Mostly venting but about deprivation and dieting.....



  • stacey76
    stacey76 Posts: 66 Member
    Food addiction I think is worse then alcoholism....we need food to live, it's something we have to have everyday. Alcohol can be put "out of site, out of mind". Now don't get me wrong I think all addictions are hard to conquer but food has to be ate everyday so it's seen, smelt and thought about consistly. So with that being said I think everyone can truthfully say they've cheated at some point in their diet. So if you have a moment of weakness just make better choices. I've found the Skinny Cow ice creams are pretty good. Their french vanilla truffle bars are 100 calories, 2.5 fat, 18 carbs, 3 protein. Their ice cream sandwiches (like strawberry shortcake) is 140 calories, 2 fat, 30 carbs, 4 protein. You just have to plan on adjusting the other meals around you cravings and give in sometimes so you don't binge it. My biggest weakness is chips and dip....yesterday I think I ate a half a bag of cheetos...I could live off those things!!!!! But I know I need to get back on top of things today and start over. I hope this helps....
  • sblim
    sblim Posts: 99
    Arguing about how to lose weight is like arguing about religion. Everyone can be right and wrong all at the same time.
  • dj_stevie_c
    dj_stevie_c Posts: 270
    I've tried Weight Watchers and Slimming world. The problem I have with them is that they don't really explain what is going on, they give you points or tell you what you can/can't eat but the reality is, you can eat anything you like, as long as you're balancing and can follow it then you'll be fine.

    If you want to eat 2000 cals of Chocolate, fine, but you're unbalanced and won't do your body any favors, but if you eat a 35g bar, probably around 300 cals, and then balance with lots of good food.... whats the problem?

    Thats why I like this site, since I've been here I've been motivated enough to 'learn' what I should be looking for and try to make my own choices rather than say 'oh that's 5pts, that's this that's that" I know what I'm looking at, plus the food database here is a million times better than the Weight Watchers/Slimming world databases.

    Knowelege is power.

    But from the two programs I prefer Slimming world, I got nothing from Weight watchers really. on SW I did lose plenty but I didn't enjoy the classes. Plus they both cost plenty.... this site is free :)
  • jadenjo
    jadenjo Posts: 13
    I thing everyone is right on target. Do what you know works for yourself because you know yourself best. Whether or not you decide to continue a friendship with this person is your choice. I think you will always encounter people like this, though, and this might be a good opportunity to learn how to deal with these kind of comments. I think it's okay to say "that may work for you but i beg to differ so let's just agree to disagree". Some people have no idea that the things they say are offensive and I think it's good to let them politely know that it is. It's okay to tell her " I don't like having these conversations and I'd rather discuss more pleasant things for the sake of our friendship". I've gotten into conversations with people about different weight loss issues and some people are so black and white but I try to point out to them that a lot of theories haven't been proven for a fact. Just because you believe it doesn't necessarily make it so. If you think it works then great but I think the jury is still out on that one. That usually ends the arguement. Be good to yourself, and if that means an occasional treat or an ending of friendship then that's what you need to do. Wishing you the best.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    I have been on and off the WW bandwagon more times than I care to count. This time around I didn't do WW, but I wrote everything down and kept track of my calories. I made a point of never giving anything up, but eating it in moderation. I found that when I gave everything I loved up, the temptation to fall off the wagon was so easy. I still have my alcohol and chocolate and other foods I love, I just don't go overboard. I had to think about my approach to food and eating in moderation. I think that is the key. To give everything up doesn't work for most people. They feel as though they are missing out on something.

    If you love ice cream, Ben & Jerry's makes these tiny single serving cups in a bunch of different flavors. You can have one of those every once in a while as part of your life and not go overboard by eating an entire pint, which really ends up being one serving and not 4 that they say it is.
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    You shouldn't have to give up any of the foods you enjoy. The point of this site is to learn portion control and how to stay within the calorie limits your body needs. Since you can only eat x amount of calories then the healthy options are more feasible since you can eat more of them and plus they are loaded with great stuff for you. If you feel like eating a serving of your favorite ice cream then there is no reason not to treat yourself. Ice cream does have some nutritional value by the way like protein and calcium.
    As far as the weight watchers, I'd say save your money. You'll be doing yourself more good to learn how to eat healthy and portion control on your own. Plus you'll be able to cut out a lot of sodium and chemicals by not having to eat processed food every meal.