Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Its been quite a day. We were gone all day, but I managed to stay under calories. Lots of errands and a dr. appt. for DH. I just finished talking to one of my dear friends for quite a while. Her nephew accidentally ran over and killed his 4 year old on Tues. We were close to the family and extended family, kind of raised our kids together. My heart has been hurting so much for them. It did me good to talk with her and share some tears. They are a strong family of faith. They will be okay, but it is very sad. They have a big support system through family and church.
    My mind is kind of blank right now. I can't even think of a Thursday truth. Welcome to the new people. I'm so glad that we can share our ups and downs and help each through everything.
    If I drink a couple more glasses of water before bedtime, I will be 21/21 on GDH challenge.

    Kaye- I am so sorry to hear about this loss. My heart and prayers go out to you and everyone involved.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Doug~I thought of something else that flavors water - True Lemon, True Lime, and True Orange. They are all crystallized forms of lemon, lime, and orange so zero calories and zero sweeteners. They are great for adding to tea's also - you can find them in the baking aisle.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    @Doug~I thought of something else that flavors water - True Lemon, True Lime, and True Orange. They are all crystallized forms of lemon, lime, and orange so zero calories and zero sweeteners. They are great for adding to tea's also - you can find them in the baking aisle.

    Thanks kah I'm going to try those!

    GHD 22/22 on strength training! :happy:

    Quote of the day "Calories can't make you happy. "

    Have a great Friday!

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning. I will have a busy day today. That is good. I earn exercise credit and don't have time for mindless eating. :happy: I have bean soup started for dinner so it can be cooking while I am running errands. I'm making my favorite mac and cheese recipe for the funeral dinner tomorrow. I love to make it, but haven't figured out a calorie friendly version so I am looking forward to making it for someone else. :wink:
    Friday fitness; I am still walking nearly every day. Yesterday my Costco and Winco shopping had to count for my fitness. :ohwell: Just didn't have time for anything else. The sun is shining this morning, so we should be able to get in a walk before my day gets too crazy.
    Thank you for your concern about my friends. The little 6-year-old brother said, "But I don't want him to be in Heaven. I want him to be here with us." So sad and so sweet.
    Have a busy day! It will keep you out of trouble. :bigsmile: Kaye
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Tom - A friend of mine posted a picture on facebook of a glass of water with a few lemon slices, a blood orange slice, and a grapefruit slice and I have to say, it looked freaking delicious. You could slice it all up ahead of time and keep it in a tupperware in the fridge. Then just pull out slices as you need them. In fact, I think I'll be heading to the store tonight to pick up some citrus to do just that.

    @Robin - When is your vacation starting? I''m so jealous and excited for you all at the same time!

    Fitness Friday - NOthing to report that DID this week except 15 minutes of boxing last night. I talked to my Dr. about my back and he feels it was just a strain and to start exercising slowly again, but to be mindful of it. He gave me some strengthening exercises for my back. I'm embarrassed to say I'm SORE from that darn 15 minutes of boxing. I never thought it would give me that much of a workout. Only 15 minutes and I was sweating and puffing. I LOVE IT! I will need a real punching bag at some point. Even full of water my free standing one topples when I hit it with a left cross.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Thursday truth - Someone in another thread said something yesterday that REALLY struck home with me. THe moment my weight loss started to slow down last November I really started to struggle. I'd weigh myself and when I didn't see the loss I expected I'd freak out and binge. I was reading a post by someone with a similar problem and someone responded:

    "If you're heading somewhere in the car and wanted to get there by 5, but realized you were going to be a few minutes late, would you just give up and swerve into a bridge abutment?"

    I LOVE THIS! That's exactly what I've been doing!

    I'm printing this out and putting it on the bathroom mirror!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Thursday truth - Someone in another thread said something yesterday that REALLY struck home with me. THe moment my weight loss started to slow down last November I really started to struggle. I'd weigh myself and when I didn't see the loss I expected I'd freak out and binge. I was reading a post by someone with a similar problem and someone responded:

    "If you're heading somewhere in the car and wanted to get there by 5, but realized you were going to be a few minutes late, would you just give up and swerve into a bridge abutment?"

    I LOVE THIS! That's exactly what I've been doing!

