Starting Medifast for the 3rd time and need some help

Today I'm starting yet another weight loss journey. I started Medifast with my husband back in 2010, and one month into it, I found out I was pregnant with my second daughter, and could no longer continue with Medifast. My husband continued doing it, and ended up losing 90 pounds, and has been able to keep most of it off for the last 2.5 years. I started it again last August, after gaining back almost everything I had lost from having my daughter (yes, I actually lost weight while pregnant) and again, one month into it, my mother passed away somewhat suddenly, and I'm just now getting back into the right frame of mind to start over again. My husband is a great support, but I'd like to have some other people who are also in the same frame of mind of losing a large amount of weight. I need to lose at least 150 pounds before I can feel okay about myself again. I just joined MFP today, but am looking for others who might be more experienced with it to help me with my journey.


  • oudixon
    oudixon Posts: 389 Member
    I am interested to hear about how it goes. I just read some on it and I am not sure I could do it or not. It does look fairly pricy.
  • buckeye328
    buckeye328 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Buzz,

    I was on MF in 2007 before my wedding and lost about 40 pounds. I didn't make it to my goal and after the wedding didn't stick with it. Of course now I've put back on the 40 plus 10 more!

    I started back on the plan on Feb 8 and I'm down 11 pounds so far. There is a MF center in the office park where I work so I decided to go to the center this time. It's more expensive but hopefully the weekly weigh in and proximity of a support center will help me make it to my goal this time.

    I really like the MF plan. I don't want to have to deal with counting points, calories, etc. every day. The food is okay and I can always make a shake that is good enough for me. I have a lot to lose and they put me on the 4-2-1 plan to begin with (I get 2 lean and green meals) and only 4 MF meals. I actually prefer only having to do 1 lean and green a day. I think I'm just lazy and it's easier to just whip up a shake than to find another way to have chicken breast and salad. :) From what they said I can go to the 5-1 plan in a couple weeks.

    Good luck to you this time. I just joined this site and hope I can find some friends to work with to finally reach our goal!
  • Buzzsgal51
    Hi Buckeye
    I'm glad to hear that you've already had some success with MF. We don't have a center here locally, but I really wish there was. I think that having the weekly weigh in would help motivate me to keep going, and as a motivation that someone else besides myself would see my results. We do have WW at work, so I'm thinking I might join it once the next cycle starts, because they do weekly weigh ins as well, and even though I wouldn't be following WW, it might give me the motivation to stick to this, and not cheat. I'm only the second day in, and I'm still committed and optimistic, but I don't know how long that will last before I start to go back to my old habits, or cheat.
    I'm starting to wonder if the first few weeks, I should do the 4-2-1 plan also, because I'm constantly hungry, and that seems to be the only thing I focus on, which makes my day that much longer and more difficult. But, like you, I like the fact that I can just open up a bar, or drink a shake & be done, and don't have to worry about prepping another meal during the day.
    I must say that my husband & I have found a ton of really great websites that have really good medifast approved recipes, that have helped us add variety to the lean and green meals, so that we didn't get burned out completely on the plan.
    I'm looking forward to weight myself for the first time since starting. I'm not letting myself do it until it's been at least a week, so that I can see a lot of progress all at once. (hopefully).
    Anyways, good luck on your journey and I hope it works well for you.
  • kashami3
    hi Buzzsgal51
    i am sorry to hear about your mother :-( May her soul find peace.
    about medifast, lets do this together!
    I started in August and have lost 20 lbs and 25 more to go, but I am on again off again with it. I know it works, it's just so hard to do it alone. My husband is 6 feet and 135 lbs, so it's hard to fatten him up while trying to lose weight myself lol.
    I do visit the center (have been since November) and it does help to talk to the counselors there.

    Seems like you have loads of experience about MF from your husband, but I wouldn't recommend just sticking with the 5-1 plan. It is hard because the portions seems small, but just have it every 2 hours on the dot and look forward to your lean green meal and make it great :-)

    I'm one to talk though :-/ , I actually have 8 month old triplets and working full time, so it's so hard to get a good lean/green in. I usually just microwave some MorningStar Farms stuff, and it's getting lame quickly :-(
  • buckeye328
    buckeye328 Posts: 13 Member
    I hope things are getting better for you on the hunger pangs. I am sitting here right now being good having a lean and green lunch salad. I really like the food logging ap they have on this site. So far all my foods are in the database. I like seeing my total calories, etc. However, the protein they recommend is much less than MF and I look like quite a star on my carb intake! Once I go on 5 & 1 I'll need to limit my calories to what is on the MF plan as well but it is good to have the running tally so I can make good choices on my evening snack to stay within the limit.

