Green Tea as a Fat Blocker, Appetite Suppressant, and Metabo



  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    I too cannot say whether or not its helped me with weight loss, but Green Tea iced is fantastic, refreshing and a great substitute for boring water ..
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    I like green tea, therefore I drink it.

    As an aside, I think the "I drink it all the time and it doesn't do that for me!" comments are funny-- If you're doing something "all the time," how do you know it's not having a specified effect on you? You have no control sample to base it against. Maybe you would be hungrier or weigh more if you didn't drink it all the time.

    ^^^ That is not me picking on anyone, no need to be defensive, it's just something I find funny here, there, everywhere I hear it. :) My daughter says it ... well, all the time, hehe.
  • dobenjam
    dobenjam Posts: 232 Member
    drink about 6 cups of green tea a day (i re-steep the same 2 teaspoons all day). Not for any weight loss benefits, but because I love it. It does work as an appetite suppressant and I feel GREAT when I drink it. But it isn't just any green tea that helps me. I'll drink all kinds but I get the benefits from a very specific and rather expensive one from Teavana. I'll link to it below. It makes me more focused and I just feel great in general. My wife says it's "like crack" but neither of us know what that is really like, but we get tons of energy and not the jittery feeling you get from caffeine. I can tell a huge difference when I don't drink it. Not a "withdraw symptom" but just a subtle "I don't feel as good as I did yesterday" type deal.

    I drink it without sugar, but sometimes I'll add lemon and that is great. I've also heard that lemon helps the tea release even more antioxidants.
  • perkypolly
    perkypolly Posts: 22 Member
    Green tea antioxidants are good, as in all food high in antioxidants i.e. raspberries, blueberries etc. these food groups will naturally cleanse the system and give an over all healthy wellbeing feeling. but no need to buy special brands, anything from these food groups if used regularly will help. Now for weight loss the only magic way is eat less calories within healthy limits and exercise. You can buy into many products that claim to be the next big thing in weight loss but its more a money loss vicious circle. The buck stops with us each individual, and how committed we are. I have tried many many diets pills and potions to come to this conclusion.
  • dobenjam
    dobenjam Posts: 232 Member
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    I don't have an answer but i do have a question. I had to stop drinking coffee because of the caffeine. I started drinking green tea to satisfy my drinking a hot mug of something habit. I thought there was no caffeine in green tea. Do I have to look specifically for a no caffeine label?


    Green tea has caffeine in it naturally. Less than coffee but it's still there.
    Yes, that's right. Also my understanding is that caffeine is actually a group of chemicals....there's one kind of caffeine in coffee, another kind in green tea. And even though green/black teas come from the same plant (camelia senensis), the method of drying/fementing to create different black tea varieties, also produces different caffeine chemicals. FYI lol. No seriously, this is why, I think, I can drink black tea and have one kind of energy.....then drink green tea, and have another kind of energy (can't shut my brain down at night).
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Not sure, but found one I like so have incorporated it into my lifestyle. Trying to use it for anti-inflammatory purposes right now. I'd assume that like with most things it's not an overnight thing so consistent consumption is key for benefits.

    Yes, it does possess anti-inflammatory properties---that is one of the reasons I drink it--it inhibits the (COX) -2 enzyme. The more I drink of it, the greater the affect. Since inflammation is involved in virtually every chronic disease, it is a good bet on that score alone. The EGCG that it contains is a near miracle of a substance: Here is an article that details its anti-cardiovascular disease and anti-cancer properties (among them, inhibition of angiogenesis and thus "starving" cancer cells--- verified by the medical researchers mentioned in the article). Since we are about much more than weight loss, but are, in fact, about health--green tea gets a thumbs up!
  • alasin1derland
    alasin1derland Posts: 575 Member


    Green tea has caffeine in it naturally. Less than coffee but it's still there.

    ty, I just went and read my 4 o'clock tea label and it does say caffeine.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I don't have an answer but i do have a question. I had to stop drinking coffee because of the caffeine. I started drinking green tea to satisfy my drinking a hot mug of something habit. I thought there was no caffeine in green tea. Do I have to look specifically for a no caffeine label?


    Green tea has caffeine in it naturally. Less than coffee but it's still there.
    Yes, that's right. Also my understanding is that caffeine is actually a group of chemicals....there's one kind of caffeine in coffee, another kind in green tea. And even though green/black teas come from the same plant (camelia senensis), the method of drying/fementing to create different black tea varieties, also produces different caffeine chemicals. FYI lol. No seriously, this is why, I think, I can drink black tea and have one kind of energy.....then drink green tea, and have another kind of energy (can't shut my brain down at night).

    If I drink regular coffee at night---I have trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep. But I have none of that effect with green tea. There is a substance in green tea (EGCG) that binds the caffeine (in hot water) and renders it harmless in terms of CNS stimulation. There is another substance called theanine which promotes a calm alertness---EEG studies have confirmed this.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    drink about 6 cups of green tea a day (i re-steep the same 2 teaspoons all day). Not for any weight loss benefits, but because I love it. It does work as an appetite suppressant and I feel GREAT when I drink it. But it isn't just any green tea that helps me. I'll drink all kinds but I get the benefits from a very specific and rather expensive one from Teavana. I'll link to it below. It makes me more focused and I just feel great in general. My wife says it's "like crack" but neither of us know what that is really like, but we get tons of energy and not the jittery feeling you get from caffeine. I can tell a huge difference when I don't drink it. Not a "withdraw symptom" but just a subtle "I don't feel as good as I did yesterday" type deal.

    I drink it without sugar, but sometimes I'll add lemon and that is great. I've also heard that lemon helps the tea release even more antioxidants.

    " ...I've also heard that lemon helps the tea release even more antioxidants..." Yep. (And it makes it much more interesting to drink---green tea tends to be pretty bland.)
  • alasin1derland
    alasin1derland Posts: 575 Member
    I don't have an answer but i do have a question. I had to stop drinking coffee because of the caffeine. I started drinking green tea to satisfy my drinking a hot mug of something habit. I thought there was no caffeine in green tea. Do I have to look specifically for a no caffeine label?


    Green tea has caffeine in it naturally. Less than coffee but it's still there.
    Yes, that's right. Also my understanding is that caffeine is actually a group of chemicals....there's one kind of caffeine in coffee, another kind in green tea. And even though green/black teas come from the same plant (camelia senensis), the method of drying/fementing to create different black tea varieties, also produces different caffeine chemicals. FYI lol. No seriously, this is why, I think, I can drink black tea and have one kind of energy.....then drink green tea, and have another kind of energy (can't shut my brain down at night).

    If I drink regular coffee at night---I have trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep. But I have none of that effect with green tea. There is a substance in green tea (EGCG) that binds the caffeine (in hot water) and renders it harmless in terms of CNS stimulation. There is another substance called theanine which promotes a calm alertness---EEG studies have confirmed this.

    very interesting
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