200+ (Week 31) Let's Get Moving in May!



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Welcome Bethcullen!

    I tracked all my cals, and was hungry feeling all day, but at the end of the day I am supposedly about 150 cals under goal. Good right? Why do I feel all paranoid that I am forgetting something?? LOL.

    Again, I cannot wait to get back to the gym next Tuesday! Time to get the body moving again.

    Very much looking forward to my girls weekend with my BF Sautrday. The bummer thing is that its supposed to rain.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Welcome Beth...just a quick nighty night to everyone...a lot of my day was spent outdoors today...more pushmowing, garden work and getting the pool up and running...I should be able to turn it on tomorrow...which will be great...I'll be able to add some laps soon!
    I did 3+ hours today, HRM said over 700 calories when I had it on.
    Calories allowed 19??/18?? eaten/63 left...sorry guys I didn't write it down in my tablet...I just rememebr I ate most of my calories today only 63 left..

    Pinbot, great idea of wearing my HRM for a day to check on calories...I thought of that while waiting for it to come, but I have never done that yet since I've had it....

    Gosh I'm so tired when I sat down...it hit me...talk with you all tomorrow!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Checking in from yesterday:

    2407 calories to maintain
    1924 eaten/339 burned/-822 day/-5480 week

    Did get to the rec center, but it was a pretty wussy trip for me- only 30 min on the elliptical. Which isn't bad- just not as much as I usually do. Then again, I really didn't want to go, and the excuses I was giving myself would have stopped me before, so I'm proud of myself for even getting there. As long as a treadmill is open today, I'm hoping to get in some running again, but we'll see. Will head there, either way after work. It's supposed to be another hot one!

    Anyone watch BL last night? Thoughts? Was happy to see my Ann Arbor guy almost win the at home prize. I KNEW he was looking pretty dang small when I saw him last. Winner really wasn't all that surprising or anything, I just love to see how the people at home do.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good afternoon everyone. Sure is quiet here today. I've been busy working. This muggy heat sucks. I still have 3 more clients to see today.

    Good luck with your workout Kristina. Hopefully I'll get to watch BL tonight.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- nice to see you check in!

    It's certainly been a quieter thread today (well, this week!). What's up with everyone? Just busy gals?

    I've had a bit of a carb issue the past few nights- eating way too many of them late in the day. I'm not an anti-carb person, but I need to be pretty mindful of how much and when I eat them. I've found now that if I eat too much, I start craving them more, and if I eat a fair bit of them later in the day, the scale does not like me the next day. I was down about a pound from last week yesterday, but this morning was up 1.5 from last week. It's normal fluctuation, as I also ate some salty stuff last night, but I don't like to see that on the scale. I was flirting with the 180s- I'd like to keep it that way, so I need to be better about what I eat, especially in the evening these last 2 days of the week before weigh in. I don't imagine to lose much of anything (hopefully won't gain) next week as I'll be on my trip to NC, so I'm hoping for another decent week this week, even though I lost a fair chunk last week.

    The day has gone well so far. Had a couple of no show appointments which irk me. I have no problems when they call and cancel, but to not tell me pisses me off. I know it's the nature of the population I work with, but still :grumble:

    Still plan to workout tonight. Priority : running, but if one of those treadmills aren't open, hop on the elliptical and do the full hour. No excuses!

    Tonight's tv: glee from last night, maybe doctor who from last week. I need to try and get to bed early tonight. Tomorrow is the rescheduled birthday breakfast at a house of pancake place. Eep for last day before weigh in!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm here just been busy outdoors, got the pool up and running and all of my strawberries weeded thru....they are loaded this year in an other week or so...YUM!!
    I need to get on dinner, we have baseball this evening....Hugs everyone...I'll check in later...

    Kristina...I love my carbs too, I read where it is better to have them in the morning or early part of the day...but sometimes nthat's just hard to do!

    I hear ya on the mugginess...it's like that here too Victoria.....I am hoping that with all the sweating I've been doing the last couple of days outdoors...thatit will help with the scale this week...but I am finding myself retaining water, especially when we ran od Sunday...and really I have been all week
  • bethcullen
    bethcullen Posts: 4
    Hi there gals,

    Thank you everyone for the welcome. It's so nice to have people to keep me honest.

    I had a good day today, I'm supposed to get under 1300 cals and I've got about 70 left after my evening snack. I got down the mountain today and walked around town, so that's all the exercise I got today besides normal household stuff.

    Oh...here's a good thing, I have a date on Saturday night! WooooHOOOOO...sorry I just had to get that out. LOL. I haven't dated since I was 17, when I married my hubby. I have no clue what the rules are but I'm muddling through. You should see the kinds of guys they have on these sites...spooky. This guy seems un-medicated. We'll see.

    Have a great night, I'll talk to ya'll tomorrow.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh, a date - how exciting!!! Good luck and have fun Beth...

