Crossfit- Your thoughts/opinions



  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    hahaha. I saw the title of the thread and was like "oh health gal is gonna be on this!" I was surprised it wasn't until page 3! This is someone asking what you think about crossfit- totally aprpopriate to say you don't like it :)

    Ok. So my two cents: I love crossfit work outs, but form is uber important. i haven't ever gone to a crossfit gym, but i do bear complexes, 20/20/20, etc. The exercises are totally awesome if you are looking for intensity, which I am. I view it as a substitute for HIIT cardio, which is part of my program. I do not consider it lifting, as my lifts are heavy. Crossfit stuff is done with warm up level weights.

    That's my 2 cents.

    that makes the timed stuff make more sense
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    Seems like the latest craze. I know people who do it and they have had amazing results but for me it's too expensive and a bit extreme. It seems like they try and teach you to do the moves safely. Idk.
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    Obviously, CrossFit isn't for everyone. I do CF-style workouts and love the variety and the intensity.
    But attending a box is out for me because of the expense and because I'm just not into the social aspect.
    As for CF being a "cult", that's just BS. Same thing could be said of distance runners, weightlifters, and any other fitness activity that deviates from the norm of "treadmill for 30 minutes and a class three times a week".
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    don't they charge like 70 to 100.00 dollars a month..

    a girl that I know who bartends just got into it and loves it but I think she is paying 100.00 month, which seems like a lot to just go into a gym....

    you could probably just join their website and get all the workouts and do them in your own gym if you really wanted to...
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I'm leary of the olympic lifts and doing them either for a set amount of time or a set number of reps. Without proper form you are running some serious injury risks. I know people who really enjoy it though. I think it depends on your goals. If CF motivates you then go ahead do it and enjoy. If not, then I think you can get much farther much faster with traditional body building type resistance training or cardio stuff if you want to do cardio stuff.
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    don't they charge like 70 to 100.00 dollars a month..

    a girl that I know who bartends just got into it and loves it but I think she is paying 100.00 month, which seems like a lot to just go into a gym....

    you could probably just join their website and get all the workouts and do them in your own gym if you really wanted to...
    In my area, $120 a month gets you 3 sessions a week. Unlimited starts at $160 and goes up.
  • albosler
    albosler Posts: 16 Member
    I have a friend that is really into it, and she looks like a different person than when I met her. Prior to doing it she ran her first 1/2 marathon in about 2hrs 35min. She's short so it was a jog pace for her. When she was younger she was an athlete (gymnast, college cheerleader). Doing crossfit helped her lose the last of her pregnancy pounds from 2 kids. More extraordinary however, she just ran a tough mudder (about the same distance as a half marathon, but with 25 or so killer obstacles along the way) in 2hrs and 5minutes. She has 6 pack abs, super low body fat. She looks like an olympic gymnast. All this in 45mins a day of cross fit, and a very disciplined healthy diet.

    I'd love to do it, but A) I can't afford it and B) I just got arthroscopic knee surgery, dr. said nothing resembling plyo for me due to some high grade articular cartilage damage from a prior injury. But, I'd say if you have the money to shell out for the gym, it definitely gives some drastic results.
  • geojeepgirl
    geojeepgirl Posts: 243 Member
    I love to WATCH crossfit... and any strongman type events. I think it would be awesome to be able to do some of the stuff they can but Im also accident prone and watching my pennies. So I willl continue to do my own thing.... kettlebells and zumba and support my friends who do Crossfit and sit in the stands at the Chicago Regionals and cheer them on. :flowerforyou:
  • scottdeeby
    scottdeeby Posts: 95 Member

    2. Cult-like. You have to conform, wear the Crossfit clothing, do Paleo diet, and wear compression socks or you're not cool. :laugh:

    Told ya. Try disagreeing with the tribe in their online forum and see what happens.
  • naculp
    naculp Posts: 225 Member
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    the amount of posts saying that people were able to do a crossfit work out at planet fitness is really turning me off of crossfit.

    i thought the two were basically diametrically opposed. i hate PF but its the only gym thats on my way home.
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    the amount of posts saying that people were able to do a crossfit work out at planet fitness is really turning me off of crossfit.

    i thought the two were basically diametrically opposed. i hate PF but its the only gym thats on my way home.

    I missed those. CF at PF makes no sense - I've never seen a PF with kettlebells, pull-ups bars, rungs, tires, etc. And most don't allow deadlifts, much less Olympic lifts.
  • I like how it challenges my body, but about a mile from my house is a park with a mile track, with workout stations 1/4 mile from each other. Plus I live in SoCal, so the weather is good for being outside most days. I did some introduction classes, looked up on youtube, found cheaper alternatives basically. None of the exercises I do are so incredible that I feel concerned about proper form (push-ups, knees to elbows, burpies, jump roping, etc.).

    More power to those who like the cross-fit atmosphere, I like the workout, but prefer the expense of the way I do it.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    The Crossfit I went to was great about teaching good form. He would stop us the second he saw us break form. I think I had 3-4 classes of just teaching us form and the basics of the class.

    The worst WOD I did was 7 minutes of burpees. The first minute wasn't awful, but went downhill quickly. My friend and I still judge every workout based on that. I talk about a tough TRX circut class and the question is always "Was it worse than 7 minutes of burpees?" Haven't found one yet :)
  • I joined CF gym last October and only went 2 days a week, now I go 4 to 5 times a week. I am by far one of the slowest and I am always getting corrected on my form. At my box form come first then we work on strength and speed. Form is very important to prevent injury as was mentioned several times here.

    I totally went out of my comfort zone to walk into this box, i was affraid that because I basically have never excercised until early last year I might be looked at as weak.

    Instead I walked into complete encouragment, made some great friends and am getting stronger, my shape is changing and I feel great.

    I actually dead lifted 200 yesterday, which I know is not much for the guys out there...but for me it was a great accoplishment and was able to do the WOD as RX's for the dead lifts.....

    It seems you are like minded and if you find the right box will LOVE it
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    Yes, but MANY Crossfit boxes ARE into pushing people to go to the extreme.

    While some Crossfit boxes and coaches can be reasonable, encouraging participants to push their bodies too hard and go to the extreme is what the Crossfit organization is all about -- and why I always recommend that people avoid it.
  • scottdeeby
    scottdeeby Posts: 95 Member
    Yes, but MANY Crossfit boxes ARE into pushing people to go to the extreme.

    While some Crossfit boxes and coaches can be reasonable, encouraging participants to push their bodies too hard and go to the extreme is what the Crossfit organization is all about -- and why I always recommend that people avoid it.
    I think "reckless" is a good word that describes their methods.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I actually dead lifted 200 yesterday, which I know is not much for the guys out there...but for me it was a great accoplishment and was able to do the WOD as RX's for the dead lifts.....

    You're my hero! I hope to DL 200lbs some day :):):)