This is dumb. UGH.

lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
I'm irritated. It's like no matter how much I have lost, i'm still wearing bigger sizes. WTF? I'm down to 173 (and yes, I know that is still big) but I went to Target today and found a dress I like and bought it in a size XXL. I'm so ready to be buying crap that doesn't have an X in front of it.

Lame post. I know. I'm just having a moment.


  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    I hear ya! I'm under 5ft and 170. I'm still in a 16-18. I dont think I've ever seen a single digit or smaller than a Small:noway:
  • Families_R_Forever
    It's not lame at all! It is so good to vent...We all have to do that sometimes. Just focus on how much you have lost, WHICH IS AWESOME!!! You are changing yourself and that is all that counts. Keep it up it will happen...:smile:
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    it's not a lame post I know how you feel. Keep in mind too that sometimes when you've been bigger that you get self conscious to wear things form fitting and stuff. I know when I lost a bunch of weight a while back (that I've gained back) I was wearing clothes that were too big because I thought clothes that actually fit were too tight. I was too used to hiding behind baggy clothes :) Either way you're doing a great job! Don't get discouraged, you're an inspiration!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    That does suck, but you know what is more important? How much better you look in your clothes. You have lost 40 lbs--can you imagine yourself in that dress 40 lbs ago? You are doing an amazing job, and try not to focus on the sizes (I know, easier said than done). That is something that I have come to's not the size, it's the overall look. Whenever I can't fit into the size that I want at the store, I just imagine what size I would have had to buy before I lost weight...and it make me feel so much better. Keep your chin up! :flowerforyou:
  • bonnykate
    bonnykate Posts: 123
    I know it's no fun to hear, but the size clothing you wear is no way to measure your physical health and beauty. Sizes are arbitrary - they only mean you have measurements that match up against a certain average profile determined by a clothing company. Instead of paying attention to what the tag says, try to focus on how you FEEL when you're wearing a cute outfit, and how you feel when you find yourself doing things you couldn't do before you started getting in shape. Do you feel good? Then that's all that matters :D.

    Best of luck!
  • jessicajoy87
    jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
    I know its frustrating. Are you xercising? When I was in high school I did a low carb diet and got down to 165. I still wore size 16. I may been able squeeze into size 14s but now I wear 16 or 18s and I weigh well over 200 lbs right now. I exercise a lot more and I am in better shape than I was in high school.
  • daolds
    daolds Posts: 9
    Your weight of 173 is great (at least I think so). My goal with my nutritionist at that moment is 187. Yea, that is still large, but it would be a great weight loss for me considering how much I weigh now. So I commend you on your weight loss. I do understand where you are coming from about the clothes, however. That is why I hate shopping for clothes
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    I totally know what you mean. The XXL at department stores are really L. The M are's like we're all supposed to be twigs. I can just pick up an XL shirt and know..."Um, that's not fitting me." A size 14 jeans..."Um, that's not going over my hips." It's ok to vent..I feel the SAME way.
  • jheller
    jheller Posts: 194
    Its frustrating - especially if you see yourself in a different light. I've lost 25lbs and still in the mid 180's and have just gotten into my "big" stretchy 16's. I look at myself and think I look good (at least better then I did) and I should be in a 10 now. My mindset is me in a 10 - reality has just not caught up yet.

    Remember - they keep screwing with the sizes too. Clothes I wore when I was this size 4 years ago don't fit now - they are all too short. What's going on with that?

    Anyway, keep the faith and remember how hard you've worked.

  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    trust me target sucks when it comes to clothing sizes I have a friend who is a size 8 and has to get a 12 in target they are way off go to a major store like Gap or something and see what size you really wear you will be pleased I promise!! For accurate clothing sizes stay far from Target. you could pick up two of the same shirt both L same company same lot and the other L be sized like a S and the L be sized like a M Trust me It is not a good judge of your success. Dont let it get you down

    I'm irritated. It's like no matter how much I have lost, i'm still wearing bigger sizes. WTF? I'm down to 173 (and yes, I know that is still big) but I went to Target today and found a dress I like and bought it in a size XXL. I'm so ready to be buying crap that doesn't have an X in front of it.

