Anyone up for doing a Biggest Loser Challenge?



  • butterfly0589
    butterfly0589 Posts: 167 Member
    I'd love to join xx
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 668 Member
    It looks like we have 21 ladies...we could do three teams of five; one of six....if someone would like to get the final list together and give each team a color that would be great and if everyone would list their starting weights? Maybe we should wait to do the lists until everyone post their see who will be really committed to this challenge. I don't want it all to be on one person..this is going to be a group any ideas are welcome! I'm excited! Everyone is responsible for keeping this challenge whoever wants to step up at any time and say for example..."here is todays challenge ...." that would be so awesome.

    Here is my starting weight...
    should we put any other stats?
    I guess we could each pick our color of team too! Once you see that it is filled up move on to another color.

    RED :love:
    This is going to be fun...
    Another ? how many weeks do yall think? 8? 10? or 12?
  • jnn0409
    jnn0409 Posts: 171 Member
    My starting weight is 155.8
    Maybe we should put our heights? If so i'm almost 5'1.
    If Pink hasn't been created I want to be on the Pink team lol!
    Not sure of how many weeks we should do though...
  • geojeepgirl
    geojeepgirl Posts: 243 Member
    I would be interested as well. And can lead a team if needed. Im finishing up one this friday and I like the accountability of it. There are so many ways to track, if people have a gmail account we can creat a public google excel doc. My current challenge we have to send pics of us standing on our scales to our fearless leader (aka, so just feet and numbers are showing that way people cant fudge numbers...just some ideas.
  • swright920
    swright920 Posts: 10 Member
    If you're taking more participants I would love to join!

  • Is it too late?! I really want in too, please!!
  • aekimz23
    aekimz23 Posts: 112 Member
    If you're still taking people I'd like to join!
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 668 Member
    Great idea Geojeepgirl! I don't want the pics where everyone can see them though...are we talking stripped down to under wear?
    It's not too late too your starting weight and color (divided into 4 groups of colors evenly).
    Just remember...this is a group effort and anyone can take control and set a daily challenge or anything they'd like to set up. Weigh-ins every monday...sound good?

    Also, pink team's jnn0409 mentioned putting height as well...great idea..

    210 lbs
    Red Team
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 668 Member
    Taking participants through Monday, after Monday...I think we should draw the line...??? Comments?
  • 8Sam12
    8Sam12 Posts: 61
    I'd like to join too. :)
  • If I still can I would be interested in doing the challenge. Let me know if it is still possible or I am too late.

    Starting weigh: 204.6
    Height: 5'6
    Team: Pink
  • geojeepgirl
    geojeepgirl Posts: 243 Member
    Another option is maybe We can create teams and people can either join the color they want or who decides who goes on which teams? Pictures are just an idea...we can make one person the keeper of the pics just to keep people honest, but just an idea. My current challenge the rule was weigh in at the same time of day each friday using the same scale, submit your photo by 8am saturday morning. Pics just had to be of feet on scale with the numbers readible. I like the idea of challenges thrown out there by people...sounds like fun, plus if ours starts on a monday we have to stay in check over the weekend...those are my hardest days.
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 668 Member
    Thanks GeoJeep rock! Red team??:flowerforyou:
    We could do it easy to use?
    I like the idea of taking pic w/ scale...should we all send pics to you tomorrow then?
    I'm just worried though about putting that much on's not I said I want everyone to be accountable to make this challenge work...everyone do a fair share to make this challenge awesome!

    Also, just for fun...everyone want to list what they are doing today as far as working out?
  • LeahKRayas
    LeahKRayas Posts: 68 Member
    I would love to join in!
  • I am 5'6, 204lbs
    My team pick: blue (or where ever you want to put me :).

    Let me know if we decide to track on another site. The Google excel would be a good idea, but I am up for anything.
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 668 Member
    Great idea to post pictures w/ just our feet, the scale, and the visible number...any idea of where we could post them so only we could see them?
  • Starting weight: 230.76
    Height: 5'5.5"
    Team: Pink :love:
  • nerdyglasses15
    nerdyglasses15 Posts: 29 Member
    I would love to do this if it's still open :\ 184, already lost 36, going for another 64 (will settle for 54 if I get more muscle)
  • jewels129
    jewels129 Posts: 3 Member
    I'd love to join in too! I just restarted logging my food and would love some extra motivation!
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    I'm in if you're still taking people!
    Not bothered what team lol, let me know when you've set up how it's being logged.
    I need some motivation to stay on track at the moment, I love food far too much!

    SW:231 lb
    CW: 208.6 lb
    GW: 133 lb