Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Helenavee42
    Good afternoon. I hopped on this scale again this morning since I felt a lot less bloated (and I was curious) and saw another 2lb loss. It was very exciting.

    Thursday truth: I ordered you are your own gym today. Hopefully I get it in 3 days rather than 5.

    I think I am going to have to start getting up early to do my work outs. In the evening I just seem to either have so much to do or just want to do nothing at all. I wouldn't have to wake up too much earlier. I think it would be the only way to make sure that I get my work out in. Maybe I'll try it tomorrow. Wish me luck.

    Have a great day! Water tag:drinker:
  • FluffyCorky
    FluffyCorky Posts: 96 Member
    Hello losers!

    This is my first post to this thread but I skimmed the last few pages and yall sound like a good supportive group of people that I'd like to journey with. I fell off the wagon for quite some time and it seems the last group thread I followed up and vanished :frown: In all honesty it has been like 8 months since I've been on here consistently so I've probably just lost them in the giant world of message boards. So I figured no time like the present to expand my arms and bring on new friends!

    I love the threads where people actually keep up with one another and provide support. Makes me feel like I have friends standing right next to me thru every step. Just about me... I'm Courtney. I'm back for my second go at this and hoping that if I take a different approach I'll stick to it and make the changes I always talk about but never follow thru with. I'm single, no kids, nothing physically holding me back (except for a few rolls that get in the way on occasion :laugh:) and just celebrated my 28th birthday. So what have I got to lose!!

    Anyways, before I ramble too much I saw that Thurs is your truth day. As shameful as it is, might as well put it out there. My truth for today is that I don't know how much I weigh. :sad: I've stepped on the scale a few times over the past few months and it always said the same number. I tried to convince myself it was right even tho my pants were getting tighter. The real truth is that I weigh more than my scale registers. :explode: But carpe diem!! Sulking isn't going to fix it. Only doing something about it will.
  • Tiner04
    hi, i never knew there was a community on this, cant wait to catch up on this thread
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Thursday truth - Someone in another thread said something yesterday that REALLY struck home with me. THe moment my weight loss started to slow down last November I really started to struggle. I'd weigh myself and when I didn't see the loss I expected I'd freak out and binge. I was reading a post by someone with a similar problem and someone responded:

    "If you're heading somewhere in the car and wanted to get there by 5, but realized you were going to be a few minutes late, would you just give up and swerve into a bridge abutment?"

    I LOVE THIS! That's exactly what I've been doing!
    I love this!! I have already printed it out and taped it to the back of my desk where I can see it every day:bigsmile:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Well happy thursday fellow MFPers. I hope evryone is having a fantabulous day. I am having what I call one of my putz days. That means I do something around the house that needs doing then I dink on the computer for 10 or 20 min and then I do another thing and so on and so forth. It is amazing how much I actually get done on these days. Thursday truth is I have decided I desperatley miss living in farmland Illinois when it comes to my eating. We always had a huge garden and the veggies were so good. I swear the stuff you buy in the store has no flavor and even the stuff I get from the farmer markets around here doesn't have the same flavor as what I grew up with. I went back to Illinois last fall and was eating tomatoes like they were apples because I had forgotten how good they could taste. That said I still ate my carrots I bought for snacks and they were ok just not as good as they could be. Oh well enough ranting, I am thankful that I can have the foods I do when so many do without. Welcome to the new people I saw popping in. You have found a great thread everyone on here is so nice. Time to go putz some more. I have drank 6 glasses of water so far today so tag to whoever comes next:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • shygur
    shygur Posts: 171 Member
    Hello, everyone!

    Things are going really well for me right now. I've lost 30 pounds, I finished a huge project I was working on. I bought some new clothes in smaller sizes.

    Yet, I'm really struggling with depression this week. You know it's a sign of clinical depression when there is nothing to be depressed about, and yet you can't stop crying or get out of bed. I had been thinking about asking the doc to lower my dose on the meds since I'd been doing so well, then I have days like the last few where I think we should leave it at the higher dose! The good news is that because of the meds, I was still able to function, no matter how fragile I was feeling inside. In the past, I would have just called in sick for a week. And I even managed to get in a little exercise and I stayed on plan. I refuse to let a depressive episode sabotage all the work I've done! I know it will pass, I just have to suffer through it.

    I'm actually feeling much better today. Not strong yet, but less fragile. I'm not saying all this for sympathy or anything, just that most people in my real life, except my boyfriend, don't know about the depression and I hate to dump on him all the time. I know it will be better in a few days.

