5'3" to 5'4" and 100-110 pounds



  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Hi Everyone, I am 5'2" and I weigh 100 pounds. I am maintaining and eat 1900 to 2100 calories a day usually (today I ate around 2400). Please feel free to add me, anyone that is similar size. I do like to be able to connect with others on here that are similar in size (and also to share clothing resources/ideas and stuff).
  • I am 5'3 and have lost 7 pounds in about 2 weeks. I was 112.8 and now I am 105.8

    How did you lose 7 lbs in two weeks?
  • How did u do that ?? Like how many calories do you eat and do u do any exercises??
  • tlspiegel
    tlspiegel Posts: 22 Member
    On April 1, 2012 I weighed 207.1 lb. I started MFP tracking my food every day starting out at 500 - 700 healthy calories a day and as I gradually lost weight I increased where I'm now at about 1400 very healthy calories a day. I was 69 then and now I'm 70 and weigh 112.8 lb. I've lost 94.3 lb. My original bmi was 36.3 and is now 20. I've lost 45.53% of my original body weight and dropped from a size 22 to size 4. I have 2.8 lb to lose to reach my target of 110 lb. I've never felt better! I always weighed about 100 lbs, unless I was pregnant. I gained the weight late in life and was diagnosed with practically no thyroid function. It IS possible to lose weight with hypothyroidism. I asked my dr to switch me from Synthroid to Armour natural pig thyroid and then to Nature-throid which is also natural pig thyroid. I'm sitting at my computer 24/7 for at least 8 hours a day with very little exercise.
  • I am about 5' 4" and hover around 130 pounds. I really want to get down to about 115 but nothing seems to be working! Does anyone have any secrets that they can tell me??
  • ShoShoyi
    ShoShoyi Posts: 34 Member
  • This thread sucks *kitten*. So many already very slim girls trying to lose more weight so they can see a number they approve of on a scale. It's just plain sad in parts.
  • SadFaerie
    SadFaerie Posts: 243 Member
    This thread sucks *kitten*. So many already very slim girls trying to lose more weight so they can see a number they approve of on a scale. It's just plain sad in parts.
    Light girls, not necessarily slim. I would know...
  • This thread sucks *kitten*. So many already very slim girls trying to lose more weight so they can see a number they approve of on a scale. It's just plain sad in parts.
    Light girls, not necessarily slim. I would know...

    Exactly my point. Forget a number on a scale and work on how you look in the mirror.
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    I'm 5'2.5" and today weighed at 110lbs though I am going to make sure it stays like that until my weigh in day before I count it.

    50kg/110 was my original goal but I might try for one more kg while focusing more on body fat percentage and exercise rather than scale weight. I personally care more about a look than a number though.
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    I'm 5'3
    and i'm 140lbs now

    my goal weight is 110-100lbs and bf% is 10% to 5%

    but i'm male ^_^

    well,,diet,supplements,water,cardio & lifting will help reach our goal
  • This thread is uncomfortably close to unhealthy for me. Thinspiration come to mind. I'm outta here. Negative unhealthy threads like this have no place on MFP in my opinion.
  • hrtchoco
    hrtchoco Posts: 156 Member
    I'm 5'4.5" and 109lbs(this morning). I actually stop dieting when I reached 110, but somehow (by magic), I lost another pound in 2 weeks. I still wonder how, I've been eating a lot lately.

    The closer you are towards your goal weight, the harder it is. Just have to be patient.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,030 Member
    Jaysus, shouldn't this thread be dead and buried by now?
  • justdoit2322
    justdoit2322 Posts: 32 Member
    OR just work on how you FEEL!
  • melmonroe
    melmonroe Posts: 111
    Bring it!
  • ajcmoran2005
    ajcmoran2005 Posts: 173 Member
    Considering I'm a little over 5'4" I was really hoping to join this thread to see some realistic expectations but the people that think 5'4" and under around 100 pounds is healthy is very upsetting. That is extremely low BMI and it's very unhealthy. It's extremely upsetting seeing people actually support each other in this madness. I thought MFP didn't promote eating disorders?
  • leahestey
    leahestey Posts: 124 Member
    I guess I'm fat if you all think you are. I'm 5 ft 2 3/4 in and 134 pounds. I feel glad at that weight. I would have to starve myself if I want to be lower than that. No thank you. I thought 120 was good but I looked like skin and bones. It all depends on your frame.
  • glowgirl14
    glowgirl14 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm 5'4. Started out at 196, and as of today, 123.6.

    I'd like to say to the people who are getting all riled up about eating disorders...It isn't necessarily so. Muscles and frame and so many other factors play into this. When I was younger, I was 120, and muscular and looked great at 120. Now, I'm 35, and not so muscular. I am not remotely "bony" at 123. My current goal is 115, but it's iffy. I'm focusing on tone. I'm losing right now, but I'm eating a LOT. (around 1800/day) and I'm not hungry.

    I clicked on this thread because I wanted to see what others were working towards. Because I have no idea what I would look like at 115. Healthy weight for height at 5'4 is a range of 107 to 142lbs. That's a big range. And how anyone looks at those weights has to do with muscles and frame and body shape. Right now, my BFP is still 24%. Doesn't sound too thin.

    I am healthy. I am eating. I am exercising, and getting stronger. If I am doing those things, and losing weight, then there is weight to lose. The end.
  • Hello all!

    I'm new to this. I just had my first child 6 months ago (exactly) and weighed 141 the day she was born. I was 117 lb pre-pregnancy. I weigh 125 today (I am 5'3"). I cringe when I think about it! I weighed 110 when I graduated from college three years ago; I weighed 104 the day I got married five years ago.

    Although, I don't miss my old life; I miss my old body. I miss when the tops of my thighs not touching. I miss having flat and hard tummy. I never had to watch what I ate. I was very active (lots of walking/running and did usually 100-200 sit-ups--sometimes weighted a day). I also dabbled in Pilates and Yoga. I never was super toned (never as much as I wanted to be but decently toned). Today, my biggest problem areas are my thighs and lower back.

    I've been dieting now (semi-seriously) around a month. I stay under 1200 calories a day. I've pretty much given up meat and sweets. I eat a lot of vegetables. I'm addicted to Coca-Cola and know that is what I can attribute my recent flabbiness to. I'm working on phasing it out. I'm gently easing back into my exercise routine. My husband bought me an exercise bike for Christmas. I'm starting to hit my ab workouts again too. I hope to see some improvement. I know I'll probably never see 104 again (and don't really mind that) but I would like to see the space between the top of my thighs again. I know my abs will probably never be as cut as they once were, but I would like to look better in my clothes. I feel so self conscious right now. I do not feel attractive. I feel hideous.

    I am not saying that being 110 pounds, ripped abs, toned arms and legs are the epitome of beauty! I'm just saying that I am very unhappy with how I look today--and I'm doing something about it. I gladly join the "club" and look forward to walking the journey with you.
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