Recording when you go over cal goals



  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I'm an emotional eater so I don't really need to track calories when I go over to figure out where I went wrong. If I'm having a rough time, well I go over. A lot. I do consciously make the decision to do so and it only happens in the evening and then I'll have one large delicious item but usually tracking exactly what I have is too depressing so I normally log "emotional snack - 1000cal" (because it normally more than that). That way I can clearly see that I went far over (it generally puts me over by the amount that snack had because I only do this in the evening) but I spare myself the agony of counting all of it.
    Thank you for your post. I thought I was alone. I know full well when I've gone way over so I don't feed my depression by looking at the atrocious number. I can get back on track the next day. I'm not lying to myself. I know and no one else really matters because they can't do it for me. I guess I'm not as strong as the majority here but I'm here to stay.
  • selmafeki
    selmafeki Posts: 48 Member
    I record it all, feels like cheating if not, and im doing it for myself not for anyone on MFP..
  • clever :)
  • I'm completely honest, even when I go over, I'm honest about it and I record it. Otherwise I'm just cheating myself! MFP certainly guilts me though!
  • Kevibrown312
    Kevibrown312 Posts: 2 Member
    Sometimes when I know I've blown the day, when I get it recorded, find it's not as bad as I guessed it would be, and then reduce calories for the next couple of days. Keep strong
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  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    I record it all. Good days and bad days. I also record TOM water weight gains. What's the point of logging if you aren't going to log everything. (?)
  • I like the idea of "emotional snack X calories". usually if I am off on an emotional binge I am off of recording on MFP. I have kept 70 lbs off for 25 years but am playing with 5 that have returned after an accident. I have become depressed from the head trauma so my first reaction - Comfort myself - eat!
  • emmajayneduff
    emmajayneduff Posts: 35 Member
    Yesterday I had a very naught day, I had burger, chips and chocolate later in the day, even with exercise I was over by 338 cals. I don't like to cheat myself xx
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    If I actively choose to have a "free day" then I log breakfast and lunch but do not log anything else...well I usually log the next day because I am disordered and can't help myself...It is not always healthy to be so accountable all the me..soemtimes just enjoying life would be so much better
  • I record it all. It might be slightly detrimental for me though because I look at food now and say, "if I have to write this down it's going to look bad then I just won't eat you." Now I have to train myself that eating is so important and it's ok to eat as much as I should to reach the calorie goal. I'm still working on coming close to my goal. I'm learning! I have to stop being so fearful of going over.
  • Suem59
    Suem59 Posts: 4 Member
    I do! No use not being honest ... You're only deceiving yourself!
  • I do record everything, even if I go waaaaaaay over the top with the rare occasion pizza or something. That way I can check how it correlates with my scale and measure trends and thus I'm learning about my current metabolism and where is my limit of plateauing and losing weight .
  • I think it is a GOOD thing to track EVERY single thing you put in your mouth...even gum. You also need to type in how your day is going...ex. stresses, not sleeping well, family issues, etc. down in your "NOTE" box. This way, when you DO look back, you can see what triggers your bad eating and then you can deal with it alot better in the FUTURE. Everyone has their bad days. Dont beat yourself up over it...LEARN from it. This is what I am doing and trust me, I have alot of weight to lose. GOOD LUCK to you!!!!! :happy:
  • stapler689
    stapler689 Posts: 2 Member
    everyday I start out doing good, but when I fall off I just stop counting. Starting right now I am going to put in everything I eat. I joined a long time ago but have not lost much weight. starting to day I am going to be accountable.
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    I log everything no matter what. Unless I forget something, then I go back and fix it if/when I remember.
  • Tatiyanya
    Tatiyanya Posts: 255 Member
    I am really wondering how many people record literally everything you eat even when you have a BAD eating day. I record literally eat bite sometimes it's 2500 cals but I'm being honest. How many others make sure they do this or do you just quit and start again the next day???

    I log religiously given its not boozing (weeing is very effective for me) , tho i even started logging boozing fridays too D:.
    I used that as know how you put dogs nose next to booboo on the carpet so he gets the hint hes a "bad dog"? . Thats me and the diary that day.
    Also, i never could do that to a dog, cos they..looked at me sadly and all. So I just died inside and went to clean it up...
    But yeah, i log and try to counter that with additional work out to claim victory in the end. If not I leave it as booboo and I sadisticaly weight myself next 2-3 days (while usualy avoiding the machine like its devils trap)
  • I record it as I sometimes allow myself a treat day and today I was lunching at the in-laws so used that as my treat day and recorded everything as best I could and will be straight back to it tomorrow, seems to work. i just think I'm in this for the long haul and a treat day once in a while will only help me to carry on and I usually come in at 1500 on the treat days so far. x
  • bobf279
    bobf279 Posts: 342 Member
    I record it all, rest day always shows over cals as no exercise to offset my food intake
  • NomNomMom
    NomNomMom Posts: 80 Member
    The only time I don't complete a day is when I go to a buffet - it's just too complicated to log every 'try some of that' I eat! I accept that it is definitely a bad day calorie wise and move on.

    Exactly... Some buffets like Sweet Tomatoes/Soup Plantation have their nutrition page on their website so I can get pretty precise when I go there but some of them it's all pure guess work. I do the best I can to guess but I try to OVER estimate what I've eaten so as to do better the next several days. I'm as honest as I can be given the circumstances...