Hi I'm new and I'd greatly appreciate friends + support



  • Would love to make more friends. Always willing to give support!
  • Hey no worries. I suffered from depression when I was young, but yeah HS is by the far the worse I isolated myself during breaks so I could avoid people. But over time you know going to college and all I met more mature and caring people. I also felt awkward going to the gym, but I just keeping at it. I feel what helped me finally snap out of it was just stop caring what others think. It is really hard, but once you realize how insecure others are as well you will be able to feel more comfortable with yourself. I am a big guy and yeah I have heard every fat joke in the book, but the second I learned to not care about what others said I became a lot happier and was able to focus on losing weight and making goals in my life and now all those that once mocked me, I just see the sadness in them needing to make themselves feel better by trying to crush me. Add me, I am also looking for more people and am on everyday!
  • Okay thanks & will do!!
  • SteveK279
    SteveK279 Posts: 134 Member
    Once you believe you can do it, you will. I started out here late October @ 271.8 and I'm happy to say I've almost lost 50lb of that already, but without the support I've received I would probably have given up. Focus on what you can rather than cant do - try see the positives. If you don't want to hit the gym, it doesn't mean you can't walk/jog elsewhere ;)
    I know it sucks when you lose friends, but now is the time to make new ones who'll have similar interests or goals & can help you in you're journey. I'm more than happy to be one of them if you like & I'll be here every day
  • Oh and when I go to the gym I always just have my noise isolating ear buds to just focus on my work out and not all the snarky remarks. Helps me focus. Maybe consider it?
  • yeah if only I weren't so sensitive.
  • mhomarie19
    mhomarie19 Posts: 8 Member
    We're all always here for encouragement and support.
    You've joined a wonderful community. Let us help however we can!
  • Anyone please feel free to add me. Lets motivate each other!!!
  • I understand where you are coming from, I ruptured a disc at the gym from the trainer putting too much weight on a machine. After having 2 surgeries and a whole lot of pain I gained weight also. I decided on my own to do something about it. I go in 5 pounds goals. I turn the radio on and dance at home I am able to move my arms and use weights on them while dancing and usually dance 30 minutes twice daily. It is coming off slowing, but I am commited. Don't let other people get to you, everyone has issues, even people that are thin. Good luck and stay strong.
  • supah_
    supah_ Posts: 78 Member
    Oh and when I go to the gym I always just have my noise isolating ear buds to just focus on my work out and not all the snarky remarks. Helps me focus. Maybe consider it?

    ipods are so great!!! yes!
    i get really annoyed at the Y when kids are super unruly/uncontrolled. they literally try to break the equipment when no one is looking. i am not there to babysit, so i put my eyes on the tv and run and cancel the noise out. goals help me focus away from the distractions as well.
    yeah if only I weren't so sensitive.

    don't be afraid of being out among people at the gym. they're not thinking the negative things you think they are. they're busy with their own thoughts. (i used to think everyone would look at me in disgust, but i know now, they're all working on themselves and they're there for the same reasons i am)
  • leoniemaree
    leoniemaree Posts: 23 Member
    feel free to add me I am new (this week) and needng friends and suppoet
  • dstevens19
    dstevens19 Posts: 233 Member
    Siena, you might try your local YMCA for fitness classes and their gym. I've been going for 8 years and there are all kinds of people there -- all ages, fitness levels. It's a very welcoming place. If you try a class, go a few minutes early and tell the instructor you're new and need any advice on getting started or proper form or whatever your questions. I started taking spin class and was so scared I'd make a fool of myself. But I found its fun and the accountability of a class has kept me going back regularly. Good luck, hon.
  • breezylee75
    breezylee75 Posts: 101 Member
    I can relate to you a lot, I am 5'7" with about 80 more pounds to go-add me if you like. :)
  • Thanks so much everyone. I'm hoping to take a step in the gym for the first time in months today. I'm hoping it will help with my depression and anxiety and help me feel better about my living situation.