Weight Watchers vs. MFP



  • larsen626
    larsen626 Posts: 99 Member
    I used WW for 3 years and had absolutely no success! it let me eat too much! I started using MFP out of desperation cause I had to lose 50 lbs to qualify for my VSG I admit the first few weeks were tough but got it figured out! and lost the weight needed and now I have had my surgery and 75+ lbs down and feeling good still have a lot to lose I plan on using MFP !!! I love this and I love my friends and having their support is so important!!
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    For me, Weight Watchers didn't fix what was broken. I'm also a life time member. I don't blame WW for me not keeping the weight off, so don't get me wrong there. It is, just like weight watchers was a game. Points vs. food value I take the food value approach.
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    My wife persuaded me to try it.


    Check calories, workout, get your macros straight for fat loss.


    Get to work.
  • mjh4cwh1
    mjh4cwh1 Posts: 21 Member
    I love MFP so much better! Find it easier and more motivating! I have cosistantly lost with MFP but not WW. You have to find what works for you.
  • suzy1220
    suzy1220 Posts: 118 Member
    MPF is so much better, hands down. And I don't eat the same things to make it easier to track. I have found everything I've ever eaten on MFP and the recipe builder is the best!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I am a WWer and this is what I discovered doing both at the same time....if you consume more starchy carbs then your calories on MFP will be less then if you eat more non-starchy foods. When I eat more vegetables & fruits in a day and very minimal starches even if healthy like whole wheat bread then I eat my calorie limit here on MFP or slightly more. Funny I always wondered how many calories was in the points I was eating at WWs now I now!
    I am about to quit again because of the money. I must say I have learned a lot again from the fabulous leader I had...she is awesome! Free is always a bonus!
  • ww is good but since I had gastric bypass, MFP works better for me. The more you work the site the easier it is.:smile:
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    Thanks for the responses. This is my first 5 minutes on MFP and I am liking it so far. I put meals in breakfast and lunch, and realized I only had less than 500 calories for dinner if I want to stay within the 1200 calories to lose...could be the reason I have not been having much success with WW...I guess it wouldnt hurt to do both until this comes more easily.

    Do you find you end up eating the same things so its easier to track?

    Count your calories as points or as calories...I go with the real deal!

    If your at 1200 calories....you must be in the 1% in the world that is actually on a 1200 calorie plan. Somebody send her the roadmap link.....I'm not that technical....Thanks....Show her how to eat more and lose.

    Nutrition is a diet.............Nutrition with exercise is a LIFESTYLE!
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    I feel, the big difference between MFP and WW, is that on here you should eat all your calories. It's not like with WW where you can or can not eat your extra points. Definitely eat them for more success. Also, if you feel like your calorie goals are too low, make sure you only have them set to lose 1 pound a week. It will be much more manageable and easier to maintain and incorporate into a healthy life style.
  • arthurrichard
    arthurrichard Posts: 51 Member
    Aggie, I am a lifetime WW as well...and yes it does work but I need a little something different myself....I'm not sure how to have "friends" on MFP....I do think that would help with the motivation!!!

  • I switched and couldn't be happier.

    I was stuck at 142+ lbs on WW, because if fruit is FREE I will overeat on it - I could pack over half a day's calories into a smoothie. I'd also eat snacks over 100 calories (a whole can of green beans) that were "free."

    On top of that, I had learned to "max out" every point value . . . I'd stay on the eliptical for 27 minutes for 3 points, instead of 26 minutes for 2 points, then switch machines and do the same. I'd add food to my scale, one piece at a time until it popped up to the next point, then take the last one off - so every point I ate was at the top of its range and every activity point I earned at the bottom.

    If you're battling serious obesity and a lifetime of such poor eating habits that you really don't know how to eat a healthy diet, then Weight Watchers MEETINGS are a good starting point. Otherwise, MFP has it beat, hands down - and unlike the fruit and vegetables on the Weight Watchers plan - MFP really IS FREE.
  • Arsenal1919
    Arsenal1919 Posts: 212 Member
    Today I came onto MFP- free- and realized the amount of calories I am consuming versus what I need to lose.

    Has anyone switched from WW to here, and what do you think?

    Places like MFP and Calorie King are more finite to a more definite total calorie count.

    I remember my mother doing WW successfully in the early 1970s and back then it was more like MFP & CK.

    WW is a bit nebulous ... rounding things off to near enough points/numbers.

    I've done WW twice in my adult (male) life and I can say that I was the only male in my local WW group both times. It was more tailored to the mass of females in the group. They were nice to me but in the long run it was too expensive for a weekly weigh-in and a "motherhood & apple-pie" lecture from the group leader.

    MFP & CK are more suitable if you are good at personal responsibility.

    Also, I like that it fits the Smartphone era.

    Good luck with your weight loss journey.

    - - - - -
    Green Peace …
    TORONTO, New South Wales,
    (East Coast) AUSTRALIA

  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    I would think that the biggest difference is that with WW you have to be accountable every meeting to what you have ate and potentially lost (they will give you *kitten*) Here is it just you, you have support from other users, but if you need that physical accountability every week then WW might be a good place to start. Just my opinion.
    not true if you do it online.

