30 day shred not working?

I have had good progress with weight loss the last few months. I've lost about 20 lbs and was closing in on my original goal weight of 150 lbs. But I discovered that I did't look as great as I thought I would at 155 lbs so since I was doing so well I set my goal a little further to 140 lbs and decided to start working on strength training and toning to help flatten that mommy pooch and all the other saggy bits. I've heard great things about the 30 day shred. I know lots of people currently doing it and they rave about all the inches lost so I decided to give it a go. It was hard and had me so sore that I could hardly walk for a few days. I thought "great! this will get me in shape in no time!". I expected to put on some temporary weight from muscle or water but at this point ( day 7) I've gained 5 lbs and lost no inches. Nothing has changed except that the workout isn't as hard anymore. So I'm stronger which is great but now I'm starting to wonder if I made a mistake in trying the 30 day shred as now all seems to be doing is hindering my weight loss. I know it's still early and I expect to be told to just give it more time. I'm just unsure because it seems like every one else I seeing results by now and I'm starting to think I am doing something wrong. I'm 5'5, my starting weight in December was 177 lbs. I was down to 155 lbs before I started the shred. I have my calories set to 1500 a day though I usually average closer to 1300. I some times eat a few of my calories back from exercising. I try to drink lots of water though I admit I struggle to get the recommended amount. I have done the workout consistently every single day. I give it my all and can now do most of the advanced moves of level 1 with the exception of push ups. I am keeping up with the pace of the workout pretty well. I know I haven't given it much time and that other peoples results may be faster than mine because we have different body types. I'm really trying to keep that stuff in mind but I'm starting to get quite discouraged. Does any one have any advice? Is there something I may be doing wrong or do I just need to stick it out?


  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I personally think it is too easy and not enough resistance. I think its a great workout for a beginner who needs to step into fitness, but you'll get more out of lifting.
  • katdell
    katdell Posts: 89 Member
    Im with you.... ive had the 30 day shred and ive been using it for the last few months!! Granted its not every day as I goto the gym and do circuit training etc but since using it ive not really lost any weight!! Due to this I decided to go and get a personal trainer, she took a week of my meals and she sat me down the other day and told me why im not losing weight!! She told me that quite often I was eating too much protein and not enough carbs... she went on to tell me that im also usually not eating enough (especially when im not working out) so my body is probably keeping hold of anything it can just in case it dosnt get enough the next day!! Im soooo confused now but im trying to change my diet and I hope this will start the weight loss back off!! Maybe this is the same with you? Maybe you need to look at what your eating a bit more?
    Hope this helps :smile:
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    It's only 30 days :) I would just finish it and see if you get better results in the other levels. Go up to level 2 now, you don't need to do level one the full 10 days if it's too easy for you. The good news is, the weight you have gained is just water and not fat :)
  • lilkat_0087
    lilkat_0087 Posts: 55 Member
    30 day shred didn't do much for me either so I moved to Ripped in 30 which I love. It really is a beginners video.

    do you have heavier weights to use? I needed to add 15lbs and 20lbs (they are very heavy for me) to feel like i worked out.
  • ScreamingUnicorn
    ScreamingUnicorn Posts: 83 Member
    I do get a lot of protein. It was recommended to me that I try get around 100 grams a day and I almost always do though sometimes I end up getting upwards of 150 grams a day since I use protein shakes as a fast easy meal supplement when I don't have time to prepare meals. Could this be my problem? To much protein?
  • ScreamingUnicorn
    ScreamingUnicorn Posts: 83 Member
    I can add weight but I don't have much upper body strength yet and struggle with the weight I already use. My arms feel like they are going to fall off by the time I'm done. Lol
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I didn't notice results from 30DS until I was on my third week, after 1 week you wont notice great results from any new workout. I find 2-3 weeks is always around the time I start to notice. So try not to worry about it and stick at it!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    30DS is s mediocre exercise program at best. It alternates between movements that are too hard for beginners to ones that are too easy for experienced exercisers. It does not offer a complete body workout. Other than for rank beginners, it is unlikely to add much in the way of muscle or strength.
    Oh, and it doesn't burn a lot of calories either.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    I do get a lot of protein. It was recommended to me that I try get around 100 grams a day and I almost always do though sometimes I end up getting upwards of 150 grams a day since I use protein shakes as a fast easy meal supplement when I don't have time to prepare meals. Could this be my problem? To much protein?
    Too much protein is most definitely NOT your problem. If a trainer gave me advice like the poster above, I'd probably throat punch them and walk out because they have no idea what they're talking about. If you're trying to preserve lean body mass while losing fat, adequate protein intake is essential. It's most likely water/glycogen retention in your muscles due to a new/different strain being put on them. As far as no inches lost, it's only been 7 days - that's not a lot of time to expect results.

