Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    @Laurie sorry for the rude treatment you received from your former coworker. Her response to you seems totally out of line.

    @Karen that is hard to see your students not put force their best effort plus the lazy student who cheated.
    @Robin enjoy your vacation.
    @walking queen. Thank you! I hope my knees start to improve soon. I did go to work but the pain made for a very unpleasant day.
    @naceto sorry you aren't feeling well.
    @Kaye you are doing great on the GHD.

    Today I did ok on the food. Did take a day of rest because of my knee hurting.

    Wishing everyone a nice day.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Holly -- love the new haircut! I really need to get mine cut; haven't done it before Christmas. OK, that's a plan, new haircut, 50lb lost, and a profile photo. As for your lad, I know people who've successfully bribed their kids to stop smoking. Basically a teenage version of star charts, with something they *really want* at the end of the chart. But it's pretty hard to quit, and there's always the risk they'll just take more care you don't find out. It's hard to say to people 'don't do this thing now because it will be much better for you when you're 50 if you haven't.' You might also think about helping him keep track of how much the cigarettes are costing him. And for you, the good news -- if he quits before he's 35 there's almost no long-term health risk.
    @Helena -- I had to adjust the sugar upwards. The amount MFP gave me, after I'd adjusted my carbs down, was just about enough to cover the skimmed milk I use, let alone the fruit. So that was just silly. What I actually try to keep super low is added sugar.
    @Pinkcloudrisi -- welcome! And hang in there. Try to get a bit of walking in every day (even if it's a bit overcast or rainy); a bit of fresh air helps loads with settling your mood. For me, the thing that causes cravings is trying to set my calories too low. I'd recommend the 1lb a week setting on MFP, not any more. Because if you're hungry, it's really hard not to eat, and no fun.
    @Rachael -- one of my big NSVs is that seats on trains are comfortable now. It really makes a big difference.
    @Laurie -- really pleased to hear that you'll soon have your home! Sorry to hear about your experience with your former co-worker. My guess is that that year was a really difficult time in her life and she's just forgotten now that it was actually a mix of good and bad things.
    @Des -- aren't you doing great generally though! The depression will pass if you have the meds working right.
    @Kelley -- one of the ways that logging has helped me is that sometimes I start snacking and I'm thinking 'oh, gosh, I'm just eating loads of junk today' -- and then I tot it up and it's 800 calories extra or so. Which *is* a bit of a splurge but is not a problem in the long run. But on previous times I've lost weight I'd be all OH WOES I CANNOT STICK TO MY DIET.
    @Kris -- hope the doctor went well.
    @Nicole -- hope you're feeling better soon. Cysts are horrid, aren't they?
    @Karen -- huh, how hard can journals be? I'd have thought it was as easy to write one as to copy one out. So perhaps there's something going on? Time to work out what's up with that kid I think.

    And a big WELCOME! to the newlings. This is the best thread.

    OK, so Thursday truth. Well, I've noticed I haven't been posting as much here recently. I don't think anything's changed in terms of how busy I am or anything, and I think we know that daily logging (which I am still doing) and following the thread every day (which I'm not quite doing) is the key to holding it all together. So I'll be back a bit more. I've never felt that I have to post every single day, but I think most days is good. I guess it's all related to that little wobble I've had over the last week or so. This is 'the long haul', right? I am still committed and determined I think, but I've got a lot of things making it a bit harder at the moment. For example, I've got down to about this weight several times before, but the next ten pounds has been impossible. And yet, I don't want to stop here. I'm still not small enough to get the biggest size in petites, and I really want to be able to buy clothes that fit and look good.

    At any rate, I'm keeping going. Have a great Thursday everyone!

    -- Alison
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Thursday truth: I started this week out with good intentions. I planned to stay under my calorie goal(which I did) and planned to work out at least 4 of the five days this week. I got 1 day in this week. In grading terms that would be a 33.3 percent. Totally failing. I went home last night seriously mad at my job and my kids were not wanting to do their homework and my wife was in an angry mood on top of it. I knew I needed to run but all I felt like doing was sitting on the couch watching whatever tv was on. Upside though is I didn't have time to eat while I was watching tv because I had to take my son and daughter to boy\girl scouts at 7 which basically meant get home at 5, make supper, get them to eat, eat my own supper and leave for 2 hours then come home and get the kids to finish whatever homework they have left and get to bed. I truly intended to get up at 2am with my wife, see her off to work and get a running workout in but I guess I was too exhausted to get up. Next week I'm going to try for at least 2 days of workouts and work up from there. Can't wait for football\cheerleading season so I can run the track when my son is practicing. I need this and know I need this but my energy and motivation just isn't there.
    Thanks for listening.and have a great day
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    @Lauriek70 Someone must have pissed in her Cheerios... dont take it personally. I would even wave at her next time! LOL Good luck with the back workouts, they are great especially when you start to feel your posture improve!

    @kah68 - sounds like you have a good trainer there!

    @rachael726 Good luck with the C25K i am sure you will kick its @$$.

