*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • megh0527
    megh0527 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm Meghan, about a month in with 10 pounds down, about 80 to go! looking for friends who are motivational and some positive reinforcement!
  • Morning all !

    Well, yesterday - not so good. First mistake, I logged my exercise before I actually excercised (because I really intended to do it) and then had it in my head the calories I could eat back.....Next mistake - I went grocercy shopping late in the day when I was getting pretty hungry.....

    I like to buy those roasted chickens to use in various recipes, well needless to say... I was like a wild dog when I got home!!! Didn't realize just how many calories and fat in that oh so tastey dark meat (and yes, I did indulge in some skin too)
    In itself not the worst, but then I had to make actual dinner for my husdband - mac and cheese.

    I do make a healthy, lower cal mac and cheese with whole grain pasta and broth instead of milk, but after the chicken - OOOPs. I tried to stick to half a serving (kinda) !!!

    Looks like today is double exercise day!!

    Oh - and about yoga - its awesome. I'm a certified instructor, but had to stop teaching when I hurt my back in a horseback riding accident. Took a year or so to be able to practice again, but it was the yoga that helped me rehab and now I can work out pretty vigorously. The yoga stretch - particularly if you practice a slow version (not that "meltdown" kind) is so beneficial in so many ways, and with the right teacher you can really go to some peaceful places.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Hi, I can vouch for just how good a yoga stretch feels once you've been doing it for a few weeks.

    Anyhow, I'm Jo, I'm 40 and in all probability have quite a bit more than 100lbs to lose. But I'll take every pound as a victory.

    Feel free to add me.
  • Hey everyone!

    Ugh- sorry I haven't been posting, kids were sick and now I have a fuzzy head cold. That means my response time whens some one addressess me is off a few beats - LOL.

    I am still slow but steady. I did go over a little bit the other day b/c I was craving salt I think b/c of the cold. But I am still losing. Like I keep trying to tell myself, this is a lifestyle change and I will still want chinese when congested and runny and hot wings when I have a stomach bug. Thank the Lord I am not sick that often.

    Working on working out though- the other week is was almost everyday. I have DVR'd some old Denise Austin clips, and I really like the Bokwa. Since the moves are set I can put on music with a fast beat and do it at home. I was doing it the other day while putting away groceries. My 8 yo daughter enjoyed the show:)

    Just to remind everyone, it is not about sticking to a diet. It is about replacing bad habits with better ones. If we don't we will never stablize. And since the definition of habit is something we have been doing for a long time it will take a long time to create new ones. I think that is how we sabotage ourselves the most - we are impatient. So we either give in or do something way too intense for non-lasting results. Good Luck!

    Ps - forgive all the spelling errors, my head is foggy
  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    getting young - how was your double exercise day ? I totally agree with you on the yoga. I used to have a busted shoulder and after several weeks of yoga, my shoulder massively improved and that's when I fell in love with it. Hopefully, I'll be able to start doing my yoga again. I'm trying to put it off for another few weeks or so.

    pennsciteach - hope you're feeling better now. I like what you said about replacing bad habits with better ones. Before I could not drink coffee without any creamer on it. When I realized how many calories are there, then i tossed the creamer away and now I just like having my coffee black with a tsp of brown sugar. It's also been 2 months since I drank a soda. Well one time, I accidentally sipped my husband's coke then I almost spitted it out. So I hope that's not counted.

    Well as for me, I was finally able to force myself to go to the gym. I'm on D8L1 of the Shred right now. But I'm thinking of stopping it and just do her Banish Fat and No more trouble zone videos which are longer. I'm thinking that I'm not burning enough calories and my weight is not budging at all. Hopefully, I'll be able to hit the gym tonight. My husband is feeling under the weather lately and my babies are starting to develop cold symptoms which I'm sure I caused it since I was sick the last week.

    Hope you ladies are doing good.
  • Hey all.....

    Well, my double workout was killer. Im doing the JM Body Revolution - week 8 (though I'm not exactly following the plan because I mix it up with other workouts during the week) I started this some time ago, then quit, got busy at work, Christmas, New Years blah blah blah and ended up where I started. Once my daughter went back to school I started again but was discouraged with no real weight loss (wasn't following the diet plan) then went on a trip with my husband for 25 year anniversary....again back to where I started. Ugh

    Once we returned I made a committment to get real this time, so I started up on this site and picked up where I left off with the workouts - Voila! The calories....its always the calories. If I don't pay attention, well that's the whole problem. Since I started tracking this past week I lost 4 lbs. I know this is "first week" numbers, but I think I'm back in the game.

