Any working Moms out there?

I work FT, like 45 - 55 hours a week in a fast paced industry where I run around all day. So, if you work in an environment like that you know that equals making lots of bad eating choices! Anyone have the answer on how to make the best choices all the time? Add me as a friend and maybe we can help keep each other accountable to making healthy choices.


  • alavado
    I definitely do not work nearly as much as you do. But between my Masters program, work, being a mom & a girlfriend (that's a job too! haha), I have also struggled with this issue. The only thing I can suggest is to have readily prepared meals and snacks for yourself rather than going out to eat. If you get those glass jars from any craft stores - they keep food SUPER fresh! You can fill them with salad mixes (dressing on the bottom) and store a bunch in your fridge. When you want one, you just shake it up and eat it out of that. You can also do that with anything of course! Seems to work better than tupperware or ziplocks :)
  • GinaNewman
    GinaNewman Posts: 9 Member
    Great ideas...Thanks!
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I try to not have any cash on hand... Keeps me from going to the vending machines. I also try to plan each meal and snack and stick with it, bringing them with me..
  • shandi_b
    shandi_b Posts: 153 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm based over the other side of the world (Australia), but I work full time 40 hours plus a week, plus the 2-3 hours I spend in traffic each day to get to and from work. I am married with one 6 year old boy. I'm finding out the hard way that him being at school is MUCH more work for me than when he was younger (homework, reading each night, sports and activities).
    I also have to try and find to fit in study (IT certification and re-certification never ends!) and then trying to fit in exercise which leaves me running for the bad food choices at the food court at lunch time because I ran out of time (yet again) to make myself a healthy salad and tuna for lunch.
    I like the idea about the glass jars though - might have to try that one :)
  • uniquexbritt
    thankfully I work for a company that makes salads and wraps :)
  • terrib1980
    terrib1980 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm a working mom and I completely understand what you mean! I travel a fair amount in my role so I'm often on the move. I bring my own foods with me to work and I stick to eating only what I've brought. I try to pack things I know I can eat on the move or while sitting at my desk getting something done - apples, carrots, sandwiches, rice cakes, cheese slices... things like that. If I know I will be in the office for lunch and will have the time to sit and eat, I will bring like a chicken or tuna salad plus some of the other things I already mentioned.

