (I used to eat them for the dressing... now I actually LIKE the way salads taste)
    4- It helped me begin a healthy habit of juicing daily. I still juice almost daily. Even if it's just some kale to pour into my protein shake.
    5- Doing the juice fast helped me break my dependence on wheat and processed sugars. I know, you can break these habits in other ways, but for me, I could never do regular 1500 calorie a day diets because I would want more and more and more and I would cheat like crazy.. but with the juicing, I stopped all that and I realized I didn't NEED more and more.. and that my body really did respond better without the added sugars (before you say that omg... juice is nothing but sugar.. remember that the majority of my fast I was juicing mostly greens and non-root vegetables)

    Do I think that a juice "cleanse" is necessary? No I don't.. but it was beneficial to me even though it didn't directly result in sustained weight loss.. it did help me to change some behaviors that were contributing to my weight issues.. so over the long term, I do credit some of my weight loss indirectly to the juice fast.

    This is an extraordinarily helpful response - - I can tell you put a ton of effort into compiling and sharing this information and I'm grateful for your time.

    It sounds like the biggest boost you got out of your cleanse/juice fast was psychological in nature; a proof of self control, a divorce and distance from more highly refined foods which enabled a palate-change etc. It sounds like you experienced potentially significant short term weight loss (although unsustained.) I understand that it has become a tool in a well rounded diet that enables you to get, for instance, more leafy greens. I think it's also interesting to hear how you employed it as a diagnostic tool to find foods to which you may be allergic.

    Thank you again for sharing. I believe your weight loss success thusfar sounds like it might be sustained by and directly attributable to a daily caloric deficit, but that these new habits were influenced by your decision to do the juice fast and as you say in part, indirectly, attributable to the juicing.

    By the way? Congratulations on 63 pounds lost!!!! That's awesome.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I lost massive amounts of weight on a 7 day cleanse diet pill and keep it off for a while. Because when you are sick with serious liver complications you tend to not want to eat. Took me a long time to recover. After I recovered I gained it all back plus some.
  • stepnerd
    stepnerd Posts: 57 Member
    It does in large part, and thank you again for taking the time. Do you intend to track your caloric intake coming out of January 2013? I'd love to hear about your progress in a few months.

    I've just started tracking my caloric intake - i joined this site yesterday with that in mind. I thought it would be a good way to become more conscious of what I'm eating. I'm not sure at this stage how long I'll need to track calories to achieve that goal (of more consciousness) or if that goal will change once I've been here for a while, so I can't guarantee that I'll be here in the months to come, but I'm enjoying it so far :)
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I was eating 2000 calories in regular food and gaining weight and I was sick of it so I went on a juice fast and only drank juice for 2 months. I drank 5000 calories in juice every day and lost 10 lbs. Juice fasting totally worked for me.

    I believe you're being sarcastic and probably did not drink 5 gallons of juice daily.
  • Joanneea
    I have found it sustainable for two days a week when I am not working.

    I have not had a plateau, nor put any weight back on and have lost 20 pounds since joining 16th of January.

    So, it has only been for a short time. but I do feel extremely energized when I am juicing and find that I do not feel hungry and when I am back to my 1200 calorie I have no trouble overeating or choosing foods poorly. My diet is 99 per cent clean, so I think that makes it easier.

    I was asked the other day, a day after my juice fast if I had been to the beauty parlor, there was something different about me, and that was by a person who is not aware of my dieting, as well I do not use make up.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    My husband and I both did an 8 day supervised juice cleanse at Copperhood Health & Wellness spa before our 2011 October wedding. He lost about 10-11 pounds and I lost 8. We were both a normal, healthy weight to begin with so we thought the results were wonderful. If I knew how, I'd post a pic of us at the wedding. We drank fresh vegetable/fruit juice 3 times a day and worked out throughout the day. We enjoyed it and it helped me break my love of sugary sweets (like Skittles and gummy bears) and it was nice to go an entire week without alcohol. Good luck!

    It's nice to hear that you enjoyed it! Sounds like it provided some of the same psychological benefits that MissJules described. Did you guys happen to take weight measurements over the following four months to illustrate a trend? It's sort of hard to figure out the data I'm seeking I guess if your exercise or other diet afterward weren't really closely observed.
    It does in large part, and thank you again for taking the time. Do you intend to track your caloric intake coming out of January 2013? I'd love to hear about your progress in a few months.

    I've just started tracking my caloric intake - i joined this site yesterday with that in mind. I thought it would be a good way to become more conscious of what I'm eating. I'm not sure at this stage how long I'll need to track calories to achieve that goal (of more consciousness) or if that goal will change once I've been here for a while, so I can't guarantee that I'll be here in the months to come, but I'm enjoying it so far :)

    Awesome! Well welcome; the forums can be a rough place sometimes, a silly place sometimes, and often a helpful place. But the tracking tools here are where the real power is. Consciousness of what I'm eating wasn't why I signed up, but it has become the biggest lasting benefit the site has given me. I know what a serving size is of any given food, I can accurately estimate calories for food that I eat, and can sort of keep everything in perspective as I go about my day. I think you'll like it!
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I have found it sustainable for two days a week when I am not working.

    I have not had a plateau, nor put any weight back on and have lost 20 pounds since joining 16th of January.

    So, it has only been for a short time. but I do feel extremely energized when I am juicing and find that I do not feel hungry and when I am back to my 1200 calorie I have no trouble overeating or choosing foods poorly. My diet is 99 per cent clean, so I think that makes it easier.

    I was asked the other day, a day after my juice fast if I had been to the beauty parlor, there was something different about me, and that was by a person who is not aware of my dieting, as well I do not use make up.

    Glad you're feeling great - the concept of intermittent juicing is completely new to me. At a 1200 calorie intake you're definitely seeing a huge, huge caloric deficit in the whole energy in vs energy out sense, so you probably will see the numbers on the scale drop.

    This is still I guess what I'd call the "short term" without the sustainment that I'm hoping to find, but good job on your preliminary success with intermittent juicing, congrats on the compliments and feeling great, and I hope you find continued success in your undertaking!! :-)
  • stepnerd
    stepnerd Posts: 57 Member
    In case you're interested, here's the juice I make. This makes up about 2 litres, which is enough to get me through a 13 hour shift at work...

    Kale - 1/2 bunch
    Celery - 4 sticks
    Beetroot - whole, including leaves
    Carrots - 2-3
    Tomato - 2-3 Medium
    Capsicum, Red
    Cucumber - Whole
    Granny Smith Apple - 2-3
    Orange 2-3
    Lemon 1-2
    English Spinach - 125 g
    Brocolli - 4-500 g

    Calories:991 Carbs: 214 Fat: 4 Protein: 36
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