What was your "I need to change" moment



  • sarah197436
    i work as a taxi's passengar we take special care kids too and from school... the van is quite high up and i have to heave myself up .. well one morning i got back and went to the toilet only to relise id split my trousers front front to back ... luckly i had a long coat on that covered the split .. but that was it .. up to yet i've lost 15lb and my trousers are comfy now and arent as tight .. so im going in the right direction :)
  • WAnnB
    WAnnB Posts: 65 Member
    Next to the ladies' room at church is a women's ministry board. On it is a group of ladies. I didn't realize that I was bigger than everyone there. I am glad for that picture now because every week I am again motivated to practice self-control and only eat what I need.
    In the picture I am wearing a black top. My son recently told me that he saw the picture and couldn't believe that was me. He said, "Mom, you looked like a big fat blob." So glad he didn't tell me that when I was at that weight.
  • SavvyCake
    SavvyCake Posts: 150 Member
    Like the original poster, my "holy sh**" moment was when I was in a friend's wedding. Up until the wedding, and even the day of, I was unhappy with my size, but not to a breaking point. I felt like I looked nice that day; my hair was all styled, my dress fit, I had on fancy makeup. Then, when those pictures came a month later, oh my god, I couldn't believe how horrible I looked. I felt bad because I literally untagged myself from every one of those pictures when the bride posted them on facebook, I was just so upset at how I looked. And I love her dearly, but I just can't bring myself to have to see those photos on my page. Admittedly, it was a rather unflattering dress, but it's not as if it was ALL the dress, of course. When I saw those photos, I just cried and cried, and I decided right then I had to finally do something and make a change. I never wanted to feel that way again.
  • sokkache
    sokkache Posts: 220 Member
    When I got home from spending a month in Taiwan for my aunt's wedding. I realized that I was probably the heaviest girl there. I was even more than my aunt. I saw all my cousins and although they were a little shorter than me by a few inches, they were thin and beautiful. My close family members tried to feed me only fruits and vegetables and wouldn't let me eat too much food at the weddings. Sometimes they would tell me to go workout and lose weight, which I do, I work out a LOT. They made me go to yoga classes and would never really take me out to go buy all the amazing food that Taiwan has to offer. I mean, I only go there once every few years, I should be able to get my fill of what I want to eat because you can't find that food in my State. But none of my family members would allow it. Honestly, I was only 155 pounds, which is by no means, overweight, but it is Taiwan, so I was considered overweight there. So after I came back to America, I decided to lose weight and got down to 145 pounds before I had to go to China to see my dad for a few months. And my dad is WAY more lenient than my family in Taiwan and we went out to eat almost everyday. I definitely don't regret it. The food there was too good. I got my fill. But when I came back, I was back to 155, so starting in December, I just decided to really go hard with losing weight and now I'm at 150 and even my brother has noticed a change. So I'm eating a lot healthier, but I still make a lot of good chinese dishes.
  • bgtorres
    bgtorres Posts: 186 Member
    GOing frm a size 5 (before pregnacy) to a size 9-10 (8 months after pregnacy).
  • rturbeville
    rturbeville Posts: 2 Member
    I was at my physical and my Dr. asked me, like he had three previous times, if I wanted to see a bariatric surgeon. I'm a nurse and know all of the potential complications of surgery. I told him "I am not going to mutilate my insides because I can't control what I put in my mouth". I guess saying it out loud made it sink in. I decided after all of our Christmas guest left that it was time to do whatever it takes. No resolutions, no deadlines, no bargains, and no magic fixes. My plan is simple. Use Myfitnesspal, record everything I eat, every day. That creates accountability and I can't kid myself. Nothing after 7:00 p.m. when I binge the most. Increase my water. Increase my activity. Improve my choices. Lost about 20 pounds so far. It feels right this time. Wish me well. It's not about luck.
  • tifftheneutron
    I always prided myself on being "healthy fat." My blood work always came back picture perfect, except I have PCOS. but to me the ones that "mattered" - blood sugar, cholesterol, etc was all fine. So I just... ignored the fact I was fat and wrote it off as PCOS and I wouldn't be able to lose weight.