    Here's my PSA -- if you suffer from depression, see a doctor! I fought it for a long time, thinking I should be strong enough to handle it on my own. But it's a physical disease. Would you refuse to go to a doctor if you had diabetes, or a broken leg? The meds aren't a miracle cure. As you see, I still have bad days. But I have a whole lot more good ones. And the bad ones are tolerable.

    You are so right to say that seeing a doctor is the way to go. I too suffer from depression, PTSD and anxiety and although better with meds, I have my days when I just want to curl up and hide for always. Thanks for being honest and good luck with treatment.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,179 Member
    GHD challenge 21/21

    Good nite.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Thank you to everyone who responded to my vent. It really cheered me up tonight.:flowerforyou: It is a blessing that she is no longer at my school. I may continue to wave at her anyway, just for a little while. Rachael- she does generate her own karma and it is not pleasant.

    Kahbas- we will need to compare back workouts. We were doing a lot bench presses, shoulder press and fly using a bench. My knee is doing better but I am still taking it easy since I want it back to 100% sooner rather than later.

    Naceto-Sorry to hear about the cysts and hopefully there is something else that can be done before they burst. Get a second opinion. Hope you find good luck and fortune soon.

    Karen- it always amazes me when the kids are too lazy to do their own work and then cheats on a simple assignment. Does your district have a plagiarism policy? If so, then you can refer them to the office. My district takes cheating very seriously. If not, can you have the students call their parents and describe what they did? Last year, I caught on of my students cheating a couple of times on simple class work assignments. The first I took the paper and gave it to the Social studies teacher. The second time, was for my class and he took another students work and was copying that during class. He had to tell his parents the truth; this was after I told the IDT team, Admin and guidance. He lied to me about telling them so I ended up busting him by calling his mom right after school. I hope your students shape up and become organized. Give them hell and have fun thinking of a suitable punishment for their actions.

    Liz- Hope your knee feels better soon. It is no fun when the knees are causing problems.

    Alison- Sometimes our bodies need time to adjust to the changes so it takes a time out from weight loss. Do not let it get you down, just stick with the course and it should work itself out. I have been stuck for almost a year now but I am noticing other changes in my body. You can do this and you will meet your goals.

    Doug-that sounds like a very busy night. You have the right idea add one day at a time until you reach your main goal. The idea is to improve what we are doing one day at a time. Small steps will lead to big accomplishments.

    Gorilla- Thanks for the suggestion; I may just wave at her. I really want my posture to improve since it will help with future goals. Congratulations on avoiding the carbs, especially the chocolate. Enjoy the lifting workout. I hope the scale moves for you. It is very annoying when the scale refuses to move.

    Mara- Congrats on reaching the 100lbs mark. Hope those 10 pounds come off soon.

    Melancholy-It’s great to have another teacher here.

    Desdemona-Glad the depression has lifted. Your weight loss may be a factor especially if the dosage was based on that in the beginning.

    Ushkil- you will always have the restart available. Frame of mind- starts with you and your desire to become healthier, your mind is a powerful instrument uses it to your advantage. You need to tell yourself that you want this and that you can do it and I deserve it. Pick one thing and work on that then add something else to work on and build from there.

    Helena- Good luck with your morning workouts. Hope it works for you.

    Fluffy corky- Welcome to our very supportive thread, you have found the best keep secret on this website. Keep posting and checking in with us regularly, it does help.

    Tiner- Welcome to the thread.

    Rebecca: Happy to see you pop in and great job on losing 113 lbs. That is awesome.

    Linder- Great job on the challenge and have a good night.

    JT- fresh veggies are the best. Do you have room for a garden at your place?

    Truth- I did not feel like working out tonight so I opted to skip the gym. I did manage to avoid the Amish Market today since I drove right by the exit and did not realize it. That means my body said I did not need/want the milk shake and other goodies. However, I came home and baked a cake plus made dinner. The meal was actually healthy and supper easy. I am tired tonight but have enjoyed reading everyone posts and commenting. This is an awesome group of people and your friendship is something that I value. I look forward to coming on here every night to catch up with everyone. :love:
  • jumpy983
    Still here and kicking butt. Love all the new profile pics. Will update in a bit. Work computer is not typing well.l
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--getting a zero on the assignment will be their punishment. Since it's an AP course with very few assignments, one zero has a big impact on their grades. We used to have plagiarism policy that said if a student is caught cheating twice, he can be dropped from the course with an F. Somehow that policy "disappeared" from the student handbook--not really sure why. :frown:

    @helena & rachael--congrats on more lbs lost! :drinker:

    @toots--that stinks, but you can get it back off.

    @lin & kris--thanks for sharing the quotes and comebacks! love them!

