I feel like healthy living ruins my social life..



  • KBSwinger
    KBSwinger Posts: 160 Member
    Its all a matter of perception really. When i was heavier i enjoyed it all going out and all that. now that I have changed lifestyle i rather not do those things because in honestly it doesn't feel good after a while.
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    Partying is over rated. Even when I was 18 I could never find enjoyment in going out every weekend and drinking ("partying"). You're not missing much (except a hangover), so I wouldn't consider living a healthier lifestyle to be "ruining".

    Ahh okay ha. And I already did go through a party phase and I pretty much did quit because it got boring... But i'm shy and alcohol makes me fun... So i feel like this is the only way to socialize. Plus i feel weird saying i dont want to drink... People make a big deal out of it :/

    as long as you do it in moderation, it isn't a big deal. i allow myself to drink usually on saturday evenings - sometimes i don't even do that just because the opportunity doesn't arise. even if you DO drink, there are low calories options. you can always have a wine spritzer or a vodka seltzer, which are both low cal drinks of choice for me. don't let the opinion of others ruin your time out.. i can relate i have gone through depression/anxiety, you just need to think positive and try to focus on yourself!
  • addreonnaseger
    I have a kid and my social life is awesome. I think more than anything the post is about feeling out of place because she's focused on something more than her friends are.
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    I have a kid and my social life is awesome. I think more than anything the post is about feeling out of place because she's focused on something more than her friends are.

    Pretty much... I guess the party crowd is just my "safe place"... I guess i just need to move out of my comfort zone.
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    Thank you, everyone!!
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Define Healthy Living! Like others said-
    connect with people who are on the same page as you. The drinking
    is boring. If you were to become like your father you can always seek help.
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    Is partying what you really wnt to do? There are ways to be social and have fun and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I live in Nashville, TN and we have a great adventure club called Team Green (www.teamgreenonline.com). It's just a group of active people and they get together and hike/bike/travel....all sorts of fun stuff. If there is not a group like that where you live....start a group. Build it and they will come!
  • slrose
    slrose Posts: 164 Member
    Partying is over rated. Even when I was 18 I could never find enjoyment in going out every weekend and drinking ("partying"). You're not missing much (except a hangover), so I wouldn't consider living a healthier lifestyle to be "ruining".

  • Momieof2girls
    Momieof2girls Posts: 79 Member
    That made me laugh out loud!! So true!!!
    The only thing that ruins your social life is having children.
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    My goals are more important to me than how difficult it makes my life. If I go to a party or dinner, I bring a cooler/lunch bag with me. I get **** for it....but then again the same people that make fun of me are the ones asking for help/ telling me they are jealous. Pack and hide snacks for the theater, ask to go to a restaurant. find a healthy choice. There is always a way. Working out...well, I could have the most hectic day, but I will wake up earlier just to fit in my workout. I love what I am doing so much right now, I love it but I hate it. Flag nor Fail.
  • bbbgamer
    bbbgamer Posts: 582 Member
    sounds like youre depressed because you are not drinking. and choosing your "healthy" self over your "party" self. you need to find out who you really are and be that person, then you will be happy.

    maybe you and your father need to seek help if drinking interferes with a healthy life.
  • akilahleemarie
    akilahleemarie Posts: 80 Member
    If you are a health freak during the week, you can afford to let loose during the weekend. If i know I am going to have mexican food for dinner...I eat very very light during the day..so that way I know the damage cannot be that bad.I used to eat whatever I wanted without thinking about a nutrition label...but now that I eat healthy about 90% of the time (this will change to 80% when i am not trying to lose) when i do have a cheat day...it makes you adore it and savor it even more. Some people pick 1 day a week to eat like the typical American...just eye portion control, but not really care about the macros.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    Try IIFIYM

    Plan cheat days around social events.

    On cheat days, add an extra cardio session.

    If you cheat-get something you hardly ever get. No chicken and potatoes-go for the good stuff! If you splurge, make it count!

    Im absolutely anal about my goals-i understand.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    My goals are more important to me than how difficult it makes my life. If I go to a party or dinner, I bring a cooler/lunch bag with me. I get **** for it....but then again the same people that make fun of me are the ones asking for help/ telling me they are jealous. Pack and hide snacks for the theater, ask to go to a restaurant. find a healthy choice. There is always a way. Working out...well, I could have the most hectic day, but I will wake up earlier just to fit in my workout. I love what I am doing so much right now, I love it but I hate it. Flag nor Fail.

    ^^^^just became my favorite person.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Just read the Topic...my response is that YOU need NEW Friends and a New Social Life...QUICKLY before You die! Seriously.
  • msaestein1
    msaestein1 Posts: 264 Member
    You may have to "migrate" towards new friends. Now I have friends that I run with, ride bikes with, play golf with, go to the gym with, etc., instead of sitting around drinking and gettin' stupid. It's redefining "social life".

    This. So well said. You can apply this to every aspect of your life. I have had to do this repeatedly throughout every milestone of my life, college, marriage, kids, etc. If the friends you have now, don't mesh well with your life and your goals, you need to add new ones. Keep the real true supportive friends, and replace the 'party', negative, distracting associates. :)
  • 2horsestoride
    2horsestoride Posts: 37 Member
    the problem, I think, is that you are classifying foods as healthy or not. the only truly unhealthy food is one eaten in excess.

    An excellent point, worth repeating. Most of us on here are in this for the long haul and to be successful, IMO, one has to move past the mindset that some foods can never be eaten. :smile:
  • KBSwinger
    KBSwinger Posts: 160 Member
    My goals are more important to me than how difficult it makes my life. If I go to a party or dinner, I bring a cooler/lunch bag with me. I get **** for it....but then again the same people that make fun of me are the ones asking for help/ telling me they are jealous. Pack and hide snacks for the theater, ask to go to a restaurant. find a healthy choice. There is always a way. Working out...well, I could have the most hectic day, but I will wake up earlier just to fit in my workout. I love what I am doing so much right now, I love it but I hate it. Flag nor Fail.

    This is the best! When I go out I usually eat before I go so that I am not hungry when I get to the place a grilled chicken salad and water does the trick as I am not hungry anyways but still in the social picture. Same at work when the donuts come or there is meetings with food I ask that they have fruit available or even nuts. Some people do understand and yes most people that are my friends are jealous of my workouts and fitness and "persistancy"
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Nonsense. It's hard to comprehend that the world will some how start to make healthy food available everywhere you go and that people will not get at you for not eating that donut or burger. Don't have the mind set of "I can't ever eat that again" because believe it.. you will. Everything in moderation. Except for water. Drink water all the time. I think healthy living inspires people even if all they do is make fun of your zip lock bag full of nuts or that yogurt pack in your bag. They will look at you as someone who is dedicated to a better life for themselves and doesn't look back and their choices.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Do you run? Find a local running club and you'll meet a lot of really nice people who you have something in common with.