    @skinnyjeanzbo - i was so one of your students!!! But I would try to hide the work i copied. Especially in Journal entries! I hated that stuff... PS... guess whose kids now hate doing journal entries (all be it at a much younger age) DOH

    @dobarber You have no idea how much your story mirrors mine! But I have found that picking something up really heavy repeatedly makes me feel a lot better then sitting on the couch infront of the tv! I know some people like to run when they are stressed but I like to run when Im in a good mood and lift when its bad. But 2am wake up with the wife, and running? That my friend is crazy!

    I had a good day yesterday. At work it is easy to eat well, I bring my food and keep my desk stacked with no-carb snacks and the such drank lots of water and green tea throughout the day. Got home and that wasn't bad either had a quick snack and off to the gym. A little vanity work on the arms and then spin class. It was a really good instructor too, second time I have taken his class he is really tough. Big bald headed dude, flamingly gay... sings with music... encourages us to sing along (not on your life) but he really pushes a hard class.

    Then the challenge... I get in and start to put my dinner together, Spinach salad, pulled chicken in buffalo sauce with some celery and blue cheese... great low carb dinner... and what is there. CREAMPUFFS!!! and then a bag of Marshmallows, bag of gum drops and chocolates!!! I stayed strong... grabbed a glass of wine and ate my dinner!

    I am looking really forward to lifting tonight, i think this cold is mainly behind me. My legs are a little tired from spin last night but feel fresher then they have in a while... that Squat rack is in for it!!!

    Thursday Truth- I am looking forward to the scale tomorrow morning, first week no carbs, just one bad moment where i sucked down a couple of beers... I am actually feeling a bit trimmer... The danger in that being, if the scale did not move down i will be pissed!!!!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member

    GHD 21/21 strength training!

    Have a healthy day everyone!

  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Thursday Truth:

    Lost 100 pounds, 10 to go. The previous 10 was pretty easy, this final 10 is shaping up to be a real bear. I'm measuring progress in ounces now and probably not even losing an ounce a day. Very unhappy about it, but whatever. By all rights the past 10 shouldn't have been so easy. Guess I got spoiled fast.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Okay- I just need to vent to get something off my chest and out of my mind. Today, at the gym I saw a former co-worker who I thought was a nice person and that we got along well. I did my best to help her through the first year of teaching which is always difficult. She even wrote me a letter of recommendation for a position as a Right Start Advisor (mentor teacher). This was several years ago now. She was forced to find a new school because Admin did not want her back for a second year, they didn't think she was up to par with teaching 6th graders. She was very creative but in over her head. Fast forward today, I was waving to her so I could say hi and ask how she was doing. Instead of a polite hi- I get a the following response " Why are you talking to me?' My response was that I thought we were co-workers at Lindale. She replied "You weren't nice to me then, why would you talk to me now." My response "I thought we were good teammates." She replied " No. I was not and don't talk to me again." I replied "I will never talk to you again." End of conversation forever.

    Her attitude may be the reason she wasn't kept on for her second year. I'm a teacher too and it's often those that 'don't upset the barrel' that get ahead. You may well have tried to help her and be kind to her, but this may be her true nature.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @Mara - congratulations! That's an amazing accomplishment! You might want to look and see whether you actually need to lose 10 more. My doctor told me that one of the reasons people have so much trouble losing the infamous last 5 or 10 pounds is because their body is healthy where it is and they don't really need to lose any more. We just get so hung up on the magic numbers instead of how we feel and our overall health. We have set a rough goal of where I would like to be, but they said we'll just have to wait and see when I get closer to it to set a real goal.

    Thanks, everyone, for the encouragement and well wishes. I think this episode has passed and I'm back to "normal". They don't happen that often anymore, but sometimes I just get hit with a depressive episode and although I can look at myself objectively and realize I'm being unreasonable, I can't help it. I wonder sometimes if the changes I'm making to my body through diet and exercise could have anything to do with it, too, and if I need to adjust the dosage. I'll ask my doctor about it at the next checkup.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    A quick Thursday truth. Life is too short to be encumbered by extra pounds. I may not have a lot of $$ to travel where I'd like to go or do many of the things I'd like to do, but darn it, I'd like to be able to do what I can without all this extra poundage and the embarrassment I feel going certain places - like ones where a bathing suit is required. And even now, I will be seen in a bathing suit, warts and all, because my son wants to go to a pool with me - and so we will go. There have been a few things occur in the last week that on occasion, might have made me think - what's the point of being healthy, it's too hard, it's too much? But you know what? This time I'm thinking I don't want to live the next who knows how many years unhealthy. I want to live life to the fullest, no matter how long that may be. I can do it. We all can do it. Let's do it together!

    Now, how do I save this post so I can remember this feeling when the old negative thoughts start intruding my mind???

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Thursday Truth:

    Lost 100 pounds, 10 to go. The previous 10 was pretty easy, this final 10 is shaping up to be a real bear. I'm measuring progress in ounces now and probably not even losing an ounce a day. Very unhappy about it, but whatever. By all rights the past 10 shouldn't have been so easy. Guess I got spoiled fast.