    @ushkii--I can NOT deprive myself of the foods I like--at least not altogether. I do usually manage to limit my portions; however, only b/c I make myself pay for it with exercise. My strategy has been to let myself eat whatever I want as long as I earn back exercise calories. I also almost always eat back all or most of those exercise calories. That's probably why my weight loss has gone so slowly--only 56 lbs in 2 years--compared to some people on here who lose that much in just a few months. I'm okay with it though b/c it's what works for me.

    @gorilla & holly--Yeah--it's not so much that I'm shocked by a kid cheating (not like I haven't seen it before!). However, these are AP students, so you would think they would be a bit smarter about it. I was a *ahem* less than stellar student, and though I don't recall copying work very often, I know I wouldn't have been dumb enough to copy from someone in the same class with the same teacher.

    @gorilla--hope the scale is kind to you tomorrow. However, if it's not, remember that sometimes our bodies take a few weeks to catch up to a change in nutrition or fitness routine.

    @holly--I have SO been where you are right now! Losing and gaining the same 2-3 lbs was pretty much how I spent all of last year. You are right though, don't give up and your scale will catch up.

    @jen--I love your "truth"--a friend of mine invited me to a spa day (sauna, pool, whirlpool) next weekend. It's nice that I won't feel like a big blob in my bathing suit. Not that I don't still have a ways to go, but I think 50 lbs ago, I would have made an excuse not to join her.

    @des--glad you are feeling better! :flowerforyou:

    @mara--Congrats on 100 lbs lost!!! Even if those last 10 lbs. come off slowly, they will come off if they are really "excess" weight. Patience grasshopper. Now I just need to practice what I preach. :blushing:

    @doug--I think your plan is sound. Just work out 2 times next week and keep adding until you're where you want to be. You've done it before, so you know you CAN! :drinker:

    @alison--I had the same issue right when I reached Onederland--had been there before, but could never get below 199-200. Would give up and gain everything back, plus some. This time I just kept going and now I'm at 185. Did it take months and months? Yes. Did I lose patience many times during those months? Yes. Did I fall off the wagon b/c I was fed up with the scale? Yes. But did I dust off my fanny and climb back on board? YES! Keep going, my friend!

    Liz, robin, alison, & other who sympathized with my venting about my students--thanks! As I mentioned above, the zero on the assignment will be very painful to both of them. Robin--I've been known to make students cry; not b/c I'm mean or yell, but b/c I give them the "I'm so disappointed" speech. Makes them feel so much crappier than if you yell and berate them. One of my former colleagues used to call me "The Tearminator." :laugh:

    Thursday Truth:
    I had a total binge day yesterday--ate a crap-load of trail mix--and not the healthy kind--the stuff with chocolate covered everything. The good news is I think I got the binge out of my system, and today I made it to the gym Lifted for 20 minutes (not enough, but at least a bit), ran 2.5 miles, and rode 7 miles on bike.

    Tomorrow is Friday--YAY!!

    Grading Goals:
    1. 47/47 BNW journals DONE
    2. x/16 Good Deeds essays
    3. 16/16 Vocab quizzes DONE
    4. x/57 Gatsby Journals

    Exercise goals week of 2/18:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + long run DONE + 6 miles on stationary bike DONE
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE + core (double session) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + core NOT DONE, but went to gym instead (lifted, ran, + cycled)
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + long run
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    GHD= 20/28 days minimum 80 grams of protein
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Its been quite a day. We were gone all day, but I managed to stay under calories. Lots of errands and a dr. appt. for DH. I just finished talking to one of my dear friends for quite a while. Her nephew accidentally ran over and killed his 4 year old on Tues. We were close to the family and extended family, kind of raised our kids together. My heart has been hurting so much for them. It did me good to talk with her and share some tears. They are a strong family of faith. They will be okay, but it is very sad. They have a big support system through family and church.
    My mind is kind of blank right now. I can't even think of a Thursday truth. Welcome to the new people. I'm so glad that we can share our ups and downs and help each through everything.
    If I drink a couple more glasses of water before bedtime, I will be 21/21 on GDH challenge.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Believe - WB!
    @Liz - Hope your knees are doing better.
    @Doug - Glad to hear you're able to run again!
    @Queen - Hrm.... you could try taking him to a nursing home and introducing him to someone with a whole in their trachea.... that might scare him straight.
    @Hyzaarc - Happy belated birthday!
    @Laurie - What a horrible low class person. I would absolutely keep waving at her and be as pleasant as possible. It''ll drive her NUTS.
    @Naceto - YIKES! How horrible, I second the idea of a second opinion.
    @Skinny - How awful, plagiarism and so blatant.
    @Gorilla - My desk drawer looks like Dr. Atkins lived in it. It's packed with all sorts of low/no carb foods for my snacking pleasure. It's always so easy to be good at work, as long as I make sure I don't have change or singles for the vending machine.
    @Mara - Grats on the 100lb mark. I agree with those that said to start toning. Seems like a good time to start transitioning towards maintenance and toning up the body. The rest should come off.
    @Des - Glad you're starting to feel better!
    @LInder - I laughed when you mentioned talking to yourself in your head. Since I started this journey, I've had more dialogue in my head than I ever would have thought possible. Full on conversations back and forth about eating or NOT eating something. Working out or laying on the couch. LOL.
    @Rachel & Helena - WHOOOOOHOOO on that weightloss. You two are ROCKING this!
    @Fluffy and Tiner - Welcome!!
    @Kaye - Oh, how tragic! I can't think of anything more heartbreaking than the loss of a child!

