INSANITY WORKOUT starting feb. 17 , 2013!!



  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    I started this last Monday.
    I lost about 90 pounds 4 years ago and just took off another 25/30 lbs after two more babies (I have 5 kids and my last one was born July4. 2011)
    At my highest weight I was 270ish. Right now I'm around 160-165 and I am 5'8''. I really like to get to around 135-140.
    I need lots of motivation! I have 5 kids all under 8 years old, a lazy husband, and a third shift job.. oh yeah and I take full time online courses too!
    The first day of actual workout was tough for me, yesterday was a the cardio circuit... some of the things I couldn't do. I just did what I could or subbed them for something else. Today will be my cardio recovery. I need it. The bottoms of my feet hurt SO bad. I am scared to go to sleep after work in fear I wont be able to move!! I hope it'll be worth it though!

    Also, what kind of heart monitor do you guys have?

    You my friend need some better shoes for insanity! Your feet will not get anymore! I have yet to get a hrm ( small towns have nothing ) ill let you know tho. You sounds super busy! But I believe anyone can fit it in an hour workout is 1% of a 24 hour day! You can do it !!! Stay motivated

    What shoes do you recommend? I have a bunch of different ones, should I get new ones just for this?? I used the shoes I used for p90x and the plyo on that... so I didn't even think about my shoes being the issue.

    On another note, I did the Cardio recovery today (yesterday I guess?? I'm half backwards on third shift) but omg my legs were screaming at me.. I'm sure I'll feel it tomorrow. I love it though. hurts so good!
  • squashyhelen
    squashyhelen Posts: 143 Member
    You guys - do not do pure cardio within 1.5 hours after eating. I definitely had some close calls.

    On the bright side - insanity caused me to gain 3 pounds, then lose 4+. Within a 9 day time span. I usually have to die in order to average 0.7lbs per week. My abs seem to already look tighter. Maybe that last part is just wishful thinking though.

    Lol! I did pure cardio this morning and was very thankful I hadn't eaten yet ! I've already lost 2 lbs apparently :)!

    Woah, 2 already? Congrats!! I'm trying to psych myself up for tonight's session. Set the alarm this morning and rolled right over and kept sleeping.
  • Hi Everyone. I will be starting Insanity On Monday February 25th. I attempted Insanity before, but my partner and I quit. I really need to lose weight. I am going to eat simple foods the first week and then switch to the nutrition program the 2nd week. Has anyone here completed more than 1 round of insanity? I have a feeling that I can be successful this time!
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    I started this last Monday.
    I lost about 90 pounds 4 years ago and just took off another 25/30 lbs after two more babies (I have 5 kids and my last one was born July4. 2011)
    At my highest weight I was 270ish. Right now I'm around 160-165 and I am 5'8''. I really like to get to around 135-140.
    I need lots of motivation! I have 5 kids all under 8 years old, a lazy husband, and a third shift job.. oh yeah and I take full time online courses too!
    The first day of actual workout was tough for me, yesterday was a the cardio circuit... some of the things I couldn't do. I just did what I could or subbed them for something else. Today will be my cardio recovery. I need it. The bottoms of my feet hurt SO bad. I am scared to go to sleep after work in fear I wont be able to move!! I hope it'll be worth it though!

    Also, what kind of heart monitor do you guys have?

    You my friend need some better shoes for insanity! Your feet will not get anymore! I have yet to get a hrm ( small towns have nothing ) ill let you know tho. You sounds super busy! But I believe anyone can fit it in an hour workout is 1% of a 24 hour day! You can do it !!! Stay motivated

    What shoes do you recommend? I have a bunch of different ones, should I get new ones just for this?? I used the shoes I used for p90x and the plyo on that... so I didn't even think about my shoes being the issue.

    On another note, I did the Cardio recovery today (yesterday I guess?? I'm half backwards on third shift) but omg my legs were screaming at me.. I'm sure I'll feel it tomorrow. I love it though. hurts so good!

    I don't honestly know what to tell you for shoes ! I just use some cheap Walmart ones for insanity actually ! I don't ever have problems . I know there was a thread about shoes for insanity yesterday or the day before check there maybe ?! And hahaha my legs are killing me today too! I don't even want to move today .
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    You guys - do not do pure cardio within 1.5 hours after eating. I definitely had some close calls.

    On the bright side - insanity caused me to gain 3 pounds, then lose 4+. Within a 9 day time span. I usually have to die in order to average 0.7lbs per week. My abs seem to already look tighter. Maybe that last part is just wishful thinking though.

    Lol! I did pure cardio this morning and was very thankful I hadn't eaten yet ! I've already lost 2 lbs apparently :)!

    Woah, 2 already? Congrats!! I'm trying to psych myself up for tonight's session. Set the alarm this morning and rolled right over and kept sleeping.

