5'7" 175-185 lbs women who want to lose 30-40 lbs with me?



  • kimleroy
    kimleroy Posts: 50 Member
    Hi!! I'm 5'6.5" and started out at 175 about 5 weeks ago, down to 164 now! My goal is 140 and then I'll see how it's looking from there! Feel free to add me :) I log religiously, haha.
  • szarlotka717
    szarlotka717 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm 5' 7"ish and my starting weight was 186 - now hovering around 162. I'm a little further along than you are at the moment, but feel free to add if you like. :)
  • 5'6" want to lose a total of 52 lbs, as my first goal. Maybe an additional 15 want to see how I feel when I reach 52 lbs.
  • Im only 5'5 but I weigh 174 and my goal is 145 I try to support every post for everyones progress on here
  • I'm 5'7 weigh 182 and want to get to 150! need lots of motivation!
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I'm 5'7'' started Jan 1 at 188 I'm at 171 right now. My first goal is 155 then I'll see what things look like. By my calculations that should put me at 19% BF which I would be perfectly happy at but, again, I'll have to see. I don't have a set goal date in mind but I'd definitely like to be down to 155 by the end of May!
  • 5'7'', 191 (although 188 last weigh in! :) and my goal weight is 150/145 :)
  • whitelaurel
    whitelaurel Posts: 162 Member
    I'm 5'7" and 173 now! :D I'd love some more friends here! I've been trying to post more status updates lately. Recently I've been weight-lifting and relishing in losing a few inches, even though the pounds are sticking like the devil!
  • marqcutie80
    marqcutie80 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm 5'6" and was about 175-180 at Christmas. 171 when I joined MFP in January. Ultimate goal is 130. Would love more supportive friends with similar goals! Please, everyone feel free to add me!:bigsmile:
  • 5'4" 190 pounds looking to get down to 150. Would love to establish a supportive community!
  • I'm 5'8 and currently weigh 181. Just dropped 10 lbs in the last month. My goal weight is 150 so around 30 lbs to lose. Would love the support! Anyone can add me :)
  • I'm 5'3.5 and 177, would love to connect with some people!
  • curvy_n_coco
    curvy_n_coco Posts: 6 Member
    5'3..190 lbs.. 50 to go! grr...
  • lizzyb83
    lizzyb83 Posts: 107 Member
    Hey, Ladies! My name is Liz, and right now I weigh 140lbs. But when I started, I was 180lbs. I am now 2 years into this journey, and honestly only a year into being serious about it! It was a long process, but I did it the right way. I tried the diet pills, chalky shakes, and starving, but it never worked. I was so depressed. But than I found this page, and a great group for support! I would just love to "pay it forward!" I have no miracle answers, but I have been there, done that! And really, if I can, anyone can!!
  • lynzbeaner
    lynzbeaner Posts: 31 Member
    Hello ladies. My weight has been a rollercoaster the last 7 or 8 years. I have lost and gained 30 or so pounds at least 5 times. Each time I gain it back, I tack on another 10 lbs. I'm 5'6-5'7 and weigh 172. I got down to 159 before the holidays, but as usual, it never stays off. Ideally, I'd like to be135. Feel free to add me!
  • supah_
    supah_ Posts: 78 Member
    i'm in (though my start weight is 200!) Ideal weight - 145. :^(((((((

    I'm just going to go ahead and add all y'all. I need some supportive peeps.
  • rosichick
    rosichick Posts: 80 Member
    I am 5'5 and i weight 180, looking forward to weighing 135, so far my small goal is to weigh 170 =) please add me to motivate each other by challenging ourselves to exercise more and lift heavier and eat healthier =D

    LETS DO THIS LADIES!!!!!! (excitement)
  • kateDoerer
    kateDoerer Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'9" and 175 and trying to lose 25-30. Feel free to add (: would love motivation and friends to help get each other to our goals!
  • 5'5" SW 230, CW 175, GW 145

    Anyone can feel free to add me :)
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I'm 5'7 and started at 185, currently 164 and working towards 150