    I am on WW but I also use mfp for a lot fo things, For me where I am at WW is better for me because when I was just counting cals I did not pay attention to anything but calories like I should have. I pay attention and choose better on WW. Its hard for anyone to say one or the other its more of whats best for you :)
  • imani533
    imani533 Posts: 19 Member
    I've done WW many times over the years and I get out of it what I put in. I quit this time because I was losing and gaining the same few pounds over and over for years. With MFP i'm trying something different and expecting different results. It's much easier to track calories instead of converting everything to points. So far, I've tracked 45 days in a row. I'm hooked.
  • imani533
    imani533 Posts: 19 Member
    Oops! That should read 35 days. Sorry.:smile:
  • Thanks for the responses. This is my first 5 minutes on MFP and I am liking it so far. I put meals in breakfast and lunch, and realized I only had less than 500 calories for dinner if I want to stay within the 1200 calories to lose...could be the reason I have not been having much success with WW...I guess it wouldnt hurt to do both until this comes more easily.

    Do you find you end up eating the same things so its easier to track?

    I often will eat the same things to make it easy to track, but once you've been at it for a few weeks, you'll have lots of different foods that are easy to log. You'll develop a rythm. My advice to you, is to try having a larger calorie goal, don't do 1200 if you don't have to. If you've got the time to be patient, take it at a slower pace. What works for me, is to use an online calculator to find out how many calories i need to maintain a weight that is 10 lbs. lighter than my current weight and set that as my net goal for calories. Once i reach that weight, i set a new goal, and new calorie goal. Hope this helps! Good luck!
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    I got upset because at the weighing every week so are expected to have lost weight. My weight loss is not linear but I have lost 22 pounds since September on MFP so am happy with the way it is going. I am also learning a lot about what works for me. The online group is very supportive too.
  • Lipstickcherry
    Lipstickcherry Posts: 122 Member
    I switched and couldn't be happier.

    I was stuck at 142+ lbs on WW, because if fruit is FREE I will overeat on it - I could pack over half a day's calories into a smoothie. I'd also eat snacks over 100 calories (a whole can of green beans) that were "free."

    On top of that, I had learned to "max out" every point value . . . I'd stay on the eliptical for 27 minutes for 3 points, instead of 26 minutes for 2 points, then switch machines and do the same. I'd add food to my scale, one piece at a time until it popped up to the next point, then take the last one off - so every point I ate was at the top of its range and every activity point I earned at the bottom.

    If you're battling serious obesity and a lifetime of such poor eating habits that you really don't know how to eat a healthy diet, then Weight Watchers MEETINGS are a good starting point. Otherwise, MFP has it beat, hands down - and unlike the fruit and vegetables on the Weight Watchers plan - MFP really IS FREE.
    THIS. I ate so much fruit...yes, you can pack on pounds eating bananas and grapes. I can did eat that much. And I would eat exactly my points for 1 week...and gain. I had to always eat under them. It's because I think I "tweaked" them too. I would push the limit.

    I find I need the discipline for myself to put in all my calories. And have no "free" foods like bananas.
  • imshopn
    imshopn Posts: 1
    I, too, am doing both WW and MFP. I hit lifetime at WW last July but slowly put back on 10 pounds. I am new to MFP, started in the end of January and couldn't be happier. I am finding it much easier to track my nutrition and REALLY see what I am inputting into my body. It has been eye-opening. I feel I am eating better on MFP so far and am down almost 5 pounds. I'm still having problems with my sugar intake being so high. I still tend to grab fruit as a snack but it seems to put me over on my sugar for for the day. So still trying to balance that. I'm used to it being "FREE" but didn't realize how much sugar I was intaking.
  • DanaSpears06
    DanaSpears06 Posts: 7 Member
    I have been using MFP for over a year (including while I was pregnant). Within the last week I signed up for weight watchers and am shocked. I still tracked on MFP to compare calories. Everything I have read says a woman should not eat less than 1200 calories a day. So far the days that I tracked on both WW and MFP when I reached my total points for the day I was only at 900-950 calories! How is that healthy. I signed up to make it easier for my husband but I don't want to "starve" myself either! I'm canceling my WW and sticking with MFP!
  • imstrong4me
    imstrong4me Posts: 119
    I tried ww but I cant seem to stick with it I rather do mfp to me being on ww it seems like im starving myself
  • melwangerin
    melwangerin Posts: 6 Member
    I just came over to MFP after being on WW for 6 months. I was able to lose 38lbs on WW so as far as success goes, it worked for me. I learned a lot from going to the WW meetings and having the weekly accountability of getting on the scale. I'd like to learn more about healthy eating by knowing how many calories a food item is, not just a point value. Those 0 point fruits and veggies have real live calories so I wanted to learn to get a handle on the calorie counting thing. I need to learn to be accountable to myself for the # on the scale. I don't fear it (getting on the scale) like I used to. I've taken a bit of a break (about 3 weeks) from trying to lose and have just tried to maintain. I've been tracking everything but not being super strict with myself about sticking to my regular eating routine, and I've still managed to lose 2 lbs in those 3 weeks. So far I absolutely love MFP, I think the database of foods is soooooooo much better and the price is definitely right! Good luck in making your decision.
  • _Liz_M_
    _Liz_M_ Posts: 39
    I also went to WW. Enjoyed the pro point + program but got a little tired of the commercial aspect of the group and being lined up for weigh in with a table of products for sale beside us. It is a very expensive program. All that aside it works and it re-educated me to think about non processed foods and portion control, fresh fruit and vegetables.
    I think MFP has it over WW because by counting calories, as opposed to points, the choice of foods is wider. You can have whatever you like counting calories. It is all about portions and keeping within a calorie range. This is easily done with just a little planning.
    Terrific support on this site too.
  • Alison12121
    Alison12121 Posts: 198 Member
    I am so happy that I found MFP! I am tracking on MFP and WW online for now, but I really like MFP better than WW. I did well on the old WW, but the new Points Plus just wasn't working for me.