    I'm glad I found this thread!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    I would probably tend to spend longer time on a post, but? I'm freezing, my poor fingers are like icicles! My furnace is acting funny... ugh! Was able to get it going again last night but the connection isn't being made to get it to heat... :( Anyway, it makes my fingers more cold to type... oh, and? I'm super, super sore... in the best and most awesome kind of way... had TRX with my personal trainer yesterday for a full hour, one on one with TRX. Hurts so good...

    Keep being awesome!
  • kristarablue2
    kristarablue2 Posts: 386 Member
    Hi my name is Kristara I am a school social worker from Michigan. I have been fat since the day I was born it is all I know. I have lost 125 pounds then gained back 20 through poor choices and I know I can do better. Right now I am down 106...I have 40 more to go...I have been stagnant for about a year. I could use support for these last 40 pounds..I know we can all do this
  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member
    Hi All!
    Wonderful to read through and thanks to lombrica starting this wonderful thread.

    I started losing weight thanks to MFP. I came in at165 to lose 50- pounds-got down to 138 and gained back 2!:grumble:
    So 40 to go!

    I am an author--and musician in the public eye--a lot and planning to increase visibility--and want to feel lively lithe and healthy. I am 55--but was used to always being thought MUCH younger.

    Carded at 40! When I was 50, walking ot the store for groceries-- unbeknownst to me these guys were checking me out -- two cute looking dudes on the street--said they had a bet--going about me.

    The spokes person said he bet I was 30 and he said the other guy thought I was 35--and when I told them they had both lost the bet...cas I was 50 --their jaws dropped

    Well with ALL of this weight--THAT does not happen anymore:noway:

    I have am moving towards a raw foods lifestyle--started an elliptical challenge---but get lax about logging in --or doing the exercises

    Feel free to friend me anyone--especially raw foodies---for mutual support--just reference this thread --please:flowerforyou:
  • stilloopy
    stilloopy Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my name is Lauren and I'm a sahm from CA. I have a 4 year old and a 1 year. I've been heavy most of my life with lots of UPS and downs. I'm currently at my heaviest non-pregnant weight and I have around 75 pounds to lose. I just bought an elliptical and love using it. I need to get back to using mfp again because I know it help and I'm hoping that being a part of this group will keep me logging in regularly to help not only myself but all of you lovely people.
  • Hey, my name is Mary. I have about 80 pounds to lose. I made my first mini goal of ten pounds. My work hours are insane, so I have to try to find ways to eat healthy. Its not easy. Also I work in a pizza place, yeah also hard sometimes. any support would be great!
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    My bike front brake cable snapped on the way home on Mon night…so I carried on as normal on Tues whilst I found a suitable place to fix it (difficult to stock my specific cable or somesuch), and located one of Tues…so had to go in late on Wed to drop it off before work, got in an hour late stayed an hour late yesterday night, and now I’m reeeeeeeeeally hoping they’ll call me as I’m leaving work today that it’s fixed and to come pick it up…failing that there’s also Friday which is when they said it’d definitely be done by.
    But that means my exercise suffered today…yesterday, not so much, it added time to my cycle (to get to the shop), and just before lunch my boss asked for some building plans to be printed off and ran down to him in a restaurant he was having lunch in (so that was a little bonus power-walking!) So today I made an effort to go out walking in my lunch hour…I know it’s not as much as cycling, but it’s better than nothing. AND I managed to get my mum a mother’s day card so I’m all organised when that rolls round. (non-UK’ers we in the UK celebrate mother’s day 3 Sundays before Easter…I’m not as superduper organised as you were expecting).

    Errr apart from that my meals have been low (not my fault…parents, no other choice than to tweak it wherever poss at lunch etc), so I’ve been eating more yoghurts and cereal and fruit to try and eat enough in the evenings…which is fine, but I don’t like it, it messes with my plan, my system and my ratios. It’s frustrating having to do this but right now it’s the best way I have round this. This is more voicing a frustration than looking for a solution…the solution is my mum (currently on a health kick) needs to learn that just coz she’s snacked all day doesn’t mean she can cut out a good healthy dinner…she still eats just makes it mega low…which in turn means there’s less to eat…it sounds dumb but I actually prefer it when she’s in full on unhealthy mode, at least I can plan for it!