    Then at the beginning of the year, I started getting daily headaches. I always felt so awful. I had a check up, and suddenly my picture perfect blood pressure -117/65 was now 150/98. That is when I realized there is no such thing as "healthy fat". It will catch up to you.

    I still have food struggles, but I am kicking *kitten* in the gym, so I know all the pieces will fall into place.
  • otterish
    otterish Posts: 50 Member
    It was a photo. I was officiating the wedding of my dear friends, dressed up, hair done, feeling good.
    The photo was of me from the front, framed by the happy couple's shoulders. I am looking down at the script and all of my neck/chin/chest (yes, just one big thing) is in shadow. Honestly, I look like a fat guy with a beard.
    After crying for a couple days, I resolved to never look like that guy again.
  • MissWeniki
    MissWeniki Posts: 10 Member
    When at 26 years old, I was going up my 1 flight of stairs and I couldn't breath, thats when I realized there was a problem. That was 4 years ago, today I look back and I am thankful to myself that I did not give up this time.
  • CassarahW
    CassarahW Posts: 93 Member
    First, you did NOT ruin her pictures!! You are your worst critic. She loves you in all your forms! Second, congrats on the amazing progress you've made! Such an inspiration!

    My moment was 3 days ago at work. I used to be a dog grooming salon manager working eight to ten hours a day five days a week on my feet being super active (and overweight) but always tired and in pain. I changed my career to massage therapy last July and was only working 5 to 6 hours a day five days a week. I'd leave work and felt amazing! I had energy, I wasn't in pain. It was awesome.

    My husband and I separated around August and my eating took a nose dive. We were eating out left and right and I stopped eating all my living foods. Three days ago I realized I was just as tired and in as much pain as I was in when I was doing a much more physically and mentally demanding job before. I know it's from my eating habits. That in combination that I'm a health coach and I really feel like no one takes me seriously because I'm not walking my talk I decided the changes needed to start now! I'm doing great! In two days I already feel so much better! Slept amazing last night, wasn't nearly as sore as I have been. I'm so excited and can't wait to see more improvements in my life!
  • cineshome
    cineshome Posts: 97 Member
    Realizing I'm short-changing myself and my kids by being fat (less able to do physical fun stuff and little energy).
  • I finally realized I wanted to enjoy the tail end of my twenties without being self-concious... even though I'm still overweight now I feel so much better about myself now that I am making these changes!
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    Being diagnosed with Poly Systic Ovaries, and knowing that getting my weight down will help with loosing weight to be able to concieve a child that I so desperatly want.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    6x is not a size where I can be picky over looks. Poop stain on the crotch? Well, they're the right size...
  • nerual13
    nerual13 Posts: 39 Member
    Well, this will be a little personal, but then all of it is here! Mine was about a week ago after ongoing relationship issues with my boyfriend due to lack of physical intimacy for a LOOOOOOONG time. I finally realized that it is a combo of me always feeling exhausted as well as feeling fat and unhappy with myself. This first week wasn't perfect, but I know that I'll keep going and keep having successes! I will say that eating better does make me a lot less tired and I'm trying to take afternoon walks too....but its time to do this and stick with it, or i'll get bigger and bigger....
  • samairon
    My moment was watching the UK show Supersize vs Superskinny. Weird I know, but I was watching and I was thinking holy crap I'm supersize and I don't want to be that way for the rest of my life. I found MFP and started that very day.
  • BriUndead
    Mine happened in my Criminal justice class at College a few days ago. See I've always wanted to be a Police officer. That day a man from Police academy to our class and was talking about how Police academy is starting this summer. Finally I have an opportunity to start my dream job. There's only one problem, I'm way out of shape. That's when I decided that its time to get serious. So I'm ready to work my butt off so I can get into Police academy.
  • Penny427
    Penny427 Posts: 166 Member
    I lost 45lbs for my wedding and another 15lbs after getting married and for 6years I was able to say Im thinner now than what I was on my wedding day! THEN, my weight surpassed what I weighed on my wedding day and I said No more! Not going back to what I was before the wedding...I dont want my wedding dress to fit me in 10yrs, I want it to be too big! :laugh:
  • Rhiana1188
    Rhiana1188 Posts: 67 Member
    When I could only button one pair of my jeans, then the butt ripped.
  • AuntieMC
    AuntieMC Posts: 346 Member