    Thank you! I think it's because I ate so bad last week during college midterms but now that it's reading week and I'm home I've cleaned up my act! And awe I did that yesterday! My body was just exhausted and like NO not right now lol
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    Hi Everyone. I will be starting Insanity On Monday February 25th. I attempted Insanity before, but my partner and I quit. I really need to lose weight. I am going to eat simple foods the first week and then switch to the nutrition program the 2nd week. Has anyone here completed more than 1 round of insanity? I have a feeling that I can be successful this time!

    You can always look here for support :)! No worries there welcome to our little insane people club haha
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    As for myself : week 1 of insanity is done! Today my legs are killing me as I'm so happy Tomo is rest day! I feel empowered tho I fight with myself internally to keep pressing play but I'm grateful I do afterwords :)! My only regret is not having brought home my protein powder :/! Biggest mistake ever haha
  • squashyhelen
    squashyhelen Posts: 143 Member
    Ok, I'm in a bit of a dilemma. Yesterday was supposed to be rest day. But I love, love, love the classes being offered at my gym on Thursdays. Great instructors + great vibe! But ... instead of resting, I overkilled with 2 zumba classes, 1 step class, 1 kangoo class. Does that mean today is now my rest day? Or am I making excuses for myself and I should just press play? Don't want to keep making excuses for myself!
  • NewKeriSept2014
    NewKeriSept2014 Posts: 170 Member
    hey megan, i ordered insanity. it should be here today! i am starting sunday. doing it for the same reason you are :)
  • Good luck Megan, I am currently in month 2.

    My advice, get some cross trainers or basketball shoes. Running shoes won't cut it as they don't offer lateral support. I suffered a lot of pain before my purchase.

    Don't be to concerned at keeping up with the pace they set on the screen, go at your own pace. It is much more important that you follow correct form, and that you keep going. And that you enjoy it enough to keep coming back!

    Invest in a heart rate monitor to be able to accurately track calories burnt

    If you sweat a lot, some head sweat bands will save you time stopping and wiping

    Make sure you have a towel and plenty of water to hand

    Getting fresh air into your workout area is a godsend, esp. In month 2

    Good luck, don't give up, KEEP PRESSING PLAY!

    My question isn't about the insanity workout BUT you mentioned feeling pain until you changed your shoes! Well i've started having knee pain and i purchased some running shoes, I wonder if that's what's causing it, it's so odd, some days its EXTREMELY painful, others im okay, sometimes the pain alternates from knees or could it be from improper squats...IDK! lol
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    Ok, I'm in a bit of a dilemma. Yesterday was supposed to be rest day. But I love, love, love the classes being offered at my gym on Thursdays. Great instructors + great vibe! But ... instead of resting, I overkilled with 2 zumba classes, 1 step class, 1 kangoo class. Does that mean today is now my rest day? Or am I making excuses for myself and I should just press play? Don't want to keep making excuses for myself!

    I'd say press play! Tomo is my rest day and ill be attending crossfit
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    hey megan, i ordered insanity. it should be here today! i am starting sunday. doing it for the same reason you are :)
    Awesome! I'm here to help motivate you if you need it!
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    Good luck Megan, I am currently in month 2.

    My advice, get some cross trainers or basketball shoes. Running shoes won't cut it as they don't offer lateral support. I suffered a lot of pain before my purchase.

    Don't be to concerned at keeping up with the pace they set on the screen, go at your own pace. It is much more important that you follow correct form, and that you keep going. And that you enjoy it enough to keep coming back!

    Invest in a heart rate monitor to be able to accurately track calories burnt

    If you sweat a lot, some head sweat bands will save you time stopping and wiping

    Make sure you have a towel and plenty of water to hand

    Getting fresh air into your workout area is a godsend, esp. In month 2

    Good luck, don't give up, KEEP PRESSING PLAY!

    My question isn't about the insanity workout BUT you mentioned feeling pain until you changed your shoes! Well i've started having knee pain and i purchased some running shoes, I wonder if that's what's causing it, it's so odd, some days its EXTREMELY painful, others im okay, sometimes the pain alternates from knees or could it be from improper squats...IDK! lol

    My advice is to YouTube your excercies and check you got the proper form ... If that's not it it's probably the shoes!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    Ok, I'm in a bit of a dilemma. Yesterday was supposed to be rest day. But I love, love, love the classes being offered at my gym on Thursdays. Great instructors + great vibe! But ... instead of resting, I overkilled with 2 zumba classes, 1 step class, 1 kangoo class. Does that mean today is now my rest day? Or am I making excuses for myself and I should just press play? Don't want to keep making excuses for myself!

    The rest days with Insanity are SO important and I actually looked forward to them. In all honesty I'd just make today your rest day and then shift your workout schedule so that now Fridays are your rest days.

    I had to do that when I started because my husband and I took an unplanned rest day because we were exhausted and sore so I just shifted the days and Tuesday ended up being my rest day.
  • kpaulako
    kpaulako Posts: 24 Member
    I am starting this on Monday Februay 25th. I am nervous and excited. Hope I can push on when I want to flop back on the couch!

