My wife hates my weight loss



  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    She hasn't hit rock bottom yet. IMO, people have to do that before they can do this.

    Maybe go with the couples counseling like some of the others mentioned, because it will only get worse when you lose more weight. I've been there, on both sides and it sucks. Gaining and losing weight is mental. There is ALWAYS something going on that makes us obese, whether it is boredom, stress, carb craving or emotional eating, it's always mental. Until we face what's eating us (pun intended), we stay fat. There are ways to cope and different ways to switch up our diets and still enjoy food.

    Maybe let her read your post? It's obvious that you love her a lot!

    Good luck and I'll say a prayer that she gets on board with you soon. <hugs>
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    Bump to read replies and add own later
  • mdepko
    mdepko Posts: 283 Member
    I'm going to quote something that you wrote...

    " Maybe I am minimizing things, but I feel like those aren't good excuses because if it is not those things, there always seems to be some major stressors in our lives. We can't wait until those stresses are gone to start, because there will always be something else."

    They are EXCUSES! Although they may add to our problems, when you take an honest look at them, stress is an excuse, family problems are an excuse, what every we can justify in our mind to allow us to overeat is an excuse, nothing more, nothing less. When we're fat, obese or whatever you want to call, we are always looking for "excuses" to eat! That way we can justify to ourselves all that food we put in our mouths.

    We can blame anyone or anything that we want, and if it sounds good in our mind, it seems to make it ok. But we all know that it's not. Like you said, your wife has to be the one to decide that she wants to change too. You can't make her do it. It's like telling an alcoholic to quit drinking, it doesn't work unless they are ready.

    I wish all the luck with this, all the support from the MFP folks is great, but it's even more so when the people close to you support you too!

    It sounds to me like your wife has some self esteem issues and maybe if got on board with you and lost some weight, they would start to decrease. You're doing the right things, and no matter what, stay on track.

    Bottom line is we are the ones that are responsible for ourselves!
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    Why doesn't she join you? You guys can be a hubby-and-wifey team, and she won't have much reason to be jealous. You guys can keep each other motivated and encouraged, and if you get to this point start doing exercise together. If I had a hubby, that would be the most exciting thing for me =)

    It isn't selfish to lose weight or be healthy for yourself. It's her issue if she's jealous and does nothing about it. She can either join you, accept your journey and find some confidence in herself, or continue to stuff her face to feed her negative emotions. Not trying to be rude, just honest. I'm fighting to stop emotional eating myself, as that's how I got to be 220 lbs at my highest.

    I do love how you guys are talking about it though, many couples wait until one explodes and things get nasty. Good luck!
  • homemademama
    homemademama Posts: 199 Member
    so i didn't make it through everyone's posts and maybe this has already been put out there, but here goes...

    I was in a similiar situation as your wife. My husband decided he wanted a gym membership for x-mas and started going pretty regularly. I was happy for him, but there was a part of me that panicked a little, thinking he was gonna look great and I would still be super overweight. I hated the idea that people might wonder how on earth I got him (let me insert here that I'm fully aware I married some arm candy, i just didn't want it to get worse).

    So i joined MFP for like the 3rd time. and it's awesome and I'm doing it for myself now instead of out of fear of him getting better looking. But I have to be honest that a few years ago I might have been more like your wife. After years of working with therapists and as a therapist I have a better understanding of my emotional eating habits and use a lot of mindfulness and coping skills to get through stressful events that used to drive me to the ice cream tub.

    Your wife might need to talk to someone - someone who can work through her responses to emotional events, her body image and self-esteem. While you can love her and be supportive of her until the cows come home it won't change that her coping skill right now involves a fork.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    I am an old school and believe the man should be the leader of the home.

    Man up and continue to be an example of healthy living. Hopefully your wife will eventually come on board.

    Continue to support your wife and take walks with her and cook healthy tasting meals.

    Good luck

    This is great advice.

    Just curious, how old of a school are you? Like a one-room schoolhouse, or not quite that old?
  • jenihullett
    jenihullett Posts: 241 Member
    It sounds like she wants to lose weight but doesn't want to put in the effort. You said you mentioned being supportive if she decided to lose weight, have you asked her if she would like your help. Maybe you should suggest doing stuff together.

    If my husband looked at me and said "I am enjoying what I am doing, but the only thing I don't like about it is I wish I could do more with you" then I would at least try. She may "hate" your weight loss because it is an activity that she feels excluded from. She may be subconsciously fearing you will leave her if you look better. If you look better you will want a better looking woman. You should make sure she knows you love her and only her.

    ^This. When my husband joined the Army, he cut a lot of weight and I was at my highest weight ever. I worried that he would start to think less of me because now he was accomplishing something that I just didn't seem able to do. I worried that he would start to notice the thinner fit girls more.