    Tomorrow is my weigh-in at the MF center. I'll let you know the good news! :)
  • buckeye328
    buckeye328 Posts: 13 Member
    By the way, I have been surfing the net looking for recipes too and I've got a shopping list started of things to get to make some items. I need to find out if I can get the sugar free syrups at a store nearby or if I should get them online. Once I experiment I'll let you know the ones that I think are good!
  • RHSheetz
    RHSheetz Posts: 268 Member
    If you have any questions or need any help/support let me know. I did Take Shape for Life, which uses the Medifast products along with coaching to reach this Point. I moved off of it when my exercise/activity level got to high.
  • Buzzsgal51
    Kashami- I can't believe you've got triplets! I couldn't image life with three babies at once. And to try and lose weight & diet while taking care of them and working must be near impossible. Congrats on your weight loss so far. That's fantastic. Especially considering how crazy your life must be. I have a 4.5 year old girl and a 21 month old girl, and they keep me on my toes. I really want to get healthy & fit so that I can be active with them, and show them how to be healthy themselves. I'm doing okay on the 5-1 so far, but I'm only 3 days in. I'm sure I'll have days where I give in an eat an extra bar before the full 2.5 to 3 hours has been reached. But I'm trying to get my body used to just eating the one bar every 2.5 to 3 hours.

    Buckeye- I'm also really liking the food tracking ap. I like that I can find a lot of the Medifast meals already logged in, so I don't have to do it myself. And I like that it keeps a running tally so I can see trends. I've tried a few of the approved syrups & sauces. The pancake syrup is pretty good, and the barbecue sauce is also pretty good for what it is. We luckily have a store in town that carries these, so I'm able to get them any time I want. They also have a website,, and you can order from them, but you may find it less expensive somewhere else. And yes, please let me know how your next weigh-in goes.

    I'm excited to see your progress. I'm glad I've found a few people going through the same thing as me, and I want to share in all of your successes. I'm planning on weighing myself on Sunday, so I'll let you guys know what the results are of my first weigh in then!

    And RHSheetz, I am in awe of your accomplisment! That is absolutely amazing, the amount you lost. Congratulations. Can I ask how long it took you to lose that amount? I have almost that much to lose myself, and I think I'm giving myself an unrealistic timeframe in which to lose it. Any help is much appreciated.
    Have a great day!
  • buckeye328
    buckeye328 Posts: 13 Member
    Today at the MF center I was down 6 pounds this week and 10 pounds total for my 1st two weeks back on MF. At home I show 11 pounds total but I am comparing MF center starting weight with home weight with no clothes on! 10 pounds in 2 weeks, woohoo! This week I am going to start on the elliptical machine my husband just bought. He is trying to get in shape this year too but of course he doesn't need to lose anywhere near as much as I do. He will start exercising and cut out his rice intake and be down to his target in no time I'm sure. Men!

    I'm going to try some recipes this weekend. I'll let you know if I make a good one.

    Hope things are going well for everyone!
  • Buzzsgal51
    Way to go, Buckeye! 10 pounds is fantastic! I still haven't weight myself, but am definitely having to fight the urge to, because I want to see SOME results. So I'm anxiously awaiting Sunday. My co-workers are having pizza for lunch, and I'm about 10 feet away from it, and it smells SO GOOD. It's all I can do to resist the urge. This is definitely testing my self control.
    Anyways, ya, let me know if you come across a good recipe. I'll share some of mine, once I come across a good one. The last few meals we've had were only eh. But at least they were filling. LOL
  • buckeye328
    buckeye328 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks Buzz. Speaking of pizza, I made something pretty good last night - Pita Pizza and salad. I found a brand of whole wheat pita (Joseph's) at Publix that has only 60 calories. The whole meal was only 199 calories! That's a pretty good option when you want the taste of pizza. I made it with turkey pepperoni but if you like veggies you could add that to make it more of a meal but I'm not one who like vegetables on my pizza.

    This morning I had 2 slices of turkey bacon and medifast eggs with a slice of diet bread toast (45 calories) for 185 calories. I used I Can't Believe it's not Butter spray (10 sprays) on the toast. I only put 1/3 cup water in the eggs and added a little salt and pepper and 1/2 tsp minced onion to the eggs. I just cooked them in the same pan that I fried the bacon in. I've only fried the eggs on the stove. I've read they aren't good in the microwave. I think next time I'll add some crushed red pepper flakes to them for more flavor but they were still okay without it.

    I've listed below the details for the Pita Pizza meal from my food log. Good luck on your weigh in tomorrow!