    I'm printing this out and putting it on the bathroom mirror!

    just don't put it in your car mirror! Would hate that mix up!
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Happy Friday, everyone!

    My bf is coming to visit this weekend, so I'm excited. Hoping he'll notice the weight loss. He's actually already here, but I'm at work, so won't see him until after work. Ah, how slowly the hours go by!

    For those talking about flavoring water, I really like the Mio and other similar products. Just a little squirt and it's yummy!

    As far as those struggling with motivation, I have to say that for me, it's the realization that I have a choice, but I also have to face the consequences of the choice. No one is force feeding you spaghetti (picture the Porky Pig cartoon here -- that one always freaked me out!). So you are choosing to put food in your mouth. What food are you choosing? Is that food going to be good your body (heart/liver/insulin levels/etc.)? Or is it going to turn into fat? If you eat that, might it lead to weight loss, or weight gain? Is eating that worth the consequences? Sometimes it is! But you have to have mindful eating, be aware of what you are eating and that you are making a choice. And if you are choosing to eat something that's not-so-healthy, enjoy the hell out of it! No guilt, because you CHOSE it and ACCEPTED the potential consequences.

    For me, I'm on the edge of diabetes. There is nothing in the world that tastes so good right now that it is worth pushing me over the edge. It's not just about weight loss for vanity's sake, it's something that will affect the rest of my life. Do I want that chocolate cake, or do I want less arthritis pain when I walk? It's my choice.

    I'm not saying it's all about will power. Trust me, I know personally many of the other things that affect weight gain. But if you are treating anything that can contribute to weight gain, such as thyroid issues or insulin resistance, then I think a lot of it is about how bad do you want it. And do you want it more than that junk food? Maybe not. But it's your choice. You have control.

    That attitude helps me. I am not a victim. I am not pitiful. I am not helpless or hopeless. I choose to be healthy. It may take me months or years, but time will pass whether I take care of myself or not.

    Anyway, it helps me. I'm a control freak. I can't control everything in my life, but I can control what I eat and whether I go for a walk or plop on the couch when I get home.

    (Ok, speech over! LOL!)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hello everyone - no personals today but be assured I have read everyone's posts and am with you in spirit.

    Kaye - that's a tragic loss your nephew suffered. My once-mother-in-law did that. A neighbor was holding her son back in fact - he wriggled loose and darted behind her station wagon - that was all it took - she ran over him. I think they should have moved out of that house. It forever haunted her. Getting away from the scene of the horrible accident is important for the young man to move on.

    I am down 2 pounds, thankfully. The Dr. is adjusting my prednisone, taking me from 20 mg a day to 15 mg a day over the next month, alternating daily. I have some swelling in my legs, so that may have accounted for my 3 lb. gain last week. Glad some of it is gone.

    On the Hobbiton to Rivendell walk I am at Mile Marker 61 - edge of the Fields worked by Farmer Maggott. (having given myself an edge earlier when I lost my pedometer)

    I will be on computer one more day - then leave for BF Sunday the flight leaves Monday AM for sunny Jamaica, although snow is forcast here again that night and morning! We had 8 inches here Thursday night!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,179 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Vacation Robin!! :flowerforyou:

    GHD Challenge: 22/22

    Best wishes to everyone. :heart:

  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Have a wonderful time, Robin! We'll miss you!
  • Helenavee42
    **WARNING This is a rant**

    I get tired of people picking me out of the entire office to try health things. For instance my boss trying to get me to do the HCG diet and offering to pay. And the past month the people next door trying to get my to buy the body by vi stuff because they are now reps for it. You know I am trying to lose weight in a healthy way. I am eating healthy, I am working out, and I am feeling better. I mean I know I am the easiest target because of my size and I'm sure they aren't trying to be rude but I don't think people take into consideration how I might feel when they approach me in a public place and provide me with a weight loss product loud enough that my entire office can hear.... It is just frustrating and though I know they don't mean it it is hurtful. It wouldn't be so bad if they went around the office and told everyone about it. The way my boss brought up the HCG diet was by leaving the packet on my desk. I saw it when I got back from lunch and just went to the bathroom and cried. Ok I guess that is all...

    **End Rant**

    @Robin I hope you have a great time on your trip!

