Depressing/disturbing kids songs



  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    It's raining. It's pouring.
    The old man is snoring.
    He went to bed, and bumped his head.
    And didn't get up in the morning.

    (because he's dead)

    But I agree that kids really don't think about what they are saying/singing. Many of us did have these realizations about these songs until we had children of our own even though we sang them as children ourselves.
  • lrichardson2360
    lrichardson2360 Posts: 225 Member
    Wouldn't it be easier to come up with a list of traditional songs that aren't depressing? We used to sing about the Titaninic, eating worms, getting pulled down the drain, "the elephant sneezed and fell on his knees and what became of the monk(ey)"...

    YAY! Someone else knows the Titanic song! :)

    Oh it was sad (it was sad) It was sad (it was sad)
    It was sad when the great ship went down
    To the bottom of the...

    Husbands and wives,
    Little bitty children lost their lives
    It was sad when the great ship went down!
    Glug Glug!

    OMG, I didn't think anyone knew that song. I used to beg my mom to sing it to me all the time as a kid (still not a serial killer or heartless human being today).
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    This is why my kids just listen to rock as toddlers hard to be upset about ring around the rosies when your kid is belting out the the lyrics to white wedding and feed my eyes \m/ :drinker:
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    Yes, we really should be sheltering our poor, delicate children from these violent, disturbing songs that have been sung for hundreds of years.

    I was listening to the Violent Femmes when I was 8. Thank you mom and dad for not babying me so that I could grow up to be a smart, tough, realistic grown up.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    that's tame! That's the PC version

    the version I knew and sang as a child involved licking up the baby bumble bee and sicking up the baby bumble bee

    Which is ironic, because the disgusting bits are what help kids realize this is make believe. Even if licking up a baby bumblebee sounds cool two a five year old, throwing it up isn't so appealing!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I only knew the first part of the bumblebee song. I probably would have cried about that if I knew the rest. I was a sensitive child.
  • KayCollins3
    The song Ring Around the Rosey is about the bubonic plague...

    Ring Around the Rosey
    Pocket full of Posey
    Ashes, ashes
    We all fall down.

    The symptoms would cause them to have red noses and a tell tale 'ring' around their nose.
    There nose would become runny, bleed, hence the pocket full of posey (kleenex)
    Then eventually their bodies would just pretty much disintegrate.

    Comforting, isn't it?
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly

    "There was an old lady who swallowed a fly…I don’t know why she swallowed that fly…perhaps she’ll die"!

    I was always afraid of bugs flying in my mouth!
  • LilacSnow
    LilacSnow Posts: 238 Member
    ring around the rosie, which is apparently about the bubonic plague.
  • prwhicks
    prwhicks Posts: 32 Member
    A boy and a girl in a little canoe
    With the moon shining all around.
    And as they paddled their paddles
    They couldn't even hear a sound.

    So they talked and they talked
    'till the moon grew dim
    Then he said you better kiss me
    or get out and swim.

    Talk about pressuring a girl!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    alouette still gives me the creeps.

    happily singing about plucking the eyes, ears, beak and feathers off a bird?

    I love that song - I sing it all the time to my girls

    A la claire fontaine --- leaves me in tears.
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    How about a disturbing book? The one about I'll like you forever, I'll love you always as long as your living my baby you'll be. The Mom creeps into the house of her grown @ss sons house theough his bedroom window to rock him. WTF!

    EDIT: Its called Love you forever.
  • Captain_RG
    Captain_RG Posts: 96 Member
    My dad introduced me to "Three Little Pigs" by Green Jelly when I was about 5, so that was my favorite.
    Also, Lifeboat by Steve Taylor. Look that one up. lol
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    jack and jill
    great green gobs of greasy grimey gopher guts
    Hello mudda, hello fadduh
    little bunny foofoo
    rock a bye baby
    there's a hole in the bucket
  • wfp76
    wfp76 Posts: 26
    Look up The Clap Song on Youtube, its Funny. Its by the Giggles and is meant for children, but is so wrong if you have a twisted sense of humor.
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    THe poor baby bumblebee! Yes, that is disturbing. When my kids were little we used to listen to Raffi - he is great! We're going to the zoo, zooo, zooo, how about your, you, you? and Mr Bell......I think I liked Raffi as much as my kids did!

    Where are you guys from? I never heard the murderous bumble bee song. Is that a British nursery rhyme?
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    How about a disturbing book? The one about I'll like you forever, I'll love you always as long as your living my baby you'll be. The Mom creeps into the house of her grown @ss sons house theough his bedroom window to rock him. WTF!

    EDIT: Its called Love you forever.

    Haha, yeah, we could fill up a whole new thread with disturbing kids books. :laugh: Ever heard of "Der Struwwelpeter" (Slovenly Peter)? Some of its charming tales include these gems:

    In The Dreadful Story of the Matches, a girl plays with matches and burns to death.

    In The Story of the Black Boys, Saint Nicholas catches three boys teasing a dark-skinned boy. To teach them a lesson, he dips the three boys in black ink, to make them even darker-skinned than the boy they'd teased.

    In The Story of the Wild Huntsman, a hare steals a hunter's musket and eyeglasses and begins to hunt the hunter. In the ensuing chaos, the hare's child is burned by hot coffee and the hunter falls into a well, presumably to his death.

    In The Story of the Thumb-Sucker, a mother warns her son not to suck his thumbs. However, when she goes out of the house he resumes his thumb sucking, until a roving tailor appears and cuts off his thumbs with giant scissors.

    The Story of the Soup-Kaspar begins as Kaspar, a healthy, strong boy, proclaims that he will no longer eat his soup. Over the next five days he wastes away and dies, and is buried with a soup tureen as his headstone.

    In The Story of the Flying Robert, a boy goes outside during a storm. The wind catches his umbrella and sends him to places unknown, and presumably to his doom.
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    That song is old, they taught it to us in Kindergarden and I'm in my Thanks for the lyrics, now I'm going to teach my kids along with the

    Ha ha Lil bunny foo foo I don't wanna see you...picking up the micey mice and bopping them on the head...LMAO
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    My toddler nieces love this song. And since toddlers love repetition, I get treated to hearing it over and over again from their CD. :explode: Really, there's something disturbing about children cheerfuly singing a song about tormenting and killing an animal.

    I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee.
    Wont my mommy be so proud of me?
    I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee.
    Ouch! He stung me!

    I'm squishing up my baby bumblebee.
    Wont my mommy be so proud of me?
    I'm squishing up my baby bumblebee.
    Eew! It's yucky!

    I'm wiping off my baby bumblebee.
    Wont my mommy be so proud of me?
    I'm wiping off my baby bumblebee.
    No more baby bumblebee!

    pft my 11yo plays guitar and does jonny cash covers

    do you know how disturbing it is to hear an 11yo sing "I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die"

    ^^This one takes the cake!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    There was a song we used to sing in Brownies which was about a parachute accident? I'm trying to recall the lyrics. All I can remember is 'they scraped him off the tarmac'. XD