    I think the problem is that fruits are 0 points. I can see why it's like that, because they are trying to encourage you to make healthier choices, but that didn't work for me because I was already eating a lot of fruits to begin with, and they still have calories. Also, foods with a lot of carbohydrates cost a lot of points to encourage you to eat more high fiber, high protein foods. If I ate foods with carbohydrates, I used up a lot of points and I was hungry because I didn't have enough points for later in the day. I found myself counting down to the end of the week until my weekly points would reset.

    I joined MFP a week ago, and I find that I'm not hungry like I was on WW. (I set MFP to lose 1 pound/week). It's also so much easier to just look up the calories. I don't have to waste time converting to points, and since I'm not hungry all the time, I know I can stick with MFP for a long time. Another plus is that MFP is free! :smile:
  • I just started MFP today and have been a faitful WW for years! I just could never get to goal with WW, and the new Points Plus program really threw me off. I only gained more with it! So, I'm going to give this a shot. I hope we both have success with it!!
  • ninoratsoc
    ninoratsoc Posts: 9 Member
    I've tried WW several times but never lost weight with them I prefer calorie counting because it is so straightforward. It's scientific - if you eat more than you expend you gain weight, if you eat less you lose weight - so simple. It is working for me and it is the only thing that does. When I was younger I could have lost weight on 1500 cals, but now my calorie goal is 1000 cals but I still lose terribly slowly on that so rather than reduce further, I have to exercise (a lot) as well. Being able to see and keep track of the numbers really motivates me.
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    Never tried WW ever because its more of a profit organisation where you are encouraged more so to purchase WW foods since it would be easy to convert to points...

    End story, stick with MFP as it deals with calories straight off the bat, you'll probably learn more on here anyway!
  • sassyrayofsunshine
    sassyrayofsunshine Posts: 499 Member
    I've tried WW and I actually like this better! It seems easier to me bc you learn what you need to adjust rather than just calculating points. You see the breakdown better here...and it's FREE!! 8D
  • MelissaM528
    MelissaM528 Posts: 31 Member
    I've done both Weight Watchers and MFP. IMO, both programs work but I prefer WW. The only reason i'm currently doing MFP is because it's free. I enjoy the support of a Weight Watchers meeting, the MFP message boards are great but not quite the same. For the last few days i've been counting both points and calories and yes it works out that i'm eating a little less on WW but that's BEFORE your weekly points and not including fruits and veggies (which are mostly 0 points but have calories). I feel like when I just count calories I just eat what I want (within my calories) but when I count points I really focus on leaner cuts of meats, more fruits and veggies, higher fibers breads, etc. because they are less points. I think different things work for different people. In the grand scheme of things as long as you're eating healthy and exercising you'll most likely lose weight weather you're counting calories or points you still have to focus on portion sizes so they both can work if you work them right.
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
    I started WW in Jan. 2012 and lost 30 lbs up to about June. Then I stalled because I ignored the plan and stopped working out because of serious rotator cuff injuries. At any rate, WW does work but it is not designed for weight lifters. It will stop working. It's based only on the BMI, which WW admits is not perfect but it's all they have to go by.

    I was introduced to MFP by a few of the people at bodybuilding.com, and cancelled my WW membership just the other day. At 34 Daily Points, 49 Weekly Points and about 21 Activity Points spread out over 7 days, that came to about 1720 calories per day, or 43 DPs. I'm 190 lbs (5'5") with about 24 % bodyfat. All other calorie requirements calculators put me at about 1900 calories for weight loss to get to about 165 and 14% b.f., not 1700 calories. Even on the 1900 I'm a bit hungry. But I guess "a bit hungry" is good.

    Anyway, I wish WW had a way of tracking macros in addition to points, but keep in mind WW is a weight loss plan, not necessarily a fat loss plan. A whole pizza is about 40 points. I could have eaten that pizza all day long and been within my allotted points. But is it the best thing to do, Good Health Guidelines notwithstanding? I gotta say no.