  • jumpy983
    I am not dealing well with things and could use some advice. This whole "new change" deal has just turned me into a raving lunatic. Any advice on how to shut my mouth off would be great. I am just 3 thin threads away from exploding at any given time at home.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    **WARNING This is a rant**

    I get tired of people picking me out of the entire office to try health things. For instance my boss trying to get me to do the HCG diet and offering to pay. And the past month the people next door trying to get my to buy the body by vi stuff because they are now reps for it. You know I am trying to lose weight in a healthy way. I am eating healthy, I am working out, and I am feeling better. I mean I know I am the easiest target because of my size and I'm sure they aren't trying to be rude but I don't think people take into consideration how I might feel when they approach me in a public place and provide me with a weight loss product loud enough that my entire office can hear.... It is just frustrating and though I know they don't mean it it is hurtful. It wouldn't be so bad if they went around the office and told everyone about it. The way my boss brought up the HCG diet was by leaving the packet on my desk. I saw it when I got back from lunch and just went to the bathroom and cried. Ok I guess that is all...

    **End Rant**

    @Robin I hope you have a great time on your trip!


    I'm sorry that keeps happening to you, Helena. Some people think they're helping, when really they aren't doing anything but hurting someone's feelings - people can be so insensitive sometimes. You know in your heart and in your mind that you are making the decisions to lose weight the healthy way - just need to find a way to either ignore or find a way to say to them, "I appreciate your concern but I've got this in the bag!"

    I actually had a very weird thing happen to me at work today. I'm close with a few of the "older" volunteer's at the hospital, the guy that works on Friday afternoon's asked me today if I have ever had my blood sugar checked because its probably what led to my obesity (hate that word) and my inability to lose weight. What!? I just looked at him dumbfounded. :mad: Then trying to hold back my anger, I asked him what made him think I couldn't lose weight? I pretty much put him in place, explaining that he shouldn't judge a book by its cover - he has no idea about me or my health history and he shouldn't jump to conclusions. I also explained to him how far I've come and if he ever wanted any pointers on how to eat healthier I'd be glad to help him. :bigsmile: I'm actually still kind of angry about the whole thing - but this too shall pass.

    @Robin~Have a tremendous vacation!!!

  • FluffyCorky
    FluffyCorky Posts: 96 Member
    Hello new friends!

    I know I'm just getting to know each of you but I've kept up with what has been posted since yesterday. Some of you I'm not so sure I know what's going on in your personal lives but for the few I can follow right now I just wanted to voice my opinions.

    @toots - I too have PCOS. It's always been a driving factor in my struggles to lose weight or keep it under control. I was diagnosed when I was 16 and haven't been back to the Dr. since because of it - only because he was worthless. You would think that there would be more than one PCOS specialty Dr. in the Chicagoland area but that apparently is not the case! I hope your drive to succeed at your goals kicks some PCOS booty.
    @Kaye - I know I've just met you but I too am very sorry to hear about your loss. Best of luck in being strong for the friends that may need you & making sure that those weak moments don't allow for that delicious mac & cheese to make it's way onto your plate.
    @Helena - I hope this weekend allows for you to catch up on some much needed sleep :yawn:
    @Robin - I know we don't know each other yet but have a great vacay!!! Everyone always needs one of those :bigsmile:

    As for Friday's fitness I don't have any goals to share. Since I've just re-started this journey I'm following a different approach and working on one thing @ a time. This week I had a goal of sticking to my calorie goal Mon-Fri. Today is a little touchy but I'm hoping to pull thru and make it work. I don't plan on splurging this weekend but I do have a fun outing planned for Sat night so my weekend goal is to drink in moderation and make beverage choices that will be a little more diet friendly.

    I hope yall have a great weekend :happy:
    PS - Can someone tell me what GHD is??

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Fluffy - GHD - stands for Ground Hogs Day Challenge - which is what a lot of us are referring to the February Challenge since it coincided with Ground Hogs day and the challenge is to repeat the same behavior for 28 days and it reminded us of that movie with Bill Murray called "Groundhogs Day"
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--HEY MON! Enjoy your vacation! :laugh:

    @courtney--I'm also from Chicago! Live in the northern suburbs now. :smile: I think it's smart to take it one step at a time as you work your way back into a healthy lifestyle! When you are back on the exercise wagon, let me know if you want to join me for any races. I've already signed up for a couple: Cinco de Miler (8k) at Montrose Harbor in May & Terrapin 5k at Soldier Field in August. My friends and I also do the Dirty Girl Mud Run at Lake County Fairgrounds in June. My group of friends is at all levels of fitness, so we just go at our own pace and meet up at the finish line for a beer.

