Weight Watchers vs. MFP

I have been a WW for many years,and subscribe online, but today I came onto MFP- free- and realized the amount of calories I am consuming versus what I need to lose.

Has anyone switched from WW to here, and what do you think? This seems less easy, but its new to me...

whadda think?


  • I have joined WW many times and truthfully although it works, I always gave up becuase I would think more about food and converting to points and always trying to figure my daily numbers so I wouldnt go over. The whole idea to me is to think less of food, not more and WW just wasnt for me. With MFP I can quicly look at calories and easily figure my day. I Love It!:smile:
  • cjcmrn
    cjcmrn Posts: 134 Member
    I would think that the biggest difference is that with WW you have to be accountable every meeting to what you have ate and potentially lost (they will give you *kitten*) Here is it just you, you have support from other users, but if you need that physical accountability every week then WW might be a good place to start. Just my opinion.
  • abrodniak
    abrodniak Posts: 47 Member
    I switched over from WW, and I am finding this to be so much easier. I think it's just because I got bored with WW and needed something new and different to motivate me.
  • I too have been a member of ww for two years now. I seem to be at a plateau that I am stuck In.I am also trying MFP for the first time. I have nothing to lose & only money to save. How many days have you been on? Good luck to us! Bonny
  • lifeispractice
    lifeispractice Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the responses. This is my first 5 minutes on MFP and I am liking it so far. I put meals in breakfast and lunch, and realized I only had less than 500 calories for dinner if I want to stay within the 1200 calories to lose...could be the reason I have not been having much success with WW...I guess it wouldnt hurt to do both until this comes more easily.

    Do you find you end up eating the same things so its easier to track?
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    I like this site as technically you can eat the foods that you choose as long as you log them accurately so it takes away any guilt when you sometimes choose unhealthy foods. Good luck!
  • I have tried ww but I could never stick to it but mfp I can stick to it I been on here since aug 2011 and I love it
  • Bbwnomore2
    Bbwnomore2 Posts: 225 Member
    i refuse to pay to lose any weight (other then the healthy foods i choose):drinker:
  • alsoagood1
    alsoagood1 Posts: 79 Member
    I have been a WW member on and off (mostly off) for over 25 years, this is my first time trying a calorie counting way of eating and am finding it quite refreshing but know I need to be careful of what I eat. I was under eating the first week and didn't get enough fat in, this week I have really watched those two things and am feeling much better. Will find out Monday morning if it worked better. I think it is a personal choice how each of us goes about losing weight. Good luck!
  • aggiejk94
    aggiejk94 Posts: 14 Member
    I am a life time member of Weight Watchers and it worked for me when I was younger, but the several times I started up again it did not. I have thyroid issues now and other hormone issues, but if you add some friends on here and get a good motivation and accountability group this can work . I would recommend determining your BMR (you can search for that term) and put in that you want to lose a pound a week or read some community posts on eating more. 1200 calories, in my opinion is too little and not a realistic goal for your weight loss journey. Also, when you exercise you get more to eat. Feel free to add me or message me if you need more help.
  • To me this is where MFP worked better for me because I would get to dinner and not like the number of cals I had left. That motivated me to get off my can and work out.
  • KellyJoMorris
    KellyJoMorris Posts: 35 Member
    I did WW online for two years and got bored with it, I had some success, losing a stone and a half but then I was kind of stuck around 13 stone for the next quite a few years. You know how it goes, lose a bit then gain a bit!
    I started on MFP in August 2012 and I have just recently hit 11 and a half stone!! I am soooooo pleased. I last remember weighing this much pre children and my eldest is now 24!!

    I found this very helpful at the beginning of my MFP journey.


    Kelly xx
  • Lipstickcherry
    Lipstickcherry Posts: 122 Member
    I went to WW for the first time at 9 years old (my dad used to take me). I tried off and on through the years. I got tired of the meetings, I don't like them too much as I have sat through too many of them. I did the online thing but it got kind of pricey (it was close to 17$ when I last did the online thing per month and now it's up to 19$ per month). I did not at the time find a lot of things in there and it was a memory hog on my phone to use it. I understand now more things are in the database and they have improved it. But I've been on MFP for awhile and I like it. It's easy even to track my vitamins I take daily. And best of all...it's FREE! And it has a great community. :flowerforyou:
  • ruthiejewell
    ruthiejewell Posts: 134 Member
    Welcome to Wonderland! To me, no comparison. WW have had all the money they're getting from me for memberships and plastic sugary foods!!! What a goldmine!!! Logging and supporting and getting support on MFP is far superior and 10 times more educational and informative. Love it!!!! Good luck.
  • FinallyDoingMe
    FinallyDoingMe Posts: 84 Member
    I did WW three times and then decided that MFP was the better option for me. While the meetings work great.....and I got used to converting points...I felt that I didn't have to pay to lose weight. The cost of healthy eating is high enough.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Tracking your calories and macro- and micronutrient intakes for free seems far superior to an artificial and expensive program that doesn't actually teach you how to eat in a healthy manner.
  • cinbol
    cinbol Posts: 27 Member
    I hit goal at WW back in the late 90's but sadly put it all back on and then some when tragedy hit our family. I think both programs are good for the right people, but for me it's too easy to eat the wrong foods on WW. I have switched to eating low carb/high fat/high protein and I seem to be loosing at a steady pace but never hungry. My doc wanted me to stay under 50 carbs per day - ignoring calories, fat, etc and it's working. For me personally I am finding that breads, pasta and sugar are my downfall but on WW I could sneak in some cookies or breads and just give up the points elsewhere ( or use those wonderful "bonus" points). But when I went back to WW and the new program and was eating really good, I still wasn't loosing - it wasn't until I cut the CARBS that I started having success. Now after 3 months I don't have those carb cravings and I have permission to have a "cheat" day but find it hard to cheat - I'd rather have a huge salad with chicken or ham than a cheeseburger..... now I look at the carbs on the package and ask myself if it's worth it?

    Bottom line, is you have to find something that works for your body and stick with it. Every "body" is different - mine is "insulin intolerant" and I just can't convert those darn carbs the way I should so I stay away from them. Will I never eat Pizza again? Yes I will as a matter of fact had it a week ago but 2 pieces instead of 3 or 4 and I was stuffed and felt lousy afterwards - won't do it again soon!
  • Momma_Grizz
    Momma_Grizz Posts: 294 Member
    I moved to MFP from Weight Watchers (I'm a lifetime member and also worked for them for a while). To be honest, MFP taught me the real values of the foods I was eating. Yes I lost weight with WW (the old program, anyway) and I ate better than where I started but all I learned was the 'points' of food rather than their nutritional values. I never truly learned how to eat properly.

    It took me a while to get use to counting calories, fat, carbs and protein vs converting everything to points but it's worth it. I love MFP. It's free - and by adding friends, is an awesome support system.
  • ellymae55
    ellymae55 Posts: 2 Member
    Aggie, I am a lifetime WW as well...and yes it does work but I need a little something different myself....I'm not sure how to have "friends" on MFP....I do think that would help with the motivation!!!
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I tried weight watchers twice and it wasn't for me. I'm sure it is for some, but I need to keep it as simple as possible, or I get frustrated and give up. I got tired of keeping track of points. MFP is simple and I love that. I am also not much of a meeting person.