    Lame post. I know. I'm just having a moment.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I have been feeling the same way as you since I started this. I'm still wearing the same work pants I was when I started this. They fit better, yes, but that's the thing. They still fit. Ugh. But! Lately I've been working on doing more things that I know burns FAT and other things that build muscle, so I can burn fat and lose inches, rather than just following my eating and doing my normal exercise to lose weight. But today, after being measured and seeing my body fat % is lower than 2 months ago by almost 1%, I know I'm doing the right thing!! My legs still feel huge but I saw a 1/2" loss on my thighs (my main problem area), so my advice would be to switch up your exercise if you are exercising. What I do:

    - More intense strength training. Lots of leg/thigh exercises with WEIGHTS. 5 lb dumbbells are what I use for legs
    - A lot of arm exercises, incorporating one 10 lb dumbbell for overhead lifting
    - Going faster but doing the same amount of time on the elliptical, so naturally, I'm burning more calories and faster, and also getting my heart rate higher.
    - 5 minutes cardio to warm up BEFORE strength (never did before but I really think that's helping!)
    - Eat lots of healthy fats (I eat at least 2 per day - almonds and avocado. Olive oil is great).
  • lkganda
    lkganda Posts: 2 Member
    Your doing great! You shouldnt worry about it. I hate it how in every store sizes are different...i know i can walk in to a store and be a one size and feel great about it then go another one and feel like crap cause im in the xl's.

    Your definatly not alone!!!!
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I agree Target sizes suck. I wear Target clothes and I always have to go up a size dresses and pants. Sorry. I was 173 and very heavy at the bottom so I really understand. My fourteens are loose but I haven't went down to 12s in my dress clothes yet. But my jeans I am down two sizes. Go to another store and try on clothes it will definitely boost your confidence.
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    I understand your frustration - it is good that you vent on here instead of grabbing some comfort food and stuff it down. This is what this is for. We all feel the frustrations and working through them with support is awesome! I am an emotional eater and I know how hard it can be..

    Great job! You have achieved so much already!
  • timandavan
    timandavan Posts: 9
    I have to agree here.. The brand that is particularly bad about that at Target is xhileration.!! Mossimo is almost equally as bad.. Don't judge yourself by taget clothes.. Plus, Think about this, At the height of Tyra Banks modeling career, when she was on the cover of Sports illustrated in a bikini, she wore a size 10 around her hips.. it's just sooo so not about size, it's about what size YOU look best at.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    you are not alone! check out this other post, also from today...
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Another thing to consider is that sizes vary a lot more in larger sizes than they do in smaller sizes. The difference between size 14 and 16 pants in the waist is 1 1/2" or 2", whereas the difference between like a 6 and an 8 is only 1". I've also realized that I'm less afraid to wear fitted clothes, even still at 180 lbs. I don't have nearly as much of a stomach to hide, so going against my instinct to grab an XL or XXL, I've been grabbing a size L too and finding that it fits great. So, even if the XXL seems to fit, don't be afraid to grab the size smaller and see how it looks. It might surprise you. I've never shopped in the store Express before, since nothing ever fit. They had a big sale and I grabbed a few size L shirts and figure, what the heck, I'll try them. And sure enough, all three shirts fit... and they look great! I wear them all the time now because they are some of the only shirts that show off my hard work :)
  • softlyspoken68
    its not a lame post...and i feel ya
    don't let it get the best of you
    YOU are ahead of a lot of people in this game
    just one step at a time
    before you know it
    you'll have your goal
    and 173 isn't big...
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    Nope, not dumb! you just have to ask yourself where it was made, then ask yourself how many people from that country are the same as us. What they consider large is nowhere near our large size, just imagine what size in that outfit you would have had to buy, before you lost any weight at all.

  • Samantharose8akaDebbie
    Samantharose8akaDebbie Posts: 407 Member
    Don't get discouraged! I think that the manufacturers are purposely making the sizes cut smaller. I always had to go into a bigger size to accomodate the "ladies", then everything was big. You will get there!!!!