A NONJUDGMENTAL question about drinking



  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I, too, am a Christian and I don't believe drinking is necessarily "wrong". I too believe that our bodies are temples and we should treat them as such and that includes not beating it up with alcohol and foreign substances. When I drink, I try not to drink too much and when I do, it's usually something with a very low alcohol volume percentage. I've only been drunk once, when I turned 21... I didn't get a hang over and I didn't lose my inhibitions or do anything embarassing. I had complete control over my body (which I think one should have) and remember everything that happened.

    I also like to watch how much I drink since it does put a damper on my weight loss. Usually drinking for me, is just to have something else with my dinner. I only like to drink things that taste good. It's not necessarily about the feeling, so much as the taste. I love just relaxing on the couch with a cold Smirnoff ice with my chicken. It's like 4% so I'd have to drink about 10 to get drunk and they're WAY too high calorie to drink more than one! haha
  • kellykat
    kellykat Posts: 180 Member
    Personally, I love the taste of a glass of Reisling wine. The taste is my favorite part about it, but the relaxing aspect can be nice too. Sometimes it's like taking a big breath and just letting it out.

    As for getting drunk, that isn't something I do often. However, occasionally it's nice to have your inhibitions lowered within a group of friends and do things you might not normally do - like sing playing Rock Band, dance at a club or just open up with friends and talk about things.

    Each person is different, but some people enjoy just letting loose, relaxing or savoring the taste of a good alcoholic beverage.
  • 4kidsmom45
    4kidsmom45 Posts: 2
    I am not a "drink to get drunk" person. I know at the weight I am, I can have 2 drinks, comfortably. When I was 15 lbs fatter, I could have 3 drinks. After that, dizzy & uncomfortable. I do like the taste of beer, wine, and many various cocktails; martinis in particular. I have never understood people who claim that they only drink beer or wine, but not hard alcohol. They are all the same. I love bourbon, gin & vodka drinks. They are delicious. Not so crazy about rum, and can get sick of margaritas/tequila pretty quickly. Drinking is a social lubricant. When drank in moderation, it can stimulate conversation and get people to reveal more of themselves than when they are sober and more guarded. The key is MODERATION. All cultures in society have drinks that are custom. My parents are fundamentalist Christians. They can be pretty judgmental about drinking. They make assumptions about a person based on whether or not they drink. This is not fair. I don't HAVE to drink. I CHOOSE to drink. I have a 20 year marriage and 4 well-adjusted kids. If my drinking interfered with any of that, I could, and would, stop.
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    I actually love the taste of beer,I also love that buzz you get after about 13 of them:drinker:

    Everything is better after a few cold ones,sports ,conversations ,weddings ,birthdays ,beaches , golf ,lawn mowing ,swimming ,sex ,etc ,etc:wink:
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I think you're over-thinking the situation. It's like asking: can't you celebrate Christmas without presents and still have fun? Some people certainly do and have fun regardless but quite a few people simply enjoy it more with presents, hehe.

    :drinker: You read my mind.
  • lock0134
    lock0134 Posts: 19
    especially golf lol
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    especially golf lol
    I know hun?:drinker:
  • alisonengland
    alisonengland Posts: 110 Member
    I actually love the taste of beer,I also love that buzz you get after about 13 of them:drinker:

    Everything is better after a few cold ones,sports ,conversations ,weddings ,birthdays ,beaches , golf ,lawn mowing ,swimming ,sex ,etc ,etc:wink:


    I agree..especially the lawn mowing!! I come from a country full of binge drinkers..there is something cultural as well as social about drinking. When I worked in investment banking it was damn near compulsory to get totally drunk every day. Now I drink every so often to relax and, like you say, because it tastes good!
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    I actually love the taste of beer,I also love that buzz you get after about 13 of them:drinker:

    Everything is better after a few cold ones,sports ,conversations ,weddings ,birthdays ,beaches , golf ,lawn mowing ,swimming ,sex ,etc ,etc:wink:


    I agree..especially the lawn mowing!! I come from a country full of binge drinkers..there is something cultural as well as social about drinking. When I worked in investment banking it was damn near compulsory to get totally drunk every day. Now I drink every so often to relax and, like you say, because it tastes good!

    You're not from Wisconsin are ye?:noway:
  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    I never used to drink until I found Satan. Now I drink all the time, and jaywalk too.... Kidding, I kid...:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    This cracked me up....sorry!
  • xDeannaGarciax
    I agree with almost everyother person on here. I have children and they leave every other weekend to go with their other parents (5 children btw) So occasionally I like to have a few drinks, because they taste delicious. Same reason I enjoy certain things I eat. When I have a social gathering (with adults) for instance like I'm having tonight (sort of a poker night) it's kind of nice to let loose a little and have some adult fun for a change. I posted a thread earlier also on low calorie drinks, not because I'm wanting to get drunk but because I'm on a diet and don't see why it's a problem to enjoy a couple of alcoholic drinks. The relaxation factor is a HUGE one and to be honest wether we want to get drunk or not, it does happen. Just nice for someone like myself who is constantly on the go always putting my kids first, running around like a chicken with my head cut off, always on routine routinr routine, to just release a little and enjoy some adult time.
  • xDeannaGarciax
    I never used to drink until I found Satan. Now I drink all the time, and jaywalk too.... Kidding, I kid...:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    This cracked me up....sorry!