    With a lot of encouragement, he started taking me out with him when he went jogging. I couldn't jog, but I would walk while he did. At first, I resented the fact that he was so much more fit than I was. In the beginning, I could only walk for a 1/2 mile before I was exhausted. I almost gave up several times. I had crying and screaming "I can't do this!" fits. What kept me going was his constant encouragement and his reminders that he wanted to be able to do this WITH me. That was my main motivation. I wanted to be able to go for bike rides with my hubby, and maybe even jog with him someday.... and let me tell you, on the day that I was able to finally jog along side him for 2 whole miles, everything I had done to get to that point was well worth it. I have never felt more accomplished in my entire life.
  • ShedLeaves
    ShedLeaves Posts: 6 Member
    I think the main issue is not your weight loss. It is your marriage. A true partnership would encourage and support...not grumble.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I'm going to be blunt, because that's who I am: your wife has issues, and she needs to deal with them. You have a goal and desire to be healthy, and you need to focus on that and let her come to her own conclusions. She has the choice to eat better and exercise -- so that is up to HER to do. You can't tell her how to run her body, and vice versa. She needs to back off and let you do what you need to do for YOU.

    I think it's highly unfair and selfish of her to lay her emotional issues on YOUR back. They are HERS to own, not YOURS to manage.

    Now, I want to mention I have said this in previous threads: there is a sense of co-dependency in relationships where obesity is an issue. I've seen documentaries about this very problem -- one partner starts to lose weight, the other gets jealous or threatened, and the relationship starts to unravel. The skinny guy who loves taking care of the immobile woman -- once she can get up and move around, the skinny guy is no longer needed and his sense of purpose is lost. The obese husband loses weight, the obese wife automatically assumes the guy will leave or cheat, and the marriage implodes. This is just like any other addictive situation - only food is the drug.
  • misspastry
    misspastry Posts: 109 Member
    Come on everyone. Enough of this boo hoo, feel bad for his wife crap. She is jealous because she doesn't have the motivation to get her lazy butt and do the work it takes to lose weight. She is clearly selfish.
  • 88meli88
    88meli88 Posts: 238 Member
    You are awesome! Hands down....

    I am sure like all of us, your wife wants to be healthy, fit and lose weight. So why she hasnt gotten on with it is bc (i) she doesnt think she can do it without huge emotional cost, (ii) she doesnt know how to do it. So if you can just keep talking about what you are doing, up her on the science, just weave in more and more into the conversation, tell her about the latest success story you have read, etc.....WALKS are great....

    Good luck. With your attitude and kindness, I am sure you will find some gentle solutions to bring her along
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    It sounds like she just doesn't want to change her lifestyle, to me. She is comfortable with her current lifestyle, and does not want change, however, you are changing, and starting to look good, and she sees that, and probably wants that, but doesn't want to have to change anything. I am also a very emotional eater. Also, some people are more prone to "cues" that trigger cravings, or hunger. For instance, if I see, or smell food, I get cravings, or feel hungry. Some people are not really phased by those cues, whereas others are. When I'm stressed or sad, or whatever, my first instinct is to turn to food, but I have to think of other things to do, instead. I would talk to her, and instead of her making excuses, as to why she CAN'T do it, perhaps you could suggest ways that she CAN do it, and just try to help out and support her however you can. Maybe you can offer to do some grocery shopping, or watch the kids, if there are any, so that she can exercise for a bit. Maybe y'all could come up with a schedule together to come up with time for exercise, cooking, and doing the shopping. I know it can be stressful, but if she's willing to do it, y'all can work through it! Whatever happens, don't give up! Try n get her on MFP, and maybe include her on what you're doing to lose, if she's willing. Don't give up!!! :happy:
  • arthurrichard
    arthurrichard Posts: 51 Member
    So much supportive, caring advice. There is truly nothing I can add to what has been said, other than this: I wish you well.
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    Also "Although she grumbles about the meals because they are not the massive carb bombs she would prefer, she does eat them." sounds more like your wife was happy being the size she was and was comfortable that you were both in the same boat. Now that you're not it's not all jealousy, it's resentment because you're 'spoiling' the comfortable place she was in.

    I agree with this. Any effort I made to better myself at all, not just in the weight department, was a huge contributer to my divorce. Me going back to school, starting to work out and just trying to be a better person was rewarded with resentment, snide remarks, put downs and basically telling me that I can't do anything.

    It is good that you are trying to support her and maybe she'll see that one day and change her tune but it sounds like she was good where yall were before and doesn't like that you are trying to be better.
  • You sound like a really caring man, and I wish you continued luck on your weight lost journey.

    Some of the responses on here shock me, though, about how horrible your wife is being.

    At least from a quick read, and I do admit I may have missed something, it sounds to me like she intially just was expressing her feelings regarding it: ie jealousy and such. Which is a very healthy thing to be doing. Would it be better for her to store it up? Whether people agree with it or not, or understand it, that is how she is feeling. She may or may not be trying to change that feeling, but either way, it is how she feels.