    Doctor's apt went well. I hadn't lost enough to make ME happy, but he was thrilled. My cursed body DID betray me though. I thought 3 days was enough time to flush out the sodium binge from Saturday/Sunday but my darn slow kidneys didn't do their job. My BP was 145/91 so he was all kinds of upset. I had to come clean and admit I've been terrible for two months. He didn't shame me, just encouraged me to work hard and do what I needed to do.

    We talked lots about nutrition and exercise. He's happy with my 1200 calories providing that I'm eating back my exercise calories and not dropping below a net of 1200. He's thrilled with my increase in exercise, and commented that he could feel muscle tone in my arms/legs during my exam.

    He said he's watchful of my blood test numbers, but not overly worried. For the next 30 days I have to watch my sodium intake carefully, no over the counter drugs at all unless he clears them, no ibuprofen or Nsaids, no booze, and at LEAST 10 glasses of water a day. At the end of 30 days a new blood test to check my kidney function. If no improvement then he wants to go in and stretch the renal arteries leading in to both kidneys.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    MowMow -I was hoping to hear the results of your kidney tests. Sorry they weren't better. I do sympathise with the proposed solution for you but it shouldn't be painful, hopefully, and it should be over quick, if you have to have it done. I'll keep you in my prayers.
  • jumpy983
    Well, here it is: 1:05 in the AM and the birds are chirping away like no other. I think they must be so confused. Weightloss has been coming along slow and steady and I'm excited to see that quite a few of us are losing together!
    The family had quite the rough wake up call this weekend with a new huge personal change in my life, but I'm hoping that it will all be worth it in the end. It is very hard to be positive, but I figure that I've put enough negativity out there, that maybe this is my karma so I will try to be very positive about all this. Perhaps new is just what I needed.

    I'm 15lbs down and hoping for another couple lbs next week. I am still keeping up with everyone and am very proud of all of you. You guys/gals are doing great!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    MowMow -I was hoping to hear the results of your kidney tests. Sorry they weren't better. I do sympathise with the proposed solution for you but it shouldn't be painful, hopefully, and it should be over quick, if you have to have it done. I'll keep you in my prayers.
    The numbers on the follow up blood test weren't too bad at all, leading him to believe I was just very dehydrated when I had the first one done. That's why he thinks another 30 days of diligent water/low sodium/no extra meds will bring the numbers to where they should be. I talked to a different doctor when I first got there (Dr. McHotty Pants was still with another patient) and new doc assured me that I'm quite the special snowflake. I'm Dr. McHotty Pants' first patient (he's a resident) and he feels like my weightloss, diabetes recovery, and stroke recovery are all a personal win for him. That all that makes Dr. McHotty Pants keep a closer eye on me than he might otherwise. I doubt it'll get to surgery, I can behave myself with my food if I need too.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Friday Fitness: Continuing with my caffeine sedition. With this I'm drinking more water simply because there isn't much to drink other than water since I don't consume caffeine anymore. I'm also going to workout 2 days next week. Thinking about lifting one day and running the next and staying with my diet.

    I weighed this morning and I'm down 2.5 pounds. Hopefully be back below 300 soon.
    Wish me luck!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    @dobarber - Nice job with the loss!! Have you checked out any decafinated teas, they were great when I gave up caffeine for lent last year. Really just a way to flavor up the water!
    @rachael726 - Amazing loss!!! I have a great idea what to give your friend.. a spin class partner this coming week!!!
    @Helenavee42 - not familiar with that book but sounds promising. I am a big fan of the early workout!
    @FluffyCorky - Welcome.. this group is pretty awesome! Don't even worry about the scale!
    @Lauriek70 - Nice passing up the milkshake at the market! Triggers like a favorite market are killers! NO MORE CAKE!! LOL
    @skinnyjeanzbo - binges happen, glad you got a run and ride in! Lets make today even better! And I was an AP kid... because I cheated well. LOL
    @MyM0wM0w- sounds like your hard work is paying off in the Dr. office and in your overall health! That is something to really be proud of! Keep it going!