    I have a question. My knees aren't the best (had surgery a few years ago for a torn meniscus) do you think this will be too hard on the knees? And will better shoes help?

    Thanks everyone! Just came back here from a long time away from MFP and I love this site already :)
  • Hi all! My husband and I started Insanity this past Monday. We are both super pumped to get back in shape and go at it together. I have the typical story; I was blessed to be thin with a fast metabolism, but now that im getting older, things are changing, unfortunately! haha I was a dancer from age 3 until I graduated high school, so I was always in pretty good shape. I even held it together thru college, but after getting married a year and a half ago, I've put on a little weight. Not a ton, but enough for me to notice and my wardrobe selection from my closet to get a little smaller! :[ I'm just not happy with my weight or how I feel. My goal isn't to lose a ton of weight (although a few lbs will be much appreciated!) We have both definitely been very sore this week, but we are loving it! We are somewhat following the nutrition guide. We are using it as an outline, but filling in with some of our own meals. It is definitely a lifestyle change, but we are doing our best! We ordered HRMs this week and are waiting to receive them in the mail. I can't wait to get mine and wish I would have bought one before we started. I am so curious to know how many calories I am actually burning and what my heart rate looks like throughout the workout. I don't have my Fit Test results with me as I am at work right now, but I will try to post them here at some point. I feel like I can already tell a difference in my energy level. I work 10 hour days at the hospital and by the time I would get home every night, I would literally crash on the couch (and sometimes even nap for 3-4 hrs!) I hated feeling the way I did and feeling like I was wasting my evening/nights sleeping. So now, we do Insanity almost as soon as I get home from work, and my nights have been so much better!

    Looking forward to this thread and everyone in it being accountabilty partners for my husband and I!
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    I am starting this on Monday Februay 25th. I am nervous and excited. Hope I can push on when I want to flop back on the couch!

    I have a question. My knees aren't the best (had surgery a few years ago for a torn meniscus) do you think this will be too hard on the knees? And will better shoes help?

    Thanks everyone! Just came back here from a long time away from MFP and I love this site already :)

    I'm not going to lie! It's probably going to hurt your knees :(! It's a lot of running , squats, jumping and lunging basically everything on your knees :( I'd definitely recommend better shoes tho might help absorb the shock
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    Hi all! My husband and I started Insanity this past Monday. We are both super pumped to get back in shape and go at it together. I have the typical story; I was blessed to be thin with a fast metabolism, but now that im getting older, things are changing, unfortunately! haha I was a dancer from age 3 until I graduated high school, so I was always in pretty good shape. I even held it together thru college, but after getting married a year and a half ago, I've put on a little weight. Not a ton, but enough for me to notice and my wardrobe selection from my closet to get a little smaller! :[ I'm just not happy with my weight or how I feel. My goal isn't to lose a ton of weight (although a few lbs will be much appreciated!) We have both definitely been very sore this week, but we are loving it! We are somewhat following the nutrition guide. We are using it as an outline, but filling in with some of our own meals. It is definitely a lifestyle change, but we are doing our best! We ordered HRMs this week and are waiting to receive them in the mail. I can't wait to get mine and wish I would have bought one before we started. I am so curious to know how many calories I am actually burning and what my heart rate looks like throughout the workout. I don't have my Fit Test results with me as I am at work right now, but I will try to post them here at some point. I feel like I can already tell a difference in my energy level. I work 10 hour days at the hospital and by the time I would get home every night, I would literally crash on the couch (and sometimes even nap for 3-4 hrs!) I hated feeling the way I did and feeling like I was wasting my evening/nights sleeping. So now, we do Insanity almost as soon as I get home from work, and my nights have been so much better!

    Looking forward to this thread and everyone in it being accountabilty partners for my husband and I!

    Welcome to you and your husband :)! In my first week I noticed my enegry level grow as well ( minus the fact my legs feel as if they aren't there presently ) . I already feel stronger today after doing pylo for the second time , as if it wasn't quite as hard as it first was :)! Welcome once again keep up the good work and pushing play :)!! Feel free to friend me if you need the added support
  • lqmustang
    lqmustang Posts: 125 Member
    Hi Everyone. I will be starting Insanity On Monday February 25th. I attempted Insanity before, but my partner and I quit. I really need to lose weight. I am going to eat simple foods the first week and then switch to the nutrition program the 2nd week. Has anyone here completed more than 1 round of insanity? I have a feeling that I can be successful this time!

    I am starting my second round of Insanity on Monday. I finished the program this past Sunday and have been doing a 'recovery' week this week before starting back up. I also have been rotating in some weights and the ab workout in addition to the recovery workout. I lost 20 pounds in 9 weeks on my first go around.
  • I know I have said this before, but please pick up some glutamine if you are worried about soreness. It has been a life saver!