    I don't know much about any of the video workouts because I don't do them, but IMO the problem with them lies in the very titles - "Ripped in 30", "30-day Shred", "7-day Ab Solution", etc. They hint that you'll get massive, incredible results in a very short time period, while the truth is that significant changes in your physique take a lot of time and effort - a lot more than 30 days.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I do get a lot of protein. It was recommended to me that I try get around 100 grams a day and I almost always do though sometimes I end up getting upwards of 150 grams a day since I use protein shakes as a fast easy meal supplement when I don't have time to prepare meals. Could this be my problem? To much protein?
    Too much protein is most definitely NOT your problem. If a trainer gave me advice like the poster above, I'd probably throat punch them and walk out because they have no idea what they're talking about. If you're trying to preserve lean body mass while losing fat, adequate protein intake is essential. It's most likely water/glycogen retention in your muscles due to a new/different strain being put on them. As far as no inches lost, it's only been 7 days - that's not a lot of time to expect results.

    I don't know much about any of the video workouts because I don't do them, but IMO the problem with them lies in the very titles - "Ripped in 30", "30-day Shred", "7-day Ab Solution", etc. They hint that you'll get massive, incredible results in a very short time period, while the truth is that significant changes in your physique take a lot of time and effort - a lot more than 30 days.

  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Im on level 3, day 2. And not only do I see no results, Ive lost no weight and 1 inch.
    I feel ya'.
    Stick with it though, see it to the end.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    it's been even days. it takes a lot of time. a lot. keep working hard.

    and fyi, even though it is called thirty day shred, it is not meant to be done every day for thirty days. it should be done three times a week. on alternate days, go run, or the elliptical, walk, or bike or swim.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    it's been even days. it takes a lot of time. a lot. keep working hard.

    and fyi, even though it is called thirty day shred, it is not meant to be done every day for thirty days. it should be done three times a week. on alternate days, go run, or the elliptical, walk, or bike or swim.

    It's recommended by "Jillian"/the brand you do it 6 days a week, taking one rest day.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Im on level 3, day 2. And not only do I see no results, Ive lost no weight and 1 inch.
    I feel ya'.
    Stick with it though, see it to the end.

    1 inch is still results!
    Are you combining it with a diet?
    A lot of people have stated they didn't lose weight with it but lost inches.
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Im on level 3, day 2. And not only do I see no results, Ive lost no weight and 1 inch.
    I feel ya'.
    Stick with it though, see it to the end.

    1 inch is still results!
    Are you combining it with a diet?
    A lot of people have stated they didn't lose weight with it but lost inches.

    1 inch is a little disappointing when im at level 3! :(
    I have changed my diet somewhat, and am eating my TDEE.
    Ive been stuck at the same weight for weeks now after losing the 1inch and initial water weight.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Im on level 3, day 2. And not only do I see no results, Ive lost no weight and 1 inch.
    I feel ya'.
    Stick with it though, see it to the end.

    1 inch is still results!
    Are you combining it with a diet?
    A lot of people have stated they didn't lose weight with it but lost inches.

    1 inch is a little disappointing when im at level 3! :(
    I have changed my diet somewhat, and am eating my TDEE.
    Ive been stuck at the same weight for weeks now after losing the 1inch and initial water weight.

    If you are eating your TDEE you will not be at a deficit and therefore not losing weight (or inches).
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Im on level 3, day 2. And not only do I see no results, Ive lost no weight and 1 inch.
    I feel ya'.
    Stick with it though, see it to the end.

    1 inch is still results!
    Are you combining it with a diet?
    A lot of people have stated they didn't lose weight with it but lost inches.

    1 inch is a little disappointing when im at level 3! :(
    I have changed my diet somewhat, and am eating my TDEE.
    Ive been stuck at the same weight for weeks now after losing the 1inch and initial water weight.

    If you are eating your TDEE you will not be at a deficit and therefore not losing weight (or inches).

    What I mean is my TDEE -20%
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Seriously? You need to see the program through. The first time I did 30DS, I lost every week.. last month when I did it, it took about 19-20 days before the inches started coming off.

    If you are focused on the number on the scale, this workout is not for you because you will see more of a loss in inches than lbs. Losing an inch is better than nothing and if your macros/eating is on the ball, perhaps you need to be more patient

    I would recommend maybe trying Natalie's moves if you aren't already or increase the dumbbell weights. Last month I used 4lb weights, now I am up to 7lbs to make the workout harder. Also, go for a run, walk, jog or hit up your local gym and lift heavy. This month, I do 30DS, some lifting then HIIT on the treadmill.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    I got stronger on it but it didn't help my weight loss in any way either :(
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I got stronger on it but it didn't help my weight loss in any way either :(

    Wow, that is so hard to believe. You're the only person I've ever seen say that 30DS didn't help!!