Insanity, Does it Work?

Ok so who out there uses this Insanity work out system and does it work? Especially the aspect about making muscle to enhance your metabolism? And the aspect about not caloric intake initially? Please share your experience and results. I am so sick of the gym, I need to try something different and want to know if this works....


  • ja9smakinachange
    ja9smakinachange Posts: 144 Member
    I'm on week 7 and for me it's been incredible. Now the scale hasn't moved much (7lbs) but my abilities have. I couldn't do a push up week one, and now I'm pretty sure I could pump out 30-40.

    Around week 4 the scale hadn't moved at all and needed some encouragment i took my stomach measurement and it'd gone down 3" I haven't checked since because I really want it to be a surprise.
  • I'm on week 7 and for me it's been incredible. Now the scale hasn't moved much (7lbs) but my abilities have. I couldn't do a push up week one, and now I'm pretty sure I could pump out 30-40.

    Around week 4 the scale hadn't moved at all and needed some encouragment i took my stomach measurement and it'd gone down 3" I haven't checked since because I really want it to be a surprise.

    Wow thats awesome. I dont think that pounds really matter that much, its def about how you look and about the inches. have you tried any other at home programs like gillian micheals or HITT? Is this Insanity program really any different?
  • ja9smakinachange
    ja9smakinachange Posts: 144 Member
    YES! I did Jillian 30 DS and no more trouble zones with running and while I got scale love I'll tell you my stomach has never felt this firm (under a layer of fat that needs to go) and my arms are getting definition.

    I've never had something that challenged me like this, moving into month 2 I actually laughed at some of the moves because there's no way I'd be able to do them... Next time I did that routine I was doing them (slowly mind you) but pushing myself harder than any other video I've ever come across.
  • YES! I did Jillian 30 DS and no more trouble zones with running and while I got scale love I'll tell you my stomach has never felt this firm (under a layer of fat that needs to go) and my arms are getting definition.

    I've never had something that challenged me like this, moving into month 2 I actually laughed at some of the moves because there's no way I'd be able to do them... Next time I did that routine I was doing them (slowly mind you) but pushing myself harder than any other video I've ever come across.

    Ok...I am starting to become convinced....So I take it you think it is worth the money? Do you still use the gym at all?
  • I am sorry.... I didn't like it. I felt like I got much better results with other workouts that weren't so time consuming.
  • ja9smakinachange
    ja9smakinachange Posts: 144 Member
    I don't pay for a gym, we have a tiny one at work and I'll run a 5k on my lunc a few days a week. I think I'll start CLX or NROL4W after this, I need structure or I regain. I get that this isn't everyone's thing but for me I like having a schedule. Once I get to maintaining I'll likely run a few days and do 1-2 of these videos.

    I only paid $50 for mine (got off Craigslist) and for me it's worth the money, since I plan on using them long term.
  • TssCnn
    TssCnn Posts: 114 Member
    I'm on week 7 and for me it's been incredible. Now the scale hasn't moved much (7lbs) but my abilities have. I couldn't do a push up week one, and now I'm pretty sure I could pump out 30-40.

    Around week 4 the scale hadn't moved at all and needed some encouragment i took my stomach measurement and it'd gone down 3" I haven't checked since because I really want it to be a surprise.

    All of this.