    It's not always easy, but with a little advance planning it's definitely possible!
  • JessWolf1002
    JessWolf1002 Posts: 82 Member
    I work full time, go to school, have 2 kids and a husband in the military, so I definitely know what it's like to be busy!! I take a couple hours on Sunday and prep all my meals for the week. I went out and bought a bunch of Tupperware and containers and I plan, cook and organize everything for the whole week. I work in a hospital that has the most salty, greasy food in the cafeteria (you'd think hospitals would have healthier food) so I try to avoid the cafeteria as much as possible!! Some go to foods I like are hard boiled eggs, little baggies of mixed berries, string cheese, apples with almond butter, little baggies of mixed veggie sticks such as celery, carrots and broccoli with hummus to dip them in, almonds, avocados, etc.
  • AinE_75
    I definitely do not work nearly as much as you do. But between my Masters program, work, being a mom & a girlfriend (that's a job too! haha), I have also struggled with this issue. The only thing I can suggest is to have readily prepared meals and snacks for yourself rather than going out to eat. If you get those glass jars from any craft stores - they keep food SUPER fresh! You can fill them with salad mixes (dressing on the bottom) and store a bunch in your fridge. When you want one, you just shake it up and eat it out of that. You can also do that with anything of course! Seems to work better than tupperware or ziplocks :)
    +1 to cooking and bringing meals to work. I work full-time with two kids and no one to help. Twice a week I spend couple of hours to cook two-three meals. Some I freeze, some just keep in the refrigirator and we eat it in two-three days...
  • Bbwnomore2
    Bbwnomore2 Posts: 225 Member
    I work 40 a week plus have a 10 year old. I prepack lunches and snacks for work plus I make sure to have me time every morning and thats my breakfast time.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Another vote for planning and packing meals and snacks for work. When I have leftovers, I package them into individual gladware containers that I can put right in my lunch bag. I eat a lot of the same snacks over and over. When you repeat meals and snacks, it's easy to copy them from day to day with the MFP food log, too.
  • mrsgeneric
    mrsgeneric Posts: 143 Member
    Im a mom of 2 the oldest is 2 1/2 yrsthe youngest is 6 1/2 months
    I work 9 hrs a day and go to the gym 1 hr a day
    I bring a box of food with me to work and put
    It in the fridge! When theres no time to make food in the
    Morning i know i have stuff at work! (Fruits and salads)
  • mrsgeneric
    mrsgeneric Posts: 143 Member
    Oh yeah and unsalted crackers for snacky kind of days
  • KristineW78
    KristineW78 Posts: 42 Member
    40 hours and two daughters! Do moms ever STOP working?! ;)
    My saving grace plan lately at work has been to add a lil protein to a late lunch salad (chopping up anything from burger - chicken - tuna/fish) ..
    I take snacks like Yoplait light with fiber 50 cal cups and sometimes add craisins to it
    I also LOVE PB on "good" bread
    I have been learning a lot :)
    Cutting sugar and pasta/white bread/potatoes has been awesome too - on the mood and belly!
  • Decemom
    I am a working mom of 3. I am new to mfp, Feel free to add me. On Saturdays, I plan all of our meals for the upcoming week. So each night, I already know what I will be preparing before dnner. I keep grab and go healthy snacks that require no preparation (apples, oranges,yogurt etc.). I don't buy any unhealthy snacks in bulk. If I want chocolate, then I will buy a single candy bar every now and then or I will buy one Coke ( no multi-packs);yet no deprivation. I don't eat mindlessly in front of the tv or computer, only at the table. I also keep a bottle of water in my car at all times. I am just starting to make these simple changes, but i have lost 12lbs in a month.
  • JennineTambio
    JennineTambio Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a working mom of 2 young boys (ages 3 and 1). While I was on maternity leave, I joined Stroller Strides, which was an incredible way to get in shape and to meet new friends. But, now that I'm back to work--(8-4) plus drop-offs and pick-ups, I am struggling with how to fit exercise into my schedule. I'm just so exhausted by the end of the day, and can't get up any earlier than I need to in the morning. I'm still losing weight (slowly) by cutting calories during the workday, but I want to feel healthier and stronger.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Also, find a gym with childcare that you trust. I love the YMCA here. My daughter loves going to their childcare, so I don't feel guilty for working out.
  • michiganderrdh
    michiganderrdh Posts: 151 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
    FT working mom - I am a dental hygienist 36-4o0 hrs and teach at the YMCA.

    Meal planning on Sundays, workouts are when I can schedule them in. I usually do my workouts at home in my basement before or after my girls get up. I teach 2 hrs, 2 nights per week so that's a great burn !

    Rule in our home: fresh is best. I eat all the veggies I want for snacks. I pre-baggie these so I just grab and go!
  • catyblanchard9
    catyblanchard9 Posts: 4 Member
    Also a Working mom. I generagly work 9 hours a day. I am a mother of 3 (age 3, 4 & 6). I bring snacks to work with me Apples, Oranges, Carrots Celery are my go toes, Since Apples and Oranges are prepackeged and ready to just grab and go. Carrots and celery I wash cut and bag into portion size as soon as I bring them home for the grocery store so I have no excuse. I do I our meal planning before grocery shopping and I try and prep meals on Suday as well. It's easier to throw meals together after work if you already have veggies chopped, Cheese shredded, Ect. My work outs are usually after the kids go to bed since I already get up at 4am to get us out the door in time. Feel free to add me. I know it can be overwhelming some days
  • beccicbexter
    It is difficult when your a working mum, you've just got to find a healthier alternative for the things you love, that way you won't crave the naughtier things! I normally take a skinny soup and brown roll to work with me and if i want a snack or something sweet i have a snack a jack or a diet coke!! I cook my son chips and i have sweet potato's (which i now actually prefer). its just making healthier food choices and after a few weeks it will seem so much easier! good luck
  • lizibame
    lizibame Posts: 59 Member
    So glad to see this post with so many working moms, I'm a working single mom/soldier of 1 child and 20 soldiers who need something all hours of the day. Thankfully since it's only 2 of us at home I cook on monday like I'm cooking for a family of 5 and package my leftovers for the week. I too take all of my own food to work, keep plenty of yogurt, baby carrots, fruits etc in the fridge that i can grab and go. Feel free to add me (and any others on this board) I love hearing that I'm not the only one who doesn't go to the gym for 5 hours a day!