    Hope everyone’s doing well…I’m writing this in word so I can get away with it at work (run out of things to do and bosses are in meetings…) so I can’t look at the forums for very long to comment…just sneak in, dump this and run away again…I’ll try and comment later xx
  • karmahealer
    karmahealer Posts: 38 Member
    penny- great perservance in getting you're exercise in even when you're bike was down. You got creative instead of giving up, I love that :heart: And I was really thinking...wow mother's day card already, you must be super organized :wink: but it must feel good to be prepared :)
  • karmahealer
    karmahealer Posts: 38 Member
    Hi everybody, I finally have a minute and thought I would introduce myself. This is my very first group forum ever, so it's been a little overwhelming trying to figure it out and keep up with things. I have been reading everyone's posts here, and I am inspired to keep going. Once I make a commitment to something, I commit with my whole heart and to me that means being a supportive, encouraging presence. That said I will start commenting on others posts :flowerforyou:

    A little bit about me: I just turned 40 and had a great party!! It was international theme, with passports as invites. I have studied Japanese (including hosting an exchange student), have several close friends from Africa, and spent 6 months living with my-then Brazilian boyfriend in rural Brazil. I speak some Portuguese as well :flowerforyou:

    My highest weight was 330 :embarassed: which I saw for the last time in July. I am currently at 289- with a weigh in tonight that I am actually looking forward to :love: I have battled and struggled with my weight all my life, was 212 at 12 years old.:brokenheart:
    Tried so many diets, and quick fixes over the years, and have lost and gained so many of the very same pounds:noway:

    When I hit 330, it motivated me to really show up in my life and take responsibility for my choices. I joined the YMCA, and was really working hard, on the weights, the machines, and several classes. I found myself in a lot of pain, after x rays, discovered that I had severe arthritis in my spine, and that my hip was starting to dislocate. Now I am limited in what I can do there, but I still bike, swim, do arm weights and best of all yoga:heart: Yoga is great, because it is a very personal practice, you go to you're limit only. It opens and stretches, my thinking, my body, and my heart. There are some things I can't do, but my instructor just helps me find alternate positions.

    I also belong to TOPS (take off pounds sensibly) a weight loss support group, I like that we say out loud exactly how much we lost or gain each week. It's in a loving and supportive environment, and It helps me to own it. I also eat Paleo, which is mainly meat, vegies, and fruits. My doctor is a close partner in my weight loss journey, who I meet with every 6 weeks. She understands using food for fuel, as she is a triathlete and she also eating paleo- so we exchange recipes :)

    Even though this introduction may seem focused on weight, that is not who I am <3 For me it has never been an obsession, only a tool to measure where I am at. My health and well being are my top priority. I know myself well, and I truly love myself! I am very comfortable in my own skin and at peace in my soul!

    I look forward to getting to know you all better :) Namaste
  • Nae73
    Nae73 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! My name is Renae. I've been on MFP for over a year, but haven't really gone on the forums, since I mainly use the app from my cell phone. I'm on here to find a solid support group. The little support I do have is very inconsistent. This group looks like something I could benefit from and contribute too.

    Like I said my name is Renae. I just turned 40 and live in Fresno, CA. I've been an at home mom for the past 17 years, but have gone back to college for Dental Hygiene. I have struggled with my weight since the birth of my first child. I lost weight a couple times, but gained it all back and then some!

    I currently weigh 215 lbs. Starting weight 233lbs. I am hoping to lose 70 more lbs total, but make smaller goals for myself so it doesn't seem so overwhelming. I would like to reach my final goal by the time I finish school, which is around 2-3 years from now. I believe that is totally doable if I stay focused and on track.