    Time just seems to be flying. Where has May gone? Check-in for today consumed 2042 and over by 197 with 37 min walk in the woods with mom and her dog plus 30 more min of mowing. I feel my yard is never ending - why do we mow 1.5 acres??? I still need to work on my flower beds and weed - not to mention the garden... I'm not sure I'll even plant one this year.

    Kristina - drive carefully and have a safe trip home. Bring your bike back for some cross training.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Checking in for the day
    2407 calories to maintain
    1638 eaten /597 burned/-1366 day/-6846 week

    Did 55 minutes on the treadmill, totaling 4.21 miles. Did run one mile at one time, but otherwise, I did intervals of walking for 1-2 minutes and running for 3-5, depending on the speed. got up to 5.5mph again. was sweating like whoa. it was pretty hot at the gym even with the fans going, so I was getting pretty overheated at the end. But I did it and reached my running goal for the week, even without being able to venture outside. Calves are a little tight this evening.

    Tomorrow morning- breakfast out with the coworkers. Eep for being last day before weigh in. Work day should be okay though. Have to clean my room, do some laundry and pack for my roadtrip home.

    Oh, saw at the rec center that the 2 Ann Arbor peeps from the Biggest Loser are going to be there in a couple weeks doing a meet and greet. Don't imagine I'll go, but it's semi tempting.

    Beth- how exciting! I hope the date goes well. You'll have to let us know how it went. Wouldn't mind having a date myself, but I try not to dwell on it. Congrats to you!

    Victoria- you're a little outdoor queen! My coworker went to some BeerFest thing and I totes thought of you.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Beth I met my husband on match.com and most of my other friends have met their husbands and significant others on either match or harmony. So it can be done! Just remember to enjoy yourself and you will have a great time. Let us know how it went!

    Well my poor baby girl has the stomach flu, along with at least 5 others from her school. Well that was the count when I picked her up. Somehow I think by morning time that will increase significantly. It's a small school with about 40 kids max and when a virus hits it is a mess!

    I made enchiladas so my cals are over tonight. Again I cannot wait to get back to the gym next week and really get this weight loss train going again!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Lacey - hope your angel feels better soon!!! Her frog play sounded wonderful.

    Someone needs to push me today. I have the muggy heat blahs. The majority of my clients do not have air conditioning. All of my joints are stiff and swollen. I don't even have the energy to run - I know that's a shock. I have an early day so I'll check back later. Hopefully, I pick up some energy by then!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- what about doing a dvd workout in the air conditioning? You'll feel much better about yourself if you get at least some form of exercise in today. I'm dragging as well from the muggyness. Not appreciating it whatsoever, but we do what we must! Maybe go for a long walk in the evening when it might cool off a bit? Get it together woman!!

    Lacey- I hope your little one feels better soon. Poor thing. Schools are such a breeding ground for sickness. I remember when I was living with 2 roommates- one a nurse and one an elementary school teacher- UGH. I don't get sick very often, but that time I was lving there I was sick more than I was probably in the three years previous to that!

    Breakfast was a bit out of control- my choices could have been a lot worse. They had all these sweet pancake extravaganzas, but I ended up going with an egg white vegetarian omelette. It did have cheddar cheese in there, but the rest were veggies, so it wasn't terribly bad. I did eat the whole omelette, as I wanted to focus on the more nutritious aspect of the breakfast. Only ate about half of my portion of hashbrowns and only one bite of the toast (so not worth those extra calories, so put them off to the side). Clearly, it was a much bigger breakfast I normally would have had, but it wasn't quite the catastrophe it could have been.

    Will hit the rec center after work to probably elliptical it up for an hour to try and work off some of that and hoping for a good weigh in tomorrow. Unless I drop considerable poundage in a day (unlikely), I'll be right around where I was last week, which sort of pertrubs me as I've had a really good cardio week, but I have been carbing it up a bit this week, so it's not surprising, AND i dropped a bunch of weight last week so I can't really complain. It's a process, right?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Victoria - I like Kristinas suggestion...change it up a bit in this heat with a dvd or indoor work out! It is also good for your body too because it will trick it. Oh! Something new!

    Kristina - you made good food choices in the face of tons of sweet delicious pancakes! Good for you!

    I had icecream last night. We all did. We were so thankful that G wanted to eat something that I didn't care what it was. It looks like she's holding food down. Knock on wood. If she stays good through the morning I think I will pack her up and hit Costco to get all that taken care of.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I feel like such a ghost lately. Been reading all yall's posts but not really doing much posting myself. Work is full of BS this week and I'm ready for it to be over. Plus my right wrist has been bothering me....I'm wondering if these are the starting signs of arthritis or carpal tunnel. Its a shooting pain that goes from my wrist up into the middle of my palm. And it becomes a LITTLE painful when I click the mouse with my right index finger. Overusage I'm sure....

