How much water do you drink?

Yesterday I read on a nutrition website that I should be aiming to drink one gallon of water per day!!! (Where is the nearest loo) How much water do you drink and what effect do you think it has had on your weight and body composition?


  • elephant_in_the_room
    Have a Look here:
    To try to distill some points from this, by far not all:
    - there is no set amount. You need to replace the fluid that your body loses per day. More will be excreted as extra urine. You can need more fluid if you exercise, if it's hot, if you are on a high protein or high fibre diet.
    -2-3 litres per day is normal, HOWEVER that means 'all fluid', not just water. And while it's better to limit soft drinks and drinks with caffeine, replace fruit juices with fruit, etc, all these things are mainly fluid: water, juice, soft drink, milk, coffee, tea, soup, yoghurt, cucumber, melon, actually many fruits and vegetables.
    I currently want to track how much fluid in total I'm giving my body, and that means that I add any cup of coffee and any smoothie as water again, just to get a grasp of that.
    Also, most of my cups are 200 ml and so I count in units of 200 ml, and don't care how much MFP thinks a 'glassfull' should be.
  • Troublemonster
    Troublemonster Posts: 223 Member
    Just for fun I have been hitting 1.5 gal/day of water for the last couple days. This morning I was 3 pounds lighter than I was on Sunday morning and I feel good. It's not as hard as I thought it would be to get my water in and like most people say it helps a person feel fuller longer so it also helps if you're experiencing hunger or have a tendency to get hungry when bored.
  • kbeech06
    kbeech06 Posts: 328 Member
    Not exactly sure, but its pretty much all I drink other than 3 cups of coffee in the morning. I usually use one of hubby's pint glasses and fill it up every time, several times a day. I like water. Soda/pop is too sweet, I don't like fruit juice, gave up alcohol for Lent, and milk is too filling to drink water it is. Not sure what its doing for my weight or body composition...I just drink it because I'm thirsty :wink:
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I aim for around 3-4 liters per day. Not very anal about it. Effect on weight and body composition.... virtually none I would reckon.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I read somewhere a few weeks back to try to drink half your weight in water, so I still aim for that amount. it's alot of water but if you do a lot of workouts and sweating your body really needs to replace it. I mainly drink sugar free flavored water tho.
  • france64
    france64 Posts: 7 Member
    I was told to drink one ounce of water for each two pounds I weighed
    so take your weight in lbs, divide by two, and that's the number of ounces
    not sure what effect it has but I've lost weight faster since I've started doing that, and this weekend I didn't drink my usual dose and gained two pounds! Eating the same stuff as usual. Go figure!
    I heard too that hydrated cells are happy cells :)
    I even use Carbodroid (android app) to help me keep track and make sure to get my whole dose! (well, I failed that on Saturday! LOL!)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Someone suggested this site for calculating your water requirements according to activity, weight, climate. Don't know if it's a good one or not, but I came up as needing 10 cups a day. I get about 10-12 so I guess I'm good. :drinker:
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    I'd rather have something warm this time of year :drinker:

    But when I don't drink at least 10 glasses of water a day, my skin is dry & scratchy like sandpaper .......
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I always have a big 2 litre bottle by my desk, I drink all of this and sometimes refill it, then drink a glass or two more. I also have a couple of fruit teas (Herbals) through out the day

    Then.....If I go to the gym, I will drink 2 or 3 of the gym smaller bottles while working out

    Yes....I do alot of peeing throughout the day!!!

    The more, the better
  • GoinOrganic
    GoinOrganic Posts: 86 Member
    On a 'bad' day I drink 1/2 gallon... my weight is usually up the next morning.... on a good day it's between 3-4 quarts... and on a day that I'm on the go a lot it can be over a gallon but usually not by more than a quart.... on days that I eat sugar, and foods that could keep me from loosing or bloat me, if I'm drinking more water the bloat seems to not happen.... and just drinking water doesn't make me pee more, BUT if I'm drinking the water and tea or coffee, or anything that acts as a diuretic THEN I will have to hit the bathroom more! As my body has gotten use to having water consistently throughout the day, when I don't have water with me, I get dry lips and cotton mouth w/o the water... and I'm not on any meds, so the dry mouth has nothing to do with anything other than it's use to being wet!!!!!!!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I have such a hard time drinking water. I hate the "taste" for some reason. I can put a glass of water next to me while I'm working and it will just sit there laughing at me all day. I try to drink diluted lemonade which I can usually get up to 4 glasses. Sometimes I count my coffee so that I am at least counting all my fluid if not drinking water. It's an ongoing battle for me; however, it hasn't seemed to affect my weight loss.
  • Fiesty1006
    Fiesty1006 Posts: 95 Member
    I've heard the "half your body weight in ounces" rule too... And that's what I try to stick to.

    I never liked drinking water or soda... Always drank milk or tea. But I started adding MiO, but the generic brand (0 calories, sugar, etc), to my water...

    Now, I can't imagine not drinking this much water. On the weekends, I struggle a bit... But during the week, I fly right through it.

    When I don't drink this much, I can tell... My lips start to feel chapped... and I just feel different. But I haven't noticed any change in weight and body composition.... I attribute that to my diet though.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    8 to 10 glasses of water a day.,
  • droneofvelvet
    droneofvelvet Posts: 290 Member
    1-3 glasses a day. I have a really hard time with water.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Depends on what color my pee is.
  • Redircal2268
    Not enough but I do get in at least 2 full glasses a day.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    Probably on average 1 cup of water or less a day, unless I'm doing cardio and getting sweaty. I just don't feel like I need it.
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    A lot at least a gallon (I'm Canadian I use the converter online) a day.
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    I drink 3-4 liters a day. I have a 1 liter bottle. I carry it with me everywhere, and I drink it all the time. I also put a few slices of lemon or lime or one flavor packet per liter (the packets say you should use 2 per liter, but it's too sweet then). Some people say the artificial sweeteners in those packets are bad for you, and I'm sure over time they are, but it helps me get the water down.

    When you first start, you pee a lot, but then your body gets used to it and you start to "crave" the water. I feel sluggish and ill if I don't have at least 2 liters a day.

    I don't know if it's had any effect on weight loss (other than I "weigh" a bit more when I don't drink as much - but that's just the typical water weight fluctuation we all experience), but I do feel better and my skin in general is clearer when I'm drinking more.

    It really does become a habit once you get use to it. The only real bummer is that my liter bottle doesn't fit in my car cup holder :)
  • BigTnew
    BigTnew Posts: 22 Member
    I shoot for a gallon but don't force myself to finish it. If you are thirsty you are not drinking enough water.