    @kelley & helena--I'm so sorry that happened to both of you! Kelley, so glad you put the guy in his place--it is very rude of him to make assumptions about you. Helena, I'm not sure what advice to give you--part of me thinks you need to tell those people that their "help" is not helpful. However, it might be kind of awkward to tell your boss that. I think you should just keep doing what you know is healthy and the right approach for you, and the results will shut them up eventually. In the meantime, I'm really sorry they are being so insensitive. :flowerforyou:

    @jumpy--are you talking about the change in calories? If you are hungry, eat more. I looked at your diary, and if it is accurate, you have been under goal all week (some days by hundreds of calories).

    @des--loved your *speech*--I feel the same exact way (I'm also a control freak :blushing: ).

    @gorilla--car mirror :laugh: I can see how lifting at night would make it difficult to run the next morning. I limit my long (for me) runs to once/week. If I run other days, it's just a quick mile or 2 and I usually end up doing some other cardio like elliptical or bicycle to increase my calorie burn. I also don't lift at all on my long run days. Congrats on the 3 lbs! :drinker:

    @kris--I've heard boxing is a great full body workout.

    @kaye--oh, such a sad situation. :cry:

    Friday Fitness:
    Well it's not been according to plan this week, but I've still managed to get the exercise in. I'm starting to get nervous about my 8k in May. Over the past 6 or 8 weeks, I upped my mileage so that I'm running 4 miles one day/week. Now in truth, I don't always run the whole 4 miles (in fact, I think I've only pulled that off once), but even if I have to take a few walking breaks, I've been doing 4 miles once/week. I think tomorrow I'm going to try 5 miles. Even if I have to walk the entire last mile, it will still give me an idea of how long the 8k will take me. I figure I can do 5 miles once/week and work on decreasing my time over the next 10 weeks (my race is May 5th).

    Today, I walked Gunner and then shoveled snow for almost an hour--so much for my rest day. :smile:

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/16 Good Deeds essays
    2. x/57 Gatsby Journals
    3. x/14 AP research presentations

    Exercise goals week of 2/18:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + long run DONE + 6 miles on stationary bike DONE
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE + core (double session) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + core NOT DONE, but went to gym instead (lifted, ran, + cycled)
    Fri--rest day NOT DONE walked gunner DONE + shoveled snow
    Sat--walk gunner + long run
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    GHD= 21/28 days minimum 80 grams of protein
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Happy Friday friends. First and foremost KAye I am so sorry that happened to your friend. I hope he is able to find peace someday.

    Robin have a great vacation. I am so jealous but I will tag along with you in spirit. Be sure to have a nice fruity drink on the beach for me :bigsmile:

    My day has been somewhat difficult and infuriating:mad: I know we all have financial difficulties at times and I am blessed that most times my family is stable and comfortable. With that said the death of my grandmother and helping my parents get back for the funeral put a big hit on our savings that we use to pay the bills Jan-Begginning of March. We have to do this because there are no paychecks coming in from the beginning of Jan till the end of February. Most of my creditors have been very understanding and are working with me now that the checks are starting. One however has either disconnected my calls or not returned the messages I left for the last four days. I finally just kept calling today until someone finally talked to me. It became very unpleasant. I am a very mild mannered person I dont like confrontaion or emotional scenes but I a can be pushed to far. the following was submitted to the BBB and the attorney generals office this afternoon after I calmed down enough to be able to see straight.
    A t-mobile bill I was disputing was sent to the company Diversified Consultants. They called me once or twice a day for a month but when I would awnser and ask for payment arrangements I was told the bill had to be paid in full . At the end of January I got tired of the daily calls when they wouldn't work to resolve the issue and threatened to call the attorney generals office and report them for harrassment and all of a sudden they were able to make payment arrangements. I arranged to have the bill withdrawn from my acct on the 25th of February. My husband is a fisherman and the season started very poorly so I started trying to call them on the 19th of February to see if I could make a smaller payment and extend the arrangements. I was either disconnected or forwarded to machines were I left messages that were never returned every time I called up until the 22nd. I then spent a little over an hour trying to get ahold of someone. I was disconnected 9 times before someone said they could speak to me on my acct. The gentleman I spoke to told me he was a supervisor and there was nothing they could do as the payment was already pending because it was only 2 days out. I told him this was unacceptable as I had been trying to get ahold of them for the last four days and no one would return my calls or talk to me about my acct. He proceeded to tell me again that there was nothing he could do. At this time I told him I would be getting ahold of the BBB and the attorney generals office as I didn't approve of their buisness practices. At this point he became "politley" abusive commenting about my inability to pay my bills and when I tried to say something he would talk over the top of me. I finally interrupted him and told him as we couldn't agree on this issue we would let a third party (BBB or attorney generals office) decide who was right. all of a sudden at that point he told me he WOULD be able to get ahold of the bank and stop the payment but that they would no longer work with me and would be reporting the bill to the credit bureus. I feel that the whole experience has been handled unprofessionally and in a mannner meant to make me feel demeened and insignificant.
    I dont think I am overreacting but my friend has been talling me to just get over it and it is a waste of time. I think companies should be held responsible for the actions of their employees. Anyway sorry for making you all "listen" to this. I am still very agitated apparently. Maybe I will go play wii and work off some of this mad. Have a great day everyone.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    JT- Sorry to hear about your troubles with T-mobile and I hope you do report them to the BBB. I hope the issue will be resolved sooner rather than later.

    Gorilla- I will try to avoid the cake but it just tastes good. Then again I can always workout to earn that piece of cake. :laugh: :laugh:

    Kelly and Helena- Sorry to hear about the situations. It is amazing how people think they can just provide suggestions on how others should lose weight. Let them know that you are changing your lifestyle for the better and that it does not include "diets" especially fly by night fad diets. You are finding what works for you and that is the best way to do this.:drinker: Kelly- nice come back.:bigsmile:

    Karen- Shoveling snow is a great workout.
    Robin have a great trip.

    Tonight I did climb as usual but I took it a little easier than normal. I was afraid that my knee might take an unnecessary hit. Climbing does provide a full body workout.

    Exercise plan from last week.
    Saturday- rest DONE
    Sunday- gym DONE
    Monday- gym DONE
    Tuesday- gym/rest?? REST DONE
    Wednesday; Trainer workout DONE
    Thursday- rest DONE
    Friday- Rock Walls DONE
    saturday- rest -not sure yet

    Workout plans for 2-23 to 3-1
    Saturday- Rest or gym?
    Sunday- Gym
    Monday- Gym
    Tuesday- REST
    Thursday- Rest
    Friday- rock wall.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tammy--that stinks about the rude treatment you received, and you are absolutely right to report the company! I know a lot of people don't think it will help, but a lot of people won't hire or do business with companies with bad BBB ratings. I know I always check up on companies before hiring them--many people do, so your complaint CAN make a difference.

    @laurie--glad to hear you were able to climb, even with the sore knee. Any news on that condo?

    I'm really tired tonight, but also kind of restless. Am trying to catch up on some of my DVR'd shows. Just watched this week's Southland--man do I LOVE that show! And not *just* because of the eye candy (although there are some good looking men on that show! :blushing: ). Now I need to decide between Law & Order: SVU or Cougartown.

    I think I'm also going to take laurie's method and set up my exercise goals for Saturday through Friday instead of Monday through Sunday as I've been doing. So here is next week's starting tomorrow.

    Exercise Goals 2/23:
    Sat--walk gunner + long run
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Tues--walk gunner
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--rest day or maybe core (I have a baby shower after work)
    Fri--walk gunner

    Oh, also wanted to add I am at 143 miles--still in Louisa County, VA on virtual TransAmerica trail. Almost 50 miles of that is running!

    On day 14 on Hobbit journey--"Road curves more to the east. Marshes fill all the northern horizon."

    On day 8 on LOTR journey--"Leave road and head north into Chetwood. No living things all day."