What do Polish, Welsh people look like?



  • ModoVincere
    ModoVincere Posts: 530 Member
    <- mutt.....part Cherokee Indian, part Scottish, German, english, and whatever else was in the water...
  • cdgabbert
    cdgabbert Posts: 55 Member
    WOW - amazing the feedback on this post from the "pride" some have offering up their heritage while other believe this is "racist" because someone inferred they have features that seem to be dominant from heritage. Then some saying, "no specific features" which makes me really wonder... There are features that are dominant, perhaps NOT always featured, however dominant, such as skin tones... some hair colors are more predominant in some regions / countries...

    I do NOT believe this woman was trying to be rude, but perhaps she had some interest in this... such as an anthropological studies at one time, which my son does major and one of the subjects is biological anthropology, which goes over this very topic and according to him was one of his favorite subjects.
  • Velv3tkisses
    <- Like this
  • thadius65
    thadius65 Posts: 36 Member
    Totally agree that some are going overboard on the "racist" card. Why can't we embrace and celebrate our differences as opposed to getting our sphincters all tightened up when a harmless question like this is asked, or stated. People of different areas, regions, ethnicity have different features. There is nothing wrong with that. Just as there are differences between men and women. Let's stop trying to homogenize everything. We are all different.

    It's national margarita day..... let's have one in celebration of our uniqueness and pride in that fact!
  • rwhawkes
    rwhawkes Posts: 117 Member
    What country someone comes from has absolutely no effect and is no indication of what they look like.

    Maybe in today's more mobile world that is true, but there are most definitely regional traits that can identify some (not all) people groups. For example, in the Rwanda massacre in the 90s the Hutus could tell who the Tutsis were by their features. When we "adopted" a family of Vietnamese boat people in the 80s they told us the difference between Vietnamese and Cambodians. Many people of slavic origin have similar features. I'd venture to say that some Koreans have distinctive features too. Nothing racist about that at all. Think about it - the melting pot world we have nowadays is a fairly recent development in the history of the world.

    There's nothing out of line about what the OP was quoting.