    Someone stole my scissors off my desk and left me a different pair. Those were MY scissors that I brought from home. It pissed me off. Today I noticed someone also stole a post it notepad from my desk. I don't care about the notepad, I'm just pissed that someone keeps coming to my desk and messing with my *kitten*. MFers need to get their own d@mn office supplies!

    A lady came to look at the house earlier this week but I haven't heard anything back. Well, I was told she liked the house/thought it was really cute but she was going to look at a couple more houses still. At least it got shown though. That was the first time since we put it up for sale at the end of January that someone actually came inside to look at it. Although its only been 2 weeks since we signed with a realtor, so thats good.

    Wish I could go to the gym tonight but my brother has a chorus thing tonight that my mom wants me to go to. Dad can't go and they want me to record it for them. (Logan is in 5th grade.)

    No plans for the weekend....just dinner with the family on Sunday to celebrate my mom's birthday. My parents' anniversary is on Monday so we'll probably celebrate that at the same time.
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Hey everyone, I have been around but not posting either. Usually when I get quiet and stop posting (well im quiet anyways but I mean reallly quiet) it means I have not been doing so hot. I'm pretty sure I wont see a loss this week I had a couple days where I went out to eat and ate not only wayyy too much but made really bad choices. Most of the week I was up 3 pounds but today seem to be back to what I was at last week. So I am hoping for a slight improvement tomorrow morning when I weigh in but not counting on it due to this weeks lack of activity and poor food choices.

    Also I am going on vacation next week for 17 days so I probably won't be around much other than when I can find a connection on my ipod. I'm kinda nervous, we are going to CA and I know there is a lot of good food there that I have missed so much since we moved away 2 years ago. I'm going to try and make really good choices when we are not treating ourselves to a meal I am really excited about. I will be happy if I don't gain any weight while I'm gone even if I don't lose, but am expecting a slight gain. Who knows, maybe all the walking we will be doing will make up for what I am pretty sure I'm gonna eat. I will try to make some good choices even when I am at places I know the menu at, it is going to take extraordinary will power, lol.

    Anyways, good luck to you all over the next couple of weeks just incase I don't get a chance to post. Hmmmm thinking about what I just wrote it seems I'm planning on not doing well. That can't be good.....
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kimmer- I know vacation makes it VERY difficult to lose weight, but do your best to earn the cals you are going to eat! Even if you don't track the calories, try to exercise at least once a day, even if 20 minutes is all you can squeeze in. Keep some healthy snacks around that are just for you. I don't want you to come home and get incredibly discouraged because you let yourself slack off and gained weight back.

    But otherwise...Have a great vacation!!! :flowerforyou:
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Blombie, thanks for the tips, I will do my best on the exercise. Funny you should suggest packing things to eat that are healthy I just finished doing that :)

    I too am worried about getting discouraged when I get back...should I pack my scale? Its a car trip so it doesn't really take up much room. I do worry that if I go crazy and eat all my favorite foods when I get back I may have trouble getting back into things. I might be a bit needy support wise when I return, hehe.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good evening Gang!!! I am feeling much better. It only got to 81 today and we used "Michigan" air conditioning (open all the windows in the evening and close the house up as soon as you get up)... So the house stayed cooler. Mom and I did do 30 min of DVD this evening. I still may run later but I doubt that I get that much energy. I did make it to the local nursery and got $110 dollars worth of plants for yard and garden and porch - that cheered me up. This afternoon, I trimmed and watered all the house plants getting them ready for summer. Now I've got to repot the herbs and some of the plants I got. This weekend I'll till the garden and the plant it. I want to buy fertilizer and hummingbird food - I'm too lazy to mix up the the food with sugar. The little birds are just begging for food.

    I just downloaded John Sanford's newest book and am off to listen and play in the dirt.

    Kim - have a great vacation. I found I did better if I started with a low calorie good breakfast like greek yogurt or cottage cheese with some fresh fruit. That way I had more calories for lunch and dinner splurges. Don't take the scale. See if someone will share a meal with you (1/2 of a bad meal is much better than eating all the bad meal calories - most of today's menu choices are enough calories for 2 meals). If either of you are still hungry then get soup, salad or an appetizer. I've been doing this and don't feel as guilty with getting a taste of the bad food. I know people say take 1/2 home but on vacation - you just end up at another restaurant... Remember - most of the weight you gain will be water weight and should come off in the first week home. Being gone 17 days could add up if you are over by 500 more than your daily deficit. Good luck and have FUN!!!!

    Kendal - good luck with the house.

    Lacey - glad to hear your daughter is somewhat better.

    Kristina - Enjoy your vacation and drive carefully!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Check-in for today 1775 consumed and over by a whopping 23!!! I think that's pretty good... I skipped the run and did more yard work - mowing (why did we chose to mow 1.5 acres of our yard??), repotting and watering outside plants. This weekend we are having a yard sale - set up is tomorrow night. It amazes me what people will buy. I love to drink beer and be entertained by what the neighbors will buy. I'm off to feed the cats and then to bed.