What's the single most effective change you've made?



  • ROSIEH65
    ROSIEH65 Posts: 20 Member
    Have cut out all breads, & I love bread.
    Drink loads of water, on the days I dont I'm actually thirsty, so how did I manage before????
  • _kannnd
    _kannnd Posts: 247 Member
    Joining Fitocracy! Lots of motivation and the points you get from a workout make me want to always keep going to get more!
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    Realizing and owning the fact that I ALONE control my health and fitness. Nobody can "sabotage" me or influence me to eat things that don't agree with my goals if I don't let them. Likewise if someone has a different philosophy than I do regarding proper nutrition or what works best I don't feel a need to argue their points or justify my own decisions.
  • lifting heavy and weighing my food
  • Schmelvie
    Schmelvie Posts: 233 Member
    Coming to the realization that this is not a diet, and there is no "done". I eat better, I track my calories, and I exercise. I won't get to stop doing those things once I reach some arbitrary goal weight. It makes it easier to accept the "bad" days when I know it's just a regular part of life.
  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    I stopped being a critical a**hole and began to love and accept people as they are. I also ditched sarcasm...What? Not the answer you wanted...I'd rather lose fat in my soul first.
  • NiSan12
    NiSan12 Posts: 374 Member
    I think mine would be not deciding what I'm going to do based on how I feel that day. It's not what you feel, it's what you know.
  • MrDelts
    MrDelts Posts: 209 Member
    Cutting out gluten 100%..
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    Commitment to myself to change by eating ONLY when I am hungry-not mindlessly/making exercise a part of my daily routine/making water my only choice of drink.
  • NiSan12
    NiSan12 Posts: 374 Member
    I stopped being a critical a**hole and began to love and accept people as they are. I also ditched sarcasm...What? Not the answer you wanted...I'd rather lose fat in my soul first.

  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Dropping junk food. Specifically colas and other sugar loaded soft drinks.

    I had a 2 liter + per day habit. Stopped cold turkey. The first 3 + weeks were crazy. For a couple of days I had the shakes, just like an alcoholic.
  • I might have to make this kind of change as I eat my b'fast at 6:30 am and I am hungry by 9:30 am at work and start eating my lunch...:( I feel hungry all day long too..:(
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    Giving up diet soda's. Sorted my ridiculously sweet tooth out \o/
  • imkegoal
    imkegoal Posts: 156 Member
    Cut out bread in the week- I just have porridge for breakfast and meal soups for lunch. Worked for me.

    and on a 'keep sane' point of vview- I have stopped exercising every day, like I did before I was on MFP.
    I used to eat anything I wanted 'because I exercise every day'. I now eat less, and exercise less, but allow myself more calories when I do exercise. Far more effective way to loose weight and to keep sane (being in a FT job and having a young family as well).
  • bowser625
    bowser625 Posts: 95 Member
    Measuring out my food servings (portion control) and move more!!! :)
  • DaveBoyle3rd
    DaveBoyle3rd Posts: 2 Member
    Although I have just started using MFP, I know that being forced to record my meals has me thinking I will need to make big food changes in my life to match daily exercise. This will be a challenge with my wife, however hopefully she will be understanding and it can benefit both of us.

    The last time I was a slimmer version of me, the only thing I did was run 5K every morning. Eventually due to the poor weather where I live, and the lack of a treadmill at that time, I gained weight back over time due to not tracking what I ate in the cold seasons.

    Having the numbers shoved in your face makes you more accountable and makes you feel like you should be doing better I have found.

    For example, went to grab some chips last night, remembered I'd have to record it, and grabbed something else instead. :)
  • Missellaneous02
    Missellaneous02 Posts: 70 Member
    No more beer on the weekends :cry:
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Becoming a student of healthful activities be they diet or exercise related. I've learned about timing of various macro nutrients for peak benefit. . .various running injuries and how to manage them AND avoid them. . .useful tips in the kitchen to make changes. . .always learning and never believing I have the ONE tip/trick/method that will work the best. Always incorporating new tools! Tha's the most effective change I've made!
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    Finding out my bmr (in a lab) and finding my true tdee through trial and error. It took away all the guessing and hoping. Now I am able to feed my body and lose weight.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Exercise. Before when I've tried to lose weight I've done a couple of DVD workouts a week and not got far. Now I do at least 2 a day (often only 20 mins each) and walk more (making an effort to walk at lunchtime, or go for a longer walk at weekends). I still count my calories and won't eat what I don't have calories for (so no nibbling a piece of cheese randomly or a packet of crips with a beer before dinner) but eating back exercise calories gives me the motivation for more exercise (motivation - not reward!). I never thought I would enjoy exercise before breakfast or look forward to doing a good workout after a day at work!