    Me too!
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    I agree with almost everyother person on here. I have children and they leave every other weekend to go with their other parents (5 children btw) So occasionally I like to have a few drinks, because they taste delicious. Same reason I enjoy certain things I eat. When I have a social gathering (with adults) for instance like I'm having tonight (sort of a poker night) it's kind of nice to let loose a little and have some adult fun for a change. I posted a thread earlier also on low calorie drinks, not because I'm wanting to get drunk but because I'm on a diet and don't see why it's a problem to enjoy a couple of alcoholic drinks. The relaxation factor is a HUGE one and to be honest wether we want to get drunk or not, it does happen. Just nice for someone like myself who is constantly on the go always putting my kids first, running around like a chicken with my head cut off, always on routine routinr routine, to just release a little and enjoy some adult time.
    I raised three ,if I had five I'd be a lusch!
  • xDeannaGarciax
    I actually love the taste of beer,I also love that buzz you get after about 13 of them:drinker:

    Everything is better after a few cold ones,sports ,conversations ,weddings ,birthdays ,beaches , golf ,lawn mowing ,swimming ,sex ,etc ,etc:wink:


    I agree..especially the lawn mowing!! I come from a country full of binge drinkers..there is something cultural as well as social about drinking. When I worked in investment banking it was damn near compulsory to get totally drunk every day. Now I drink every so often to relax and, like you say, because it tastes good!

    This is very well said, I love an ice cold beer, or a whiskey and coke....but I'm on a diet so I have to skip those for a little while. When I drink beer it's not at all because I want to get drunk, although beer buzz's are fun I just absolutly love the taste of an ice cold beer on a hot day, same way I love Hot chocolate or coffee on a cold day :)
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Personally, I love the taste of a glass of Reisling wine. The taste is my favorite part about it, but the relaxing aspect can be nice too. Sometimes it's like taking a big breath and just letting it out.

    As for getting drunk, that isn't something I do often. However, occasionally it's nice to have your inhibitions lowered within a group of friends and do things you might not normally do - like sing playing Rock Band, dance at a club or just open up with friends and talk about things.

    Each person is different, but some people enjoy just letting loose, relaxing or savoring the taste of a good alcoholic beverage.

    I think this sums it up perfectly - at least for me.
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    A number of psychological effects accompany alcohol because of its psychoactive properties. Initially, the user experiences feelings of sociability and elation. A feeling of mild euphoria, relaxation, and increased self-confidence may be experienced. Many report that alcohol helps to alleviate tension and stress.

    This is why people have been drinking since it was first invented in 6000 BC. Notice where it says Initially? That means a few drinks because if you drink too much you lose the initial effects of alcohol and get into more negative side effects. Most of the people who drink are looking for the initial effects and not looking to get drunk even if they say they are going to get drunk this weekend. It's just a figure of speech that you take too literal.
  • xDeannaGarciax
    Personally, I love the taste of a glass of Reisling wine. The taste is my favorite part about it, but the relaxing aspect can be nice too. Sometimes it's like taking a big breath and just letting it out.

    As for getting drunk, that isn't something I do often. However, occasionally it's nice to have your inhibitions lowered within a group of friends and do things you might not normally do - like sing playing Rock Band, dance at a club or just open up with friends and talk about things.

    Each person is different, but some people enjoy just letting loose, relaxing or savoring the taste of a good alcoholic beverage.

    I think this sums it up perfectly - at least for me.

    Ah I couldn't have said this better if I wanted to! Exactly how I feel! Thanks for saying it for me lol! :)
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    I never used to drink until I found Satan. Now I drink all the time, and jaywalk too.... Kidding, I kid...:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    L. O. L.
  • xtina11179
    xtina11179 Posts: 352
    I am not a "drink to get drunk" person. I know at the weight I am, I can have 2 drinks, comfortably. When I was 15 lbs fatter, I could have 3 drinks. After that, dizzy & uncomfortable. I do like the taste of beer, wine, and many various cocktails; martinis in particular. I have never understood people who claim that they only drink beer or wine, but not hard alcohol. They are all the same. I love bourbon, gin & vodka drinks. They are delicious. Not so crazy about rum, and can get sick of margaritas/tequila pretty quickly. Drinking is a social lubricant. When drank in moderation, it can stimulate conversation and get people to reveal more of themselves than when they are sober and more guarded. The key is MODERATION. All cultures in society have drinks that are custom. My parents are fundamentalist Christians. They can be pretty judgmental about drinking. They make assumptions about a person based on whether or not they drink. This is not fair. I don't HAVE to drink. I CHOOSE to drink. I have a 20 year marriage and 4 well-adjusted kids. If my drinking interfered with any of that, I could, and would, stop.

    I agree with everything here. This pretty much summarizes me (except the marriage and kids part!) and my views on the subject. However, depending on what it is, I could probably have a few more than 3 before getting "buzzed". And sometimes I do have "a few too many". But I am a big kid and slap myself on the wrist the next morning (or afternoon!) when I wake up feeling like crap. I know it is not conducive to my weight loss regimen, but it is a decision I am willing to live with, but only once in a while. Do I need booze to have fun? No. But in situations that might otherwise be stressful or uncomfortable, that is how I choose to relax. I have enough stress in my life that I welcome a little break from that occasionally.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    As someone with a history of alcohol abuse (my husband worked for a brewery for almost a decade and I have to say that free beer tastes better than anything) I can confirm that if you are a "regular" drinker that getting drunk feels good. You don't get the nausia or "spinning head" issues or hangovers as much because your body gets used to the amount of alcohol you are drinking . . . and as with many things it takes more and more to get that "drunk" feeling as time goes on. All gatherings with friends always circled around drinking, it was completely a social activity for us for years.
    We gave it up cold turkey 4 years ago and no longer have many friends because they actually became quite annoying (ha ha, we were never than annoying were we?). We will have a drink or two at the most now, just in the last year or so, but have never again gone back to the levels that we once consumed.
    Alcohol is an addiction, just like cigarettes or drugs. Many people can not explain to you why they drink, just as many people cannot explain why they overate so much to become obese . . . addiction is addiction it doesn't matter what the "drug".