    Mara - WOOT ! CONGRATS!!! And I LOVE your new picture too! Such joy! :heart: As Des mentions, those last 10 pounds you want to lose might not be necessary - only you can decide that for sure. Now is definitely a time to get used to your body and tone, tone, tone.!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Thursday-

    I am struggling lately with the whole weight thing. I keep gaining and losing the same 2 lbs and on top of all my other stress today the gain makes me just want to give up. I am not going to do that its just the negative thinking in my head.

    @Naceto- Sorry to hear about your cysts. I hope the pain goes away soon
    @Laurie- How rude of that person. I agree maybe she had you confused with someone else.
    @Alison- Hang in there do the things you need to do that you have the time for....we are always here.
    @Karen- I can't believe the kid thought you wouldn't read the journal and copied someone else's work. I would be heated too.
    @Doug- Good luck with the early morning runs.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    A quick Thursday truth. Life is too short to be encumbered by extra pounds. I may not have a lot of $$ to travel where I'd like to go or do many of the things I'd like to do, but darn it, I'd like to be able to do what I can without all this extra poundage and the embarrassment I feel going certain places - like ones where a bathing suit is required. And even now, I will be seen in a bathing suit, warts and all, because my son wants to go to a pool with me - and so we will go. There have been a few things occur in the last week that on occasion, might have made me think - what's the point of being healthy, it's too hard, it's too much? But you know what? This time I'm thinking I don't want to live the next who knows how many years unhealthy. I want to live life to the fullest, no matter how long that may be. I can do it. We all can do it. Let's do it together!

    Now, how do I save this post so I can remember this feeling when the old negative thoughts start intruding my mind???


    Put it in your blog! Then you can find it easily! :)
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member

    Now, how do I save this post so I can remember this feeling when the old negative thoughts start intruding my mind???

    I would suggest printing it out and putting it everywhere. Fridge, next to the computer, over your workout area as well as screen printing it and making it your computer background.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Thursday truth - Someone in another thread said something yesterday that REALLY struck home with me. THe moment my weight loss started to slow down last November I really started to struggle. I'd weigh myself and when I didn't see the loss I expected I'd freak out and binge. I was reading a post by someone with a similar problem and someone responded:

    "If you're heading somewhere in the car and wanted to get there by 5, but realized you were going to be a few minutes late, would you just give up and swerve into a bridge abutment?"

    I LOVE THIS! That's exactly what I've been doing!
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Thur truth, starting again, how many agains will there be? It is hard to not eat all the food you like. It is hard to not eat too much. How do I get in the right mind frame?
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    It does stink. You CAN have the foods you love, but it's true. You can't have them in the large portions we're used to. I've found that since I can't STOP at the smaller portions I can't have a bag or package of anything in the house. I can buy ONE single serve size of ice cream and bring it home. Otherwise I'lll eat the whole pint/quart. I can buy one serving of chips/crackers at Winco's bulk section but no more or I'll eat them all. It does stink and there are days that there's nothing I want MORE than to sit down with a quart of ice cream and two bags of chips like the old days. In the past few months I've done that a LOT and now I'm up 3lbs and my BP is through the roof again because of the sodium I've been hoovering. I really find an ounce of prevention to be true. Always have the 'good' snacks at the ready and meals prepared and with me so there's no opportunity to dwell on what I COULD have.

    It also helps me to think very specifically what that food is doing to my body. Those chips are driving up my BP and forcing my kidneys to work MUCH harder than is healthy for that. The sugar in that ice cream is spiking my BS and releasing WAY more insulin into my system than is good for me.

    a lovely person on my friends list added this quote to her wall this morning and I loved it. It also went well with my new pp.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Doug - how you can get back the right mind set I guess I don't really know but right now I'm reading "The Thin Commandments" and some of what the guy says resonants with me.

    I don't know if you have an internal conversation that tells you how you're not doing a good job or other negative things. But if you do, they advocates practicing back talk that works---thinspeak.

    Instead of "It's so hard." Say to yourself, I'm doing this because being fat is harder.

    Or "I just want this food." Replace that with I want to be thing even more. I don't want it ENOUGH TO WEAR IT.

    And this one is something I've said to myself and other people for a while: Instead of "Everybody's eating this." Think to yourself, yep, true or not, I've had enough for three lifetimes. I have responded to people who get on me about now ordering some huge steak with---I've eaten enough cattle for my lifetime.

    Wishing everyone a healthy and safe day.


  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    "I've eaten enough cattle for my lifetime" OH MOOOOOOOO!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Thursday truth. Oh it hurts. I had to get weighed when I got my tetanus shot. I haven't been dieting since November but I haven't been eating crazily either. I gained 18 freaking pounds in just that short amount of time. i hate PCOS. That is all.
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Thurs truth- I got on the scale this morning and holy moly!!!! I saw a drop of 6.2 lbs...WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!! I added some more calories to my diet, thanks to Gorilla suggestion and BAM! Like instant success. I'm definitely happy.

    So my other truth--my friend/coworker Jenn is the one that got me started on getting healthy and changing my life. I feel like I owe her my life. If it werent for her, I'd still be 24 lbs heavier or heavier than that. Got any suggestions to give her a thank you?