    If you are interested in a mutual support system, please send a friend request. Like I said before, I am new to these forums and have no clue what I'm doing or how to get added to the group lol! I wish everyone much success on your weight loss journey!!
  • Hi Everyone,
    My name is Becky and I am new here. I am a full time student that works on weekends to help pay rent. This is my last year of college and will be getting married this August. I have always been known as the 'chubby' friend growing up and I really want to look great for my wedding. My friend got married and her mom didn't want me as a bridesmaid because I didn't "fit" in with the other girls. That broke me. My best friend just graduated last fall from college and is no longer my roommate. I don't really talk to my other roommates, and they don't talk to me. I spend most of my time on campus, or in my room doing homework. I haven't been eating much this semester and have kind of fallen into a rough spot. I am sorry for unloading all of my problems on here, I just want to get help and support to lose weight, but doing it the healthy way. Again I am so sorry for dumping this on all of you, but I look forward to supporting everyone.
  • misspinkshorts
    misspinkshorts Posts: 41 Member
    I have a raging migraine that is making me nauseous so this will be quick tonight.

    I've been awol this past week or so. Lets just say I had a horrible weekend. Skipped the gym for almost 4 days straight and ate like crap. Way over my calories all weekend and Monday and yesterday. I actually had a pretty good day yesterday and then at 10pm my friends wanted pizza. Of course I was having a crappy week and gave in and ate half a pizza myself. Uggg. I hate when I do that.
    Did good today though. Spend some extra time at the gym doing cardio and ate pretty clean. Need to get back on a better sleep schedule and eating and work schedule.

    Becky- So glad to here you are back and ready to do. Im glad your finally felling like yourself again. I can't even imagine how difficult that was to go through. As for the man in your life... isn't it so hard to admit that we want them around? If he make you happy thats what matter though. I gotta get back into some lifting and workout other than cardio and you've given me some good ideas for things to spice up my workout.

    Steph- Those binge days happen to us all but you powered through. Congratz on still losing some weight. Im glad you got some time for yourself and even managed to make better choices than the pizza. Keep it up!

    Penny- Im glad you were able to have a relaxing weekend even after that hectic day. I hear ya on the saving money thing. I don't want to have to pay the 10-25 dollars 3 days a week for parking so I am determined to walk everywhere those days for classes. I get the added benefit of feeling good about myself and saving money.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Well I failed spectacularly this week after Monday! No exercise this week (a few walks with baby but not REAL exercise). And the last few days I have eaten whatever I wanted, the list of sinful food is long. I had been craving crap for over a week now and every day was caving a bit and finally I had it. I actually figure a few days of being really bad is better than a couple of weeks of being sorta bad. Hoping it will be out of my system.

    On a more positive note, I am making a move in taking care of myself and regaining a bit of me. I am leaving baby with her daddy/my hubby tonight and going out to meet my best friend for drinks and nibbles. Its something so normal but something I haven't done in over a year. Excited for tomorrow as we are having a family outing. Going to breakfast and then taking Kenzie to the aquarium. I also think I have found a nursery that I like for Kenzie to start going to in April. Hoping that these positive moves forward will make the eating/exercising thing easier. Sorry I haven't been able to be supportive lately. I am normally really supportive and comment on everything but as I'm having a hard time supporting myself right now.....

    Will try to come back later for some personal comments. Keep it skinny as ReNae would say!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I posted something here weeks ago, but I've been AWOL as well. Have just read through all the pages, OMG, so much happening. I should have written down names because I am not familiar with them all... Everyone is doing well, even on the days that you ink you aren't... You are still here! And some people aren't . So well done everyone.

    I am 9 weeks into my new life and 8 weeks at the gym now. Have lost about 8.5kg since I started in early December (5.5kg this year) although I wish it was more of course, I realise that I am doing well, and my clothes that I couldn't wear are now fitting and I have gone down a size, bought some new clothes and I feel much better all over really.

    Still struggling with eating more, but I am usually averaging about 1700 calories these days, so I'm happy with that. Probably should go up a bit, but I am a special snowflake, and I think we ALL are... It's not one size fits all, and I think we all have to find outer path. I'm meandering at the moment trying to find mine.

    I usually use my phone to log in foods, harder to read the threads, but I'll try to pop in more regularly. I have another 20kg of fat to lose, some days that sounds fine, and I know I'll do it, and other days I wonder if ill ever get there. BUT, I have determination, and if it takes me a bit longer, I KNOW I'm going to do it.

    Good luck everyone, hope you have a lovely weekend XO
  • margieparkins
    margieparkins Posts: 591 Member
    hello, my name is margie and I am 58 and from Australia, looking to join a supportive group