Fitness myth pet peeves...



  • michwinger
    michwinger Posts: 37 Member
    Yep! This!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Haven't read the entire thread.

    My biggest pet peeve is "Calories in = Calories out".

    This guy is pretty much where I'm at these days regarding calories. It's also been my N=1

    Wow, you must get annoyed pretty often here then, eh?
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    My biggest pet peeve regarding fitness myths -

    Background: I'm a personal trainer, group fitness instructor and heavy lifter. I've been doing this for quite a while, take continuing education courses, and do a LOT of homework about nutrition, supplements, etc.

    It KILLS me when people ask me for my help, tell me they've heard of this or that (as in myths) ask my opinon on said myths and I give them the answers based on the current scientific knowledge of such subjects - and they want to argue with me about it. Or worse, go forth and continue to spew such myths claiming that I told them it was true!
  • Kotuliak
    Kotuliak Posts: 259 Member
    depends on why you are eating the eggs in the first place
    I usually eat eggs - and everything else - because I'm hungry and they taste good.
  • jooonesy
    jooonesy Posts: 86 Member
    My pet peeve is people who believe that the only way to lose weight is with cardio because you may not burn as many calories lifting weights compared to running . Smh...
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    the yolk thing is not really a myth IMO.
    when I am lifting heavy but am also a runner, I have to try to keep my macros in check and the yolk is simply a waste of calories with very little value to me. (L) protein = egg whites.
    Egg yolk is 16% protein by weight, and 27% fat.
  • TheRealJigsaw
    TheRealJigsaw Posts: 295 Member
  • sakuragreenlily
    sakuragreenlily Posts: 334 Member
    My biggest pet peeve regarding fitness myths -

    Background: I'm a personal trainer, group fitness instructor and heavy lifter. I've been doing this for quite a while, take continuing education courses, and do a LOT of homework about nutrition, supplements, etc.

    It KILLS me when people ask me for my help, tell me they've heard of this or that (as in myths) ask my opinon on said myths and I give them the answers based on the current scientific knowledge of such subjects - and they want to argue with me about it. Or worse, go forth and continue to spew such myths claiming that I told them it was true!

    I had a whole rant to add to this... but then I realized my rant was too long... So I'll just offer my sympathy. Some people are idiots.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    wait...did somebody say inject yourself with pregnant lady pee?????

    I'm taking this as genuine so I will answer.
    Yes. HCG is a hormone found in the urine of pregnant women. It is a prescription drug used in fertility treatments but Also has an off label use as a weight loss drug. It has not be approved as a weight loss drug and there are no solid studies to support it.
    Oh and you only eat 500 calories while takin it.
    Unless you get it from a doctor prescription, it is not legal for sale which means all the ones you can buy at Walmart and GNC are not real HCG (if you read the label and search the ingredients you'll see). These are usually pills or drops. Or worse...from the Internet that could be anything.

    ETA - the legality of sale is for Canada and US not sure about other countries.
    HCG is often used in conjunction with anabolic steroid doping. It's used at the end of a steroid cycle, when your 'nads have shrunk to the size of raisins, to help get them back to normal size. A positive HCG test is what Brian Cushing of the NFL was suspended for.
  • Troublemonster
    Troublemonster Posts: 223 Member
    While I'm getting things off my chest I'm going to add this one about StrongLifts/Starting Strength. It's an excellent program, especially for people that are new to strength training. But it ain't the only program. Far be it for anyone on MFP to come and ask about a different routine (that's not Wendler)

    I imagine the progression to it's domination on this site went like this.

    Starting Strength is an excellent program for beginning strength training
    Starting Strength is an excellent program for strength training
    Starting Strength is an excellent program.
    Starting Strength is the Program.
    Starting Strength: Do it, or YOU'RE GONNA DIE

    Oh, and if you're doing direct ab work or curls you're a sucker. Can't forget that.


    I agree SL5x5, SS, and 5/3/1 are great programs but they are NOT the end all be all of strength training. It reminds me of motorcycle forums where people tell new riders that if their first bike has more than 20 hp they are going to die immediately.
  • Careygirl1968
    Careygirl1968 Posts: 58 Member
    going faster = burning more calories

    This just really isnt very true. I see women going super fast on the elliptical machines with little to no resistance and i want to tell them to slow down and bump up the resistance but i suspect that would be rude.

    Amen to that! I hate even watching when they are on the treadmill or elliptical with no incline or resistance just reading a magazine or something, while I'm chugging away up, up, up hill. Even though I know I am burning more calories, I still just to slap them!
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    Eat many smaller meals to boost your metabolism.

    Squats are bad for your knees/back.

    How much can you bench, bro?
    [Sorry buddy but if you have bad knees you are not squating. I know./quote]
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    It also bugs me when people gain a pound in one week and others suggest that it's all muscle. No one can gain 1 pound of muscle in one week!

    ^^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^^

    I HATE that too! Its like a catch-all for ...."I really don't want to hurt your feelings and say maybe its your diet, or you're not being true with your workout calories." But it could be a myriad of reasons like holding on to water due to stress, natural body fluctuations, the list can go ON and ON.

  • Oh and pet peeve #2: People who USED to be fat and ignorant and forget where they came from and what it felt like.

    My # 1 pet peeve. As a matter of fact, it's on my profile, don't bother friend requesting me if all of a sudden you have unasked for opinions on other people's bodies or say the word "fat" or "obese" with disdain.
  • The worst one to me... that eating X food will not let you lose weight OR that eating after X time at night your body will hold on to all calories.
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    This may of already been mentioned.

    "Ive been dieting for three days and I havent lost any weight"
  • gfedex
    gfedex Posts: 226 Member
    "I ate one cookie after six months of dieting- will this throw me totally off the wagon?"

    "I ate 100 calories over on the weekend, and this morning the scale says I gained six pounds? Is this possible? I mean, I know that a pound has 3500 calories, but maybe I've got a body that defies the law of conservation of energy or something?"

  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    Bumpity Bump! Lots of good stuff I want to come back to and read!
  • zhvah18
    zhvah18 Posts: 158 Member
    95% of the statements/queries using the word "toning" irritate me.

    "I don't want to get bulky!" Okay, then- don't train like an Olympian, lift heavy weights and eat 5000 calories per day. Oh, you were only going to be lifting 3-lb pink dumbbells? Okay then.

    Actually the 3lb ones are purple. The pink ones are 2lb. My six year old lifts with them. :laugh:

    My 6 year old son was very disappointed to discover that the 2lb weights were pink, so we opted for the green 3 lbs weights instead. :wink: Now he can lift like mommy. Love it!

    ETA: spelling error
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    going faster = burning more calories

    This just really isnt very true. I see women going super fast on the elliptical machines with little to no resistance and i want to tell them to slow down and bump up the resistance but i suspect that would be rude.

    Amen to that! I hate even watching when they are on the treadmill or elliptical with no incline or resistance just reading a magazine or something, while I'm chugging away up, up, up hill. Even though I know I am burning more calories, I still just to slap them!

    Some women don't use resistance because they are concerned about increasing the size of their lower body, which does happen to some women. Going faster, or doing intervals is a legitimate way of increasing intensity.