    I experience same thing. No drastic weight changes but endurance and ability i notice a huge difference. I use a gym as well but I see more results from Insanity I believe. I think its def worth it. BUT I always like to let ppl whom ask about the program to know ahead of time it can be hard. If you watch the video as you do it you see the ppl on there struggle as well.
  • Videogirl15
    Videogirl15 Posts: 14 Member
    I just started insanity 1 week ago and my diet at the same time. I have not lost weight, but feel a difference already. It's a big challenge for me, I'm about 45-50lbs overweight. I have done some exercise prior to Insanity but it seems more intense. I seem to have trouble taking weight off, but I am going to follow through anyway and see how it goes. Good luck to you!:wink:
  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    If you would be happy to only have major changes in your fitness alone - then go for it! If you more focused on seeing huge physical changes after the 63 days then use with caution. It can happen of course, but even with following the nutrition guide, calorie guidance and putting 120% into every single workout I didn't lose any weight or inches and am only a little bit more toned than before. Having said that I was pretty fit before I started and only want to lose about 6 or 7 pounds. No doubt that people who are much less active before they start and have a lot of weight to lose will see amazing changes. It is still a great programme, my fitness gains were incredible but in terms of body changes I've had much much better results when I've just been doing lower impact classes at my gym and not caring about my macros!!
  • Awesome Janine!!!
  • cindybpitts
    cindybpitts Posts: 213 Member
    Me & my husband did Insanity. I really liked it. It was a real challenge. After about 12 wks I got bored with it. I lost only 5 lbs but I firmed up alot. After that we did Tap Out..that was challenging too..I like that also. Have you ever taken a Tabata class? Very much like Insanity. I look forward to going to the gym on those days and its never the same...depending on what the coach/instructor wants to do. Google it!
  • ja9smakinachange
    ja9smakinachange Posts: 144 Member
    LOL! Chris has seen the images of weeks 1-6 she'll tell you if there has been an improvement. I'm still a too shy to put the bare before belly out there for all to see.
  • madrose0715
    madrose0715 Posts: 463 Member
    Me & my husband did Insanity. I really liked it. It was a real challenge. After about 12 wks I got bored with it. I lost only 5 lbs but I firmed up alot. After that we did Tap Out..that was challenging too..I like that also. Have you ever taken a Tabata class? Very much like Insanity. I look forward to going to the gym on those days and its never the same...depending on what the coach/instructor wants to do. Google it!
  • madrose0715
    madrose0715 Posts: 463 Member
    sorry, meant to add to that quote there...check out - they have many tabata styled videos...
  • JessieLMay
    JessieLMay Posts: 146 Member
    I am on week 2 going on week 3 and I love it. I follow the caloric needs based on this website and I am fine. My clothes are already looser and I seen results already. i go tuesday for my weight and measurements but I do know based on how my clothes are fitting and the way I see myself that it is working! It is a huge challenge and hard but its worth it. And honestly I have never felt better! So worth the money!!
  • I don't pay for a gym, we have a tiny one at work and I'll run a 5k on my lunc a few days a week. I think I'll start CLX or NROL4W after this, I need structure or I regain. I get that this isn't everyone's thing but for me I like having a schedule. Once I get to maintaining I'll likely run a few days and do 1-2 of these videos.

    I only paid $50 for mine (got off Craigslist) and for me it's worth the money, since I plan on using them long term.

    I agree with your comment on structure. I need it also. 5 miles on a lunch break thats insane! Watch out for your knees but keep kicking butt! What is CLX or NROL4W
  • If you would be happy to only have major changes in your fitness alone - then go for it! If you more focused on seeing huge physical changes after the 63 days then use with caution. It can happen of course, but even with following the nutrition guide, calorie guidance and putting 120% into every single workout I didn't lose any weight or inches and am only a little bit more toned than before. Having said that I was pretty fit before I started and only want to lose about 6 or 7 pounds. No doubt that people who are much less active before they start and have a lot of weight to lose will see amazing changes. It is still a great programme, my fitness gains were incredible but in terms of body changes I've had much much better results when I've just been doing lower impact classes at my gym and not caring about my macros!!

    Thank you for giving me an honest response! I have noticed that it seems easier for people who are a lot more overweight then me to loose weight quicker. I have about 20 pounds that I want to loose and want to get in better shape. Maybe this would help with becoming physically fit but not the weight thing. If you don't mind me asking what classes are you taking? And what are Macros? I keep hearing about them...
  • Me & my husband did Insanity. I really liked it. It was a real challenge. After about 12 wks I got bored with it. I lost only 5 lbs but I firmed up alot. After that we did Tap Out..that was challenging too..I like that also. Have you ever taken a Tabata class? Very much like Insanity. I look forward to going to the gym on those days and its never the same...depending on what the coach/instructor wants to do. Google it!

    Thanks for the advice. I will check out Tabata. I find that a challenge for me to I tend to get bored doing static exercises.
  • 250mrsb
    250mrsb Posts: 33 Member
    I dunno. I read up on insanity it looks a little too "insane" for my liking. I cant handle too much impact on my knees,so all of the plyo just doesnt seem like a good idea. Im doing gillian michaels body revolution and I love it. Insanity to me seems more geared to ppl who are already in shape....just my honest opinion :)
  • hayles_s
    hayles_s Posts: 32 Member
    I am on week 7 of insanity and at first i was sceptical as to whether or not it would work, HOWEVER, I can honestly say this programme works if you really stick to the plan. I have been doing this aswell as spin and pump etc and obviously following a healthy eating plan.

    The first week i started it, i put on about 3 lbs but this is normal and then after that it dropped. I have lost 7lbs and a drop in over 5% body fat within the space of 7 weeks so there is proof that it works. My clothes are a lot looser, infact clothes that fitted me when i was lighter than I am now but because I have gained muscle mass i appear leaner.