    Well... 3lbs down at the gym this morning. Have to be happy with that. Part of me wanted 4, but that part is kind of an @$$hole so I shut him up.

    Had a great lifting session last night, back to pre-cold weights on all my lifts, even upped a little bit on shoulder presses and added some kettlebell swings at the end for my Interval workout instead of burpees last night.

    Friday Fitness... Well I am coming to a realization, all the lifting and expecting more running at the same time just is not really an option. At least not like I tried today, lift last night and then treadmill this morning. My body refused to run... so I ended up on the elliptical. So I am changing my plans a bit. Focus on my lifting and weight loss, continue my cardio days but plan only one run a week. My Spartan Sprint is on June 1st... and it is 4 miles of trail running. So I plan in May to take a break from lifting and focus on running. Really my weight loss at that point will dictate it all. Weigh less = run better.

    I do plan on lifting tomorrow morning and then we will see if I take a rest day Sunday or strap on my sneakers for a run.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    @Gorilla: I haven't had a chance to get any yet so I've been using crystal lite and regular lemon to give the water some lemon. I get paid today so I'm going to the store to get some tea tonight.
    Thanks man
  • Helenavee42
    Good morning all. Thanks for the cheering me on and all the good lucks for the morning work out. Sadly I was not able to do it this morning as my boss asked me yesterday to come in early today. So the time i needed to get up for my work out happened to be the time i needed to get up so i can get ready for work. I also decided not to get up earlier than that today because i haven't been sleeping well and knew i could use the sleep but once again i slept poorly. I don't know what it is. Just keep tossing and turning all night long.

    Friday fitness: Walk walk walk. I will be with my puppy this weekend and he will keep me moving. Thankfully my bf is off on sunday so not only do i get to spend a full day with him but we will probably take the pup to the dog park or regular park so he can play and run around. I will also be going to the grocery store tonight so I can buy food. My bf has been eating more salads lately so that makes it a lot easier to buy groceries so I don't have to get so many different things.

    I hope everyone has a great day.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning & TGIF!!!

    Had a super busy day yesterday, got pulled in all different directions, so never made it by here.

    @Nicole~I’m sorry for the cysts. I would say that if your pain continues for another week to either see your doctor again or get a second opinion, I’ve been there and there is no reason you should be walking around with that kind of pain.
    @Karen~Its unbelievable to me that AP students would cheat! I hope the zero will teach them a lesson, that happens when they get to college and they’ll be kicked out of their program.
    @Kaye~How tragic for your friends nephew and family, the loss of a child is one of the most difficult things to endure and most definitely tests a person’s faith.
    @Kris~Sorry your kidney tests weren’t more favorable, I hope the next 30-days goes well and that function improves even more.
    @Doug~Excellent weight loss and great job continuing sans caffeine – color me impressed! I couldn’t do it, I’d feel sorry for everyone around me. :laugh: Have you tried MiO? I like that just a tiny bit flavors water, the orange tangerine is my favorite. They even have a MiO Fit now that contains electrolytes for after workouts - I tried the grape, pretty good. There are also a couple of types of tea - but I would check labels, some of their stuff does contain caffeine (especially their energy product).
    @Gorilla~Great loss this week – I would kill to lose 3#! Yeah, I’ve got a pretty good trainer – been with him about 7 months, he used to be a physical therapist so is pretty observant when I’m favoring something.
    @Laurie~I do a lot bench presses and shoulder presses as well – I do a fly but not on a bench, he has me do that on one of the machines since he thinks the movement is more controlled. My trainer also has me do a lot of push-ups and planks, plus a vertical knee lift which helps strengthen the core and mid-back.

    Friday Fitness~Stuck to my guns all week and didn’t deviate from my plans. This weekend doesn’t hold any real temptations, although I have been craving Chipotle so may indulge tomorrow with some friends. Actually, it’s pretty easy to eat healthy there. I did weigh this morning but was sorely disappointed, a loss that isn’t even worth mentioning – I weigh in on Sunday for my trainer, so will pray for an additional loss by then. That loss depends on our sessions over the next week.

    Fitness this week:

    Monday~Arc Trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Rest Day DONE!
    Wednesday~Training DONE!
    Thursday~Rest Day DONE!
    Friday~Elliptical/spinning bike
    Saturday~Long Run