    It does sound like she needs some assitance. Emotional eating is a terrible thing that frankly, if you or anyone else doesn't do, you simply can't understand. I have done extremely crazy, mean things that I don't even understand myself and have had points in my life where I felt totally out of control. I've felt just like your wife has when I was in a relationship with a guy who could literally give up drinking beer and drop 15 pounds and I would go to the gym every day and eat stick and birdseed all the time and maybe clock 2 pounds a month. I definitely felt twinges of jealousy and resentment despite caring for him. And despite being ashamed of those feelings.

    One thing to maybe suggest to her are groups like Overeaters Anonymous. It actually does work. Unfortuantely she has to be willing and open to going to a support group.

    Either way, congrats on your success! It is so hard to be losing weight and have to face the disappointment and negative feelings of others, its a total buzz kill. Good luck!
  • Often its not that people do not want to lose weight, its that they don't know how. You got yourself together but she might not be able to do it alone. Maybe after dinner you guys could go on a walk every day. Or on a weekend you could wander around town, do little things that don't seem like exercise together but promote a healthy lifestyle. Continue to do the shopping, if you know that she is bound to buy ice cream then preemptively buy frozen yogurt. If she likes hamburgers, make turkey burgers, etc... In catering to her wants and need she will feel like you are trying to include her. Just make sure that you are still following your diet. It may take a little extra effort on your part but she will appreciate the thought. Soon she may find that eating healthy is easier than she'd expected. She might become a bit more motivated and commit to a change as well.
    In addition, have a frank discussion with her and tell her that it is important to you hat she become healthier. If you are adopting a child, you want to be able to set a good example for him/her and you want your wife to be around and mobile for a long time to come. Don't mention appearance, focus on the health benefits associated with a lifestyle change.
    Good luck!
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Better yet, go to, and look for classes in your area. Or you can get her a zumba DVD. That's all she needs! Lolol...From the zumba queen! :wink:
  • My wife and I decided to lose weight together, and started dieting on January 3rd. Since then we have both lost weight in the double digits. However, my weight loss is probably almost twice that of hers. What your wife needs to keep in mind is that men are naturally "wired' to be leaner, and will almost always lose more weight, and faster than women. The main thing is the LIFESTYLE CHANGE. My goal was to lose 40 pounds. Although I'm starting to workout, I successfully lost the first 20 with almost NO exercise, and it was just from watching what and how much I eat. I'm a Louisiana boy who looooves, and was raised rich, high calorie foods. The first thing we did was modify our shopping habits and started to read labels. When you don't have fatty, high calorie foods in the house, even if you do go on somewhat of a "binge" it does much less damage. Honestly, with the foods we now buy, we can eat and snack all through the day, and still not hit our calorie limits. I almost feel like I eat more now than I did before. It's just that WHAT I eat doesn't pack on the pounds. Me and my wife are also social drinkers, and have the occasional cocktail with friends. We moved away from beer, and switched to a couple of vodka and tonics because it carries fewer calories. In your case, the main thing is to do it WITH her, and make it a lifestyle change for both of you. The weight will take care of itself.

  • I think you being this aware and concerned with how your wife is handling your weight loss is pretty incredible and it sounds like you are doing your best to be supportive of how she feels. However it is her decision to live the way she is living, not to say that stress and other elements are not a factor because what is going on in your life good or bad, it will definitely impact how you eat or don't eat.

    Being a woman is hard period. But we make our own decisions every day and if your wife is feeling bad about how well you are doing then she needs to jump on that band wagon and get healthy with you! She is making the choice NOT to help herself and while I do sympathize because we all want to be the perfect versions of ourselves, she has got to want it, otherwise even if she does lose the weight it won't actually be a success for her. To be blunt she needs to either start towards a healthier lifestyle for HERSELF not for anybody else or she needs to shutup and be there for you! I know how important it is to have the support of someone else especially the person you are living with. Hope that helps :)
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    I'm pretty blunt and outspoken, so here's my advice
    First, you have to do what's best for you to be healthy and able to be there for her. Her self-image and emotions about food are not your cross to bear. If you were thin and ate whatever you wanted in front of her while she was trying, that might be something to look at, but that's not the case. When my wife and I started this together we also read Melody Beatties Co-Dependent no More together. (It helped us understand our relationship with food and each other) I strongly urge you to read it yourself and it will help you deal with your feelings about what she is projecting on to you and it is clear that is what is happening. As you gain health both physically and emotionally she will either fall farther away until she hits her bottom and decides to change or hopefully she'll decide to grab onto your path sooner and find some relief for herself. There's more than food at stake here, but do what you need for you to be whole and happy and the world around you will more manageable and amiable to you. Good luck and I'll be praying for you.