    Pita Pizza and Salad

    Calories - 199
    Carbs - 17
    Fats - 10
    Protein - 20

    Joseph's - Oat Bran & Stone Ground Whole Wheat Pita Bread
    Ragu - Homemade Style Pizza Sauce, 1/8 cup
    Kraft Natural Shredded Cheese - Mozzarella 2% Milk Part Skim, 1/4 cup (28g)
    Generic - Crushed Red Chili Pepper Flakes, 0.25 teaspoon
    Generic - Italian Seasoning, .5 tsp
    Hormel - Turkey Pepperoni, 7 slices
    Lettuce - Mixed Greens, 3 cups
    Kraft - Free Zesty Italian (Fat Free Dressing), 1 Tbsp
  • kashami3
    thanks, buzzgal! ya the babies sure do keep me busy. but it's easier than one would imagine since they all have the same needs at this age. And it gets easier as they grow! I think it would be harder to have kids of different ages! Although you probably get a nice break when they are at school :-P ....i know what you mean about wanting to be fit and active for them! As of now I have few pictures with my babies because I'm so self conscious. I know that's not good and that every woman is beautiful...but yeah...still self conscious. So i am looking forward to more energy to play with the kiddos and also lots more pictures with them.
    buckeye congrats on your weight loss that's so wonderful!! I'm so happy for you! This program really is great. YES please do post recipes. All I eat for my lean and green are MorningStar Farms Buffalo Wings lol. I just microwave them so it's easy but I'm soooo tired of them. And I tried making vanilla shake cookies...emphasis on the word "tried"....ya not doing that again :-P
    the pizza recipe sounds delicious! but unfortunately on the 5-1 not even whole wheat pita is allowed for me :-(
  • buckeye328
    buckeye328 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    I tried the MF Chicken Noodle Soup today for the first time and it turned out really good! I'm not much of a soup person so I never ate the soups when I was on MF before.

    Here's how I made it.

    I used 1 cube of Wyler's Chicken Bouillon and about 1 1/4 cup of water to start with and let the cube soak for a bit, I added the soup mix and just a pinch (literally) of the following spices:

    Black Pepper
    Red Pepper Flakes
    Onion Powder
    Garlic Powder

    I microwaved this for 1 1/2 minutes, stirred and then maybe a minute more (I kept going until it was nice and hot). I stirred it again and put it in a small thermos that I brought to work for lunch so the soup got to sit for a few hours before I ate it. I just poured it out and it is really good! The consistency is nice and creamy and the flavor is great! I'm having my snack of MF multi grain crackers with it. Yummy!
  • Monisfit4life
    Monisfit4life Posts: 228 Member
    Please friend me. I am looking to hear more about this program. One of my good friends just told me about her wonderful results on this and I would really like to meet other people that are doing this program as well. I am thinking about starting it.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    I just wondered why you decided to use the Medifast plan? I know some people that did Medifast, and due to the extremely low calories, they did not have the energy to exercise like they could before. They lost a lot of weight, but they also lost muscle tone from not being able to exercise. And within a few months, they regained most of the weight they lost. From what I hear, the program is quite expensive too.
  • j4m8
    j4m8 Posts: 32
    Are you always so negative? This is the 3rd post I've read where you've added your unnecessary 2 cents. Maybe offer an alternative or congratulate them on their results. Goodness.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    Are you always so negative? This is the 3rd post I've read where you've added your unnecessary 2 cents. Maybe offer an alternative or congratulate them on their results. Goodness.

    It is not being negative to give people the other side of the story to balance out the information.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I came here just to offer this as an alternative:

    You can and will probably lose weight on Medifast. Regardless of how many times you do it, the program isn't going to last forever. Find a healthy balance of food and exercise. You'll have plenty of energy, not be paying an exorbitant amount for a plan or foods that aren't going to be around forever, and you can live with the "eating stuff you can buy anywhere, in moderation, and tracking it" plan a lot easier.

    Good luck with whatever you choose, but be wary of something if you cannot forsee following the plan for the rest of your life.
  • j4m8
    j4m8 Posts: 32
    That's not what you did. You're putting people in a defensive position as if challenging them to convince you their reasons are good enough.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    That's not what you did. You're putting people in a defensive position as if challenging them to convince you their reasons are good enough.
    No, the post as written offers another side of the story. The OP deserves to be aware of alternatives. What you're doing now is hijacking the thread to start your own "you're being mean!" war with this person.

    The OP needs to be aware of what many of us have witnessed other folks go through. Not all results are going to be the same, nor pretty, nor lasting.